: PAOE TWO NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor MA BOMK AWAY FROM HOME? fUtea 75c up W Roosu Hot & Cold Watr Z"''iMam Rupert, B.c. JTbMiaMl r.O.BoxlM MEN'S Work Boots We carry a full range of High Arch, Greb, Valentine and Pioneer working boots in various weights and designs. Leather and Panco Soles. Priced up from f $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor : SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; (One Week, 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements,' per word, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations For Full Satisfaction THY Tom Lee & Son HOUSE OF FINE FOODS Phone 547 2nd Ave. West QUALITY SERVICE .25 .02 MEMBER OF TIlK CANADIAN I'RKHH 22f- ff? U lutvlj entltletl to use tor republication of all new All riRbto of republication of soecUl desoaXches therein mo also reserved DAILY EDITION Thursday, February 6, 1941. Leads "All Canadians" - : ' A squadron leader of the "All Canadians" in Emlnnr1 ii a man without 'legs. He has taken part in a number' of ciiauycuicntb iiiuiuuing'ine anair at uuniarK. ile nas had .an extraordinary career in the Rnv,il Air Fm-on Snnn nf. teriie was commissioned he lost both legs in a crash and was invalided from the service. Metal limbs were sub- stituiea and he used them so skillfully that on the outbreak of war he was again accepted for flying duties. His superb leadership has been largely responsible for the Squadron's success over Britain. A fearless fighter, he has led his men into battles in which the odds have been overwhelmingly against them and has brought them through with flying colors. ! Who Are The Wreckers? --- j . It is about time the dissensions over the Ottawa con- f erence -stopped. The same people who are keeping up the campaign to try to .oust, the British Columbia premier are the ones who are asking for unity of purpose in this war J time. t They perhaps do not realize that the dissension is injunnK the war unity and it is time it came to an end. Let 'us fight it out when the war is over. No matter who Avas right or who was wrong, the outstanding feature of ; the, controversy is that Pattullo had the courage to stand nutagainst not only the opposition but thousands of his : own supporters in favor of something he believed to be ; right. j i In the past Pattullo has usually been right and he is j probably right this time. To use Hitlerian methods against , . , , . rhltn ltlDf Hnilt In In Jniun.. i.1 i. ' ' L T T 1 j fuiii juoi, huh i tu ue&u uy mm spirit oi iair piay lor Wlilcn bur men are fighting in Europe. Let us turh to the war effort and forget this wrangling. Those politicians and ! others who have an axe to grind should bo compelled to vent their petty spite at some more opportune time. i Right Kind of Politician ' Wendell Willkie is a politician of the right kind. Dur-j ing. the recent presidential campaign he fought Roosevelt ' to the limit of- his powers. When the big fight was over andjie.was defeated he swung in behind the President and ; used all his influence in- support of the President's policy ; of .full support to Britain. He has shown himself to be a real man. DODGING OF NAZIS HIS LONG SUIT Neutral Sailor. Strafed In France, "Sunk" Twice in Atlantic, Iteaclied Canada nn a Warship By DOUG HOW Canadian Press Staff Writer AN EAST COAST CANADIAN PORT. Feb. 5: CPi A new chapter in seafaring life lies before Martin Kovacevic and. after eight hectic months, the amiable Yugoslav skipper Is jubilant. In this Canadian port, he .parted company with the small group of mien who went with him through the worst of the Battle of France, the sinking of two ships on the Atlantic and q four-month stretch in Canadian immigration quarters.' Kovacevic was to take command in New York of a "good ship" but he found the greatest nleasure in the fact that he will again be master of a vessel the Milena that flies the colors of his native land. His companions were to ship aboard the first Yugoslav craft to enter this harbor in months. Thear Is a lang story. Last May 13, Kovacevic Jed a band of 2G men from Yugoslavia to take over a ship j at Boulogne. In France, however, they were informed that the vessel had been sunk by the Nazis. Stranded, they reached Dunkerque and found themselves plunged into a terrific multitude of civilians seeking only to flee before the armies of phone (;ri FOR FREE DELIVERY cahuano m wNi. :o Lro vancoiivtr This adverti .m.n: i- not xibliAfd or displ.iv -J ly lli' I i.ui)i ( 'ontiol tVarilnr liy (In ( ,iai Minn ni til HrinJi ( iiliimhui PORSALL FJFTY dollars takes big office safe The first person bringing In the cash gets it. Dally News. tf FOR SALE R; C: A. Victor radio table model and chesterfield suite. Both in excellent condition. Phone Blue 909. (32) FOR SALE-Kitchen stove, oil; 2 studio couches; dinette table and chairs; kitchen table and jchalrs; drop leaf table; dresser; 2 occasional chairs; bed. Black 805. (30- FOR REN1 ROOM for rent. Box '67, Dally News. (33) WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, Prince Ru pert Hotel. . (tf) WANTED Girl for light house work. Phone Blue 610 FOUND Bunch of .keys and (30) WANTED TO RENbyrellablQ.rnan, i or a room house., apply Nelson's Barber Shop. (29) WANTED to rent by March. 1st, live or six room house unfurnished. " Phone Red. 365. 3C) LOST LOST - Saturday night, ladles' brown kid lined gloves. Please return Dally News. (32) FOUND THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. Febrna Germanr. So the Yugoslavs joined the refuoees. walking 57 miles th jbueh 'a constant aerial bombard ment to Calais. Tnere they touna worn uuu we food they had lived without for three days. Officers and men alike helped load a Polish boat that finally sailed without completing Its bridge to wave to one of the three I lifeboats to wait. Nazi machine gun fire mowed him down. The Yugoslavs explained that the Germans fnay have believed he was the wireless onerator left behind to call for aid. The British captain, his chief engineer and two wounded Yugoslavs were taken aboard the Narvik. Once again, the fact that Yugoslavs were victimized seemed to Inspire a Oer man captain to excellent manners. The explanation, they believed, was i,hat the Nazis didn't wish to do anything to chafe relations with that Balkan nation. Provided Lifeboat When one of the survivors shouted that they had seen a ship sunk for the second time In two weeta, the captain bellowed "I'm" sorry good voyage." A more tangible gesture was liis gift of a lifeboat to relieve the others of excess cargo. Kovacevic's boat was adrift four and a hair days in a hurricane-lashed Atlantic before It reached the French Island of St. Bartholomew in the West Indies. Forty-one men thus were saved. From their landing place, the Yugoslavs got to the British Island of St. Kltts where they were given new clothes. They came to Canada aboard a British warship. They lived in Immigration quarters here for four months, although, Kovacevic said, London had ordered that they be repatriated. Authorities, he added, said lack of shipping space made their return to Eifrope Impossible. Then suddenly things began Tto break their way. A ve'ssel skippered by a man who went to school in Croatia with Kovacevic entered harbor and offered :to take on the eight officers and men. The ofier was swiftly accepted: Kovacevic .planned to go along too, but an unexpected wire from New York gave him. a ship of his own. Reach ten ttumsatiQ people With i "want ad." In the Dally News. m THE RUPRKMK COtTRT OP fmmSH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF ROGER FRANCIS PERRY, DeceaMd. TAKE NOTICE that toy Ordr of Ills Honour Judge Pldw, local Jurtze of the Bupreme Court oT British Ootumtta, I was on tlx. 13th day of January A D. appoint! Adnunwtrainr of ttie Estate of Roger Framcla Pnry, formfl$ of lib .City of PrtlDKB Kuijwrt, British Columbia, Dnreem, who oSd on 'or uoout tii aiat aay or AuguAt isto. All pwnorig Indebted to 11 mi sold 'Estate are required la pay the amount of their lndibUxliiet to im fortliwWi And all persona having claim against the Mid Estate are required va Tile them with me properly verified on or before the 30th of Aurll AX). 1841 falling which dfetrlbuUon will be made hawing re- iejrd only to euch chtlnis at which I 11mI1 have been iwUfled. DATED et Prltwe Rupert, beater. Owner can have, same, by. J5tn day of January i84i B.C, the calling at Dally .News and paying :Ni 'kTT' . ... , . r ib Official Adnvlnlirtruor. , for this ad. .. , mac. RliPert. B(0. IMPROVING THEIR LEAD Kangers Increase Margin at Ton of Ladies' Bowline League cargo. Kovacevic and the rem-l further Increased their nants of his little Dana inose wno- . f 1fnr1rr5:ri,n Jn the Ladies' decided not to turn back crossed to Polite But Definite There Kovacevic was posted with ethers of his group to the Panamanian vessel SalntMarguerlte and sailed Tor North America. Hundreds or miles at sea. sailing alone in the daylight hours, they were accosted by a Nazi U-boat. A polite captain illUi gill V j- Bowling League In this week's play by scoring a clean sweep three games to nil victory over Big Sisters. Savoy Swingers and Blue Birds-are tied for the runner-up spot by winning two games to one victories respectively over Knox Hotel and Stylettes. In the fourth or the week's fixtures Anette's won two to one over Lucky Strikes. High average gave every man time to take to the I scorer was Dot Ballinger with 244. Weboats, inquired or their supply of I individual scoring was as followi: food and water and then torpedoea their ship. The climax of his gentlemanly conduct was his advice as to the direction they should take to cross, the path of a British hlp. Darkness had rallen when their lifeboat carrying 18 men heard another ship and signalled It with a torch. It proved to be the British vessel King John. That was July 2. Eleven days later as they crept nearer America, they ran across a-ship with several Swedish flags painted on her side. She carried the name "Narvik." As an engineer-survivor descrlb- it: lUiiger 1 Peterson 189 Robins 208 AsemLsscn 130 James 131 Ballinger 242 Totals 900 Big Sisters 1 Oomez 142 Mrs. Dickens 75 Rothwell 50 M. Bond 210 Alexander 210 Handicap 02 Totals .701 CI viol I 1 She came to within 400 yards Tlillrpnc . - , , . . . , , M'.WMWaM 1WU oi us wnen suuaeniy uuwn wem me i Swedish flag, up went the swastika and bang went the guns." German' machine guns swept the King John's defensive weapon and no responding fire was possible. Kovacevic was standing with the British skipper on the bridge when the latter was wounded. The men were ordered to the boats and the Germans finally ceased firing when they sawthe ship was being abandoned. Quietly the King John was deserted except for one man an or dinary seaman and he raced to the , Schaeffer 132 Nelson 101 Blackhall .164 Lautens 130 Handicap 107 Totals 802 Blue Birds 1 Pierce 181 Turgeon 170 Boulter .118 Hartwlg 106 Keron 105 Handicap 12 Totals 812 Annettes 1 fioKrr inf Arney H9 Nickers-on 114 Dickens 123 Handicap 22 Totals 072 Lucky Strikes 1 Menzles 123 Hague .125 Warren , .112 li.'Bbnd : ':. f. 00 Low Score ' 107 Handicap no Totals 073 Savoy Swingers 1 La Belle 142 Wesch 138 Croxford 155 Basso-Bert 191 McLcod 83 Handicap 4 Totals - .713 Knox Hotel ' i McKeown 182 Yager 114 Scharlf 126 Montgomery 176 Brasell 180 Handicap C4 Totals 42 2 212 87 117 178 2G2 850 2 10C 95 113 14C 12G C2 738 2 102 132 149 ICS 120 107 787 2 200 122 133 158 121 12 710 2 .129 11C 139 140 149 22 701 2 184 1C7 51 55 11G 110 093 2 177 183 172 113 151 4 803 2 139 1C5 13G 20G 85 64 795 The league standing to date: 3 217 178 183 192 223 Lieut. R. Thistle and Lieut. A. Mcllrath, the former of the Canadian Scotthli and the latter of the Iri3h Fusiliers, sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Victoria. F FOR HANG-ON V COUGHS 7 1 DUE rl rr TO L ASTI COLDS ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS A in Hif ktipirolory Old n,uH, Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Girt and Household Premiums are absolutely Tree to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to po&s up. Come in and let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Basketball Buzz termedlate A boys The High School boys will be han dicapped by the absence of MeJ Bussey who is out of the game on doctor's orders In an effort to Another game this Saturday night will feature a new High McOouver, Oliver .Oland. Stan School teamthe Intcrmtdlate B Chicago all etars who will aarrfle with Co- Rangers operative Intermediate Ate. These Canadlens Intermediate boys arc becoming: American. vry confldnt or their ability but the Co-ops will be oift to Nh:w U98;thcm up. 15G 153 13G 153 1C5 C2 835 3 123 113 152 119 165 107 779 3 107 343 138 10? 139 12 J3K 3 129 139 171 188 123 22 772 a 140 141 00 96 123 110 000 3 222 159 204 15G 192 4 937 3 175 188 106 169 128 64 830 . W L Pts. Rangers ;...12 3 12 Savoy 0 G 9 Blue Birds 0 G 9 Big Sisters 8 7 8 Knox Hotel 7 8 7 Annette's 7 8 7 Lucky Strikes 4 11 4 Stylettes 4 11 4, The opning game Saturday 21 1G 13 13 11 10 7 nifitlt will b brtwApn TlliJh P-ihnnl Tr,i .. Sant(tw n 1 ,1 Tl " oununasen, Tw .1 Tl ... uuu uuu VUCKOVlrh Saturday will be High School ltuarm. J basketball night at the Exhibition staci, lna 1 n " ,u Ml Hall with the principal game of the eventn between Bo Me HJ In- nZZZ -L. . um'v. i and a Metlakatla. ni;M yic uura ami pv-i n uiris Janet Own is Air T-l . TIM. m "UCP fum onerman. Micrij cuuiy lamunuKa Jeai snap out of a four came losing and Kmv puyn streak. Coach Walter "Ferguson wtfl try out rour new players Don McDonald. Bruce Simundsen, Ted Arney and Bob Vuckovlch. From this group one or two will be picked to play with Bo Me HI in the coming series here with Ketchikan. Toronto Boston Detroit nuciiiiruiuw; n. mcx. tun. u:m mriKes vs Stylettes " . . . . THERE IS JUST Ya. National Ltajut 7 110 1 1 n 14 14 18 18 Oi BOWLING --w- rcuruarv II Ki o.. and Frasar Street airta. The letter Rnnffpr., r o have been busjr pratfWrtz or late atelers, Lucky Strike ' v - .."t " .. . J :uu- aiVietlC VS Anuli. tag. " . FPhnmrv 1 B ann . j " .ii i' 15 The High School line-ups are as birds Bl" Sisters v ir uuuw. itaneers VS Rnvn Q,,.i... . TnlAmnll. A , . hill r, . . , . . V ' NO OTHER TOBACCC LIKE OLD CHUM i m ww w l t i. The Tobacco of Quality SPECIAL 1 Tin Mi 31 Tooth Powi with Sodaium Perborate 1 10 oz. Tumbler both for 37c Ormes Ltd. "fttt Pioneer Drtu&ists The Kexall ?lor Phone 81 M Oiiei, ii.illr from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. .Sunday uud liolidaya .. from 12 to 2 p.m. and