Friday. June 27, 1941. 1 wm3 a.- 4.212 wires. A-17 IIIRD HERO DEED FATAL T NGilAM. Jui e 2". CP'--va.d i Inwood. who was u at .! i.o.ubfd building i i .iiLhi iin tw men alive, ; , :l:.vxiaiion whj he went ,i tl. .id. lie was awurded uunaisly the George Cross. MANY IN ONE Moth "ii llllllJlWlllmwu,gw'' SPORT CHAT The following Is the line-up of the Intermediate All-Stars which i are to play the Rocky Mountain Rangers tonight. Postuk c, Vuckovlch p. Astoria lb, Hlngston 2b, Hethfrrinuton 3b. Simondsen ss, Pavlikls If, Arney cf. Bill rf. Donald McDonald and George Zbura will share the bat-tcrv honors. The game will go nine innings. i Chuck CamnbcII. lormcr Canadian and United States amateur champion, qualified five vcars ago today to represent Canada at the Berlin Olympics in the single sculls event. ARMY DAY PROGRAM 1st Battalion the hocky Mountain Rangers, CJl.. Army Day program tomorrow will be as follows: Bayonet Fighting 16 Platoon. Trench Motars 4 Platoon. Physical Training By 17 Platoon "D" Coy. Anti-Aircraft Tralnlnz- By No. 2 Platoon "HQ" Coy. Small Arms Training, Bren Gun Training By No. 18 Platoon "D Coy Concert by Regimental Band. Rifle Exercises By "HQ" Coy. Signalling Demonstration By No 1 Platoon "HQ" Coy. American League Dstroit 4. Philadelphia 8. Chicago 2, Washington 3. Cleveland 11. Boston 8. St. Loui 1. New York 4.. National league contain Pin 2. Brooklyn 11 game. Fume CRYSTALS lin--" Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c - - - maes LlcL Jitf, Pioneer Druiffists I'tK-nr. 41 III KriAll M"' 0'i lull) hum .m. till IU .ni. Sunilay- mimi H.ih.Uys Im.mi U I.. I l' . " 7 to n Month-End Specials (night HMNKKTS " blankets, sto- 72x90. Weight. 12 lbs. $20.00 .Special, per pair RUGS "iMHiiiBU-r rugs, discontinued patterns, size 27"x 54". g.OO lilKYtal Huy Now Elio's Furniture Store Store Hours 8:30 a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. ,., T,,,KI) AV, NUh moosi: mm-DiNfi BASEBALL Sunday TWO GAMES International Scries Ketchikan Vs. Prince Rupert FIRST GAME 2:00 SECOND GAME 6:30 Admission 50c LOOK FOR (89 WUZiT WrWt filled for the first game. Follow- ing is the local line-up: j D. Gurvkh. catcher. I J. Undsay. pitcher. i S. Stiles, first base. I Gpotsp Howe, second base. Jpck Hrthrlnton. third base. VM'nr Johnson, shortstop. Min"r s'tiurvdsfn. centre field, w i amb. nit".her. K"-r. 'eff field. .. .'j wti'. "wV fVui.' n-i . Hrrht field. W-mer. pitcher. r.oon i on IRISH "IWART. -Tune 27: fCP) Seeing n H-ivpl Air Force plane flying one wiv"l im and the other down, an ?lf t hov trlpphoned the patrol station wbch wrned the pilot by wireless and avrd a crash. MISSIONARY RELEASED AMEKCIA "OION M- - h;n 8fl00 Americans are serving in Canadian armed forces. Canada At War 25 Years Ago June 27, 1916 Appointment of Duke of Devonshire as Governor- BIG GAME i TUESDAY' Grotto Will Meet Sleelworkers In Softball Finals On Dominion Day In the Senior League Softball ulaved last night for the Dominion iDay play-offs the Steel Workers defeated Stones by a score oi iv to 3 while In the second fixture the league leading urouo Kept .up their winning streak by defeat- ins Dry Dock 18 to 6 in a one sided affair. Therefore Grotto will) meet the Steelworkers on Dominion t Day lor the Dominion Day Cur Finals. Batteries were: s steelworkers Carrarl and La Sota. Stones Wendle and Brooks. Grotto Kellet and Morgan. Dry Dock Johnson and Debrasy Umpires for the evening J Comadina, Gurv'ih. Scorer D. Montesano. BIG GAME Composites International Series Starts Sunday On Acropolis Hill Grounds &IAKUXVL. t y p e , IJTHAN BEER! This advertisement it not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bord or by the Government ol British Columbia. Twenty -Five Years Ago Miss' Isabella Herd of Edinburgh. Scotland, and Captain Daniel Ar- HONfj KONO. June 27: (CP) chle. of the Provincial Forestry De- General of Canada in succession to , Tne scr,oner Tuladl was towpd in the Duke or Connaught finnounced this mornln? toy, the Doreen. The Activity increased along the Bri- Doreen left here Friday night for tish lines on the Western Front. SkldesfTe and encountered the . Tuladl in 'trouble. BROKEN REST Up tinte and again because of kidney and bladder weakness? Gin Pills, the reliable, well known kidney remedy, help soothe and tone up the kidneys. Money back if not satisfied. Resulir tli, (0 Pills Lane ill., M Pillt JntlieU.S. skfor"GlnoriIli") sss Kresh Local Uaw anil Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 , The Alyansh Hotel has been destroyed by fire. An overheated stove-pipe was the cause of the trouble. J. Bouzek TAILOR LADICS and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station I I We need your co-operation lo give you better service. Please put out our milk bottles daily as we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 "Son, why don't you play circus? It's great fun. First you make a sawdust ring." "But where would I get the .raw-dust, dad?" "Here's the saw. Just cut ome of the firewood Into fireplace lengths. And you can have all the sawdust you make." It seems that some years ago, when love was new. Mrs. Fusst. wa" brought into a police court for bashing poor old Mr. Fusspot on the jaw with a flat-ifon. , "This is a really brutal assault." said the magistrate. "Is there any reason whv you should not be sent to prison?'' "Well." said Mrs. Fusspot. "It would break up our'honeymoon!" I oti!?ht to mention that my lawyer's name Is Rnbrrt Straw1.. He ald to me the' other day. "I've written my own epitaph. It says. 'Here lies Robert, who lived and died an honest lawyer.'" "Huh!" I said. "People who read it won't know what your surname wa." "Oh, yes, Uicy will," he told me. "When they read it they'll say, ' 'that's Strange!' " I As I alwavs sy. lpdv. on Maws C W Hunter, 70-year-o!d British pai tmin.., were qule'.ly markied on hnlrf . . . hnI . missionary who has been away from Saturday. The celcorny vas per- ,jown ' England 20 years and missing for formed by Rev. J. F. Dimick. Thp - 18 months, has been re!eased by bride was attended by Mrs. Lceper captors in Ksnsu Province and is and H. S. Irwin was groomsman. ' IIEKE'S FIEAL ANTHJUE proceeding to Lanchow. . ! - 1 The tug Commodore, which Is AAIBORG. Denmark, Junp 27: tinder charter to the Granby Com- (CP) Skeleton of a man believed pany. Is here. She will take noun to have lived 10,000 years ago was the steam shovel which the com- found during excavations here. pany has bought from. Foley, Welch and Stewart. . j The Fire Chiefs' Association has Invited the council to send the i raycr and fire chief to the an-nual convention to be held this jsummc-." In San Dieo. The Invitation was refcrcd to the fire and light committee. A S3 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Plume 37 P.O. Box SI I KltASKR STREET' Prince Rupert YES.' Wc Kepalr Walcr Pipes, Root's, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned 11-50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN nOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 A. Slmonsen and D. nounce one of" its cities Dneprod- Mrs. Kelly Evans, of Hot Springs- cnmy attacks. I am cabling Are Leading the season. The Ketchikan team Is position of first rolace for the Mcb Transport Training By No. 6 be a strong one and the jey cup. However, the Independ-Platcan "HQ" Coy. jo:ais are ltnin? up pretty well in nts were playing short. Brick Bren Carrier Demonstration By advance Diio Qurvich has been skinner refereed the game. No. 4 Platoon "HQ" Coy. whipping them into line and de- Refreshments will be served to ciares he already has the cham- visitors in Men's Dining Rooms, -pionshtn under hi eye. WhScheve 15 30 hrs to 16:30 hrs. wins wm have to extend themselvc; All Training Demonstrations will to get it. Dido says the home beys i take place on Gyro Ball Park. piay much better when they have! lots of support from the grand-1 BASEBALL SCORES stand. He expects to see It well Man in the Moon What I don't like about this war 'Is havine to soell the names of plac 16 az. SLtS 40 or. $4.00 Gift Is Great Encouragement WORLD'S FINEST RYES DISTILLED IN VANCOUVER es In Russia and Poland. , George wmctnson, nas caDiea mj the Queen's Canadian Fund for .TnVpsavslUdlfficult to be friend- Air Raid Victims his acknowledge- RYE This dveriement i not published Of displayed by the L'quor Control Board or by the Government of British olumbn. presses again the encouragement which is being brought to England's bomb victims by Canada's donations on their behalf. I "Your letter with news of wonderful donation by Mrs.. Kelly" TPimns nuinlvuf Thta mn i?nl f Trpnt The Lord Mayor Of London. Sir gJft a great 'eneouragcment and evidence of the deep sympathy felt by our friends overseas with ly with a nation that has to pro- hnent of the $35,00!) donation of t result zerzhinsk. Virginia. MfS Evans direct expressing my Mrs. Evans, news cf whose dona- wafm apprfpJatlon. coagratula- to by Clip- tion was iorwaraea to tonaon re- of The latest story come Uons on contmued success your per from New York is about the hently, presented the amount In fund mnthPr kamraroo who was loning the form of a deposit whl:h was, over the Australian bush when she being held in London In safekeep- j suddenly stopped and scratched The amount was In gold coin, stomach. Then she took a few more and was handed over directly by j hons and scratched again. Mrs. Evans bankers to the Lord ; Baseball fans are looking ior-i tn tact nizht's football game tne After third and violent scratch wavw. r tn an pnfnvnhlp tlmp Sundav rvvmnncit Rnrvips tpam defeated -v... mnunA intn v.or nniicH m.npft Here is the text of the w .... -" J J - lyviiipw ' " die 1 tauivu unu pwv...... f - - eat biscuits in bed." LORD MAYOR, LONDON, DAY UNDER WATER Most present-day submarines Lord an dive safely to 250 or 300 feet have an of Mayor's cable, in which he ex- and stay down 24 to 36 hours. and Monday when' they the independents with a score lout two baby kangaroos and beat opportunity to witness tne iirsi;3 to j Thjs puts the composite tem thoroughly. "There now.' , series of international games of servVtes team In the exclusive ;She said, "that will teach you not to ANNETTE'S Dollar Day SATURDAY, JUNE Open fill S O'CIock 28 COATS-Jigger and trntlcr oats in beige, white, rose and blue. Regular values to $12.95. Of flfi 7WVU ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE BLAZERS Women's, misses' and children's blazers, stripes and bright scarlet. Reg. value to $1.95. ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE plaids. 1.00 DRESSES Printed sheers, prints. ;o ka dots. navy, blark. i-osr. blue and white. Sizes 12 to 52. Reg. values to $8.95. C) A A ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE ?,UV HOUSE DRESSES Prints, all sun-fast and tub-fast, new and crisp. Sizes 14 to 52. Reg. values to $2.95. Q 4 fif ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE MXVU GIRLS' DRESSES In plaids, taffettas and prints. Sizes from 2 to 14. Regular values to $3.95. t?XUU Q-l flft ANNETTES DOLLAR DAY SALE. .., WAISTS In sheers and satins, all sizes. Reg. value to $2.95. ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE STRING SUITS All colors and sizes. Regular values to $4.95. ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE SLIPS In white and tea rose only. Regular value $1.00. ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE, 2 for SL00 S1.00 81.00 CAPES Candle wick capes, all new, just the thing to wear with i a bathing suit. Regular value $1.95. Q A(j tJL.VTU ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE , SHOES All white .shoes, regardless of cost, no try on. O-J AA j JLWV To clear, ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE , HANDBAGS All the latest colors Including black. Regular values i to $2.95. C-fl Of) ! ANNETTE'S DOLLAR DAY SALE W'A,UU ; Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver .Monday at 3:00 p.m., calling; at Ocean Falls and Powill River Saturday at 4:00 p.m., calling at Ocean Tails Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at fi:00 p.m. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. Alr-Condttloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc, call or write . City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 2G0, Prince Rupert . Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines in hi, Mi, mm iii .in iii lllllnlTTlTir, 1 V4