gays | 10 myself, bays | Tho News ie the pi gaye | aper to buy _ 7 i ‘DAILY NEWS [- oF ormerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For South ..” Wednesday, 9 p.m. | a: eel Il, NO. 102 —————— RT RECOGNIZED AS FUTURE WH PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1912. eee Price Five CENTS r ———— COUNCIL MAY COMPROMISE WITH CONTRACTOR M’MORDIE mR. m'MORDIE WOULD ACCEPT $10,000 IN FULL OF CLAIMS sale the Atlin | Construction Co —COUNCIL DICKERS OVER AMOUNT AND FINALLY AGREES TO OFFER $8,500—WHAT ABCUT WATSON? TO BUILD SHEDS VALUE OF A LEG ———— APPOINTS PARKS BOARD VICTIM OF BLASTING MISHAP Atlin Construction Co. Plans) Twenty Thousan’ Awarded by a ‘City Gounci!l’s Special Meetings Large Order for Sheds and Vancouver Jury. | This Week. wher ne — ON CITY WATER WORKS TRENCH Special to Daily News.) | At 4 p. m. on Wednesday or the new cannery at Tuck's] Vancouver, April 30—A ver-| special meeting of the Council ———— + —___—— | dict of $20,000 in favor of the! will be held to consider the ap-| COUNCIL DISPOSED TO DEAL CONSIDERATELY WITH CASE OF has just let the lumber contract] plaintiff was rendered by the spe-| pointment of a parks commis- ERNEST MAYNARD, SERIOUSLY INJURED SOME TIME AGO to the Westholme Lumber Com-|cial jury in the case of Axel Gus-| sion. The Gouncil visits the cold —GRANT OF MONEY MADE-.-INSURANCE QUESTION. |pany, for sheds and warehouse.| tav erainst J. R. Jones. Jones| storage at Seal Gove at 2 p. m eS ee, The warehouse will be 200 feet| has a logging camp zi Evan's|on Friday. Ernest Maynard, the victim of|iee to have the men employed on long, by 100 feet wide | Bay Reid Island Gustavson | —$$__— the blasting accident some time| Sewers and water works included ce |was employed at a “chaser” and| Comfortable newly furnished | ago on the pipe line work near in the covering contract. The Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | we as injured by a log rolling on|rooms, steam heated, hot and | cua) Cove, is not yet recovered rate of $6.40 per vent of pay roll Phone 4. him. He lost a leg. cold water. Albert Block. m1|" — praia Ger : seemed to the Finance committee | }and is in need of support. The! prohibitive, and these workmen GE. A Pe ae oh | Mayor has authorized the grant-| were not ineluded, The city is ling of the sum of $40 to him/jliable. The man is practically [meantime to meet his present} incapable in his present condi- jneeds pending his progress to-| tion and the Mayor's action in }ward recovery, when if is ex-|arranging that he shall receive | pected suilable permanent @m-|sick pay at the rate of $10 per | ployme nt may be found for him! week is approved. about the city works. | The unfortunate man has a Through a peculiarity of the| wife and one child who were de- j} insurance policy covering city| pendent on him before his acci- pth ee | employees this man was not cov-|dent. The Mayor asked whether ber |ered. Several aldermen enquired! in the event of the medical about this and the city clerk ex-|health officer reporting no im- Financial Circles Are Now Calealatitig Closely on the Effect Upon) po tins the conmecr casts. ceouamaat teasmeeannn com jing the ageney for this liability} should be continued. To _ this the Money Markets of the Adoption of the Westward Way | insurance had endeavored by ap-|the Council seemed favorable LW Patmore, solicitor eee die on these terms they had bet- « p. MeMordie, has intimated his|/ter settle with Watson, too, on willingness accept the sum of| similar terms, ‘This did not ap- oP 000 call the MeMordie| peal to the finance minister, but quit of. This to inelude liqui-|he suggested that the Council dated damages and all claims.| might compromise with MeMordie The city solicitor’s estimate of} for $8,000, the amount due is $6,941.55, in- Mayor Newton's own personal cluding allowance for old lumber. view of it was that if the city Yesterday afternoon the Mayor} could settle for $9,000 they would and city solicitor met Mr. Pat-| be getting a satisfactory deal and yore and Mr. MeMordie and en-| might be wise in so doing. ia y get them to meet the Alderman Clayton, as an ty for a jower sum, but withoul| amendment to Alderman Doug- va \iderman Morrissey made] tas’ motion—-there being no sec ' I as ght’s council| onder to Alderman Morrissey’'s 3 g th h sum of $10,000} moved that a cormpromise be ef- he paid tlement of the Mc- fected for $8,500, This motion} Muordie n full was carried, Af s explanatory mat- ere the tor said that in| Suits, dresses, coat collars, | he Council was} millinery, hats, trimmings and are with oveities, at Mrs. Frizzell’s. tf WAITING FOR MceMer- | TREHERNE FIRE SWEPT With the Wealth of Canada’s Wide Wheat-Fields--- Prince Rupert’s Place Acknowledged Supreme } | proaching the Finance commit-| pending other arvangements. | THE RAILWAY FIRE SWEPT FUR STORE The day of the wheat elevator f least resistance for the; season of lake navigation at any Hundred Thousand Dollars’ Loss , pass eet nian sea : “| $10,000 Worth Destroyed in Few era Prince Rupert is the} Whea and when the wheat/rate, Doubtless, it will be som Minutes in Vancouver THEIR DEAD ROTSt ANE Mee BEN Mages | f tk g1 \ Prine comes to the west for shipment) littl while before the shipping COMMISSION — dream oO le progressive rince | a by sea it will be principally by} community finally delineates the} e iter ™ ate ‘ . n, stan ; ‘ : : Special to Daily News.) Special to Daily News. Rupert citizen, whether he be a) vo. or the open door provided confines of the territory which} 4 oe anal a6 ie Se o¢ Al ee ance fd Shu a Winnipeg, April 29 One id real estate inan or whether he be! gop it in Prince Rupert. The im-| will then be subject to the Lake} which swept through the Burn-|Sittings Resumed at Toronto Dreary Vigil Kept at Halifax of the main business street of merchant With the linking UP) wheat begins to pour westwards} Superior ports and of the terri-| stein Fur Gompany on Granville Judge Mabee Taken Suddenly During Delayed Return Voyage! Treherne, Manitoba, has been de-) 4 the Grand Trunk Pacific steel js well brought out in financial | tory subject to the big ports on ; ee casas 5 of the Mackay Bennett, Morgue sitroyed by fire and the fire is i tely I | street this aflernoon left $10,000 ill and Removed to Mospital— strove ’ i ui t the east. it is absol e cer- “cles ¢ “Ase the Pae * coast. | p Shi ; tail ay whose (Only a bucket =e ae ea Ap eeeteee etn iil Fo ircles at present he Pacific coast | worth of damage in its train, For Expect Appendicitis Operation. 4 ty : tain that there will be the be- In the east, as well as in the Were it not for the Rocky} not more than fifteen or twenty | rd brigade is availabe to fight the) pinnings of a steady stream of 5 ; ‘ritor iia -the fire ware ipue Special to Daily News.) Special to Daily News. flames The loss is a hundred| .yeat commencing with the tin-| ¥@5! 88y¥8 Canadian Finance, cer-| Mountains the territory upon} minutes did the fire rage, bu m' _ (Special to ally 8. ; T i thous i dollars, principally to|;..)- ; a teeniie ‘ je) tain of the financial interests| which Vancouver and Prince Ru-| that short time the whole of the Toronto, April 30.—The Do- : Ap om” Pe Oey ao : ee iest of trickles along that double stock was destroyed. |} minion Railway Commission bes lav for many] retail stores. track of, and inereasing sea-| have begun to discuss’ the} pert would draw, might extend| we } elk ilk ittin é ain: Afie: i ui uv ’ oe aes We eee en ee ae ; opene Bi 5 4B ! sat an ooo son by season to a perfect river| changes that will be effected} much farther east. In the cas | eas a pa ai care Ot ee eed g mn gre ll to be stor-| when wheat from Alberta and|of the existing line of rai wag Pear ere Sean be lh the bodies of of golden grain. All to | : | tion. One ss the adjourned ; ; sea rily Ae Hie ed and shipped in Prince Rupert.| part of Saskatchewan begins to which goes entirely through to| ly earing of the application Of tne Beret a ; Vancouver, too, has her eye on| find its way in volume to Europe} the coast, the large expenditure | , iti 7 hey became aware ‘that an- ’ a ; : Lands department of British Co- ; e the the elevator business, and Van- ia the Pacific That is one ofjon fuel required to fight the i fea en way fohemritaabin th 5 st pass before the . couver may have her share of it,’ the developments which the pros-/ grades encountered in the moun- Se = oe - ca —— - mas eee , is far as Prince Rupert is con-{ pee.ive opening of the Panama) tain passes, operates to handicap | | Ope , a ican Ives ieee : © paren i5 Se erned. Closest investigation of| Ganal is expected to effect. So} the western route quite materi- iehask pies Dealt wis lon adia a inuda devine ties a ige from Captaioa : . ’ : = a 1 e J ‘ 3 m ;On adjace i s P 1 Establishment of Safeguard Reg-| 5; poutes to the Pacific coast| far as the grain production of| ally The general public does : ee . ae ; vowld bring ene ulations Might Deter Develop- |. se steadily wards the! Manitoba is mecerned one may perhaps, realize that in the ee. serena ome Bbepr eB 1 rte ss oe oe Pere gs y « )- 3 case affects ‘elg "ates Ps ¥ Ser ment, So Idea Is Postponed - cy of the G.T.P. easiest| expect that will continue to|haul eastward from points in aoe {A Hence ies g weedyicts: ge. Captain Lard- mi ee Supreme a meiliam Port for Carrying of Work in Hand! Port Arthur. It will likely be e . Sl } el 4 Over the} move east t mrt thiam ort aa 3 south of Sable era 1 d ( ea oe jlate in the week before decision ’ a ‘ "2 ites . rt r and ilu ‘ing t lontinued on Page 2. Bs by adding eights ' { -Rpine oth hau f the G.T.P. is the} Arthur and Duluth—durir mt } eee S Indications are that the city|is reached. The widespread ! Lit “ it ye nce » - : . I ize, bul ran no ver a . ' iefinit | has passed through the worst of|shortage of cars and engines is 3] Hupe om Will dnt a : eae ea its financial difficulties, and that | also to be investigated. The Me held thie atientit A yaie ike ‘tnt : funds will be advanced by the} Board ordered that all the rail- “ gs a4 Pe s s O } ten ; of the Attorney | >" et he " peg ae Bank of Montreal to the amount] ways shall submit full ‘reports Gent nded. Hv Hitanuer eed ong nm 2 — i a of $688,000 apportioned as fol-| ot rolling stock available or pros- Murray, A y General Daniels} °U72°° but. he nad - ee ee i Se ee lows: Hydro-electric eddition, | pective, also intended improve- i , that to do so would work a harad- $300,000; PI » plant addition ents States Consul Gen- ‘ Gi WEE 1a EEE ] Ct id d F f G $300,000; Phone plant ade ,| ments. Hagwale The oonference | Shi? on many enterprising prop Canadian Brand of Material Condemned in Favor o OPGRAG oon con: diccinis Mea. mane owners who intended bulit nit 1], “835.000: swer, $4100 1p P decided ¢ ‘ g the procedure : Rn ; oe P d f h : li Hi I] R city hall, &35, :; sewer, & $. Toronto, April 30.—(Later.)— ne solic struct es as soon a ak | ‘ c f id fication if the bodies a t he Sean n the railway ro uct or t e Acropo 1S 1 eservoir 000; local improvements, $167,-|The head of the Railway Com- the eavy bias oO » railways ) : es Ge anna t vn posal of any personal ; and other works is fin Cement proved to be the burt horns He held that price should, the city the lowest priced cement O00, Bylaws have been pa ed} mission, Chairman Mabee, has f) ont "St t i { 0 ‘ O 5 i- ‘ en rove Oo rm ine ) j l I th : | N ipon ‘them. The hed. It appears that the shocl t Gity Council) bel entet! , this calculation at/which came up to requirements.| by the city to authorize carteln | beak removed to St. Michael's shec appears t N 7 5 ac , : 10 | , : eevernme agreed to have an f heavy blasting tends to dis- — uhjeo) a ae _ ill where so much depends on! He sass i trust no consignment! of these advances, notably those Hospital tonight suffering from 0” Ct as . ur ‘iy , . , , | » cer app ed who will take Lugnate the eubstance of oon. meeting last night. Cement may phe cue f the material. Helof cement which he did not test} for the city hall _ telephone and appendicitis. His doctors will rae . mavter, bes i i ture be fire proof in fact, but nothing pinned his faith to German Al-/in bulk as delivered. This made} light extension. These were in-| gecide tomorrow if they are to 1 ‘Le structures, PEELOS —“? . 2 ‘ ., y t 1 : 7 ne he message from aa is proof against the burning} ge ! igainst all rivals,}all cements equai except as to ages Ta tn put: through initial | operate, The sitting of the mi at ship Minia wae pacsived power of city council eloquence.|and even went so far as to|price. siages last night. | commission proceeds under the wwered ER The cement in question is that threate wash his hands of; After some further argument De aes pe chairmanship of Darcy Scott, “Oovered g ind between lati- the em in f the| this whol ranch of the Public} 9 motion was carried in favor of NT a ee ee mes0 and 44:50, longitude required for ee Works department unless the} German Alsen cement as. of- TREASURY SORIP O. K. “etl oe. ‘Thus far only 413 _ HILDITCH servoir on Acropolis Hill, and ‘ement he had reason to believe} fered by the Westholme Lumber =" | ——_—_—— ' ei Steamer passing say Alderman Morrissey’s eloquence; j,. anove a thers were used.| Company Mi | Lt. Gov. in Council Has Author- " ne Shall search south was the most volcanic MO, A burst of applausé hailed his} wt motion had the support ad ized the Issue. al Monde Os rive avis, city engineer, reported alas cuttt ants vcd pa | is molio é ee hope rela pee = oe be| City Engineer Authorized to Make a 4 uncil n the cement ten meee ae m tm are of the Mayor, who expressed siobitbahicandt f 8 i nissing b the Cou 0 f ’ 4 ; , sitter 0) . 1e fi na ne 1B ace| the Third Street Sidewalk Safe, daa ig lita a eeepRiip ae ure Ao Op Gol, Day explained that he) pinself practically enough in| City Council Last Night Had a At the City Couneil meeting ACEDEDB ‘ar 3 ) 3 rs CO . | | as y M;: . J , is from latitude 44:50 to coca i but Council Has Not Done with coptance of the lowest tender had no preference in the Cements} fayor of the very best cement re- Pleasant Little Confabulation| !*5! oan ware ee = Ne iLude 9 Moving Nenstitall Contractor. Alderman Morrissey said that} offered All were bound to come] gardless of any difference of About the Duties and Doings pe — : eS a _ Be f " ie pia —— ; : fice It was bis}merely a few dollars more or| f the Brass Tag Man ank of Montrea s rece ss ts here the Board of Works andj|up to specification a ’ ; ° e Sr 9 . ae ae ie a ae Before any business Was done king ser yr department locked| hounden duty lo recommend Lo} less. ee notification from the Lie utenant rw | aki se iMeering pi | Governor in council to the effect es pening of the CGath-|by the Council last night Mayor! Amongst other matters of ge "that the issue of treasury cer- t | ? ’ . i 2 Hall, Thursday eve ning, May| Newton advised with the ae : ss ie” Blackie dsietie Injured Nose eral but not vital interest which/;iggates for the financing of ic 8 k Admission | on the matter f th ; : 4) .| differed with him. A motion was THE COUN John Pooler local inanager fritlered away the eve rs for Prince Rupert as requested by a harges for refreshments|case. The Mayor holds tha ve a ead uedhnaednel aia (hi ihn leak Babiana ae lo suffered a| lhe eity couneil and kept them in}the Mayor and City Solicitor has and gay -_ ‘ re aS8C t oO Atl) 4 | , sie . * : 7 e Bains 3t |sidewalk on Third street, altered | 1 on. aa oes bees at dha basshall anes. eoseson until midnight and more,|} pen granted. . without authority by the con-} 8!neer lo Mase. the Welk AB pOraken. Nase & , a ee was an interesting discussion of eres lo destroy those ! sak inartoy not safe, despite the| Whether the work is to be A | tice last night. the duties of the dog-catcher. It Red Cedar Fial ‘mot r ws t| _ a or - s . ‘te Carss dis-| Charged to the contractor or not ec ose aay nc ar ur ie al ait ee Public Meeting Called. 6S KOS al 25 cents the} fact that Magistrate UaPss a j}has bee scovere ; Packag _ : , remains to be seen, ; si A public meeting is called for ae , from Orme, the Pioneer| missed the case against art h bee Visit of City Fathers to the Cold | BABY DAUGHTER ARRIVES | Knight of eg ee eo ~~ 8 see ota May 2nd, at the police pst “mit To aitls IB- | keep steadily on the job. He has ae orem tf |Alderman Tom Maitland ine Storage Company's Premises. ROC] Pi ple : 7 a eee l nantly declared that the sidewalk | MORE TRAWLERS FOR GUFSRT - | Cove Planned for| Handsome Home of L. W. Pate! oven been accused of staying out| Court rooms to consider the ad- Best roy lias pete r , aT |, oer in Visited by the back| Visability of holding a celebra- room in town at Savoy. is safer than many othe places Grimsb Friday | more Again site y of town and only hurrying bac 4th yM _—_ London Pannen Se sby) : Bird of Blessing lto Rupert when short of cash to] tion on the 24th of May. ea meres ; rs sp Pe rowen Reapte Going Te lhe Mayor and Gity Council | ’ round up a few more unlicensed : a a I jon d Iwill pay an official visit to the} There is another lusty infan-|bow-wows, and replenish his At Mrs. Frizzell's for every- Cor p t at ) des- | Fi an ‘ Bn . z : PRINC 60 Accord ing o \ ; ont : 0 ie gam oe wel tile vuiee today gathering lung| purse with his 50 per cent, com-|thing in ladies apparrel. Sixth E RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES A patch, ‘ a ae . Pb re | oa n Friday ifternoon Mayor] » ower to ring through the spac-| mission Meantime he keeps all| Street, Empress Block. if neh ‘Ae irs ‘lass noder 0 ite ' , y cance x pene » "eae geo on the Brit-|Newton was invited to make the] ious apartments of L. W. Pat-/the tags, and the licence book so | 7 eens a at 1) lin l Mr. Collins, and remena-j|more’s mansion on the hill. Althat no one can get a dog licence hance Min cal De ea lish Columbia coast, The liveli-|trip by ' a La ; : eae to Hister still fguring it out. | anifested|bering tat the Qold Storage|/wee daughter arrived there this|/in his absence, Arrangements { vis declares that what he most admires aboul the new $] est ree sep ovnes i? in in- |G mii ‘is to be a large cus- | naa rning, and is weleomed with|are to be made so that dog licen- FREE! FREE! FREE! City | { lf ivims it 1 shipping ~ | Gompe " 5 rd ¢ ‘ ee ; an the marvelous Mason work. a oe we iihon of ie Go-|tomer fer water from the «ity i}due honor. L. W. Patmore, who! ces may be obtained at the City : maiy Pert baseball star has a broken nose, but his record re- — r » Mr. W Tin eiete son of/seurces, be thought the Goancil| with some reason, claims to have} Hall, A big beautiful 88 key ~ Nhaot SER ° rs aes is now mak-|micht come along and investi-|quite “a thriving infant indus- —_—_—_—_—— electric player piane, worth ‘ * George our . a oO a I } i £ ; ste on rel wreaths arrive for Prince Rupert amateurs, _ poration: for establish-|gate the proposition with this injiry” on the hill, is being con- For men's fine shoes in the $1,200 given away to the “tS completes arrangements for consigning the Goun- io - lk a trawling centre at| view The Council carried algratulated all round, and the} latest styles see Scott, Froud & poo! layers in the Base- Th; id storage, ing ® “: vb Kt . motion arranging to make the}news that Mrs, Patmore and the) Co., 3rd ave, ment pool room, Empress eV g ringe ipert. olion arre ’ Eotta quit kickin’ our dog catcher aroun | Prince I trip on Friday, Mr Collins send-|litthe one are both in the best EEE TIEN Theatre buliding, ing a launch for them, of health is most acceptable. For a ‘eaiak lunch. Royal Cafe. Mec reces | §ubseribe for the Daily Nows. | *