RUSSIA PLANS FLEET LONDON Minister of Economic Warfare Hugh Dalton wj, gaid today to be Investigating reports that Russia proposes to form a 200-vessel "-reliant fleet t0 carry produce from the Americans to Kussla N desWned for the Reich. i ii ri - All .'Mfc,. NEW YORK. Cnt tiyci, ' Hull, speaking here, declarcu 4 nhere depends upon the speed with vn.. foreign Shipping Warned Away From Roumanian Waters BUCHAREST. January 15 Rou- ttania lssupd that coastal waters of the Black nfneeforth be dangerous to loregn JnlPPlns. All vessels are required lu report to Constantza. 11 LONnnv Kif.vm LONDON, January 15 The Lon- " o-iB pence The New York price State Cordell Vestern States delivers war materials to Great Britain. If Great Briuin were defeated, he said, it would be easy for Germany to cross the Atlantic. Secretary Hull told the United States House of Representatives foreign affairs committee today that "control of the high seas by law-abiding nations is the key to security of the western hemisphere" He appeared as a witness on the Roosevelt bill to aid Great Britain by lending or leasing war materials. AUSTRALIAN CASUALTIES LIGHT CANBERRA Australian casualties in the North African campaign have so far totalled only 296, including seventeen killed, as compared with 91,000 Italians killed or captured. GREEKS GAINING GROUND ATHENS The Greeks are advancing steadily in Albania despite heavy snowstorms and severe cold. Two Italian counter-sttacki have been repelled, the Fascists suffering heavy losses in both leaving dead and wounded behind In their retreat. Greek forces were reported today to have resumed their advance toward Rerati in central Albania after having thrown back the two counter-attacks. SNOW STOPS GERMANS LONDON Snowstorms restricted German air activity and protected the British Isles to large extent from Nazi air raiders today. A lone German bomber visited a northern Scotland town and dropped a bomb, raking the town with machine gun fire. Sixteen bombs were dropped in a marsh on the southeast coast as a few planes came over and attacked at least two villages- The unfavorable weather also prevented Royal Air Force operations against Germany and the Channel coast bases. Last night was quiet, no raids by the enemy reported anywhere in Britain. DAILY WAR COST LONDON The war effort is now costing Great Britain per day, it was announced today. SPIKE RRITISII CAMPAIGN LONDON It is believed the Axis powers are about to make an attempt to spike any British campaign In the Eastern Mediterranean by getting control of the Straits of Sicily, 87 miles wide. An effort will probably be made by Germany and Italy to get air and naval bases on both sides of the Mediterranean. The test last Friday of Nazi and Fascist air strength against the British Navy was taken as an indication of this. IS FORMED NAZI SHIPS DESTROYED Kfffsiarv to Form Another British i Nine Planes of Germans Lost Purchasing Organization In J Raid by Il.A.F. on Catania 1 United States CAIRO. Jan. 15: (CP) Destruc COUNCILS ELECTED',: .. . wi.n,nns. Wank B. Talt. Humphrey Davis, Herbert Pollard. War Tomorrows TTdes News lie High 3:16 a.m. 21.0 ft. Vol. XXX., No! 12. Appear to be Evenly Divided Be tween Favoring and Opposing Siros Report PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? OTTAWA. January 15 The conference is expected to decide today whether sessions shall be held in public or private and, on that issue, there was seen the possibility of the meetin? breakdown. Premier Mitchell Hepburn says the Ontario delegation will not remain it sessions are held in private and, without Ontario, the conference would be of little use. The general conference convened again this morning but adjourned until this afternoon pending a report from the procedure committee. OTTAWA, January 15 Provln- Favoring the report are Premiers John Bracken of Manitoba, W. J.' Patterson of Saskatchewan and T. , A. Campbell of Prince Edward. ( ' Non-committal, are Premiers. J. Adrian! dodbout of Quebec, J. B. ' McNalr of New Brunswick and A. S. MacMlllan of Nova Scotia. Mc- in Nalr's tendency Is to favor the report while, on a showdown. God-bout and MacMlllan might oppose. it. I Fiddling' Says Hepburn Premier M. F. Hepburn was the first of the provincial premiers to; speak yesterday. He declared On-: LONDON. Jan. 15: (CP) The tion of nine airplanes, believed to be tarlo's oDDOsltlon to Implementa- jovtrnment announces that, be- German, In the heavy raid on Cat- tlon oI Ttp0Tt In wartime and, Muse of a great Increase in the anla, Sicily, on Sunday Is reported directed sharp criticism at the re-volume of supplies from North Am-, by Royal Air Force headquarters. A jtseif and at the Dominion' erica, it is setting up a new commit-1 communique said that three hang- government for calling a confer-! tee called the British Supply Coun-lars were set afire and one of them erence now. Transfer of tax-col-1 ell of North America headed by Ar- was demolished. lectlng activities from the provln- thur B. Purvis of Montreal as chair- sistant chairman and other mem bers including Hon. C. D. Howe Canadian Minister of Supply. Sirjy 1 MlTar Cllve Balllleu and Vlce-Admlral A.1 T dlUCh JLiUVYCI , Evans. The headquarters office of the board Is In New York. ROOSEVELT'S PLAIN TALK Replies With Sharp Senator Durton K. i Stock Market List Shows Downward Tendency AH Along Llpe With Turnover J Not Heavy in Vio TV-Ymlnlnn PYWPrttmentS I .41 4 bV . . . - - o " ' IV. as recommended would be an ln-Ivolvcd and confusing process, Premier Hepburn said. Ontario would continue to co-operate with the 'Dominion In the war effort but he 'thought the report was a peace time document. "It Is unthinkaDie that we should be ridcmng wnue London is burning," said Hepburn. Premier J. Adelard Godbout of ' Quebec said the Quebec delegation NEW YORK, January 15 (Cana- had ame t0 the conference as dlan Press) A total of 470.000 ..n!in!1,tans.' tu said that the del- i shares changed hands on the New eatlon.s mmds were not made up Vnrd to YOTk stock exchange witn vaiucs, . but( .,lf Canada is to be happy WhMler showing a downward tendency. The and 5trongi lt w)J1 be through the industrial average at closing was strengtn of au provinces." 132.44, down .81; rails, aown premler Macmiiian of Nova Sco- nftwunuiun u.u., January u and . ,lM1,H uUlltles. 2Q54 down down -President Franklin D. Roosevelt P- replied with sharp words yesterday to a remark of Senator Burton K, Wheeler that Rooseveltian Policies were designed to plow under every fourth American boy. "I regard the remark as most untruthful, dastardly and unpatriotic." declared Roosevelt. "It Is the most rotten thing 'that I can remember having been said in my Public life." .11. Vii nmvlrwi's answer would be "no" it asked for a categorical answer favoring or opposing the 'Commission report but he added tlon should be approached In this way. "We feel we are called here to work out a plan lor tne xuiure ' Lf rnnnda. safeguarding at the i..i stmnsnn. Kitkatla and Aiyansh same time the Interests of lndl Have Annual Polls Ivldual provinces, and to assist us . in our deliberations we have the Native councils In Prince Rupert ,slrois report." agency for the year elected as. follows: Port Simpson V have been Premier McNalr of New Bruns wick said his delegation, did not mncur . with the Commission's . . Ml- I . .. . 4. Vnilf T-iir c ,n rrh er councillor, una ns in respect, w licl n James Lawson. Sam wick claims." He said hb dele-Shes Henry Jacob Morrison, Jameslon "definitely reserved all r ghts t fr, l!i1m In nilPStlon Tipnrv Peter wens, finest. lJU ... wa?d Alfred Price, Joshua McKay, although he would not ask for a ,,,' William R-mn'Mn Sampson. Peter e Ryan. re-opening now. f pier John Bracken "oI Mani- irttctorHnw stnlrt his orovlnce UfaMllPW H I. niei WUiiwuw iw 7 All A W V L. j ruu,i x.-h r-rA nHrwnt.inn of tlie reDort as a JoheDh Onnes, tnwaiu -'"rIT" and s as n a means ,on Tolmle, , u wnfrcd Wilfred J Jackson, a ' Laurence Xf peacetime measure ,,. Wohti!Tlr.ff Canada's maximum I son. . "ui- AlfrPrt Jack ieffort for prosecution of the war. Shaw, Wlinam . - k last spcaker w silver Mice Is unchanged at clllor. ' Aoarn 71 B K . 1t . ' w - ....,i. before luncheon adjournment, rnt ronn-'other provincial premiers being MPMllllUll, .-- - . , L.iuiu . . , . w uaaw tnft n t rrrnnnn sessimi. Premier Opposed Premier T. D. Pattullo of British Kitkatla band of Indians has made a gift of $100 for war purposes In England. This Is to be sent to Ottawa for trans- mission. . MENACE IS LESSENING Aerial Night Attacks' and U-boats' Show Signs of Bfing Over come tions are not lakcingtthat progress Is balng made towards overcoming two cf the most serious menaces clal premiers are divided evenly submarines. Detween opposing ana lavoringthe Mcre and more oI the nignt recommendations of the Rowell- bombers are being Intercepted ! by Slrols- commission now the sub- anti-alrcraft fire "and fishtinz Iject of a Dominion-provincial con- planes though there is a long ference. way to go yet. ' . Opposing the report are Preml- yv., losses ot Shmnlng from ,ers M. P. Hepburn of Ontario. T u.t attack during .recent weeks i iD. Patullo of British Columbia and haVB jn dtamkhln; 1 TODAY'S STOCKS (Caurtey 8. D. Johnwon Co.) VancouverjL .- "H-j- Big Missouri, .04 V2. v Bralorne. 10.10. Cariboo Quart, 2.70. Dentonlo, .01A. Falrvlew, .01g. Gold Belt, .29. Mlnto, .OO'i. Pend Oreille, 1.95. .. Premier, .92. Pioneer, 2.15. Privateer, .59. Reeves Macdonald, .15, Reno, .13A. Relief Arlington, .03. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .86. : Cariboo Hudson. .01 A. Oils A. P. Con., .08Vi. Calmont, .24. C. & E.. 1.40. Home, 2.50. Pacalta, j03Vi. Royal Canadian, .13A. Okalta, .71. Mercury, .04V4. Prairie Royalties, .08. Toronto Aldermac, .15. Beattle, 1.16. Central Pat., 1.90. Cons. Smelters, 38.00V2. East Malartlc, 2.94. Femland, .047-8. Francoeur, .48. Gods Lake, 36&. Hardrock, 1.05. Int. Nickel. 36.00. Kerr Addison, 3.75. Little Long Lac, 2.01. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.25. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.32. Mcdsen Red Lake, .60. Moneta, J3. Noranda, 57.00. Pickle Crow, 2.87. Preston East Dome, 3.35. San Antonio, 2.60. Sherrltt Gordon, .86.-Uchi, .36. Bouscaxilllac, .03. Mosher, .07. Oklend, .082. Nesters Gold, .01 V. Dominion Bridge, 25.00B. John Nicholls returned to the city on h Prtni Pimert thta mnrnlnc NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PREMIERS SPLIT UP IN VIEWS : PRWCERUPEKTrB.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 5, 1941. WAR GIFT OF CHIEF GAMBLE Chief Edward Gamble of the three applications were 'given tt tentlon, evidence being heard. No; decisions were made. mici cuuamcitug tiic vaiiuiu ip- against Great Britain in this war . piicati0ns, the board will make Us cne night aerial raiders; the other, recommendations to Ottawa from ..4-rUjSavoy -Swingers scored" their ec-' '.ond clean sweep victory in a row .by defeating Lucky Strikes three igames to nil hi the Ladles' 'Bow-illnz Leaeue last nteht. Rangers also had a clean sweep win last! nignt. ai tne expcua ui oujicvica and are tied for second place with I Knox Hotel and Big Sisters who won two games to one over Annette's and Blue Birds respectively. (High average scorer last night was I Lillian Croxford of Savoy Swlng-i ers with 208. ) i French Officers : jln Huddle With (Two Dictators . BERLIN, January 15 Official .quarters Mvivva' nere proiess r- to - snu uum Bulletins CHARGED WITH MURDER Low -jAPPEALS Three Premiers Seventy Applications Are Before Itral Rnaril for Consideration I Seventy applications for rent te-vlsions have so far been placed before the local federal rentals board consisting of Judge W. E. Fisher, O. P. Tinker and Thomas Elliott with Mrs. P. M. Ray as secretary. Sixty of these applications are from ten LONDON Trof. Arthur Lloyd where the final rulings will eman-' James, eminent linguist and ad- ! ate. SAVOYS ARE GOING WELL Score Second Straight Clean Sweep Victory in Ladies' Bowling League viser to the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Royal Air Force, has been arraigned in Hampstcad police court charged with the murder of his wife who was found dead of stab wounds. James is said to have told the police that he believed his pow- j ers were failing and he killed his wife In order to save her from a bleak future. Mrs. James was an accomplished violinist better .known as Elsie James, her maiden name. LIVING STANDARD DOWN TOKYO A Japanese economic expert, writing in a Tokyo newspaper, said today that the Japanese living standard had been reduced forty percent since the war with China started and it would soon have to be cut fifty percent. NEW JUSTICE NAMED EDMONTON George B. O'Connor K.C. of Edmonton has been appointed to the Alberta Supreme Court bench, succeeding Mr. Justice A. S. Ewing who is elevated to the Appeal Court Division in succession to the late Mr. Justice A. A. McGillivray. LAGUAKDIA AS AMBASSADOR il NEW ti M YORK X VMVIY- Asked Xiancu today uaj whe- naiv in? Of a secret meeting of Chan- ,h h mi(?ht be annointed Unl cellor Adolf Hitler of Germany and , . s . ambassador to Great Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy i Brltain( Mayor Fiorella LaGuar-with a French general and French. dia ,d .., have cow boy iegs conference, it Is said, has to do. with the campaign against the QriHcVi n tVi ffv1itArrnnfan. k AIM FOR I CONTROL Royal Air Force Working Toward Completion . Domination of North 'African Skies CAIRO. January 15 While the sle:;e of Tobruk proceeds, the Royal Air Force near eastern command, directed by Air Marshal I Raymond Colllshaw, a Canadian, ts preparing its campaign to completely dominate the air over the whole of Libya. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was In special business session at to day's luncheon to consider ways and means of promoting the campaign It Is instituting among all Gyro clubs of Canada and the United after spending the Christmas and states wim a view w mums New Year holiday season In Van-1 to purchase a Spitfire plane for the couver and Victoria. His parents, .British war effort. Col. and Mrs. J. W. Nicholls, and! sister, Miss Patricia Nicholls. will) uioi uanson, jvi.r. aor oeaa, be returning later, Columbia believed the changes as recommended In the report would work Injury upon both Dominion and provinces. turnea to mo ciiy on ine runte Rupert this morning after having spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season in Vancouver. Mrs. Hanson, who has been 111 with a touch of pneumonia, will be return lng north later. and very I don't think I would look good at the Court of St. James in tight velvet pants and buckled pumps. ATLANTIC SPEED RECORD LONDON Flying an American-built bomber for delivery to the Royal Air Force, Capt. Pat Eve has set a new record for trans-Atlantic flying. He had breakfast in Newfoundland and tea in England. He Is believed to have made the 2200 miles in about seven hours. Recently Capt. Allan Andrew made a record almost as good. NEW SHIP CONTRACTS 15:10 pjn. 21.7 ft. 9:16 am. S.0 ft. 21:44 p-m. 2.6 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Parley Is Blowing Up Rcf use ON RENT;To Sit Ottawa On Conference Committee Hope of Reaching Agreement on Recommendations of Rowell-Sirois Commission Are Abandoned Today OTTAWA. January 15: ("CP HoDe of reaching ants complaining of increases in aj?reement on adoption of recommendations of the.Rowell-XJ!ZX$Z Sirois commission were abandoned today when, in the face ing authority to increase rents.' " determined opposition from three provinces, Prime Pending rulings being made, the ( Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King told the Domin- . . i i i i x ' 1 J! 1.1 !. J Doara uas msirucueu tenants now ion-provinciai conierence mat mere was no puna m Ito pay higher rents than those pre vailing January 2, 1940, t i The first session of the board was LONDON. Jrnuary-15, Jndlca-'held at the end of the week when, ting up committees for that purpose. The names of the three provinces were not given but It is presumed they are Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. Three Premiers, it was disclosed, had refused to sit on committees. CASUALTIES WERELIGHT Death Toll at Plymouth as Result of Raid Not as Great as At First Feared LONDON, January 15 (Canadian Press) Although Plymouth was singled out for, the Nazi raids on Monday night and more than one hundred thousand Incendiary mls slles ad many tofns of high explosives were dropped, casualties were remarkably light. Several fires In one section of the port raged for hours. Last night there were no Nazi air raids on any part of Britain owing to unfavorable weather. AIR FORCE IS ACTIVE Lorient and Dunkerque Were Monday Night's Objectives in Spite i of Bad Weather LONDON, January 15 (Canadian Press) British bombers defied bad weather Monday night to blast the Nazi submarine base at Lorient and the Dunkerque area of the Ger-man-heM French coast, the Air Ministry announced. Last night unfavorable weather prevented the Royal Air Force from visiting. Germany or channel bases but British planes did get through to Norway. At Stavanger there were two direct hits on a 171 V ! i - SUBVERSION OF HONG KONG LieVcll TaSClbl HONG KONG Police here are ni i making a drive on subversive el- (jCIieralS 1 iiWl ements and, in future, all im- i migrants must have permits. There is a large Japanese sympathizing element here. Italian Army Heads Fall Into I Hands of British in Libyan I " Campaign 1 CAIRO, January 15 Eleven Italian generals have so far been captured In the Libyan campaign. Another was captured yesterday. He was General Francisco Argentlno, who was in charge at Sidl Baran-nl. Two patrols picked him up from his hiding place. General "Old Electric Whiskers" Berganzall Is now sought. CIUCOGA WHEAT CHICAGO. January 15 Wheat prices were Vzc. higher to c. low er on the Chicago market yester- OTTAWA Contracts have been 'day. May closed at 87V4C, let to Atlantic Coast shipyards for six large freighters for the British government. They will cost $10,000,000. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Fresh to strong NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, January 15 Copper was unchanged on the New York metal market yesterday with May closing at 11.15c. per pound. POUND STERLING NEW YORK, January 15 The northeast winds, shifting to north, J British pound sterling. Is; quoted at becoming colder with occasional $4.03 Vz on the Nel? York foreign rain or part sleet. . j exchange market .mfl; !