FrtEDERISTi-A, June 27: (CP) Realizing tha'. feed may be even more a de:.lsive factor in the present war than in the last, country homemakers, who form the largest rat : cf Women's Institute membership have stressed the Importance cf Increased production and con-fprvatlon of fcod. Mrs. H. Ducie, Dundurn, Saskatchewan, reported in her national review of W. I. agricultural nativities for the past two years at the annual convention. "The increased production Is for home consumption, the. surplus to be cured and canned and donated " Ore? Br'H'h or the needy at home. Commer?ial supplies will ro' h ".c'ti'h.'-d. more vitalizing foods will result and a substantial 12 01. SUU 25 OZ 2.3U 4U OZ, S3.10 Clms. Dodimcad' Optometrist in Cliarte Watch, Clock, .Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUK 1JASKMENT STORK For Fine China, Dinnerware, Classes, Ravage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT TO PRODUCE MORE FOOD Women's Institutes Reminded Ii Slay He Decisive Factor In Winning War teserve ut-M,eu. sue ui,eu. ju uutuiin o ct.wiiea s&eu; us an oo-jcouve oi in British Col-iiuuia, oauu-iO, Prince Edward Island and Manitoba. I'roviiiciai ciiorts Alberta memoers have a food ' conservauun campaign in full ; swing wiih the slogan "not an empty sealer in the pantry." Sas-J ka-chewan, Manitoba and British Columbia and Nova Scotia are "go-.r.g in loi community canneis. The Czech settlers near Prescott, untano, are raising goats to start a glove industry. Quebec and Ontario Institutes have carried out successful rural jhome beautification projects. Nova 'Scct'.a is asking every citizen to -nlLst as a "soldier of the sollj-' Prirs'e Edward Island Is stressing the importance of better - quality 'for produce. SIGHT FOR GOOD EYES A far-sighted person can sometimes see the planet Venus,, not a? a single bright, object but crescent-shaped like the moon. M7 w&m j This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Buy Victory Bonds And Wear a VICTORY BOND TORCH This Spate Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlmr Kiipcrt c. iwSmVCI Kritixh Cnliititru A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD I'LACK TO BUY lave You Seen the New FLKXST12KL LIVING RO'OM I'TIKNITURK A single compact unit. No colls to pop up, n0 webbing to sag, no slrlnRfl;t.o brook. It is sanitary. No space for dirt or vermin to collect Jind the open bottom makes cleaning easy. Sold exclusive-ly In tqjs city by us. ' U 1'IIONE 775 Qmincca Herald plete the job and make it pay. It is- reported that some mining f61k are coming from the East shortly to have a. look-see at the Duthie mine on Hudson Bay moun Major Anus Dsvls 's in 'charge of the development of the tungsten l-ironeity on Rrwher de Boule mountain and while the (rations will be small at th beginning. h thinks the Red Rose will develop Info one of the main Producers of tungsten in Canada. He 1m the road about ready for use to the mill site and is clearing fnr r mile trcim line. A fifty ton mtU Is to be built and he told the He.rald that it will be In on-eration by fall. Since the Major .started; to work he- has gone a long Operations at, the Hunter Basin J. Walsh arrived here during the 'eek fn -a 'visit with hh grand-1 Barents. Mr. and Mrs. W., ' C.I rra rkps. ' O. Dickson of lh tachlni staff. 'eft on Thursday for the south, fori ine summer holidays. Alan Robinson left, on Thursday for Vancouver, where he will train for the air force. T. H. Walsh s in Tenace frcin Wells, Bi a , Mr. alsh ris;'spcnd-ng a fhort holiday In his old home town, looking up old friends. A day of National Dedlratlon Is 'o be crlebrated on Sunday. June 29. with a Service in the Hall at 7:30 in the' evening. THAT MORMON OROAN Tb T.ormon: tabernnrlo , )' sVu Lake Olty. ihcil's' 'an 'nnrinA. f . J "0'f ' Wl2 raining 6.868 pipes. " Central Hotel (Vntral Hotel Annex ISO Ilex ted Rooms lloi Water steam Baths limliiij Room in Connection -, l . , Ill addition to the Canadian airmen already the fighter and bomber commands in Britain the R.C.A.F. has now former a complete Army Co- -u-ration Squadioa. This photo shows Canadiim . Artillerymen discussing a problem of co-operat vn with Canadian pilots. A Captain, or Moose Jaw1, Saskatchewan, is briefing three Lysander pi tts to do a job for the artillery. Portable wireless set,, with operator at the controls, is seen alongside. Mining Notes CLOSING EXERCISES i Continued from Page One) Glen Macey. Donald Moore. Joyce Morin. Glen Olsen, Voyslav Pavich. Everett Pierce. Ray Rix, Stanley Smith, Hjordls Sorensen, LouLs Sor- renti, John Strand. Rosaline Thaln, PEACE RIVER I ' ' nbirivs fihnf I fhiirv ,tvun rin ro bak to 240 B.C. way S-Hrie f0rtv mon arP Pmnifc.H Scharff, Haruko Shlmizu. Marjorie r ari .Tnhncrn riti .inmn w Krnnprtv. Maxine Kcrrighan. El- fnoth MipKenzie. Robert McChes- eold mine: near Tolkwa hav been Lois Thompson, Sabura Tsumura, neVt 0ccr?e Martoli Normand Mar resumed. Jack McBeth of Vancouver is the engineer in charge.. He arrived week aeo and now Mr. McDonald,, one of the chief owners, has arrived. TERRACE Mrs. Kenneth Attree left Terrace on Wednesday lo join her husband. Corporal Attree of the 102nd. Bat-, talion. . Percy Welter. Sally Welter, West, Wally Wong. Goro Yamashlta, Jack Young, Charles Young. Grade Seven Kiyoshl Akagi, Evelyn Alexander, Patricia Beesley, Eugenia Unsen. Shuk-. Hiwa. John G. Morris. George Mutch, Masate Naka-moto, Kaye Nickerson. Loin Nlrker- I Timely Recipes jOLilTf To serve something attractive, appetising, easy to handle and new, is the object in preparing re- j frcshmente for June parties. Food which-can be eaten fruml the hand with ease as the guest Isaunters around Is the ideal choice.1 'The Consumer Section, Dominion .Department of Agriculture, offers the following suggestions: For Sandwi.h fillings I. 1 hard cooked egg, 1 tea-' spoon parsley, 2 tablcspoom salad I dressing. I 2. V2 cup minced cucumber, Vi cup chOijpcd cress- 2 tablespoons salad dressing. 3. 2 cup white cream cheese. 2 tablespoons chopped cress. 4. 1 cud cooked veal, Vi cup chill sauce. , j 5. 1 cup cooked lobster, '2 cup' I chopped icelcry, Vz cup salad dressing. 6. ii cup cooked liver (chicken or oalfi, 1 .teaspoon parsley, 2 tablespoons salad dressing. i If salad Is preferred, it can be 'served In bouchees (little cicam puffs i or bread baskets, j For break baskets remove crusts .from thinly sliced bread. Press slices into small muffin pans. Bake ' old. was admitted to the hospital' !" ?J!j ven df.jrecs F. un-Starr, U1 0001 bcfrc Richard Valentin. Charles lion-ay to receive treatment for lihtl)' re There will shortly be same people Webster. Theresa Wong, Joy Wilson, burns received when the child pull- uic (ii nic-' iiii-ci iui iu nave A iujr , ii-hj miouu, luubauu iu:u.ioiiiba, u tti.'c. uiniu 1JM5 liuiu il !llIIIilg at the Cronin mine near Telkwa. : Harry Yule. machine, the water scalding her Years ago James Cronin had great Grade Five Eve Adams, Mlnoru lpes. faith in that property and spent a Akagi, Olga Bill. Reynold Bowden, ' t'ortune In developing it, but he Robert Blades, Alfred Doane, Wll- Strong .Creek and Peace River passed away before he could bring liam Finlaysoii, BcnForrest, George Valieyettes ' rto iftball terns it to production. Tht ory is all Furniotis, Lenora Gardner, Jack Played at Strong Creek Sunday there yet, but the question Is how Gawthorn, Donna Gurvich, Robert ,ast. wnen the home team won to raise sufficient funds to com- r?ni Kjtdiwn him Ttimft Hinnt. 19-5 af'er an intereritine nam Larry Iveson, Steve James, Alan P'-vnl Hrt?l is being ex- Johnston, Irja Korhonen, Harry 'ended tn Main Slrot sidewalk. Kihara. Donna MacArthur, Mary "1,h a cofre- shoo to oecupv the McAfee, Ra-jnar Martinson. Kar- souln 8,,R f ,h building, ths ro-sten Miller, Bruce Mills. Mona 'unda. the m'ddle section and the Mutch. Sammy Nakatanl, Evan 'l'en"d "remises he north s rlf of tain near Smlthers. They may take Nnhtpc nnrfilnnr P.oi.l Annlo Pa. it over. Mr. Duthie is unable to vi;h. Deshka Peneff. Reggie Ronald. "rp carry on its operation and for wallarp Krharff oiMne lime Mr. n.eny nas naa a lease on it and doing very well with a dozen men. Stevens. Rillv, Watts r.pnrnn W.l The Wong, Lorraine Youngman. Grade SixJlro Akagl, Dorothy Becker, BillytBeeslcy, Nellie Bill. Harry Blades, Tommy Boulter, Jacqueline Budinich, Mary Calder, Jimmy Comer, Charles Crego, Alan Edgar, Mona Frandle, Billy Gurvich, Delray Hanklnson, Rose Marie the buflir.-?. A lae staff of mn d on the remodelling Kathleen Smith, "rn'rn i f ni cTinlcil In July. Lenora Smith. James Smith. John pxnriiMvp nt Pmmi PIvot to complete the season's business, which was delayed tothte lHe date due to illness. Reports indicated he past year bad been rur-ceseful in every way. with all debts paid with the cmepMon of ft 100 owing on lumber. Instalment fay- mcnts on the shares had been mrf or a salad mixture wh.h is not moist. eal, Celery ami Cucumber Salad 2 cups diced cooked veal 1 cup chopped relcry 1 cup diced cucumber 'i cup salad dressing Mix together. Chill. Fill baskets Ju' before servini. Small cakes served w' h ice ?mm make the peifnM, desert for the garden party. Senior Softball Th second half of th Lcafsup Softball schedule Betty Wide. Maresa Windie. Betty Curling Club met Monday evening Juty )X 4 ! nlS. Gro'to . vs. Stones. Steel workers vs Dry Dock. tulv r- Siotv- vs. Steelworkrrs, Dry Dock vs. Oiotlo. Tnlv u .-.nmtto vs. Sleelworkers. Stones vs. Dry Dock. July H-Dry nck vs. frYeclwork-pis. F'nies vs. Dry Dock .Ml IV TK0-CM-. . DrV rirvlf Hartwi-. Monica Holtby, Tommy UJ "lc Jry purcnasers. pte(i Wf)rlfPrs James, Donna"Kcrrighan. Aife Kor- , " honen, Leo Korhonen. Bessie Lee, 'A,'I',A s CO.MET Marie Lcvstad, Robert MacArthur, Hallcv.s comet h mentioned by 1 1, any iii.Mnii.di sources elating July 9.1 Dry pork VS. Sleelworkers vs. Grotto. Senior is an- .Tnlv 5i-.Orn,ii0 vs. Stones. Steel-vorl-e.r,s vs. Dry Dock. .Tnlv ?- -stnnrs vs. Steelworkers. Drv Do-k vs. Oi-otto. u'nu.'- i Grotto vs R(pii. and soon it will be a real camp. Shrubsall. Norton Skog, David fhinlel Jones. Billy Josephson. Scott 'vo1"''-s. c.nnes vs. Drv Dock FAST TRAVELLIN(J Ph'' ' ' TiPrti'UP'n'r wtirl on, James Olsen. Kathorinp Vau tu . 1 . 1 0 Pavlikls. Hnnrv Shlmln. Hones, Nte -Men's Pnlor Ia?np nm. o be nlaved on Mondays and Fridays during second half. have to 50 ""-.. ""...I vyoi.tucjr, uiuoi jvidt.v aim. uavia Stevens, Margaret Carlsen. Patricia Comer. Bobby Cur- Sutherland. Melvln Thompson. Lyd- ihtVkst i utv" rle. Charles Currie. Lucy Evans, la Watt, Joyce Watts, France., Web- Lake uaKC Baikal ihprf i. Bi lv Haines. Iris Hanson, nvnkie.hl hr t....,. . . ualltal, Siberia, Is rourhly ,V. " ; ...... .c uuiiko xama- vp pS d"n tt v,. . p snv Hayashi, Teruo Hlnada. Fay In- shita. Nina Youngman, Sydney In th world which gram, Gwendy Jenner..David Johns, 'o,mgman. founded. other lake I has been CO-OPERATION BETWEEN CANADA'S SOLDIERS AND AIRMEN mm Expert Optical Service i . last LAST . Complete ... TIM I Slio ti . "aitr , at "IT" i GAKDKN PARTY IDCAS 8 -i , PATRICIA M0U1S0N ALBERT HLKKLIt in "Rangers of Fortune" (At 7.00 and g 4(: rius ANN S0II;u SAND in "CONGO MAISIE" (At 8:36, Once ,; , World News 8 o COM INK SAT. OSI,V Don Amcclic in "FOUR SONS" STARS BY DA Y Some comets arc ,;o o can be seen in the cU;. a; i LOTS or Saudi Arabia con tlrely of deserts. lost they This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brititb Columbia. IT'S FLEECY! IT'S SOFT! IT'S PUREX! V'? ,v HE SAFER BATH R 0 0 M T'Vs SO E