PAGE TWO Step Into Style With ARTT SHOES Do you share with many the habit of cataloging people Jby the appearance of their footwear? We can think of no better way to spruce up for early fall than to buy a pair of Hartt's Shoes. Exclusive at Family shoe store ltD. The ITome of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince 'Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue 11. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion , Rather Unnecessary .25 .02 SUBSCRIPTION .RATES ; Subscription Rates In" City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 60c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ;. Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations MEMBER Or THE CANADIATt PKEHB Tht QiiKll,n Preaa U exclualvel entltlej to lue Tor republication of &n n etrv-Xchf rttatua to It or to th Acaocl&ted Ptem la thla p&ptr and klao the loci wi publlabed tbereln. All rKthta of repubUcatton of special dmrjaXohea therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Shipyard Management Monday, August 25, 1941. There will be general regret that G. A. MacMillan has decided that, although accepting the position of general manager of the Prince Rupert shipyard and dry dock, he does not think it advisable to move to Prince Rupert and exercise direct supervision over the local shipbuilding activities instead of supervising from Vancouver. He is supposed to know his own business best and it will be up to him now to prove to the railway company and the people of the country that h? can do it m th way he plans. In carrying out this work he will have the full support of this paper if it can,in any way help. All we wish to haveis the best possible management producing the best possible results. Most Prince Rupert people are anxious that the present work shall be so successful that, it will fully meet tire war emergency and the plant will continue to function-as a going concern. We doubt if the Vancouver of Victoria shipyards could be successfully managed from Prince Rupert and we still feel doubtful that best results can be obtained from the present set-up here. As we have said before, this shipyard is the property of the people of Canada. As owners of the plant we all have a right to be critical and we shall not hesitate to express our opinion if we consider that good results are not being obtained. We look on it as a public duty. The display of displeasure at the presence of Prime Minister Mackenzie King at the Canadian Corps field day last week was rathe? unfortunate as it might be miscon-trued in England. In this country it is customary to reserve displays of this kind for political gatherings. Just -now Mr. Mackenzie King is representing Canada and not the Liberal party. As Prime Minister he is entitled to respect. Presumably the soldiers have disagreed with the policy of the government, possibly in the matter of conscription. There also have been criticisms of the manner in which supplies have been provided. The men are quite entitled to criticize the Prime Minister in regard,to any of these matters. It may be difficult to find an oppSrtunity to give vent to their feelings so they chose the only one available and in that they could not be blamed. All we suggest is that such a display at such a time was rather unfortunate. If you:have eometlung to ell, a classified advertisement in this paper wilUoon let j'ou know if there is' a buyer in the city. . . BASEBALL IS PLAYED Searchlights Win Over Commodores Dry Dock Takes Scottish In yesterday's baseball game at Acropolis, Searchlights provided an upset by defeating Commodores five to four. In the second game iha T"Wt T"-Vi- V y i Onr on the field. JUST BACK FROM IRAN James P. Hartley Is Interesting Visitor To City An interesting visitor ln the city Is James P. Hartley who arrived on the Snow Prince yesterday morning from Alifqrd Bay where he is paying a visit with his bro ther Bill Hartley who is engaged in construction worK mere. Mr. Hartley has just recently re-, turned from Persia (Iran) and) the East where he spent the lastj tnree years. nis return ne new 'from the Persian Gulf to Australia t and came by boat from there to San Francisco, making several stops on the way. One of them Included a three day visit at Tahiti. i Mr. Hartley has many interesting stories to tell of his visits. He will be returning to Aliford Bay today where he will spend another ,week and then sail on the Camo-Isun next Friday for his home ln I the south. BUDDHIST STRONGHOLD Thailand has about 17,000 Buddhist temples. Today in Sports AIR FORCE j WINS CUP Baseball Scores SATURDAY National League St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 4. Chicago 7, Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 7, Boston 2. Pittsburg 3-4, New York .5-3. American League Philadelphia 1, St. Louis 6 New York 7, Cleveland 2. Boston 0, Chicago 3. SUNDAY National League St. Louis 7-2, Brooklyn 3-3. Cincinnati 13-6. New York 9-4 Chicago 5-6. Philadelphia 8-7. Pittsburg 3-7. Boston 4-3. American League Boston 3-2. Cleveland 4-5. Washington 3, St. Louis 4 lnnlnes). Philadelphia 4. Detroit 7. New York 5-8, Chicago 1-5. Hitting GO. 70 or' 80 is only a passing and. oftentimes dangerous thrilL And it' wasteful of gas at a time when this precious fuel is. so urgently needed for our Fightint, Forces. So forget fast driving: honour your 5050 Pledge instead. Walk more; drive lesis and drive slower, even on the open road: a steady 40 gets you there and gives you more miles per gallon. REMEMBER: The slower yon drive, the more you sutel Challenge SPORT CHAT comparative youngster In top flight tennis who has already won tne 8-8. Wateh of the winners knocked f1 'been chauXn where time and Batteries: o v . teams ai at a a "iccuus meetine out 3-bnPe-Pr senrlns? uUl, a a o-uaggcr. xvmis, nnP one nm run : TVTFnfFnlATF I 1VF.I1P finest ,(vu records ln 1,1 women's tenrris ... .. . . . " : tnfnHnn to h MmI Kv ginning wmcn was me oesi learn to osers outnit tne winners " EJgJit Umes In 11 years she has .. .. . been en double. doubles oouoies enaninlnn cnampion, onip onpp with with .. .:. , . .Bettv Nuthail thr timp in . .. ... .... . n i n pp q nn nnni norn a win ra or.i -F - with 1 3- aearcnugnis-ierru ana uoui- wmcn DroKe tne deadlock 4-3 ar- " " - Helen Jacobs and four times with so"- .te'beingtied3-3 Alice Marble. And she has won Scottish Cann and Bailey. j Batteries: Dry Docks Warne? and Bury. Air Force Riley and Broune. .... ... ji. ) n i. r ' M coainpiooshlps abroad, too. For several years now sports writers eliminating one youthful threat after .another to reach the finals pifvtv imrc w?v ana ijhu. oo, aespue tne Americans l.?.cl.tha she has a top own more automobiles . than bath tubs. imgmer ior a decade and a half, jsne may wen stroke her way to the ;' crown now that the apparently unoeatable Miss Marble Is out. .Miss Betz appears best among the , so-called newcomers. She mav. I have too much power and stamina! If Alice Marble could designate ,t0T 11133 Jeobs, although an at- j her successor as queen of the tack conc"rated on her none- courts there's no doubt tout that J;00-81-011? forehand mlRht upset she'd select pretty little Sarah Pal- Pfr- three aPJar to be the , frev Cooke. Sarah h h.n h.r t bets, although a surprise win-i Washington 5, Detroit 6 (ten in-ckse companion and doubles part-Jnr mlght come from 8ond Hel-nlnSs)- 'ner for years. The Dalr won the'Cn B!rnh&nd, Virginia Wolfenden U. S. doubles chamDlonshin in" Xycs- Pat Canning, Dorothy May 1937-38-39-40. Miss Marble held'rundy or Ixmlse Brouh- the U. S. Singles championship. since 1938. Having gone profes- NON-MARTIAL INDIA sional she Is out of the national BOMBAY, August 25: C i a contest this year. And, although ' .closer relation of "India's so-. Alice can't tan her choice, mmi called non-martial raws" tennls enthusiasts figure that Sor-I military services, the old Madras aw u m bouu a 'Dei as any oi tne guieiK, aisoanaea 15 years ago, other contenders in the national J singles . tournament starting At (ten 'Forest Hills, New York, August 30. Sarah's chief rivals as usual Is, to be restored and recruited lm-1 medintplv Iwlll hi i ?viii. nf rotKnmi.u.. 1 lOffers Will be received nn tn Ran W 'J i the'.rouo .her in the 1934 and im finoi Ont reuUs.with a classified ad. land who' held the -tin rrm 1010 jln the Daily News. (tf) through. 1935. 2. Pauline Betz, ja , i?IaSf H?Ms generally known as The Red Reef" nenr m.vri n n (Portland Canal), more particularly xnown, as Lot 1390 "Red Peer Frac-HfS' :r,Lot 1405' Reer NO. 1; Lot 1406 Red Reef No. 2; Lot 1407, Red Reef No. 3 ; and 1408f Red ReeJ No. . Also Surface Rights as registered under Certificate of Ti tle 28707-1. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. J,Cn; fldg?an a.nd R- H. Wilson uuoiuugnton si., victoria. B.C. (Executors iof II. E. Newton) UMl R;iTBy ACT NOTICR j Re: OerUficata of Title No. 34835-1 to ItUQck, one Two (2), Thre (8) jFour rw (8). 8U (fl , sevl 7 Part .of www jot to frant w rroftt Block. A" -C" anrf -?l - .V 1817. -"V WHEREAS aiHras,- . . . - , jjitjux m ions ?. JPL CIK of TRle to. RTfir .?e 0rw Trunk mta In this office, notice to hereby given ithut I than t k- .fl..1'culL nTm-V ir"' 138118 Provisional c umue vo me in writ- DATED t the Und nlatnr Office, ' "m aay W Ji'iy. I8i. A. THOMPSON. Deputy neyistmr of Tltlea. SWEDEN'S CO.OPERATIOX STOCKHOLM A, ,..... national Indoor and clay court proposals of the Swedish vL 1 -championships. to exrhange British -.. Ch invaua prisoners of Uar v"" From a singles competitive stand- have been rejected or ab-rd point Sarah reached her peak when for the present but )), 3 c sa dxov into th final round in pressing a pkn to r-uj-ry 1934 and 1935. But many experts mall and by air ... U i insist she is playing better tennis Prison camps. tish into camp to the tune of Defeated Canadian Scottish T t"1S Canadian scotusa ao, hLOd grif)t mQrt poWej d more ti.- t i.- would like to issue through tnj(. vjir I In the first to one run by Search- ine ura uentre uarnivai son- . - ,,., . 4V, rM, lights but the lads from the forts ball cup was won by the Royal :J,"'jrB came back strong In the second toCanadlan Air Force yesterday. In T ihaSenSe arae Is to be now than ever before. They attrl The Grotto softball team, current ner Oe-found success to ' champions of the Men's City changes she has made in 'hjM x-eagne, aitnougn aeieatea oy a game. These Include a new fore-II seven mj one. j c ovuuau nuyuj . . ... ...... . (wjiu, vu. -v- Commodores brought in two runsj 11"-- : vT . V 7 . Jfitrt arop sI10t and lncreasea confidence aggressiveness 1 of a few months, the former ama-. . .. T-1 1 I. , 1 , 1 iuic ate ciwuuu ouv&e, u3 leipeu if strengthen her game with hours J v,trH onH f,,f tv, .v., ... , a,Za Pyed according to regulation rules o tutorln? this summer shf. hn Searchlights were never headed. Canadian Scottish by a score .of 7 h! T L h 12 on three blg nvJtation tourna- Commodores tried hard all the way to 3. It was a very interesting ?T f? ff tv o'ments In row thls year' ang, to overcome the lead, particularly game all the way through. There l'0, a,nyffn J 1. cf'Helen Jacobs in the nnaJs r one'' " " In the last inning, but the Search- was also the largest crowd ever 7, T lost her first contest with! lights' fielding was too odd for seen at he Gyro Park this year. JKm Liy n wh V,- " Paullne BeU iUss Bet2 whipped J them and they were unable to Pollard started on the mound 'S . 1 ln e tltle round of the a" score. for the Scottish but seemingly he I resardins Eastern Grass Court tournament. j Scottish were not playing their rould not get .going and had to be' ' . . ,1 usual game with Dry Dock and reolaced in-the second Inning by fi. jL,h authored one pf the I there was no -doubt from the be- Mcintosh u-hn finishorf thp cmo .Played in aid of some charitable ... . ,. resptcth, J. H. BULGER Optometrist ( i Crescent I Shows Prince Rupert I 1 Watts & Nickerson line-up for have been that the veran mmmm4 "euu'c auu naitiiiora were um- uanaanan scottlfn Polland, Mc- " " V T t Miss Jacobs has oassed her nrime pires and Al Shipp of the Y. M. C. Irtosh, Grace. 'v?8 bAseball Intermedtlat and haSt Zdan! stamlnl against Co-Operative f f!!andstnm,na A. kept score. : UmDires-ThomdikP nnrf Ram. to hh o. fNii,. d..,i, n nki. contend with the youncer cron. rii . . .. . iBut she has hnntnunAA Diom Kv i a iu. T,.i , am, nicn. Lone. Moniesano. Fauns . .7 . j oiici me piunc Morgan . . ' i . A. ' 'li nrccpntPrf tn fhfl Mntnlr. f tv.!"1"'" oisaonneue. I vu V- WMVMt j Iwinnim? team the Carnival Softball din which was received by Mr. Walsh. : Aug. 28 Sept. 2 j Rojral Hank lildj. Fresh iocal Haw anil Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOMK" Rates 75c npp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Walei Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 I'.O. Box I Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Koomi Hot Water Steam Bathi Dining Room In Connection Airs. C. E. Black, rroprletrta SAVOY HOTEL Car). Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 5 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert For Your Costume Jeweller at Reasonable Prices Go to the Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Kfd A.MacKenzie Furniture Ltd.; A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Chancellor Studio Couch Makes Into a full sized bed and wl bedding compartment. flIO A Special .327 Third Avenue phone When Yon Want a ItelUble, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 M Hour Service at Regular Katei