1 h It : i FAGZ TOUR EYES licence fr N amounts FnB-rne Frames, Ibe Newest in Eye-Wear Phones IS 19 Pard Dor Food 16-oz. tin. 2 for 23c Heinz Tomato KetchupMade from fresh, red-ripe 4 A p tomatoes. 5-oz bot. Llbby's Pork A; Beans Offp wL 15-oz. tin. 3 for Aylmer Plumn oz. Per tin 10c I.B.C. Handy Sodas AlZn 40-oz. wooden box. ea. EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, C lock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving A-N s wl CHAS DODIMEAD jH- I JTM- J Optometrist In Charje ' J J Phone 261 for Appointment Max . Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND 3IERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties P.O. Box 573 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" These specials make up more worth-while savings for you. Don't pass them up. Remember our Cash Coupons for valuable premiums Fry's Breakfast Cocoa --For a nourishing breakfast at a new low price QQo 1-Ib.Un Royal City Peaches Choice quality. 97 p mity 2 tin I.B.C. Honey Graham Wafers IUo 21C Jewel Shortening; FOr all good bakinj. nrn 2 lbs. Hedlund's Cheesit For aand-wiches, omelette and macaroni. 8-oz. tin Libby's Homestyle Pickle 15-oz. bottle 17c Woodbury's Facial Soap Buy three at regular price and get one cake for lc. 4 cakes fdJ B. & K. Rolled premium 48-oz. pkg. Oatj Non- 18c Sweet" Navel Oranges From California. Medium QQn size. Per dozen 3 dozen We Carry a Complete Selection of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES In Season at Reasonable Prices Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones. for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention 85c i ! "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLcod River Hard Coal E'DSON, NANAIMO WELLINGTON, BULKLEV VALLEV ' Office and Coal Bunkers Trotier'g Dock Phone 58 Before Stock Taking Ve Are Selling Off Our Fur Goods at 25 Off We Must Clear Out the Stock Goldbloom The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll rroprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" R'es 75c op 60 Room Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 r.O. Box 1SI' WEDDING AT HOME i Pretty Naptials or Miu Cissy Ann-strong and Bombardier Pirtett ! A pretty wedding was soierncized at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong 514 Cotton Street Rer. E. E. Rrsjp t officiating when Cissie Armstrong was ontted In marriage to Lance Bombardier Frank Parlett. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parlett of Toronto. The rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion with Dink and white streamers. The bride was eiven in mairiaffe by her father. She looked charming in a dress of oowder bhu with small hat of matching color. She was attended by her sister Miss ' Margaret Armstrong, who was also 1 a nrettv cirtnrp fn s 4r nf inrl f r as M . UJ VI 44 J j blue with matching hat The bride !wore a corsage of red carnations land the bridesmaid's was of pink ; uuuiiKKis. ine groomsman was Bombardier H. 3. Jeffries of the ; Second 6earchllght Battery, j During the sighing of the register. Mrs. George Ma dill played "I Love You Truly." The toast to the bride was nro- ' posed by Rev. E. E. Brandt and T5 ! suitably responded to by the groom.. . V V T .1 1 ..... . . I 1 ulci prupoiea me toasx u ! tne bridesmaid which was responded to by the groomsman. The bride and groom received tongratulations and best wishes of their friends under a white wedding belL Later dainty refreshment. were served by the Misses Isa belle Con-1 nery, Evelvn Martlmnn mH imo' i . r ; 1 Armstrong. Aiesaames T. In and S. E. Parker presided at the urns. leiegrapnic coneratulation wre received from the groom's parents.; The bride has lived In Prince Rupert for about twelve years and, un- til the time of her marriage, was, employed by the provincial government In the Forest Branch. The Phones 18 & 19 p.o. Box 55 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 pents or more. It Is too good to pass up. Come in and let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOKE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" CHIROPRACTOR Stanlej W. Cotton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone Bit Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY rnnsn w , "(iotrrnmrnt Liquor Avf . (Section 28) NMU7 of ApplUallon for a lletr I.ICKNCE NOTICE IS HEREBY nVVi ih the lOUi day of February 1941 nxt the uoderslgivqil liOends to apply to the abiuur umiroi uaara lor a licence ln reaqret of premlne toeing part of the ibulkllns known aj th Ynrk HnM M TklJJ . . . .. . ivniue in me CH.jr of Prince tvuprn owween bixui and Seventh BtrcH i upon the land decrlbed at Lfct Nlheteen 119) anrt Twntv ion ni Block Twenty-three (23) In Section One m, jaap rrince Rupert Land BgUitratlon District In the Province of BlitUh Columbia for th. m)A k.... by the glass or by the bottle for con- umpwon on uie pmnloea or elsewhere. DATED thU 4,th clay of January 19. ROBERT CORTLAND MUTCH Applicant. 'OOVKK.YMKXT I KJl OK ACT" (Section 26) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR A CLUB LICENCE Notice Is hereby given tho on the lOUi day of Februarr 1641 n.rt k. undereUmed REX BOWLINQ CLUB LIMITED Intends An unnlv 4 u. Uor Control Board for a Club Licence ln rapeoe oi preml!B ltuat on the ' ' A ,1.1 VI m ner of Third Avenue and Third Street, w im described M LOU 23 and 24, Block 20. BmUnn 1 Of Prinr TLurwrt. PHno tJv r IKiatrMloa District in the Province oi urnum uoatuuuta, to entitle tach member of the aald Club to keep on m . u-viwuac UKSai Li. f ljr (Ji nquor for pemoml cotwumptton on the i"""". hi auooraanco with the pro-visions of the "Government Liquor Act" snd tha Reeulatlm nrnmtiinii4i.n. Under. DATEn' IhU 8th day of January 1941 REX BOWLINO CLUB LIMITED' iy u5, rrizzeii, president. TEX DAILY XX7T3 Wednesday, Janciry is, FAVORITE FLAVOR-IT 'wlfi GOOD COOKS NEW OFFER! Cl Send 15 EOYRIL CUBE wrappers to -BOVPJL". Pork Ave, MONTREAL for FREE BOTTLE of BOVRIL sent you post free. Married Quietly Saturday Night Bride of Erling Grinstrand at Quiet Ceremony CIASSIFIEO FOR. SALE FOR SALE 3-room float house. Cheap. Can be seen at Digby Is- land. (14) FOR SALE Washing machine. Complete with whirl dry. Phone 135. fl3 FOR RENT ROOM for rent. 343 7th Ave. W. LOST (14) FOR RENT Large furnished office Including heat and light. Dally News. tf. LOST New key fold with name plate Inside. Finder please' re-turn to C. C. Mills. Reward. tf LOST Brown leather pocketbook containing cards and money. Reward. D. Stevenson, Nelson Bros. Fisheries. 12 FOUND FOUND Olasses. .Owner can have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad. tf FOUND-, Pair of classes, black frame. May be obtained by paying for advertisement. Dally News (tf) FOUND Wlre-halred Terrier with black and , brown spots. Owner can have same by calling at Shenton Sheet Metal Works and paying for this ad, if PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A, GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno.,: etc. Five Dominion-wide exams held since the war began, Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd.. ..Winnipeg, Oldest In panada. No Agents, I Popular Bride 1 Given Shower Miss Inzrid UaDberg and Mrs. I Thomas MeMeekin Hostesses ' For Mrs. James Irvine I Miss Ingrid HaUbrsg and her sis ter. Mrs. Thomas MsMeekin. were Joint hostesses at a deUghtfol afc-IceQaneeos past-nnttel shower on Saturday nJsht in honor of Mrs James McG. Irvine nee Odny -Sandhaisi wnme marriage took place early in Decern ber. Tbere were about twenty friends present and the evening was spent relaying court whist prise vomer? being Mrs. Clarke McLean. Miss Charlotte Phitlipaon and Mrs. R. Garries. Following the playing of cards delicious refreshments were served by the hostess at a daintily arran ged table centred with a wedding .cake and. tall white tapers. . i The guet-of-honor was presen- groom. who has lived here for the ted ,ilh a beautifullv dressed past three years, is at present a bride with Icon skirt wVhm th. member of the 102nd Heavy Bat- spacious folds of which were many terT- ! lovely and useful gifts for the Forlhe present Mr. and Mrs. Par-. young bride. Mrs. Irvine thanked lett will be residing In Prince Ru- her friends suitably and the even- perk lng came to a close with staging "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" Invited guests were the Misses Ada Brown. Eva S&ndhals. Char- Jlotte Phlllioson. Margaret Hall-jberg, Mrs. K. Hallberg. Mrs. T. Mc-IMeekin. sr.. Mrs. Pat Philllpson. i Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Mrs. Torrvmv Pra- Sarah Chrbtie Simundson Becomes Mrs. R, ser. Webber. Mrs. Hans Underdahl. Mrs. E. Wick. Mrs. R. Garries, Mrs. H. Bergesen. Mrs. Clarke McLean. Mrs. Robert Parker aiarnage oi mucn inieresi to and Mrs. RusseU Cameron, many friends of the contracting mmm couple took place Saturday evening at 7 o'clock when Sarah Christie 'McLachlani Simundson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Simundson, 215 Ninth Avenue East became the bride of Erling Grinstrand. The ceremony took place at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. J. H. Myrwang, First Avenue. Witnesses were Miss Margaret Simundson and Conrad Simundson, sister and brother of .the groom. Following the ceremony some flftv friends cathered for a narfv tn ' c I -rf home of the newlyweds on Lotbin- iere Street. Numerous beautiful gifts were on view. The groom Is well known here as a halibut fisherman. The bride has lived in the city for three years. The couple will have hearty congratulations and best wishes. DA-E'S Dine and Dance at DAVE'S LOOK Bicycles and Wheelgoods of all kinds Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Et, vulcanized at GUNiVS Variety Repairs 6th St. opp. OK Barber Shop FREE EXTRA PANTS This Is the opportunity to buy one of the famous House of llobberlin Suits and get an extra pair of pants absolutely free Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Phone 659 Central Hotel Modern Steam-Heated Rooms, Dining Room, Steam Bath and Housekeeping Apartments Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Ied Sockcye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company wllh an all the year round payroll In rrince Rupert The British Columbia Gazette an- nonces the appointment o! W. D. Vance as police magistrate as well as stipendiary magistrate at Prince ! Rspert The Gazette also announces the appointment of George Lawson of Prince Rupert as a provincial elections commissioner for Prince Rspert district D. C. Scott, well known pioneer confectionery traveler, is here on bis first visit of the year, having, arrived this morning on the Prince Rspert from Vancouver. Mr. Scott BsnaDy makes It a point to be In Prince Rupert on the first Wednesday of each year but this year he waj unable to do so as his wife was seriossly ilL However, she Is now much improved so he was able to, leave. PUTS UP BOWLING CUP Carl Zareili has put up a handsome cup for crmpetition In the was announced today Phone 775 Sill At A Few Other Articles Act Quickly 40, 9 ? Tlif A.;. i r. ..t!:A-J J-.l It .! I. LAST TIMES TOMGIIT ll 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 L j.j, II .u.c mi ana ni GEORGE RAFT IDA LUPINO ANN SHERIDAN HUMPHREY BOGART "THEYDR1VE BY NIGHT" ADDED Canada Carries On "Children From Oversell "Famous Movie Dogs' Cartoon 'Little Blabberitionw' COMING THUR. FRL Madeleine Carroll ln "SAFARI- With Doug Fairbanks Jr, "ui puuiunva or aiipuyca oy tnc Licjuor Control Bosrd or by tnc Government of Brttiik ColumbU MacKenzie's Furniture A GOOD PLACE TO BUV TRADE INS Used Dresser At $6.00 Used Davenport Makes up into a bed. Q( ffft 327 Third Ave. HOT WATER BOTTLES . v ' v; $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Ormes ltd. Pioneer Drux&iats The Kexall Store Phon & Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday! from 12 to 2 p.m, and 7 to t pan. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all. meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT " QQ( tt FromPort Simpson $39.75 P0UU (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver Irom Intermediate points.) -(Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1910 to February 28, 1911 Good to return up to March, 31, 1041 s s cSSf! LeavS Pr!,nce Rupm Ar' Van(um S S . SSL tARDENA Vrfy Everv FrMnv l!30 in.ift P Tltundar m j v.uw ji.ni. jtionflayn.nl.