LjDAV OCTOBER 17, 1941. STETSONS ARE POPULAR ...when they can be u good looking as this. ..as idvanced In style, mod-era in every linc.u flat tSing to your get-up... Sec the Stetson Range Today! The MEDALIST $7.50 The STRATOLINER .... $7.50 The PLAYBOY SG.So The BROCK $6.90 Tha KENSINGTON $5.00 Others at $1.00 Watts & Nickerson 51? Third Ave. Thone 345 SuKCars to Bryant Co. Ltd, CHIROPRACTOR Stanley Colton, D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block Phone C10 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs, C E. Black, Proprietress NOTICE MANY HEAR ! NORWEGIAN succeed. Anglican Tea and Sale Successful I Delightful Affair Held Yesterday' Afternoon At Home Of Sirs. J. K. Morison 1 With many ladles calling to extend their patronage despite in-' clement weather, the tea and sale j of home cooking held yesterday! afternoon by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church at the home of Mrs. J. R. Morison, a erP?min'" Da,lry JStore' Firth 2 McBrlde Street, was a very Ave East will be closed until fur- successfui affaJr Jer notice Please phone Black Th. OTlMt. rplmwl h Mre flLHHalHallMHaiaaaaH V. mi a icr mil and cream orders. " V, 7 7j . IZT i mtiU'a (" hc b'k- H. S. Meadows, President of the I Aidr, Dept. k. i 'Auxiliary, and Mrs. J. R. Morison. Ji Canada anvii CARD OF THANKS Mrs- Priestly. Mrs. R. L. Mc- I M"yvr ' Intosh, Mrs. Gertrude Smith and s. P W Anderson and Family rs- A Par"n poured. Mrs. Trevor T Mrs S A. Kiel- w deeply thankful for helpful Johnson, stance and expressions of MrT VV' .M; a"i' sympathy Forbcs and Mrs- A- U Holtby were received during their "tent bereavement from many servlteurs and Mrs C. Ellison was Prince Rupert friends cashier. General convenor for the ' affair was Mrs. J. G. Johns. Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. C E. Cul-Classified ads. get results. Phone lin were In charge of the sale of home cooking, Britain's Fighting Planes and Warships 29 NOW AVAILABLE 'flying FortrtM", "Briitol Beaunghttr", "H.M.&. King Geoff V" and many ethers For f h fn mre defirfd. wnd a complete "Crown Brand ! "" y ir namrand d-drom and hc narie iA the r tun jroa want Of :.-"" a CB2 1 24. THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Member Of Parliament From Oslo basketball Meeting. City Hall, Tells Of Nazism As It Affects Prlday 8 pm" People Of His Country country I i publ,c Meetlng oddfeHows Hall Sunday, 8:30 p.m. Speaker George There was a large turn-out yes- Weaver' c c F- Candidate. .terday of members and friends of the Prince Hupert Rotary Club the Commodore dining room be-J ing well filled to hear an interesting address on Norway by Kon rad Knudsen, member of the Norwegian Parliament and editor of' a newspaper In a town near Oslo. Mr. Knudsen reviewed vividly personal experiences with Hitler's; CIGARETTE PAPERS Dun in Norway, the action of the ' " . Norwegian Parliament in turning ' oveT the governmental authority' Mrs. J. Jerstad, who has been to the King and members of the on a trip to Vancouver, returned cabinet with headquarters in Lon- to the city from the south on the don and the turning down of a Prince Rupert this morning, proposal from Hitler that they. vu-viau:. ne aiso torn of Mrs. J. L. Smith, wife of Corp. mTer n whlch merchant Smith of the provincial police, ships, fishermen and others moved and two children returned to the fi?'ayn emselves with city on the Prince Rupert this tne British u against the Germans, morning from a trip to Vancouver. He explained that Norway was, naturally a peaceful country, des-' . irlng nothing but to be allowed to 4 Mrs H.U1 .shes annunce carry on her own affairs. Yet thev ... p i B , , , 1 3V ' v Nov. 3 ; mr. in,. ,.,..t '.7 !? wring for beginners, on J buou Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 to 10 reason except the desire of one p.m. Phone Red 923. man for absolute power. Because they refused to accept this situ-' ation thv UWp hL JX Mrs- sta"ley 0 i Saville and young v . . . ..ui.ivu .live nuu son, who "V have been ut7" visiting m for .not common these days. animals, they were machine 7 tiM anH ,, w ,, gun-;"" the past four months In Vancou- returned the from he ver to city Many of them knew what N ta meant as applied to their bar SfnuSm?" bodies. They were rallying their .thlS m0mlng-forces when they heard of the ' collapse of France. They were' Miss Jessie McLenaghan, dlrec-threatened with hell if they did tor of home e:onomics for the not submit but they refused. He provincial .Department of Educa-was glad that the national honor tlon, arrived in the city on the of Norway had been saved. Now Princess. Adelaide this morning they looked forward to the day from Ocean Falls in the course of when Hitlerlsm would be overcome cne oi ner periodical northern A "spot" costs you only half a dollar. Try It in the Daily News classified column. (tf) Announcement All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full' month at 25c a word. by the united efforts of the de- trips on Inspection duties. While Anglican Tea. mocracies. It would be a great nere she is the guest of her sister, I son, Oct. 16. struggle Dut ne felt confident, ftirs- l- Mcwymoni, uoraen otreet that, with the aid of the p""!!' on this continent, thev would . Mrs. J. R. Mori Oddfellows' Dance October 17. Navy Tea. Oct. 18, Legion Hall. Scotch Dance, Oct. 18, Oddfel- ! lows' Hall. Admission 35c. P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, Oct. Lutheran Bazaar, Oct. 25, Hall. I Gyro Hoedown, Oct. 31, Exhibi-! 'tlon Hall. ! Canadian Scottish Pipes and; Drums Dance, Hallowe'en night, 9 to 1. Amiouries. Bob Townsend's Orchestra. Refreshments. Admission 50c: Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. Cambral Chapter Telephone Bridge, Nov. 14. Nov. 19. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. Catholic Tea. Nov. 27. Mrs. Hanklnson, Konrad Knudsen, Membe.' of the ' Norwegian Parliament and newspaper editor in Norway prior to the German occupation, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver, stopping Harry Arhey returned to the at ;ean ?aUs an Be"a ?ol.a city on the Prince Rupert this enroute- ong K3 activities 41 while here at- man& was morning from a trip to Vancou- ver. . itendance as guest of honor at a Wallace Anderson, who was called north to attend the funeral of his father, the late P. V Andcr- ison, will sail tomorrow night by 'the Prince Rupeu wi his return to rH J Vancouver. PURE 1 i Mrs. C. W. Arnett arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. Widow of the well known contractor, Mrs, Arnett Is proceeding to the interior on business in connection with work being carried on there. Dr. Basil E. Bailey of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station staff rptiirnprt tri tVia oltir on tne princess Adelaide this morning after an absence of a month in Vancouver on vacation and official business. Dr. Jens Munthe of this city has received a letter from Oslo, Norway, with rather incongruous postal markings. One side has the German ceiisorship markings while Ihe other Is a "V" for Victory motto on the cancellation stamp. Letters to be received in this country direct from Norway are dinner last evening in the Commodore Cafe when about twenty-five prominent members of the local Norwegian colony were In attendance. FOR RENT COMMODIOUS OFFICE ROOM for rent in Dally News building, including large office desk, cupboard and chairs. Possession Oct. 15. (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Snappy messenger business. Apply P. O. Box 516 or Millar's Flower Stand for Information, (tf) FOR SALE Rolled-top desk, table, rocker, linoleum. Phone Green 587. (tf) FOR SALE Kitchen range, ex cellent condition. Phone Blu? 407. WANTED (244) WANTED Smart messenger boy for plant messenger service. Wages $35 per month. Apply Box 159 Daily News. WORK WANTED RELIABLE Colored Girl With 6'i years' experience as good cook general. If desired, please state all particulars in your first ap plication. Miss Melton, 710 Ocean View, Powell River. B.C. LOST LOST Lady's gold Gruen wrist-watch at Air Force dance. Finder please phone Green 215. Dolls . . Toys . . Gifts for Girls and Hoys. Get them at the VARIETY STORE 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 120 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Kildal B. C. Furniture Co. 4 STUDIO COUCHES at 6 CHESTERFIELDS priced $ from 39 50 79 u.125 4 ENAMEL KITCHEN RANGES Two-tone . . . priced $0 QQ50 from OTE to OO 12 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES $f ?50 at 16s Used Furniture 2 KITCHEN TABLES 1 DRESSER 1 SINGLE BED, COMPLETE 4 HEATERS PHONE BLACK 321 Third Ave. Fiv star This advertisement is not published or displayed by $4.10 tne Liquor Control Board or by the Government 26i oi. of British Columbia. COAL! COAL! TAe fre&test Vtctory fature won- Was stornf fromtiextnf The coal business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy It .and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before It comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PnONE 651 Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m, calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write It. S. GREIG; CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Ave:, Phone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Fi!YourBiNM&Wf . Arc you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and advice of our qualified fuel experts. We are prepared to fill your coal needs now at lower prices from stock on hand. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay In a stock of coal now for the winter P II ONE 116 PHONE 1 FOR YOUR BABY'S WELFARE J & J BABY OIL 60c and $1.10.' J & J BABY TALCUM 30c and 55c J & J BABY SOAP 15c J & J BABY CREAM 55c BABY'S OWN SOAP - -.. 10c BABY'S OWN TABLETS : 25c STEEDMAN'S TEETHING .POWDERS 30c MENNEN'S BABY OIL m,',,, 60c and $1-20 BABY RUBBER PANTS ....,fam& 25c and 40c RIGO NURSERS , 10c RIGO NIPPLES v.... .,,1. 10c PYREX NURSERS ...Jm 25c BRUSHES 25c BOTTLE - - PABLUM 1 lb. 45c DEXTRI MALTOSE 1 lb. 65c 5 lbs - $3.00 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 16 ozs MEADS COD LIVER OIL 12 ozs SQUIBBS COD LIVER OIL .. 12 ozs - SQUIBBS 10 D COD LIVER OIL MEADS OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM DRISDOL PARKE DAVIS VIOSTEROL 8 ozs. "5c 75c 8 ozs. 75c $1.00 4 ozs. 55c ..- $1.00 4 ozs. 75c 10.ee. 75c 5 cc. 65c 5 cc. 65c Keep Your Baby's Record in One of Our Free Baby Books Ormes Ltd. "Jjia Pioneer Druqgiats THE REXALL STORE F1IONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 5 I i . "3kS ii 1 1 i i-rfi I ii ii '""xwamvTiVwmmUKUM