PAQ1 TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE P.OPERT - BRITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon; Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RAVkS Subscription HStes Iri City Per year, $&80;-Hilf Year, $2.50; otc; une wee 5. ik. oaror. AdveYtfsMfc' arftf Oli kn StfWeMbers bv Mail. IrctilatlOTi' Telephone ADVCTttfsiKtS- tforis Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion EDITORIAL Sign Of Strength Childlike and Bland - - Month, 1 .25 .02 Member of Audit Bureau 01 Circulations MEMBER OF THE CJANAtllAV PRESS Th Canadian Press Is exclusively eotWeU to aee lor republication of all newi flewtcbe credited to It or to the Associated Pi era In this paper and also the local news published therein. All ru?ht of republication of special deeoatohes therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Friday, June 23. 1041. It was a sign of strength wheri trie Russian army made a quick recovery after the Germans broke through their lines at Vina yesterday. The Germans have been driving ahead: with breakneck speed in an endeavor to catch the enemy off guard. However, in this particular case it did' not succeed for1 the Russians consolidated their position and held the enemy back. Those Smashing Attacks - - - While the Germans are devoting the most' of1 their attention to Russia, the British' have been making some tremendous drives on the western nart of Germany and the coast towns of thg other" European countries from which attacks rhight be expected! Day after day the important cities have been pounded) factories and docks destroyed and transportation- held' up. In that way the supply of munitions' and' supplies to tlle armies in Russia are being held up. It is the finest kind of help Britain can give'to Russia; tralia has been assured that his country does not contem vlnf nm.Tn..:.. J? i I jjiaic ciiijjiuyiii jiiuiiary xorce against ner. " 'So long as Japan it offering the hand of friendship to Australia,' are his words, 'it seems wiser and more far-sighted for Australia to accept it in good faith.' "To- whicjr an. Australian' ministerial reply is that while Australia is clad to receive nssiirnnrps nf o-nnrl will Horn Japan she cannot fail to be influenced by Mr. Mat- percent and the export had' also CllfllfO Q OnanlhAn r - i. 1 il A .? 11. . 1 1 1 . 1- . .. .i o o)ccv.iica ui ciicuuxumimnt lO trie AXIS ail(l niS Dcen mcreasea oy 13 perceni al message of congratulation on the Axis victory in Greece. Stateswomen Next? - - - J. B. Priestley, renowned for his plain-spoken talks to ordinary, everyday people over the radio, has expressed aunie prugressive ineas uoout women, ror instance " he The Daily' News is a' member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and West of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations I Cleait-Up Paint-Up I Make I Repairs Build Wtf can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to trie old one. Call In and talk It over :l Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. I UlJ1Ci its PIIONK 117 Wtieri Vbu Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Uependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Rerular Rates ready. The difficulty had beeri tn fihd out what was wanted rather than how to make' it. Dr. Brocklesby told of the small beginning of 'the industry at Belle Isle, of (He difficulty in' securing engineers, arid of the building of With the tvoes of war charfsiner jjjll 1, 25 OZ. 40 OZ. r 12.30 $3.50 Hb4 THE BRITISH COLUMBIA UaHfcw DOTUERy CO. LTD. Tliii idftihtmm li not publiiM or di'ipltyi by il Liquor Control Bond or by ih Ctivnmtm f B'kith QvnibU TH1 DAILY KIWI Friday S8 mi tfttc--- y - fy I ;3 , AVv - x - infea Yifa " f f ( "Hang on to your Hat, McGlnnls I've beeh waiting for at chance like this for years!" WAR TIME CHEMICALS FOR- SAl!' I new factories. Orie of thes was In FOR' SALE- id carrieras; lot' of HllR HeolarPfl mat. ma f,..;i .J ,.. V: "T ' ,im operation ann was now Bern? fools, 1 wing purriii; Wash basiris: liPrirtlli wftlb Hh Zli , a' "j 39 Preem over (WpScrty. ,. iidrV Wb beds. spMHWf arid people settle (town, to reconstruct society on a new basis, I it tfrtfti m acres of land an wtrMs; htwftetds; at' lbw wumen aiHi.iniuaie-agea women at that should take ov- iw up twelve small prices. PKbhe Black 3241 b: c er at lease ou per cent ot the government of evprv rmm. pianis- .. . . Fariiiluri Co, try. He backed his suggestion by explaining that since government is really glorified housekeeping, and since women are by nature housekeepers, it is only logical to suppose that they will be able to undertake such governmental housekeeping with greater success, and far greater edse than' men. it was difficult to keep pace" with FClt: SALE 8 roomed1 hbUse, 132 the demand. With France pass- Ave. East. Phorie Red 921'. ing out of the nhtiire it was nee- (154) essary to rriake provision to re place the output of those factories: One factory ori a site 960 acres" built sinte that Ume was now In full production. There was a shortage of sulph, uric acid. Several plants1 had' been FOR SALE Chesterfield suHe dlri-lHg' roorri suite', plarid; circulating heater, buffet, violln-and case and odd household furniture, carpets: Phone Red 921. 133 7th Ave. East. (154) built to prdvidfe for this1. Fine" TENDERS IN VITED" powder for bombs had!been mariu- ' ; - factured'. Another made fofr nitric FOR'' SALE Sealed teriders will be acid. In one. Droductldri had al ready started arid two other nlantf would be in prodiictibn Iri Aiigust' there was too the production of charcoal for gas masks, T. T. from ccal tar, cordite from molasses, glyceriri, cellulose, etc. Wood received by the uridefslgnpd up tb ribdn of Tuesday, Jul 15th, for tW purchase of orie-storey frame cottage consisting of !lV-lng-rbomi bedroom, kitchth; pari-try and bathroom, situate on Lot 4', Block 25", Section 1, Second Avenue. Contents Included. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted TERMS: etrictly cash. Norman A. Wdtt, Esq., Admlhls-tratbr of the estate of Severln O'Qiilhri, deceased. Court House. Prince Rupert. tf. WANTED WANTED High school boy wishes work fol- surnrrier rridriths: Ap'-H ply Box 112, Dally Neh. (155) WANTE6 Housekeeper. Apply Cathbllc Re?tory. (tf) WANTED Experienced lady home cook. Phone Black' 974, (tf) WANTED Room arid board or room and breakfast, Naval offl cer Box 113, Dally Npws. (15ft ( WANTED Mlddle-dged night watchman. Rupert Hotel. (152) WANTED t- 2 experienced sales-ladles Ladles Ready-to-Wear, Apply Eox 982. (142) Young Canada Buys British Thousands Of ' Toy Soldiers Are Exported To Canada To Help 1 Pay For War ', LONDON, Jun? 27: Tof soldiers j and miniature" war equipment direct' front' the? war zone are the latest ) craze with Canadian children. 1 They have" seen the wide range of soldiers .taken out by 11Mb evacu ees' from Britain: But children left behind in Britain are having to go without their toys" so that they may be exported to help pay for the war. In London, the world's largest makers of toy soldiers, who use about 530 Ions of l&id to make upwards of 12,500,000 items a year, are now working entirely uoon export orders, and many of these are for Canada. I Tile United States is buying five or fix times as many Brit'sh toy soldiers as It did bffore th war, and rhildren there are showing special interest in the Empire troops fighting In the Neir East. I YmmfT Canada Is keenly interested in boxes of their own reel-ments such as th Rovil Canadian Dragoons'. Prince?- Ps'riria's Canadian Lfaht Infantry. I ?rd Sfrath- - cona' Horse, etf but thnv ire "" ,also buying a wiite ranei of toy pulp was now replacing cotton 1 in i8nM,PW frnm Grpok Ev7on,s t0 the manufacture of gun coilon.pntJI of (ne 0erm9n Lu(twaff. All this extension of activities, utn wirfa. i caused employment and one of the' refe.,tp., )n the tron? den,ind far difficulties was to secure efficiently lf,4pft mo(,w Qf tnnks flrfj skilled help. It was a personal res- tan(ii Breh-gun can-iers. barraw 7 ,. , ponsimmy to an 10 uo everywims h'H'-ri iinitt army l"'-r'M and Dr. II, N. Brcklesby Outlines to help produce the ar- 'motor- cyci) Briefly What Cliemical Industry tlcles and materials needed hi or- nir' tH;e innnwHon howls Doing To Help Win Struggle to win the war. jder Pveri old mvoHtes In Drf-lOU unl- ! ; forms and Hlfrhlaners In full dr"is An extremely Interesting and in-1 tv ..--LlL- Al Ji fun are still wanted, formative address was given to the LfOUglllj vIU VlluJJ, nd rnny CandKn children members of the Rotary Club ye-L. 1 . .1 T J 1,1,11 Pfff hp trndltlone' cW-terday at its regular weekly lunS Ikgllll ( tllG VAU bys and Indians, natlv warrior cheon by Dr. It. N. Brockles'by, hisi 7- and jQ on wnle )riPTe )o a Wfoadv subject being "The uanaaian Chemical Industry and the War The old ox at Doughty will be Effort." John Dybhavn presided seen around there no more. Tom and visitors included Bert Hutch- McMartln took him away down to Uson of Vancouver, W. L. Armstrong Terrace to be prepared for table Prince Riipe demand for nryiel home farms with mlniaturt animals. 97 He Never Shaved use. He tipped the scales at 23001 SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., June 27: referred to the pounds. He hasr-leared land. plow-'. (CP) William Burrough Hill, auc-luichlll to cive ed, hauled Umber and .been of J' tioneer, who never shaved and nev. him the tools. The chemical in- great use for many years. People er wore a necktie but .-.ported a dustry was trying to provlds these travelling to and fro on the main , costly diamond stud and a board, tools. Materials in which they nignway were always giaa to see dealt were1 such as coal tar, Arie- he patient old fellow, either at Una, creosote, benzol, acids, alka- WCTk w at pasture alon? the road-lis and salts, compre'ssed ease's; fer- slde- IIe should keep a family in fdlizers, medicinal oils, dyes an? meat for quite some time.-Omln-many other materials. The" output' eca' Herald. of the factories' had Increased 20 is dead at 97. g ASK FOR hour BKr it', & J fi.r Villi I OW" 1 I' I T Only 20e More Per Cim Than. Btr Thi advertlstment j not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ' FLAGS FLAGS Wave your flags on Dominion Day Celebrate your freedom and liberty. We have Union Jacks', Dominion Flags, Stars and Stripes all n limited quantities. Come and get therii at VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 West 3ra Ave. Phorie Ri d 12f P.'Ol itux 75" THE SEAL "' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon , canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 12ol1.20. 25oz.$2.30. 40oz.$3.40 This adverttserne'nt is not published 01 alspluycd uy Litjuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia SHIRTS Her Sou Killed In North Africa Woman Designs Descriptive Pattern SYDNEY, N-.S.W., June" 27: (CP) Inspired by constant thoughts of her only son, who fell at Bardla, a Sydney woman has designed "A.I.F. Membry Shirts" as a tribute to ev ery Australian soldier v. War. Thd design, drawn b, Mr p d MkOay of Rose Bay. c mud , 'outline of North Afric:. ,i ,.a) :. aeroplane's, shell-burst'- i,uv Ao traliah soldiers, mosqu a view of the Mwliten the place names of BarM . Libya dfid Dema. "I d-(lHilgn bmll wife' moi tii ter and awpftriearts or .1. A'l.P.." Mrs. McCav i)'i iteach ten uu.u.-,.n,,. 'iVnnt :id " in rtic ! ;t ';:;ruk 'i' nil PERFECTION... Since 1807 Always order McCallums UHMMMHMMkMMn the Scotch of Superlative Quality! Oi'sfi'le J and Bofffed in Scotland 20 j 07.. $1.10 ,ith This advertisement is not pubhsnea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Britten Columbia IJNIO.V STKAMSIIIPS I,TI, Special Afternoon Cruise Around Hie Klnalians and Itacliel Isliiuls BY S.S. "CAMOSIJN- SATURDAY, JUNE 28th, 1941 Leavts CNR, Dock 2:00 p.m. Returning 5:00 p.m. Afleriloon tea served aboard- Music enroutc by the Prince Rupert Boys Band EXCURSION FARE $f.0O (Plus Tax) ChilUren Half Fare Holiday Hints For Dominion Day Picnic Requirements Paper Plates 9-incli. Dozen 15c Paper Plates 5-inch. 2 dozen lc 'Lily Wasted Cups Pkg. ofl2 . . . . Ific Paper Napkins Pkf. of 75 ...... 15c Waxed Paper Heavy, 100 ft 25c Nuking Cups Pkg; of 100 15c Rubber Ralls 5c, 10c, 15c and up Soft Halls 25c, .'J5c, 00c and 85c Sand Pails and ShoVcIi Large size 25c Sunshades 15c, 20c, 25c Sun Classes and Visors 15c to 50c Slazentfer Tenuis Rackets From, up $1.01) Tennis Ralls 35c and 50c WateY Ralls 15c