~ 2 Deh rl 3 a ~ | en itn, esl a it Sit ts “= Anat Sneette atten aioe amen a : rams, " ge ee a | cate ee 8 ’ ' 4 pt tee oe Sat Sete ie sidinine’s: “Siailnicaibt —— OO ee -_-——-— = = : =— ——————————— The Daily News If Beauty IS Only Skin Deep, Then Why Not Remove the Skin? —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” ES HAVE To PuT Your FACE IN A PLALTER CAST - \T WON HURT INFACT WE COULDNT THE BEAUTY ABouT MY TREATMENT 1S THAT \T MAKES A BALD HEAD LooK LiKe a DAY IN THE PARW UU : i ie ° ij Exceptional Realty Bargains |: | | 66 99 fe } | The N ews Classifie Ss. or Dale . j Lots 1 and 2, Block 33, Section 1, corner Third Ave. { pias une ee Saw oo ss ea Siac eS er so ——— acai ast Sane and Sixth street, the best buy on the street, $45,000. . + | | - . . } Section One } Lots 5 and 6, Block 20, Section i—the most attrac- ommerns ommcomms i . ‘ ; : : : ‘ ii erm I eel Lot 39, Block 5, $2,500; cash. tive realty bargain on Second avenue, $30,000. Reason- Lots 19 and 20, Block 27, $8,500, 2] , : i one-half cash, balance to suit. *, * - ~ or ) 2 oc ) ) 0 , a —THERE [ARE NO “DEAD ONES’ HERE— 1S. Lulding tensed toe $76. First class modern residence, eight large rooms and ny Section Two basement, beautiful lawn, corner Fifth avenue = and iE) 3s a am: See te Sys $597.50 Green Street, fifty feet frontage on Fifth, excellent view i a a ecie ee ee = and 10, Block 10, $1,800; FOR SALE Tee ab calla: && TRO: ¢ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH not 96, Block 18, $1500; rr al of water, for quick sale: $5,750; terms. Insurance COLUMBIA y mae, 7A, Mine SS. Pires aes 0%, ioc Lot 14, Block 16, Section 2, area nearly equivalent w IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA ears ’ ; 21 9 - a TION ACT Section Five Lots 21 and @ t k three ordinary lots, only $1,200; good terms. OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just and Lot 15, Block 35, $850; Best buy $] Ave. # : settlements. We write every known class of » » . in the city se nm yt Block 4 . Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. iN THE MATTER of the Estate of ELI Lots nd i, B k 28, $3,8 $32 cash, ¢ Some good buys for $50 down and small monthly payments. Lots to suit ; ? OGREZOVICH, Deceased, Intestate cares imoueces “rented for. 4t4.. sic Mie inka . every purse and every purpose -~ > - Section Six $1.050 acs! i j TAKE NOTICE that by order of His I and 11, Block 21, 86,000 Lot 26, Block 15, Se Hor Judge You ad h g to arrange er three Ave and Ha Phone 100 Westenhaver Bros. Third st. Wanted tonor Judge, Young, made the 20th, day > arrange, over | ihre 5 and Bs Owners who place their rented ministrator of the estate of the said Ell I Block 16, four-roomed Lot Block s peepee my ends will — it 8 OT TT ae ae Ogrezovich, deceased, and all parties y and shack at back ish, ba arr cooked after wi t same t ig claims agains e sai state are as if t owned. it myself. ee ORTER wanted Hotel Savoy 100-102 ine re ony eultan. tp een act areal Secti 8 I ur lots, EF h —_ = Fire “Qecurence tn Board Companies WOMAN COOK wanted at the Windsor Hotel.tf | !V Ve! me on or before the first aT aan lan : monits, Ce ae ies | da me, 1912, and all persons in- Lot 2, Block 30, $600; §200 cash . r GEO. LEEK, 618 3rd Ave. WANTED—Nurree disengaged; maternity. Apply | debted to the said estate are required balance $25 a month t 9 Block 3 Room 18, Albert Block, Second Avenue. 3t to pay the amount of their indebtedness | Lots 38 and » Block 6, $1,30 $8 My cas bl to me forthwis , 8500 cash, balance $50 a month Lots 4 and 2, I k a ———————————————————————— | WANT girl attending school to help mind Dated the 20th day of April, 1912 me : Biock $&60 $250 cash 8th Ave #2 | eeee baby from 4 to 8. State what expected JOHN H. McMULLIN, maaan } and 12 months months Address X 15, News. at )Mcial administrator ection Eight Lots 1 and 2, Block i N TIC TO YUKON cman ia Lots & cash. with balance at $25 sth Ave 81.27 ne | a month months IS NOW FULLY DETAILED 0 SOURDOUGHS Po Gee ee ~T| TENDERS WANTED. For Ront Daas aah, Boek —<—$______— | a = { ] Wanted Houses } - | Bakery on Second avenue Sherbrooke Ave #8 . | ht i ; | | enders 1] be receive Rooming House on fraser Street. ITINERARY PREPARED SHOWING EXACT NUMBER OF DAYS 3 us! © the Contre Holl Wel Gen em tren tetemteererme sighed “up until 6 o'clock, Monday” April|$ oamine-fouse on Ninth avenue ba ote ae a. TO BE SPENT IN EACH STOPPING PLACE AND THE } mesdays . : _ : s or : wv pur WANTED. | + 7 S The party will arrive about aio vies a ‘ Ww 4 - : 1-17 1 Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. o0gs nee LIN Al dinsesce , a hoa | . Ss se and lot Satie + at Sivinmighes for.4ih Gnen ate tie NYE | eon sare—two 9x10 logging engines,| ee ae PARTS OF THE CIT : é ing of the exhibition, returning To Dissolve Trust. fs A f\ , ees ate ene Gee Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 z . _ ™ - A ete ppl) unninghan y . ‘ 2 2 ae ‘ towards the end of the month to Washingt April 29. The — L ‘ * Ltd., Port Essington, B : p.m, in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. Sees JOHK DYBHAVN > pac The } . les >| eparime Pa sfice announce vt ' | the ast They will then leave} Department of Ju t announced i ee ae a = | Phone 384 319 3rd Ave. Montreal by steamer for the Ma-|!oday that it will soon, begin a a See oe near aan eeat nce an ’ ° ritime Provinces on August i,/suit to dissolve the Harvester ictor re eee fan oa at TY " KEELEY § PHARMACY : is : i7 eel ground an first foor ur : 9 visiting Gaspe, Summerside, ust. | nished complete. Snap if taken quickly Lot in Block 7, 2nd Ave., Section 1, $3,500.) : 4 lela eee : ee ; : Terms can be arranged Oe Ee Terms For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse Charlottetown, Pic tou, Hawke S-| Tee | Ceniral Hotel, Prince Rupert 99-106 iho bury, Sydney, Halifax, Truro,| Lots 9 and 10, block 45, sec- ve | RICHMOND DAIRY Mouble nrad, Section ° Windsor, St. John, Fredericton|tion 7, with small house, $1100. Victrolas err rere mermermermneraa 5, 8 and other places. | $500 cash, balance 6, 12, and 18) l For Rent FRESH ICE CREAM ; : a ; After opening the Toronto ex-|months.—Th. Collart, 225 6th The hibition in the last days of Aug- | Street. 4t se Se ee -TODAY- ocd u — - \ pair se ’ & ust, their Royal Highnesses will — Horniess Gramophones Sree seem Sem: 040 Oe) om. ive. ae Bee seen enn cae eae leave for the west, Visiting Sault Mr. and Mrs. Burgess of the From $20 to $250 FOR LEASE—Dclatyrs Hall; well heated ICE CREAM SODA 9-4 Block 81, Section 8, 8 Term = Ste Marie, Sudbury, Port Arthur] Royal Hotel. left yesterday f a Same pr ld. f and lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116 ania an Poy ae sit it : . } ; Same prices as s0oic or — ay A and Fort W iNliam. \ in St. Paul, Minn. throughout Canada. All the FOR RENT Cottage, 608 Thompson a ere » Ma hers in same section Terrace Land Co. Leaving Winnipeg on Septem- oo late records—prices list. reet; furnished oF" unfurnished; al pay u stl rit : > . modern hveniences Phone 2v¢ sit ber i, Their Royal Highnesses After the show go to Keeley’s Large Stock 101-tf yisit FRUIT FARMS | TERRACE, 6. C will visit Saskatoon and Princejfor fresh ice cream 3t Prompt Delivery — _— 200 acres at Lorne Creek; on railroad Albert on September 3 and 4, ee y i | rT 1 Septembe } an : , . McRae Bros., Ltd. ..The Place to Go.—Mrs. Friz- HAND LAUND Y I ' reaching Calgary on the 5th. Af- Try the Royal Cafe Merchants . . zell Empre Block, 6th Street The Dest location fey. townsite on ‘Skeens FOR SALE . . eis, : ress "K, : ‘eet, ver railr side ab if res tex a two days’ stay at Calgary,|lunch tf Everything for the Office I K ailroad side; about 150 a s for new seasonable goods for Har “ab es aa “ Sale’ tient’ ai : hould see i block ; t is probable that the Governor- $$ tikes tf and clea - ( I ge. ! ab this sah.’ bala eral ane e ne erkct Eve i for » launct adies. Best care silk dr apenas Lot 2 ! k General w I th Ww irri-| erythir for the launc 1 Or a ; hh tae “Muinth Ral a FOR LEASE housé i gation works of the Southern|beat at Howe & McNulty’s, 2nd ? Comfortable newly furnished|'*!! at NnotlLs Bakery w li ne : ‘ ‘ Lot 21, 2 k > ; ¢ room 1 ve veiween Sth ash, balan Alberta Land Company, south of] Avenue. tf 6 soms, steam heated, . hot and/Pprompt attentior th streets i und ' Strathmore. i cold water. Albert Block. © m1} Capt. Joseph Janders ae ees oe a The plans for the next few _——— : , ® 8? Rasy terms } _ — - 2 ots 2 and 53 so days are indefmate but it is pro-| MeCaffery & Gibbons: - ainter OGD | F206 Casn, Haiance bable that the royal party will y | ' FOR RE ve Calgary n their furtner } e Phone 387 | eave Calgar on el irthe t 4, Block 27, Section t, $2,5 Terms i : Mee Law-But western journey about Septem-|)! Market Place, €3,160. ‘Good terms | Agents - Mow York Life Insurance Co. Building in rea rm Journ 1 Lot on Eleventh Street for $2,800. Good Accident and Liability Insurance ne #2 ber 17, stopping a few hours at tertns | Kz j . Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Section 2, $2,706 | amioops. : #915 cash “ | LAW-BUTLER ©O aiaa They wil! reach Vancouver on $ on Symumit Ayenue for $530 each | Phone 60 Third AY ? lerms September 19, staying there un- and 24, Block 19, Section 5 LOCAL JOTTINGS Sea til September 23, and paying a is ee en ae ey 5S ORO | — visit to New Westminster They 1 11, Block 22, Section 5, $1,000, Easy fe, . , W Gregor oO ( “ne will leave for Prince Rupert on|Lots $1 and 22, Block 41, Section Wyo . athe ji ty ; Chegons,| ° 9: ; 500 pair, $1,50 : oe. eee a the 23rd and return to Victoria], 34:3°° pat. ft, eens Section 5 Lot 53, Block 34, Section 1. The route to Queen Charlotte Islands | oO e on the 28th for a four days’ vis- 2,100 all to look over the vil t . . ‘ . Stree ho { 2 ituation it House and Jot on Borden Street for $3,500 cheapest lot on Third Avenue be- veh Ae ¢ annaen . 5 One NRT eee co here, of which there is consider- They will leave Vancouver on|'° (13 a pine 8, Semen. 6 . ble talk Sts . , £4,000 pair. Half cash tw Se able talk in the States, he says. for October 2, visiting Vernon and|Lots 17 and 18 ane 28, Section ¢ oon venth and McBride Streets. } — 3 es 3 . s $2,500 pair. Ge terms a a the Qkanagan Valley, returning] ot on Eig Avenue, Section 6, for 8950 ean ens mr ert $13,500 Sade i emma : | via the main line to Revelstoke] !0! 6. Block 27, Section 6, $1,650. Good Keeley’s Pharmacy for sweet} terms ae nd thence to Arrowhead. Their} Level jot on Seal Cove Circle for #635 af fresh ice cream, St Royal Highnesses will rejoin the|}0t,°R, “zip Avenue, Section 7: for ei ? special train and proceed to Mac], Pair, F100 cash $7 250 C h B ] 1 Yy Mr. Walte anna faa "us 8 and 9, Block 20, Section &, #754 I alter Harper, formerly Leod and Lethbridge, where they pair, Half cash , > nce ear cal manager for Martin O’Reil-| ett ante te abe i . ‘ | ae sen mene stay . ym oe 8 ti FARM LANDS. y, returned yesterday from -Al- eee ¥. len after Visiting MeGiCimMe! pany, jands im the ekehe, Kiteu 3 3 lands im p 7 b, sumkalum . dermere. jook Hat, Regina, Indian Head and and Bulkley Valleys, in blocks of from Half Cash, Lots 6 and 7 6 60 acres up ai : Brandon, Their Royal Highnes-| 2,000 acres of land at Francois Lake for " Section 1 ses will arrive at Poplar Point 7.50 per acre Miss A. Ginn left on the Prin- about Oct. 15 and go for a few renee attu oO cess Royal for a visit to her old — days’ shooting on Lake Manito-| . Or home in Brantford, Ont ba, returning to Ottawa just be- McCaffery & Gibbons | ¢ R. N d C Lid ° » . :