Viday, June 27, TSa DAIL7 ITZ773" "PRINCESS PAT'' INSPECTS CANADIANS Lady Patricia Ramsay, "Pincess Pat" to thousands of Canadians, reviews a guard of honor of a Western Canada Infantry regiment. Hie c iCa.slon was the opening of ah army recreation hut in England. Terrace Red Cross From a galloping tea that nas ust completed its rtln, the lied Cross bratich here has made thlrty-rilne dollars. The hostessed and guests" arf to he1 lartiiy During the past month some" of the ladles haVe beCri busy making blocks fbr a' quilt wlilclt will be raffled' ort July 1'. Tlie ladles vfho rilade" blocks had the privilege" of riuttliig tHeir dwiv Harries on'a block frfe and floUl atly mom block t'iey made- t'd tllose Wishing Mielr narhes on the quill', the tidy aum of seven dollars was raised in this manner The finished rjuilt Is now1 on display In Mr. Smith's window. Some of the Terrace High School girls have been turning to crochet. The result of their effort Is a fair-sized wool afghan which vras donated to the Red Cross Raffle. Other articles donated' are a velveteen cushion, Mrs. J. B. Agar; & pair of embroidered pllloW cases. Mis. Green; also Mrs. North; On July 1 the Red Cross Social Committee is again sponsoring a tea and home cooking sale In the Orange Hall, Last year the effort Was very successful, It is hoped IT will be" doubly so this year. Have a cup of tea on July 1 to help the Red Cross! I HEYI SAItGE As, WHERE'S YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS I 1 mm RUB OUT TIRED ACHES If AlSl'lt'S' 'SIIAItKS' lilt EAST' COAST" IN 1918 i (Continued iroin Page One) and opened fire on sea-going tug Perth Amboy and four barges. Fired 2C0 shots. Three bargemen wound ed. July 23 Fishing schooner Hob ert & Richard sunk CO miles S.E. Of Cape Porpoise. August 2 British motbrslilp Domfonteln sunk ofr Hay" of FUil-dy. August 3 Three fishing schooners sunk off Seal Island, N.8; August 4 Canadian" schooner Nelson A. sunk off Nova Scotia. Aug. 5 Schooners Agnes B. Holland and Gladys M. Hallett sunk with bombs; Canadian tanker Luz Blanca torpedoed; two seamen kill ed. August 8 Swedish steamer 3yd- land sunk. August 11 British steamer Pen-nlstone, in convoy, torpedoed and sunk; VS. steamer Herman Winter ishelled but escaped; two killed. August 17 Norwegian steamer i Sari Jose sunk. August 20 Eleven fishing schooners sunk on banks; crews set adrift. August 21 Canadian trawler Triumph captured and armed as raid er; Triumpn wun uermtin crew sank six fishing schooners. Was Sunk by !ine Her supplies low, the U-156 headed for home. She hit a mine off Norway and was lost, the .only one of the seven raiders which failed to return safely. Ill her six weeks off the Canadian and' United States coast, the U-150 demoralized coast-wise traffic. Her score was typical of the U-151, U-53, !u-140, U-lll U-155 and U-152 Which also operated off the coast. Two powerful V.S war vessels were victims of mines laid by the submarines. The cruiser San Diego went down In' sight of Long' I'slatid with six seamen lost. The battleship Minnesota' had a h6le torn lh her hull by a mine off the coast of New Jersey, but made port. "Hartts" FINE SHOES For Men Style and quality unsurpassed in Kid, Calf, Scotch drain in Hoots, .Oxfords and Drogues;, Ilartt's Air Force; Naval arid Military carried hi slock. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes WHAT STOPS YOU FROM ENLISTING? HEALTH? A GOOD JOB? YOUR AGE? LACK OF INFORMATION? FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES? If there is any doubt in your mind about whether or not yoir will be accepted or about how you can adjust yourself to army life, the quickest way to find out is to visit ydiir nearest Recruiting Depot. There you will get all the information you need. If your job could be filled by a woman or an older man give it up and enlist for Active Service. No matter where you work, if your services are not indispensable . . . and if you are young and healthy . . . you cannot refuse to heed this call for men for Active Service. Your duty is clear. You should enlist in the Canadian Army. Is your family well represented in Canada's Active Service Forces? Every Canadian family should send as many men as it can give. It is a matter of family honor and family duty ... because the very continuance of free family life in Canada is at stake in this war. Don't be fooled by people who say "There's nothing for us to worry about". The situation is serious. Hitler's ruthless armies have already enslaved most of Europe. Wherever the Nazi machine has broken through there are no longer any young men enjoying freedom. The Nazis aim at world domination. Either Hitler must be stopped or Canadian freedom will be ended. m for ACTIVE 7 SERVICE RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board. Lodging, Clothing, Medical arid Dental care provided. Dependent Allowance in Cash: $J5 to wife, $12 each per: mohth for riot more than 2 children. A s$djer with wife and 2 children collectively, receive a total of $99.30 per thorith. EXTRA: Rate varying from 25 to lif Per day for. skilled tradesmen while employed. Be a fighting, man in one of the many branches of Canada's Active Army. The Army needs men lot Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medical Corps-and other branches; You do not have to be a skilled tradesman when you enlist. The Army will teach you. At your nearest recruiting depot they will tell you about the various units; what they do; how they work;- how you! can fit into them. And at the Same time they will tell' you about rates of pay and- family allowances; about free board,, lodging, clothing, medical and dental care; If you plan upon enlisting later. . . don't wAnrr.. ,Jorw nowt Perhaps you are thinking, of enlisting later on . . . later in the Summer ot next Fall1, or . in the Winter . Well;- that's not good; enough. You are needed immediately. Glean up your personal and business affairs at once. Then visit the nearest Recruiting. Depot, and be on your way to' Active Service. THE CALL FOR MEN HAS COME - IF YOU ARE YOUNG AND STRONG, YOU SHOULD ENLIST. A R MY D AY - S AT.. J UN 28th Army units in camp in all parts of Canada will hold open house to the citizens on Saturday, June 28th. The public is warmly invited to visit the camps to see what army camp life is like and to observe demonstrations of military activity. Railways and bus lines are arranging special excursion trips for those who cannot travel by private automobile. The whole family is invited. DEDICATION DAY UNDAY, JUNE 29th Churches throughout all Canada will conduct special services on Sunday, June 29th ... for the purpose of dedicating anew the hearts and spirits of the Canadian people to the Crusade against the bestiality and paganism of the Nazi machine ... All Canadians are urged to attend church on Dedication Sunday to hear our spiritual leaders declare the solemn duties and responsibilities of these times. Apply to Nearest DISTRICT RECRUITING OFFICE Area Headquarters, Federal Huilding DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA il HI