Jleather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to occasionally fresh southwest winds, mostly cloudy and warm with frequent showers and beepming oc-riisionally part cloudy. VT XXX., NO- 259. nnmir i .in GK1Y1AIN IN CRIMEA Say They Forced Way Through Yaila Mountains Between Sfbastopol and Kerch. Participation, 11 is confidentlv pvtwtwt hv ip locai War thai city larlv their ViUu every organization in the flavin! flvo nr mnro pm 8 wu be closed irom am m Tuesday, Nov. 4, until 5 Saturday. Nov. 8. onMSpA; Hume 01 Telka. alved 1 ' "e steampr t-i . .... nin; ninr u"3 u vlng this eve- i the us Oi thev could oc iu u&uuiu iJi a nuiu wiiuc, .specially in these places which have had such a searing experience from repeated Domoings. mere is no ngntening oi ten sion nere, no lapse inio even momentary forgetfulness of the terror, which, as the long autumn black-out begins, may again be unloosed upon them without a moment's notice. ."Whose car is that parked out side the hotel?" the porter demands loudly of the guests assembled In the lounge in the early twilight, drinking coffee and BERLIN. Nov. 5: f The Ger- smoking. No one answers. "Whose man Hish Command have claimed car Is number CO 4620?" he de-that then armies have forced their mands again," his voice sharpen-say '.hrough the rugged Yaila ins. If no one replies he goas from Mountains m the Crimea and room to room, Including the bar have reached the south coast of and writing rooms until he finds the peninsula Deiween oeDasiopoi tne careless owner. -so car or ve-and Kerch Effect of this ma- hlcle of any kind may be parked noeuvre was said to have split the in the streets of Bristol or any defend..:?, Russian armies into other port town, once black-out Is thrcs parts on. Every avenue, every lane, must - ' be kept absolutely clear for fire PAYROLL engines, ambulances, police cars. air raid wardens. These cities have learned the terrible price which Ol A T T T tt rfr frvct rx ovpt urhftn Vi.rrH can i n with his sand pall. The citizens re- Government of British Columbia, peat the old test, perpetuated on "wninion Oovernment Kelly Douglas it Co. W II Malkln Co. MeU & Currle. Northern B, C. Power Co. 6 E Parker Ltd. Phapotv Evict St Co. Prtncp Rupert Dally News Prince Rupert Dry Do:k & Sldp bunding Co. Rvar Construction Co. 8 C Thomson . Rnn rn tup uuuiv doomed cu.y. tl . uiiu unm I 11.1 A Ar-.t m4V ho' a painter, but he won't paint our 'town red." Not this time. The new slogan is "Bristol shall not burn." I But for the bombs themselves .there Is no earthly help, save the big guns which In one raid Ibroueht down no less than 23 huge bombers. Infuriated, tne, i remnant of the Nazi craft, circling 'in a wide ellipse, swooped downi tVll HV , :vera of the above firms have below the balloons, In a daredevil -"e euMe for the Gold Hon- sweep that barely missed main Battle of Empire Likely to Be Fought Near Caucasus Is Opinion of British Observers LONDON, Nov. 5: (CP) Hitler will order a winter assault on the Caucasus, even though it might engage his war-weary armies with a large wing of General Wavell's Indian command, military observers forecast today. They said it was almost certain the Battle of the Empire between Germany and Britain will be fought in or south of the Caucasus with British forces engaged on a common front with the ENVOY TO Rhineland and TI QTATTQ Ruhr Bombed . 'Saburo Kurusu To Seek Peace In View Of Serious Situation ! TOKYO, Nov. 5: The Japanese government announced today that it is sending Saburo Kurusu, former ambassador to Germany, to Washington in an effort to reach an accord with the United States in view of the very serious situation prevailinj. S A V I N 1 1 S explosives and incendiaries strike Says Navy Minister MacDonald Importance Of Scheme Kmpha iwd IJy Local Committee Number Of Firms Enrolled a crowded city. - He'll Re Back Never for a moment Is there any assumption in Coventry and Ply- - mouth and Bristol and Hull, and ft? Payroll Savings Plan Is the other places already so shattered, ffioc) important phase cf the cn- that the danger of a fresh attack fee W Savings Movement and is over. "He'll be back," the Bristol lis exzzza is dependent on the people keep saying over and over. vzi '.ir.ro co-operation of every "Russia has kept him off our orpr..n and every employee necks all summer, r ------1 but it's too good f tOUCh them, dumped! annnA ,i Hplnrhmpnt to Additional b u s 1- iroPirf HnfT fhpv had left on the n-tHi-. T3irn-J n lime TLT ,elng enrolltd durinB. street corners, shattering monhs and was . curreni- War Wearjons Drive. . nA fiinainir bodies of men1 ... , . i -i.KO UU ---d -o Lurp KI1I1WI1 HI II 11.1 IV 111 114 1C itli and women and cnuaren piece-1 2Q of He had meal. Ibeen on leave In a number of Kain Of Death i British cities Including Edinburgh "Thpv "Tliev were were so close we could and In crossing ithe ocean passed i n.n oiIl up W1U1U1 uie , - , ... nU nexi m.,. ... spp them lauehlng. people .... ., i i . . .. L i 1 . 1 1 . who close lo xne spot wneie uiiuiuiui Jw ved through that hour of horror and Roosevelt held their confer-fclng a.- unoortant is the effort ' m;irtn T?r;nnt.th! L ''.told me. "They threw the lncen- ence. . .""" ".. i'aianes -HinHPS Almost aimoai, in iu wu our faces. They ----- the lanrpr nn I rrr'.r' ,'v,wn. so nnerv they lgnorea me i-wja-c Forucipauon 10 asi-"- - - nhtectives tlhi f Percentaee point as pos-D1e It is generally concoded that ut results imHp.- i u-iv uiuvi wiu iaj- roll ti m" 'an onlv obtained by cnT -operation the support and 0f both employers employees, NOTICE Clvmn. 2?..D.?e through Mc- aociui uiiu me 4 ... ,ivL" j --- ... i 1 altogether; ithey just conceniraieu on the tovn; trying to breaK our hearts, I guess. But that ,tney wui never do." , , "But you can see," tne oinciais said "why we still nave w ge ithe children away-tne oia, xne get the children away-the old, the enough for perfectly sound people to get through a blitz, let alone the babies and the disabled. Besides every able-bodied man and woman must be reaay e fC fire watching, patrol ling, getting the injured out of the dwellings, giving first aid. r( q c 4h s in tne ieiuuii, or h:.TiB n 1U.. , t. on hp hlitzed-out fam- y she was the guest of llllg illUlllo w " , fhnvA jstJll not been lound lllO ' V . 1. "The great heartea peopie uu in Canada who have stood by us with their gifts to the Queen's Canadian Fund, money, tinned food and clothing, will never know what It has meant in places like this, where we must find shelter and extra food for so many," : was assured over and over again. There are children still sleeping out on the downs these cold rainy nights, but now more permanent shelter must be found, The Queen's, Canadian Fund op erates in nil parts of the United Kingdom through the Lord May or's National Air rald Distress Fund. Donations may be made through the Rotary Club of Prince Rupert or money left at the Dally News. , i LONDON, Nov. 5: CP The RAF bombers attacked Industrial targets In the Rhineland and Rhur valley lart night, renewing raids on Germany after a lull of sev- ieral nights enforced by bat" weather. Docks at Ostend a n c (Dunkerque were also bombed. One bomber was lost. Nazi U-Boats Operating Off 4 1 Coast of Newfoundland Where One Had Already Been Sunk TORONTO, Nov. 5: (CP) Navy Minister said todav that Nazi submarines were operating off A W ft 11 1 I 1 1 1 "II . 1 . in Canada n i-. s,miv n..iuiv. thev the coast ot JNlewloundiand wunin sigm oi me snoru. In Pn.-.::e Rupert the foUowing aTc preparing for another ordeal He made this disclosure to newsmen with the approval nmi ,.at been enrolled undw should it be in store. 0f jear Admiral Percy Nelles, naval chief of staff. lui auuic uiiic. iirp wn.Lrjun. lire iiuiiliill:. aic Buin. & Co. Ltd. CanadUn Fish it Cold Co Ltd. City ot Prince Rupert. Capitoi Theatre. Georgetown Lumber & Lid now real professions, and all over Ssoragc Britain these forces we being reorganized and scientifically train aid said two U-boats were attacked and one possibly sunk off the north tip of Newfoundland last month. ed. There is not a child left In Bristol who cannot handle a Co. hid Dumn or douse an Incendiary C-.. Pll- ' Later, in an address at Oakville, Ont., Mr. MacDon George G. Taylor Killed in Air Was In Trlnce Rupert For a Nunv ber Of Months And Was Known In City The death In air Big contract I For Rupert I OTTAWA, Nov. 5: The Public Works Department last night announced awarding of a contract for a boom de- fence depot at Prince Rupert to E. J. Rvan Construction Company operations j $47,594. of hppn annniincpd ounced .. I J I 1. . O ..u " " - " " 'riei . Tl 1 1 . TLrtrtfnrA ClrtTAnn iflUi:UJlb llUb uvvifcc vv. ROD CerUflca. nwarH in ro- -v.... , 1 Uk- ffuna'''"". . .... .7 i" T" oi uaigary: ne was ui uie counlKon n, ,nn """:"",." Wl":". ."'""r" ;:.Taylor -- uu uciLriLL t in iiiu v izi. HAit Mn'r " - - tvuiuit t for the sum of Roosevelt Not Pleased With NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPEllT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1941. CANADIAN POETRY IN been awarded the governor-general's silver medal as the winner of i Dominion-wide Dominion-wide poetry poetry contesv contesv branch, Canadian Authors' Asso elation. Second and third prizes MISS AGNES ASTON HILL Of Calgary Winner of the Governor-General's Silver Medal and cash prize in Dominion-wide poetry-contest conducted by the Toronto Poetry Group, Canadian Authors' Association " 1.1 J 'besides besides managing managing xne the tOngreSS iVIetilOdS "nanced the scheme S3 entire entire proreeds proreeds of of ti WASHINGTON. Nov. 5: Ad ministration and legislative lead ers reported after a White House conference today that President Roosevelt believes congress should enact the pending neutrality re vision measure in Us present form rather than delay it by taking on amendments designed to curtail defence strikes. Weather Forecast General Synopsis A disturbance M,.ivi inlonH flvln mips on 'j iw.ts. "Voices of Victory," tne volume of verse which Macmmans will publish Nov. 6, is the means of distributing the best of the 766 entered in .the contest. "It is also a collection of the workj of our best-known poets, broadly representative of Canadian thought and feeling in this crisis, . . 1 1 ..tu.. as wen as a practical wmuuu- tlon," the announcement says. Not only have distinguished writers contributed their talents, but the Toronto Poetry Group, contest, has so that the the booK, ana not , merely the royalties on rt, 1 will later be given as a cash gift ito an appropriate cause. In addition to the medal given especially for this purpose by the Earl of Athlone, who Is patron oi the Canadian Authors' Association, Miss Hill will receive a cash first prize of $50 donated by R. Y, Eaton of Toronto. Miss McFadden, j named second, will receive $25, the gift of the Toronto Poetry Group, and Mrs. Cassidy the third prize of $10 subscribed by Sir William Mulock, former chief Justice of Ontario. Honorable Mention Twenty other poets, who received honorable mention, will be .IttO jjoov .. o-. o o , . , ..i. the North coast and on the East meiuaea m uiu i mem, coast of Vancouver Island. Heavy I lows :-John E. Nixon, Wauchope, rains have been general. vonunwu un ruyv ruu,, West Coast of Vancouver Island T.iirht: winds. Dart cloudy and warm with a few widely scattered ung on me rnnce uws! showers. '.Vancouver. Labor Troubles go to Miss Isobel McFadden and I BELFAST Nov 5- . . Ireland's Premier, J. Pioneer 2.10 Premier - - .65 Privateer 47 Reno - -11 Sheep Creek - 88 C.ls Calmont .15 C. & E 1.17 Home - - 2.20 Royal Canadian 04 Toronto Beattie 103 Central Patricia 1.45 Consolidated Smelters 38.75 Hardrock .66 Kerr Addison 4.40 Little Long Lac 1.55 McLeod Cockshutt 2.15 Madsen Red Lake .60 McKenzie Red Lake 1.07 Moneta - SO Pickle Crow 2.60 Preston East Dome 3.15 San Antonio 2.23 Sherrltt Gordon 1.00 THREE SHIPS ARE SUNK BY BRITISH SUBS Tomorrow sT ides High 2:30 am 195 ft. 14:18 pm. 21J0 ft. Low 8:24 a.m. 7.3 ft 20:58 pan. 35 ft. M. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Otta Is In Money Spending Mood People of Bristol Tell of Shattering Raids in Past And Expectancy of More Soon Dy EVELYN S. TUFTS People in Canada who are sitting back and behaving as if peace and plenty would be with us again within the vear would be rudely jarred out of their complacency if Huge Increase of Shipbuilding Is Planned by Canadian Government Says Minister In Parliament Today Already 77 Corvettes Launched and Contracts to Be Let ' For 55 More as Well as Many Other Craft I Also Repair Facilities. OTTAWA, Nov. 5: (CP) Munitions Minister Howe A "Ml? DAAV to(ay announced an extension of Canada wartime ship-j li i dUUI building program with negotiations under way for con- struction of an additional 55 corvettes, 25 minesweepers, winners of rmes in Recent Com- lb trawlers and an additional 50 merchant vessels. petition by Canadian Authors' The minister also said that extensive facilities ,f o r Association. snjp repau were being provided 1 it - ri. .i at an estimated cost of $4,500,000 Ja s? mil' fa No More Strikes nmi and mer- nes ss Aston Hiu oi of Laigary, nas chant vessels oneratinir in hp At- A VP lia Afiain in IN lffllt i held by the poetry group, Toronto rrcmier Andrews W JIVQ Iricll 'Mpifl lantlc to Put into Canadian ports UajO 11 loll UCuU for repair when damaged In en emy action or other cause, arns Wartime The minister said 77 corvettes Must Cease had so far been laiinrhpri nnrt ho forecast a monthly tank 'produc-Northern tion of two hundred byiext April. Andrews, Andrews, Navy Navy Minister Minister Macdonald said told a war savings meeting there that more than one Nazi subma-must be no more strikes. The pre- rlne had been sunk through the mier said he had been deeply vigilance and skill of the Royal concerned by the trade disturb- Canadian Navy. an-cs of the last weeks and their) interference with maximum wari production. He said differences between employers and workers must be settled through the machinery 1 of negotiation and the accepted by both parties. jPIane Missing results Since Yesterday TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourteey 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Mines Mrs. Carol Cassidy, bain oi 10- ui-uuvicw ronto. jBraiorne iu.ou Announcement of the awardtcariDoo yuariz -.o brings to light a many-siae pro-,neuiey ivi-stut, with iirtlstlc ana Datrlotlc as- Pend Oreille 1.72 40 PLANES A WEEK Canada Meeting All Reauirements Of Air Training Scheme OTTAWA, Nov. 5: Munitions "Minister Howe told the House of VICTORIA, Nov. 5: 0 Royal! Commons last night that Canada , Canadian Air Force planes combed would meet all requirements of the southern mainland today for the air training plan as well as a R.CJV.F. plane missing since aircraft requirements of the Brl-yesterday on a Pentlcton-Vlctorla tish training schools located in flight. The number of he crewCanada through airplane manu-and the type of aircraft missing faoture with the production now Is not disclosed. forty planes weekly. JAP AIR LINE TO EAST INDIES Dangerously Near Australian De fences Is New Route To Portuguese Island Of Timor CANBERRA, Australia, Nov. 5: Extension of a Japanese airline to Portuguese Timor, only 560 jmiles from the Australian defence base of Darwin, Northern Territory, has been discussed by the Australian' government. All newspapers are prominently displaying , the Portuguese-Japanese agreement by which Japan operates an airline from Palao, East of the Philllpines, to Timor. A statement credited to a Japanese source in Toklo that the move was of "deep j significance" arouse, wide and .unfavorable comment. Newspapers point out that the 'southern part of Timor Is Dutch, ,and the Japanese thus have a j foothold In the Netherlands East Indies. The Melbourne Herald com-iments that Japan's Timor move constitutes Australia's introduction to "peaceful penetration." The cabinet discussion coincided with an announcement by the Australian Naval Board that all entrances to the Barrier Reef, which fringes the Queensland coast for 1,250 miles, have" been mined from Arlington to Papua (Australian New Guinea). KING'S FENCES FOR TANKS LONDON, Nov. 5:00 King LONDON, Nov. 5: The Admlr-1 George has given sections of the alty announced today that three railings ana gates arouna -i-i... i i u v... T5vi- Incrhnm Palnpp to t. hp National . moce snips uiu iccu oumv uj .- ---o - Salvage Drive to be turned into Bob Parker returned this morn-'tlsh submarines in attacks on from Axis supply lines in xne cenirai y-iw uum u vmc -Mediterranean. Pons- i t