Weather, Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Light to . moderate variable winds, part cloudy. ' FoiTxxx.. No. n 8Shattered Greeks Gain New Positions Valona Useless VTHENS, February 6 (Canadian fSSt Mi iiauan cuuiixer-iuuu; terday In the Tcpelini sector of Albanian front Is reported by Greeks to have been shattered Itttns the Italians again In thf iorements had bren rus-hed by to the Italians at TepeUni. k planes dropped leaflets on t the Italians. It is reported, are llc".jrT using VaJorw.a a & base. hate moved to another place ow there Bulletins tELEPIIONE CONVERSATION LONDON Prime Minister Win- ton Churchill and President rankiin I), Roosevelt had a ItansAtlantic long distance tcle- hone conversation yesterday fchile Harry Hopkins was at No. Donning Street. They were Vinston" and "Franklin" to each liner, Hopkins has been permit- id to hear the British war cab let discuss many hieliiv confi- ential matters. NEW FRENCH CABINET IVICI1V Reorganization of the itnch cabinet is considered imminent wllh Pierre Laval as presl- Ifnt of the council of ministers fd the real head although Mar tial retain may continue in the Wular position of xhicf of state. DOCTOR RECOVERING SEWELL INLET, Queen Char- itte Islands Dr. S. W. Miller, dousIy ill here with pneumonia, making satisfactory progress Pder Dr. C. E. Gould wlio came "tlh by plane from Vancouver. MacMlLLAN RESIGNS OTTAVAti,. i. .T - L III irillllL hlltfclf K. MacMlllan has resigned as iiriM. .in . i- u me war rciiuitciiicins INVASION int.. - " Uliwi flllllllin ITIIWMIL' 1C mat liermnnv will tnnlci tin Vol... 1 If rnsive The count er-auack fall- i despite support of tanks and nored cars. The Italians suf- heavy casualties. Previously f Italian troops, pointing out' at their positron was hopeless suggesting that they surren-j i :rea lng Treasure all along the. :it the Greeks have occupied rtant new positions around. Bisura as well as In the Tcpelini - I'.or 11 wa: reported last nlgro that Orr :k.- had taken another Im- lun town and it was thought ; Tepellnl might have fallen to J cunceniraiions oi - on me uuaiuici ai- niii. j .... -Bt uirrp mifrnt it in lviii'4V 'ere. . .-, """.rtt, mere i conun- "terda,'s Circulation of the Dally News 2200 Your InspectIon Is Invite,! She POLISH FLIERS AWARDED D.F.C. These four oif;i:ei - o) the Poi:.-,h Fi;;h.ei Squadron which played such an important part in the deience oi London iaat September an ..uow.i af: :r being prexeniou with the D.F.C. re-ecntl by Air Marsha: Sholto Douglas. 'TIME LIMIT i ON POWERS ar-nint of heavy damage i ha;, been dcm to the place Democratic Members of ROreek and Britteh aerial bomb- Bidding for Increased Support For "Aid to Britain" Bill BIG SHIP ON MOVE of Commission, Steams From Malta to Alexandria WASHINGTON. D.C.. Feb. 6: CP) WASHINGTON D.C.. February 6 of Reorescntatlves foreign affairs Knox .of the United States committee, In 'a bid for increased d In Washington yesterday that support of the "Aid to Britain" Mil lh BrtMrt aircraft carrier Illus-so that It may be assured of an ov- trious. which Germany and Italy bate on the bill yesterday and Is to- wh-n a 1000-pound bomb hH the II-day engaged In the consideration of lustrlous. i amendments. Final vote is expected to come tomorrow. Other proposed .amendments would limit the I amount of money to be spent on .munitions to be supplied to'Gieat Britain and insure that United States ships stay out of the war, zone and that the President be denied authority to order United' States Warships to convoy ships carrying war materials to Britain. Meanwhile, hearings on the bill before the Senate foreign relations commltteo are continuing. Col. 1 Charles A. Lindbergh was to appear today with Former Governor Alfred M. Landon on Saturday and Wendell Wlllkie possibly next Monday. Colonel Lindbergh contended be-, !fore the senate .committee that, by aiding Great Britain and outer i countries, United States was "e-n ln a prepared statement tnat, u i the United States was ever lnvad-, ed, "the responsibility will lie with1 those who send our arms abroad. Airplanes Drop Apple Leaflets Upon Vancouver VANCOUVER, February G There was an air raid In Vancouver today. Leafets were dropped In connection with an Apple Week program, i " FRANK PINO WES Pino well known pioneer resident of the city, died last night , 'at the Prince Rupert General llos- pltal where he had Deen timo. He. was an Italian I4V4 jby origin 0iIV and had - reached an ad-Jvanoefl - : t. .J1JL1. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .04. Braiorne, 10.00A. Cariboo. Quartz, 2.70. Dentonlo, .01A. Falrview, .01. Gold Belt, Z5'2. Hcdley Mascot, .52A. Noble Five, 00&A. Pend Oreille, 1.60. Pioneer. 2.15. Pram lex, .90. Privateer, .50. Reeves Macdonald, .18A. Salmon Gold, .02ViA. Sheep Creek, .81. Cariboo Hudson. .01A. Oils Increasing bloodshed in 'Europe without materially affecting the r9n' f' course of the war. Lindbergh said ,T'I'7; Pacalta, .04&A. Royal Canadian, ;10.' Okalta, .63, , Mercury,'. 04 Vi. Prairie iRpyalties, .07. Toronto Aldermac, .13. Bealtle, ,1,12. Cerllral Pat., 1.75. Cons. Smelters, 35.O0B. East 'Matartlc. 2M'. Fexnland, .04Vi. Francoeur, .42 . Gods Lake, .31 . Hardrock, .83. Int. Nickel, 33.00. Kerr Addison, 3.45. Little Long Lac, 1.90. McLeodCocksliutt, 1.99. Madsen Red Lake, .55. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.15, Moneta, .48. Noranda, 53.0034. Plcklo Crow, 2.76. Preston East Dome, 3.00, San Antonio. 2.26. Sherltt Gordon, .72. . Ucljl, ,32. Eouscadlllac, .01 Vi- 1 VICTORS' P-c PROGRESS IN DRIVE ON LIBYA British Forces Are Two-Thirds of Way Across Fast Headway in Eritrea CAIRO, February 6: (Canadian Press) British forces in Africa are closing in on Cheren, Important Eritrean railwav nnn. en-ernl headquarters announced today. In North Africa the advanre on Bengasi is progressing sails- . factorily and the British are ex- ' pected at th rates of the Fas- cist stronshoM in about forty- 1 ei'ht hours . ' CAIRO, Feb. 6: (CP) Britijh col-lumns have now driven two-thirds of the way across Eastern Libya In less than two months and are closing tn on Bengasi, the principal port of the Italian Mediterranean colony. Bengasi may be reached within 48 hours, it is thought. In Eritrea the British continue to I close In on Asmara, the capital. The main Italian army In Libya appeared last night to be In frantic flight, toward Bengasi, being only sixty or seventy miles away from, there with the British and Austral- ' .lan forces close on its heels. Ap parently, the Fascists have given up an intention they might have I i had of making a stand east of Illustrious, Supposed to be Put Out Kasi- : In Eritrea the Italians also con roadttow-ard Asmara,rMas$awa -and the Red Sea Uttered with trucks, ' Democratic member of the House Secretary of the Navy Frank tanks and suns. In Ethiopia the Italians are falling back on Lake Tana before the rapidly advancing British, South African and native Ethiopian forces. Brl- recently claimed to have put out Further still s"" to the tne East, the erwhelmihg majority, agreed today , ,"ner I , ' to ah amendment to put a five-year of action by dive bombing attacks.' forces have penetrated orty limit on the President's power to nad arrived at Alexandria from make contracts under statute. Malta under her own power. Eighty i The House concluded general de- s'omsn were killed, Knox revealed, five miles into Italian Somiliiand. During the past couple of days the Italians have lost twenty-five planes in the A'frican campaign, the British losing only two a fighter and a bomber. MOVE INTO BULGARIA Infiltration of Nazis Into Another Balkan Country LONDON, Feb. 6. Large numbers ol Na'zijsoldlers are reported to be seeping Into Bulgaria under the guise of tourists and technicians Many more, It is said, are ready to move In from Rumania. Bulgaria i wards southeast Europe. Saskatchewan To Chungking, Young I Men Finish Trip CHUNGKING, China, February 6 Peter and John Stevens of Saskatchewan, who look two-and-a-half years ito travel here from Canada, having crossed Bering Straits in a small boat from Alaska to Siberia, and spent some time In Rus sian jails, are now hi Chungking. POUND STERLING NEW YORK, February 6 The British pound sterling was down VbC. at $4.03 Va on the New York 'foreign exchange market today. WHEAT PRICES REGINA, February 6 Wheat price was up Vic. on the Winnipeg market yesterday at 77?gC. The Chicago price was up 'c. with May at 82 7-8c, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT;b:c. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1941. RAIDING LIGHT AGAIN LONDON Owing to bad weather raiding between Britain and Germany is light again. A few planes came over east and southeast England last night but dam age was light and casualties few. INVASION IMPOSSIBLE SAN FRANCISCO Here on his way to Zew Zealand to become Governor General, Sir Cyril New-all, former chief of the Royal Air Force, said that Germany could never invade Great Britain successfully unless it had control of the air. Sir Cyril sailed on the Mariposa. U-BOATS TO CANADA LONDON Germany, naval observers here say, have long range submarines which might operate as far away as in Eastern Canadian waters. Great Britain, of course, has similar submarines which could menace German sup- Willkie Message Is again In a delicate position ana rp ry may soon have ,to make a choice of J NPllt 1 O liefflianV !t! lll!r Pk.nral. lor Adolf Hitler's demands regarding the movement of troops to- B.B.C. Carries His Statement of Yesterday in Full I Tomorrow sTIcLes High 9:54 ajn. 18.2 It. 23:01 pjn. 165 ft. Yow ..... 3:10 ajn. 10.6 ft. 16:44 pjn. 6.5 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS. ' r , : - . welve Are Dead In T.C.A. Crash Dalian MOVE IS FAILURE ranter-Offensive at Tcpelini Is Former District Forester Of Prince Rupert Among Dead In Ontario Plane Disaster Today War News CANADA'S NAVY HELPS OTTAWA By spring it is expected Canada's naval strength in waters around the British Isles will be quadrupled, principally by mine-sweepers and corvettes. Fifty of the latter vessels will be ready for delivery by the time ice woes out of St. Lawrence River. HUGE WAR COST LONDON The war is costing Great Britain $46,750,000 per day, Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Kingsley Wood told Parliament today in asking a war appropriation of $3,000,000,000 for the rest of this year and $4,500,000,000 for next year. GIFT TURNED DOWN WASHINGTON The Greek government has turned down a gift of thirty planes from the United States aircraft carrier Wasp because they are negotlat- tinue in pellmell flight', leaving the! tag for new planes. China is receive' 100 American'ptanes." to i MONTREAL - WINNIPEG BOUND TRANSPORT PLANE MISSES AIRPORT AT ARMSTRONG EARLY THIS MORNING AND CATASTRO-PHE RESULTS FROM FORCED LANDING WINNIPEG, February G: (CP) The civil aviation branch of the federal Department of Transport announced today that a TransCanada Air Lines plane, which had been missing for several hours with crew of three and nine passengers, had been located from the air about one mile south of the landing field at Armstrong in northwestern Ontario. AH on board were killed in the crash. The plane was piloted by Capt. W. E. Twiss, formerly of Vancouver, with the passengers believed to include E. C. Manning, chief forester for British Columbia and Mrs. R. D. Carter of Vancouver. There was no immediate word as to the safety or otherwise of those on board but later it was announced they had perished. The plane was on its way from Montreal to Winnipeg, It left Montreal last night and the last word received from it was early today when it was ncaring Armstrong with the intention of landing there which, however, it failed to do. .. ... . ... . . jittJ Mr. Manning is very well known in Prince Rupert, having several years ago been district forester here. He was a member of Tyee Lodge A.F. and A.M. It was at 3:47 this morning that the pilot advised Armstrong airport by radio that he was making the usual routine landing there! Therefore, it is believed to have been a short time after that that the crash occurred. Resides Manning and Mrs. Carter, passengers are believed to have included Ian E. Davidson of Vancouver, secretary of the Master Bakers' Association; F. W. F. Gasston of Winnipeg; E. Malone, Toronto; II. Moss, Toronto; Prof. Robert McQueen, Winnipeg; Lieut. Commander II. II. Harlowc, Ottawa; J. F. Freer, Winnipeg. The crew, besides Twiss, included First Officer C. E. Lloyd of Winnipeg and Miss M. G. 'Maybe, stewardess. Liquor Appeal Is Being Heard Taking of Evidence Completed in First Case Arising at Queen Charlotte City Taking of evidence was completed yesterday before Judge W. E. Fisher Stock Market Shows Upward Worthwhile Advanre Since Recent Break Shown Yesterday NEW YORK, February 6 The New York stock market had its In County Court in the appeal of first worthwhile advance yesterday Takematsu Kotayashi of Queen following the recent break. Sub- Charlotte City against a conviction 'stantlal gains were made by vari- LONDON, Feb. 6. The British an(j f jne 0f $300 Imposed by Sti- ous issues. The tiays turnover am-Broadcastlng Corporation, In Its pendlary Magistrate A. R. Mallory cunted to 490,000 shares .The ln- German broadcast, carried in full the message of Wendell Willkie of the United States on behalf of Ger man-Americans conaemning ine Nazi regime 'for Its aggression and lust for power. Germans Lose Two Planes In Malta Attack VALETTA, Feb. 6. German planes made another assault upon Malta yesterday. It cost the Nazis tw of their bombers and caused little damage to the Important Bri tlsh Mediterranean naval base. Air crew. young prospective war pilots from various parts of Canada who have been stationed for several weeks at the Seal Cove air base left on last evening's train today for Regina where they will continue their training. on a charge of keeping liquor for dustrial average at closing was sale and the hearing was adjourned 124.14, up 1.51; rails, 28.66, up .59, for argument of counsel. W. O. Ful- nnd utilities. 19.85, up .19. Early to-ton Is actlng.counsel for the appel- 'day the market continued a firm lant and T. W. Brown for the crown. ' tone with Industrials still moving NEW YORK COrrER NEW YORK, February 6 Cop per was .Olc lower at iijm. per pound on the New York metal market today. I up although rails fell back. Weather Forecast 1 5T General Synopsis A moderate disturbance Is approaching the coast from the south. West Coast of Vancouver Island Light to moderate winds Increasing to fresh this afternoon. Part cloudy and becoming overcast this Norwegian Fliers - Training In South Party Arriving In Vancouver Con sists of Many Veterans of Invasion . w VANCOUVER, February 6 A number of fliers of the Canadian Norwegian Air Force arrived here yesterday ito go Into training. Most The Drovinclal police boat P.MX.!nf them are veterans of the Nazi 8 Is due at Port Essington tonight 'Invasion of their homeland. They with the body of Charles Reinhold look forward to the day WhcTI they whose body was found In his cabin 'will be able to return to KS "best at Morse Cove near Claxton. 'country in Hie votlcy jf'?,; j V Vi I .'.Sir ft 1f i.1 I , 'fin.