The War 't Front ET CLAIMS WINNIi ' W 'AL1 BACK ON WILNO ANl JlCZK FRONTS PUNlSIIINiX yo ON OIL CENTRES HERMANS SAY THEY HAVE BEEN VICTORIOUS ON A LL FRONTS HUT NO DETAILS GIVEN AS YET MOSCOW, June 27: (CP) The Russian armies have fallen back to new positions on Wilno and Baranowiczc fronts after inflicting heavy defeat on the German columns driving toward Minsk, a communique said today. It said that Russian forces withdrew during the night and were effectively reformed for new military operations. No indication was given of the depth of the retirement. The communique also reported punishing raids by Red air forces on Bucharest, Plocsti and the Constanta capital, oil industry centre and the chief port respectively of Rumania. Throughout yesterday it said that Russian warplanes without cessation slashed at the Nazi tank columns exacting heavy losses in the Minsk sector which the Germans were attempting to bite off with two panzer columns. RUSSIAN POSITION BERLIN, June 27: (CP)- The Nazi high command claimed today that the German army has been "victorious on all fronts" against Russia but still withheld all details of reported progress in the five day old conflict. The war bulletin promised, however, that a scope of the big decisions allegedly won by the Germans will be known shortly. GERMANS REPULSED Effort To Cross Trut River Proves Abortive In Bis Strugsle Today MOSCOW. June 27: CP-Sovlet troops again repulsed German efforts to force lhe Prut River on th; sou hem end of ths long battle front In eastern Europe and suc-rpssfiillv encased German tank units units Muring filling through through the the Red Red de FIRE AT VANCOUVER: LONDON, June ?: in London iiveranw. by the $534,000,000 raised ..-t Wor WnnnnllS Wees. UUllllg ff ' i Slinrt Term Men Will Be Rmlled Soon To Complete Their Four Months' Training Needed Have Already Been Fit ty.Ninc Per Cent of Men Attested ami dhiish'w i- Complete Soon , ..... ot nonpo Ministrr Ralston told as rccruiu .... - " tas ten jourW cruUng k:cn!: S f ,,' i &i,,Sl the number sought for ilCtUHUI ClltU ! ,..J. ' the active army would De Menwho have done 30 days training and those whose training was postponed will be liable to call to Z rnr months training vuiiipieic nic iv . to be issued under a proclamation shortly RUSSIA'S OIL Russia Is the world's second larg est producer of oil. UNCOVERS HISTORY , ttw c mrTcjRTr.MnE. Ens.. June were British lSllil IIIUIOUII WIU wiv- j. v."" "7 4.U I .. i e , ,.,v.;v. fim Mrnmpn's mmliarv corns in tnei cl " UU1 1IU1IJ xttv. ' " v . . ... . . i 1 ormu now atlrt air forCfi Will be i.l Preparing To Evacuate a. A Tnno 97 A hlsh T I ki Ivl W L V V t- o-- Tiuk sh source said today that somewhat lower than soldiers Turkey has granted permi'.- v sion for the evacuation across rriVfxf f TkT1T her territory of the Vichy lore- t I I Ik I fi u I I ! One Man Died Of Suffocation And es fighting In Syria, provided Several Rescued Ily Firemen VANCOUVER. June 27: (CP) One man died of suffocation and several others were rescued by firemen as fire broke out in the downtown Dominion Hotel forcing some fifty guests to flee, some in nisht attire. aiure. The ne dead ca man man , was wa8 Women Volunteers To Be Enrolled For Army Service Within Next Few Months . T . . .. mi r J t ,rli fnr Various Several Thousand win ue iaKcn upl ,,:"v Purposes, Will Be Uniformed and Trained OTTAWA, June 27: (CP) Several thousand women volunteers will be enlisted within: the next few months. to -.... en t: nnviiiai-ioc in thp nrmwl forces, war min- SerVU US mil wnic auAimuiw ... v..v , i rn 4. i ,1 iv, nrpes rnYifm-nnco. Thev will iorm they travel as unarmed civil- lans. ! Died This Morning . . nn'. .. ..,uvi wmiKi! r.rew set 27: (CP) Using a pen&ime ""DarK wai ' walls and winaows razor blade on church In this of his 1000-year-old t,...i. ..lllorrp RPV. W. U. JJilica uncovered erd historic historic frescoes frescoes which which July 8 Sank Norwegian schooner vfnnv Kinor with bombs. 'July July 21 Surfaced four mues ior ROVf. LIBRAE VICTORIA, B.. ihe alia SS Jf SsZ. 21:59 p-ra. 7.1 It. MniJTnsinN AND nENTRALlBRmSB COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' FRIDAYTJUNE 27, 194(). gg PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., lrra i ti. Win Sea IN BRITAIN . . A. 'Minister of Pensin3 Carries Em blem from Canada to Old i Country . .. . i f iriltrinM Timn T riLOT OF VICTORY TORCH niiMRFIt 1940 1939. over BIG RAILWAYMAN DEAD LONDON. June 27: (CP) Sir Thnmn-j Williams, former general manager of the London ard North I . Hn.A. AtA died at nf Vlte his VlfHTl home ""tto'iem railway, restored and rededlcated by v on Page Five) in St. Margarets-on-Thames, at E8. of Oxford. the Bishop ilshop CLOSING de-'night The rie,lh occurred this mo nm - R, a Royal Navy Beating Enemy Un Two Fronts; Two Big bhips bunk And Small Craft Busy on Ocean EXERCISES - - Borden Street School lias ureaKiuS supplied as required. CeiebraUo Before Dispers-Women l " will be engaged, as drivers U.P . of light motor vehicles .cooks and ' ,WUUi'M' " waitresses In hospitals and messes at clmSSTS e School yesterday phone operators, messengers end f clerical workers. They will be unl- P"" " Dr th- dutnh. A . . . VdLitUUII. x vuv w fnea ana reqmreo w wu. u.. T rprvirtpards the DUnils zath- the VW same basis as Soldiers witn pay - Th' " was CICU ill tijkjv- a saluted and the national anthem sung. J. S. Wilson, principal, bpunc . to the children briefly. To the pupils who had been promoted to High J School this graduation marked an important milestone in their school-! lug. He reminded the children that , there was one person who was un-. doubtedly thinking of them at that time. That was Miss Mills who for so many years had been principal of the school. Three cheers were eiven Pensions wlth " an enthusiasm that could not nlied and horjed that the new sen ior grade would maintain the high standards of the school. Three cheers were given for the holidays, and the school, and after the singing of "O Canada," the classes Were dismissed. Promotions made at the end of the end of the school year at Borden Street School resulted as fol lows ws: Squadron Leader D. Galloway, garet S. Strachan, Kel D. Tsumura, who piloted the Hudson Bomber across Canada with its precious careo Canada's Victory Torcn, T.nwrence R. Valentin. Roy A. Web bcr, Leona M. Webster, Jerome I. Wilson, Janet Wong. Battle NAVY SUPPORTED BY RECENT ADDITIONS 01 AIRCRAFT AND CORVETTES AND ALSO BY UNITED STATES AID CANADIANS MENTIONED IN DEFENCE .1 (,.,-.. "i,, m1c direct'on or Minsk vdentnieu as wiiiiam j aruuBwn wll am KP r about sevemy ...-v..-..--r : uc wwuvu. , he White Rulian capital, iho Bo- whom the fUemen found on the who had been a patient in norlhern British airport today after Rose Marle Hartwlg spoke on be-,he. .e au..Sr. n. nn, nrnri floor of a anoke-fllled room. L nnPrt Hosoitat for a a fllghV across th At antla.lrom h(dfUl1&W?;Bde:8ix.Aad4;on- rM,a.TO.uUH V; nre.RUued.ln flr does not Can'wlffi- tlif Victory -Torcn veyed to lhe graduating class con- today. XXlirlY. - - . " . .. t .t 1. If nnlratiTio 1 C T13 TMf11 1 A TI V i-ii j UapI wi cn fnt Back To Moscow From London MOSCOW. June 27: (CP)-The British Ambassador. Sir Stafford Criops, returned to Moscow today. British military and economic missions also arrived. Gets Post storage room, was not extensive . have frlends or relatives capiain MacKiu.e ., gratuiations ana Desi winira i km..nh ,lr,Hr mn. .. .. .1 onraitoH suited for the duty as in aaaiuon IVlolr j.nnnnpd success. David U11U CUUIl WCIO UIUU,HV UHM" trol but billows of smoke poured through the building trapping some guests on the upper floor where they were rescued. The cause of the blaze Is unknown. Weather Forecast Svnoosis A detuesslon has caus ed light to moderate rains over Thas the Oueeti Charlotte Islands. lallst. has been appointed ngnt rains. Margaret ogime Ophthalmology at Oxford University She Is the first woman to hold such a post at the University. BY LONDON'S MILLIONS i li.. t I nM lh. Pa - w oeen locany ciuuujf uici , tve Woman ane coast. i J Wnst Coast of Vancouver Island- Light to moderate northwest winds, varvine cloudiness during the night and becoming fair this afternoon j ttirsnirov Vrrr .limp. 27: (CP) inth. rain of hls'death. ! to being a minister of the crown he Johns for lhe graduatui5 class re tw m -.. ii... nnM, An ntrorele overseas xiur- nnr. - . . . 1. At Kaiser's "Sharks" Hit East Coast i In August, Appointed to the Margaret Os" and continuing mild. J upH hell. hPll" Thus do sall- raised Rcadershlp In Ophthalmolonr Prince Rupert DUtrlct and Queen "They the depreaa Charlotte Islands-Light to mod- ormen describe North Amexican ,nMnn .tune 27: (CP)- Ida WPst to southwest winds, German U-boats In d mlld wlUl intermittent coastal waters m ii- Mann, 48-year-old ophtalmlcjpec- doudy r, -fe ihct. Nal to tne GATES tOR DUNKERQUE Wahh.?l" Kecords Ilecall Terrific Haids of (lerman u-i;' Last Days of First Great War liy JOHN GROVER Associated Press Staff WrtJ"; f.miTMniviN. June 27: (CP) submarines are operating In the western Atlantic when recall that tense summer coast-wise and convoy shipping was savagely and successfully attacked. Seven pf the Kaisers -unM nMiPVPrt the first Dunkerque. o. . v,Ms the u. S. coast. Their memorial m dbw"' "" mlncs. oomDs, iajijj"-- shells churchyard gates ana lower u. sent down more man iuu (CP)--Slx- iiyri jr- y j bleated ..j,.(j i in nuchlne-l Buchlng . . j .,cM1 More than flslung anu wai 200 died. t , For months U.S. navy pairm steamed In frantic cUcles seeking the undersea marauders '"-vio nnnai. were in a lather oi ...ii ot mit.h a reason. One nnrrmnnnaer Caine w "i- ....farp nnri sank a barge tow within sight of thousands week-ending on Cape Cod. , ti h,n?ht Uie war mighty close to home. Most pf the U.S. destroyer fleet was In Engllsn waters, ii8uu6 swarms of short-range suds uin iT.rtnnt Record The U. S. Navy historical division has complete records or tnose nee i- t Thpv show a definite pat UOJ". tern of submarine operauuu Th off of tne suDmaiiuu ir icn lc vnlnnl. Rhfi left Kiel In U"iUv W "J command of Kapltanleutnant von Oldenburg June la. un ,ajr vj she bagged the 4,175-ton British steamer Tortuguero. Then the sub turned up about 450 miies on iw York. Here's her record: Tulv 7. 1918 SanK iNorwegmu was on active service tlng the last Great War LONDON, June 27. Both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic sea battles are being won by the British Navy. Word conies from Cairo this morning that a British naval patrol intercepted a fleet of large merchant vessels loaded with war supplies for the Germans and escorted by German submarines. They were immediately attacked and at least two twenty thousand ton freighters were sunk, possibly more. An earlier despatch had announced that the vessels had been hit. Aided by increasing numbers of mass produced corvette patrol boats and American-made Catalina flying boats Britain is slowly winning "one of the war's most decisive battles on the Atlantic Ocean," it was said today. Extended United States naval patrols have helped but the source here said the real credit for reducing British tonnage losses goes to the Catalina planes and the sturdy corvettes, because their scouting sea areas the Nazis formerly considered safe for submarine operations. Many of the corvettes are Canadian made and . manned by Canadian crews. " ' " : -r HER BOY WAS HERO Failed To Tell Girl He AVas Going; To Marry In Order Not To Upset Her LONDON, June 27: Three weeks fehp had kissed her fiance goodnight as the sirens sounded, Grade Two Toshlo Akagl, Earl w o Dt,plford( s. E. 1, W. Decker, Ssella Kay Bennett Jo- dlsccvered tnat he was a hero senh Alfred Blackaby, Vviiiiam , I was , n O. K.," was ,.cw all the . y0 young J. W'W IK., J " George Clark, Gwendolyn Clifford. ,. , man wmiam carUer. who Uves In Mary Minerva uoanc, K.ay jjwj- street, Deptford, said the er, Lorraine C. Gurvlch, Robert H. next ni2hc Harvey, Anne P. Hill, Margaret Bufc on hJs way home mu had Horhe. Rosemary P. Hudon, Rena , lfe a wt F. In.iram. Ross S. Ingram, Mar- Rhnrt,v fhpr h had Emmy. garet E. Johansen. Elma H. Kar- mi had Been & fire raglng at a honen, Shlro Klgara, Alice E. Kll- wood wharf he ran to the las. Angus J. Krug. Elner M. Lynum, scene a a exploded a short Marglt C. MacArtnur, Louise j. McGavln, Joan E. Moller, Shirley A. Moore; Marlys J. Olson, Paul E. Oi snn. cialre M. Ritchie, - Diana distance away. But he went on to find a hus- I .1 r,A -nrlfn trantlPlI ltl til ft twm TYt, v. - j-i i- ..Jit. ( Hplfln.r ovpr uva.. UcUllO WlUl ......0 " ' - jSather. Norman R. Scherk. yosioiko heads . E. Shlmlzu, Sibyl H. Stevens, Mar- .. clambered into the wreck age to the rescue and shouted to the firemen: "Play the hose on me It's too warm." Another bomb fell less than six assistance Grade Three Kenneth BiacK, R. P. symbolic of Canada's , a burying six A. . .. n . i.. J 'ii n.,tr.r TTnorVier RrPWPr. to tne unusn Jmpire in i"ia- rauiuie dusum". iv.v. , men lnE: $600,000,000 for War Services. .Janet Budlnlch, Irene Bursey, Nor- , . alld woman 0ut," Squadron Leader Galloway is a man Bursey,. William Calder, George BilL and then helped to drag former captain with Trans-Can- jCopeland, Glenn Doane, Richard scme of A R p men but j ii.Tinn. on1 kthnum nfTl. ITHcrnr. James Evans. DorrlS Glass, , j vio hlno nn the uua mi uiiivo - .- o . - mc iiiuivc ti j iv m.w E. Galloway, Assistant Vice Presl- Stewart Hills, Patricia Holmes, x recelved when a girder fell dent, C.N.R. Telegraphs, Toronto. ;Donald Iveson, Edith Johnston, ha(J made me : MacEwan, Doreen Paul, Nel- . uean me home a car Us Pavlch, Donna Petroff, Jacque-, ed don-lt believe in GOOD OLD LANCASHIRE pat.hfnrd. Leslie Rlx, Billy . ffAm fho iclrl T'm MANCHESTER. June 271 (CP)-l" 3 ,TV sloan, - Marlene Smith. ?trZ iTon't DesDlte Despite air air raids raids tne the i. . Lancashire nc tl t,, wvT J vir Mnrffaret Margaret Wide. Wide,, . 6. Villi - . . .. 1 Ati t j just met plchard y, one cotton trade Is retaining its hold lt Wmterbot- ;.e ., . . UDsefc her ... on exports of cotton yarns RnQ!tom. Ronny Tanjl. William Young,; t work on urday ,o,n.f!if tnrpij which lncreasea in j ..... ir-..nw.r. j .... . ,. . . niauU..." ,M.aQeiine iuuuwiw. .v,on a oiri rripna saio. no iiui. the value exported in, Qrade FourDanny Bill, David . nu". a hp ftnd itold her . . .. . . I " ' Blackhall, Gerald uruce, juue vai- story ,ter, xnomas vxjiwu. uuuu, "" IIOSriTAL BOMBED AGAIN 'toff Dorothy Edgar, Shirley Gill. T -XTT-vKT Tnnn 07- IPPl Willi? ' .. n ... J Alan jjvjiiuwn, u.i. ... v . - Donaioa um, xmiul uaiui xt the staff of Westminster Hospital Hafwig; Bllly Harvey, Helen Hlb-were treating 100 air raid casual- hard, 'Everett Johansen, Harry Kll- UntM 1 r rrc WAfa blf hV iWO . I mram TV To r Ion P DoiuDs wnicii uwuuycu wb. oore, uaroi Moore, iornas ivnwa.j Thp rtntipnts were safelv removed nTiA wurrov Riiiv Mutrh. Blliv t --'-- v i iyuiiiia w; r -- - - . 11 . iV. . nf nffflr I . m 1 ..I H T'-kvt (Continued on Page Six) Halibut Sales American Rainier, 36,000, Royal, 10.8c and McChesney, Morton McGavln, Tom-1 - Canadian ico Nakamoto Ann Petroii. Hums 20.000, Atlin, 11c and fierce, AUUICJ rcaiouu, "" pc Ratchford, Harty Rochester, Rdna. ' Ronald, John Schlld, Patricia Smltn, Robert Smith, Annette Steel, Mary Anoirr CYPRUS Cvorus' is ;the British Empire's youngest colony. BRITISH AIR RAID Possible Attempt to Land Under Smoke Screen was Mentioned This Afternoon LONDON. June 27: (CP) Forma tions of R.A.F. fighters oarried out a one-hour raid over the German occupied French coast today fol lowing the sixteenth consecutive; tiizht attack on Germany in which the principal objectives vere Kiel, Cologne and Dusseldorl. me piace of the R.A.F: daylight racers caused speculation in some quarters as n a nossihle British attemot to seize a foothold on the continent under an aerial screen. Britain Protests Action Of Sweden i nunnM. .Tnnp 27. Britain has protested Sweden's announcement of her decision to permit uermau troops to cross the territory from Norway to Finland, Informed sourc es said today. Send Rifles To Eire But Not Powder Shortage of Ammunition in the United States Just Now Says President HYDE PARK. N.Y., June 27: (CP) Roosevelt announced today a shortage of ammunition conironiea the United States In deience ei-forts. He said at the press conference that he was looking into; the; , question of sending some rifles to Eire but no ammunition could be sent because the United States was way behind In ammunition even If It was for Itself. COLONEL D. E. DEWAR Director General'; of Ars&vals) Division. Department of Munl-.; .tlons and Supply. i