mi PAGE TWO THE- DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER t, , Badminton Club I U.S. PLANES 1 MM ARTHUR AtSt. PeterV QN Qlm DAILY EDITION an d TANGO PUMPS New Fall Designs Just Arrived! "GIANELLE" PUMPS IN HIGH HEEL, LATEST CRUSHED KID, SOFT DULL CALF AND SUEDES Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BItlTISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News' Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion 25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion 02 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates "in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1941. . HIGHWAY. COMMISSION . . . A number of well-meaning people are fussing about the annointment of a hiehwav commission. Tr. m p n n that if the party in power is afraid to trust itself to spend the money it collects from the people it will appoint an irresponsible group of men, call them a highway commission and have them do the spending,, the provincial government to do only the collecting of the taxes, and then hand it over to this irresponsible committee to 1 spend. Outside of collecting the money the duty of the provincial 'government would be to watch the highway i commission ana see that they spend the money honestly, economically and efficiently. We believe in safeguarding the nnhltV fi believe politicians are just about as honest as people generally, just as honest as a commission appointed bvi politicians would be. The politicians are being watched all the time by the people who vote them into office. We see no advantage in appointing a commission and pay-i mg the members big s a 1 a r i e s and travelling expenses' when there is already an 'organization doing that work. The demand for the commission comes chiefly from the people in the south who want the money expended on 1 the main roads over which they travel, letting the out-' lying districts get along without roads until there is' mo."?y spare for them. Under such a system northern ! iintisn Columbia and Ouppn Phoi-inffo ic-nA . .. larly would suffer. 1 So long as we have a member like the man who has represented us for a number of years, a man who is not afraid to speak his mind even when the whole country seems against him and who is a statesman instead of a , politician, we may be sure there is nothing to fear We do not want a commission that might prove to be a political machine and an expensive one at that ' NEWS FROM RUSSIA ... I While at times the news from Russia seems rather! depressing it must be remembered that it is a huge country and the npon p hn w t ; . ,ge; too. that tip nonnQ : n.f . ,s vl"e11 fl mi ,,c" Aavor ann 11 1S quite' possible vet that ln uX7:;icto-riou6- fa the h S m Ss Ton thl v'l '" Pv,dlnR and ammunition ami and nf of the British n . air force, th nk ,nk nir of victm-v "y is ls something more than wLi,fi ti, countries folded up in ihVface oTsuer oril a Olie IinS n hlirrn nnm. .1 ... . V ,b, i'uP"""uu 01 men who have aga n and 'I' 6 . keel ,ch.ee:'ful vr the situation for the V 'lrov' that the Germans can be stopped. ' When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable ! PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates J. P. Allan Is Xamed President Of Seal Cove Group j 1 At a meeting held recently of the St. Peter's Badminton Club officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Honorary President, J. E. Bod-die. " j President, J. P. Allan. Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. William McLean.' Members agreed on Wednesdays and Saturdays for playing and it was decided, that there would be room this year fpr several new members. If you have a room to rent we can soon get you a tenant. Try the classified column of The Dally News. (id (9. I HEY! SARGE 1 ? -,uiS WHIM'S I. V r-Tj your (S&JZy Jpl MINARD'S AJCn' SOLDIERS .rjuice nuperi. RUB OUT TIRED ACHES 'iW" 111111 1 1 Mwmm SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FIIASER STREET Prince Rupert' The EAST SIDE COAL Co. will appreciate any patronage given . . . with prompt service and clean coal. G. B. CASEY, Mgr. Phone 755 or Green 527 Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" ItSJStSfSSgSMSWSssuBttssssssnm Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHOXE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" THE SEAL' of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll In FOR SHIPS: Graphic Story of Trip in One Uncle Sam's Navy Flying Boats. - By MORGAN M. BEATTY AsSlVintprt Dn.cc Cfoff Wrlfar of M A .VOO lu(VM.. IT . 1 Ik . ' BOMBER OVER ATLANTIC, Oct.j 17: (AP) Hot cakes for early breakfast in New England and a' snack of Danish pastry for late! supper in Iceland! That would be possible in these huge flying boats. They can cross whole time C.30 Sv ?f . No guesswork, S .Ti11 V U'no fuss- no confusion. Just head nf.nvthtn Tnv prOV:Work and precise co-ordination. th'n hot cakes and' nast?vy Qur alrcr and eye man 2 Zl J ser .aboard is a team. The plane with tolfZ L ,n0t''us is th team, and our float- Sd ,ng alrbase 13 stl11 another' hold" SPUndSSiba -t base is Sponsible 7 m me cniei oi in nnH i-oi-nj j . ,v operations and Iceland. And were doine it., . . "ratPly thelsThoep th se r. SSstnfnSrl!Ch?tUrtary ot the navy. Frank Knox. wf an h?,UrS Mr- Knox ls the president ao ago we took nf, off from our floating f rv . nir hoc. c,tnmi,n,vOM me navigator cans me to a tne southern tip of Greenland and, house." it's time to back trick. Keep Eyes Open "Station men in the blisters! keep a sharp lookout." It's the voice of the flight - - com j . . 7 i p.m., nme zone a, west oi ureen- Astern o,?nnl "i' M half hour. runway aft, take observationposts . Just.before 4 p.m., the naviga- i tv, v.i "j - ior sienis a luume niece or coasi.- wic uLts. wiiiuuwen area n p n r " r the tall. jllne- Soon a tiny white lighthouse The navigation awaits order. officer forward He's got a lot of appears. The flight commande turns, makes a circle with his fast work to do. The commander.1." umD .and wrefinger. We're speaks- 'right on the nose. "Chart the course x x miip on' We had spanned more than' either side of our outbound course 6,000 sQuare miles of the North . . Give us a turn at specif led i Atlantic In our 10-hour flight. As intervals ..." I the crow flies, we'd gone more The navigator bends over hjs than 1,100 nautical miles. If we'd big table. In a minute or two he own a great circle bee-line course passes a tiny strip'of paper to ths eastward, we'd Just now be land-:"mmander. It says: "Two-three- n Iceland, instead of coming zero-m." That's our magnetic baclc to our base. COmn.l.W rnnrVp fnr lhn v. Tintr V kn.l Jt tj The commander relays the course teacher only knew what this trip ..vu.Upu.,j jjiaiie a ii a nc w gcugiupiiy sue we begin a slow turn. taught me back In the fifth gradcl i m crossing over. . . . You cross : under . . ." says my left earphone. wuco, comes back the answer, signifying compliance. Tne navigator sends an officer i to drop a smoke bomb and get. che wind-drift. Then he picks up! the artificial horiznn rn ctf. at the sun. calculates rnhlriiv ti SERVICE IF YOU WANT A SUIT THAT WILL MAKE-UP WELL The ionic ejfect in ucaring these Suitings creates a feeling of confidence. BOWLING checks the drift of the plane and ' In t h e Inter-Services Bowling our position in the wastes of the League last night Scottish No. 1. North Atlantic. .Scottish No. 2, Royal Canadian Just Headwork Army Medical Corns and Royal Our course develops In lines on Canadian Engineers were the ninths blank chart like a ladder. We ners. The losers were Navy Drv cross and recross our outbound Dock. Rnv.ii Or.noHion course, repeat the nrocess Pnri. siimii ei nTvv'J ; J W3y the US" ly' Scores were two Bames to one Navy air arm makes tracks in a in each case. INSIST ON SEEING THE ROBINTEX TRADE-MARK l n t r hi r 26 oz. We receive a message from the base: "Return not later than sixteen thirty plus X time . . ." That means we must get in by 4:30 Bob: the Bob: Tom: S' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board cr by the Government of British Columbia. MORE OVERTIME! Say, Tom, the Ihm want ui lo work late again tonight. Tom: That's okay liy me. I ilonV mind the titnc-and-a-lialf ! Me, neither. Hov- thr nlant'j euro busy, ch? Yeah. I've never een to much overtime. I it krrpj Up, we'll Ik! wealthy. o I ti time we Mioulil he oaltin the moncv awv Bob; Yeah. I suppose you're right Tom: And I know what I'm ponna do, for one cnrt buyin' more War Savings Certificated ItH U pretty nice to have that-doiigh coinin hark, with interest, in a few years. That's richt-W wnn'l ALTS'. IV? Iio tli id lmT. Anil in the meantime, the money will lie liflpin' to win the warl Tom, you're right. Ict lioth start hujin' more War Savings Certificates tlm wcill The. help oj every Canadian it needed for Victory. In ihtse dan oj war the thotifhtlest leljuh tpender is a traitor to out irer rfort. A reduction in pertonal spending it now a vital nrrri( ' lieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more inbour enl materials to he diverted to winning the ivar. The all-out rlnrt, which Canada must make, demands this selj-denial ol e-'i ol Itk 1( SPiND lSS - TO BUV MORI WAR SAVI CERTIFICAT DRKSSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl, Ladles and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning . and O Pressing & ooiiK m I I J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite rosiH AfeiB 1942 Models DODGE and PLYMOUTH Now on display at RUPERT MOTORS ,j Distributors of Chrysler Products -Jt PHONE 566 EMEHGENCY NWHT SKUV.CE HA,,, rn, ,v