Expert OPTICAL SERVICE SCRUTINY OF LEGS Sllkless Age Means General Interest in One's Lower Limbs By BETTY CLARKE Associated Press Stair Writer NEW YORK, August 25: (AP) Looking at legs seemed to be a man's prerogative until the silk stocking. scare. Now everyone, will be looking at , female leggs. The girls better, too. If silk stockings of sheer-as-sllk CHAS. OODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER : JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT is still a thing for you to do if y want your legs considered chic. Make, 'Em a Study "If you think your legs could be smaller and smarter, study them In your full-length mirror. Get out your tape measure and compare your own Inches with those suggested as standard. Make a chart before you begin cither massage or exercising. Record weekly the measurements for your thigh, knee, calf and ankle. Then you can see if you are taking your exercise correctly enough, long enough and regularly enough. Otherwise why kid your-r self into thinking you benefit from pinching, bending or bumping? "Whether your legs seem thick or substitutes -get plentiful again one thm you can lmprove them by lm cenainiy won . wura ouc ;provlng Jt)ur posture: A simple ' went in for leg-art lessons. clieck u to back,p to a wall. If . "No ankle should be over ejht - jhouWerS( hlpS ciUves an(j inches around," says Ann Delafleld. hJe touch the wall, you are doing director of a New York beauty itty wel, If hey dont set-your-school. She .explains: self the da,iy task of trying. to make : , "A perfect 34 girl, 5 feet 5 Inches do ,t, It M amounti to an tall, has legs like this: thigh, 20'2 , cxercise well worth thc.cffort, . lncnes; Knee, J3'j irjcnes;,cau, izy2 inches; ankle, 7 V2 inches; ': "A perfect 36' who ls5 feet 7 inches tall can add either a half or a , whole" inch tq thigh, knee and calf "measurements, but should have only an 8:inch ankle! Daily intention I I ; "You can do your legs a dally -good turn as simply as this; Be Halibut Sales American Atlas, 6,000, Booth, 12!3c and l'le. Leviathan, 37,000, Royal, 12.' and lie Susan, 3600... Pacific, 12.4c and sure your shoes are long enough and He; ; .the heels for walking not too high; Excel, 24,000 Storage, :i2.3c' and ;'.Use-a brush to scrub both your lie. '! knees and' heels" whether you think Glacier, li,500," Storage', 12.76 and they need It or not. Remember, ' ". ;-care of the legs and feet calls fori Canadian , .' a lot of things; of which none are I Rosntt, J 1,000.. Storage' : J2.8t iiiujc nupuiuuii, wian suap aim ana HiCi -- : ;'wa'ter. ' Tramp, 2i',000, Atlin,' ,13c and , "Rub a little greaseless lotion or. 11.3c. ,",'.;; 11 ream over youf tentire leg but par'4 1 Vera Beatrice 7,000'' Atlin, IZAc ticularly into your knees, heelsand; and ,11.2c! . v , r'-. ' bottom of your" feet after the! ' ' ;', ;, ;.T.;:; VJl' ' - scrubbing. , . Do some sort of magician act1 weekly to whisk away hairs. Maybe you. think the glamor girls of mo- ing pictures and model fame have, been over-emphasizing this, but it GROWN UP . Population .of. -New France now yueDec, wnen tne nrst. .census was taken In 1.666 was 3,215 now it's 3.752.0OQ plus. Trade In Your Old Furniture Hqlp to Pay the New Durinp; August Furniture Sale! SALE VALUES AT ELIOS 4-pc. Bedroom Suite ....... . $79.00 2-pc. Bed-Davenport Suite $81,50 6-pc. Dinette, Walnut Finish $79.00 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours irom 8:30' a.m. to 5:30 p.m. . BUILD A HOME Like This Get Prices of Materials From -Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and ail Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL ,..y .not lay ln a stock ot 0011 now to the winter PHONE 116 pU0NE u, ,,, . i Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. F.SX. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calUnr at Ocean Falls Tralins lcave Prince 'Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m, P,S.T Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.3.T. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars , , For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave. Phone 260, Prince Rupert " ' . , Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ' " To Nazi Europe MESSAGE OF HOPE VIA AIR British Radio Carries Propaganda To Thousands In Occupied Countries By Douglas Amaron Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, August 25: C; Britain, waiting for the time when she can come to direct blows with Opr- many, is wag ing a war of propa ganda designed to en- list to her cause m 11 1 1 o n s of people living under the heel of Nazism. British propaganda to Europe is neces sarily restricted almost en-OO'O tirely to broad casting and a stranger campaign than that now being conducted over the air waves has never been known. It is being directed to an audience which must listen In secret or face the risk of imprisonment or fine. It's success can be Judged only by trickles of Information gained from underground sources or from counter-attacks launched by the German radio. Yet the British Broadcasting Corporation which speaks to Europe for Britain knows it is reaching its audience and that the listeners are being Influenced by what they hear. Succcess of the "V for Vic-.ory"' campaign was evidence of this'.. What the people of Germany and the occupied countries want more than anything else Is reliable news and a high percentage of the B.B. C's 24-hour a day European service s devoted tp newscasts. These are Supplemented by talks, musical programs, actuality broadcasts and riews features, usually based on pme outstanding news event of the day. Back to Europe Incidents which suggest dissatis faction in Germany or tne occupied countries arc seized eagerly and quickly directed back to all Europe, iiii example of this Is "The New oong of, the German Soldier," based n lines supposedly written by German ioldieis on the walls of rail way carriages in which they travel led to Poland. Set tn une, the-chorus, roughly translat ed, runs: "We're; on the move from morn till night Our wives for ever lost to sight, Ahd far from hearth and far from home We're forced through distant .lands to roam." Many a German mother or wife loubtlessly thought of her son or husband on a far-away front asshr iaud'dled over her radio behind locked doors and listened to that song. Music also plays an important nart in broadcasts to France. Old French folk songs like "Aupres de na Blonde'' and popular melodies f a few years ago like "Bourn" are played and sung with new verses based on topical subjects. Smuggled Lines The words of the new "Aupres de ma Blonde" were smuggled from Brittany where they were written by a ranch farmer after watching Royal Air Force planes on a sweep across northern France. Called "Song of the Royal Air Force' it .begins: "Fly iq full flight, come back each evenlnar. anH on your wings, bring us fresh hope." Bourn tells how when German bombs fall on London thev tro "bourn." It ends bv exDlalnln? that. for every bomb oh 'London the n.A. F. "feront vingt bourns" will make 20 ''bourns" orl Hamburg and Berlin. ACiuamy features are transrrihPrt "orj-the-spot" ln England. They may ue recordings or camp life of one of the Allied armies or of a war weap- FREE! FREE! New Issue Premium Books now in.. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. Dishes, silverware, flatware and many useful Items FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Whr. , r)fijir Have More ,Phine 1 f- lf p.o. Ho S75 i THE DAILY NEWS Serf vda 13 OZ. W m il 85 OZ. 0 OZ. ) 1$2.30 $3.50 fiTHE BRITISH COLUMBIA HkkD. DISTILlERy CO. LTD. br ) Li'quof Control BotrJ Of y 6 Gtmn of Brrliid Columkl KITKATLA . HIGH MAN Henry V'ickers Earned Total of $1250 For Season From Which Was Deducted $610 for Expenses Henry Vickers of Kltkatla was ln the city Saturday on his way home from Claxton Cannery where he had been fishing for the B. C. Pack ers. He is quite pleased with him self because he was the high man of the season for the Kitkatla village. His total catch brought him S1250 but of that he had to pay the expenses for the season amounting to $640. However, he owed a debt from last year amounting to S60 so that he had a check coming to him of $550. This was the. result of seven weeks fishing. Henry has a wife who during the ame time earned $47 in the cannery and two boys who also earned i little. The expense of the season was nade up of rent for the net $313.65, rent for boat $28, gas $150, food $10 1 week, and some engine repairs. For the rest of the year Henry md his family" move to the B. C. Packers camp at Mink Trap Bay vhere he acts as caretaker at a .alary of $25 a month. All members of the Kltkatla vil-'age earned le?s than Vickers, the 'owest beln? a total catch of $700 from which similar expenses had to ')e deducted. Last year Henry end ?d the season $60 in the hole, that beine the amount he had to make up this year. MINISTER TO stayI ground of gunfire and French com- tands, an announcer told how Fi French helped the British in Libya, stormed the heights at Keren, cap tured Damascus. As the guns died away In the background, the broadcast ended with the stirring French national anthem, the Marseillaise. yes; We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected. Etc. Oil Rurners Cleaned 11.50 Chimneys Swept 2J HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 Make Our Store Tour Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE SI7 Tom Lee & Son "llnirSF OF FINF FOODS" Whifflets From The Waterfront Fall Schedule of Steamships-Morning on. Waterfront.. Three Liners in J -Busyi With George and Prince Rupert will oper- Three coastal passenger liners were in port this morning, making the waterfront busy with passen- eleven disembarked at Prince Ru pert. C.NJl. steamer Prince George, "ARIZONA" IS HERE Great Outdoor Picture, With Jean Arthur In Leading Role, Showing at Capitol Theatre , . . ., , . . , , I Saga of the old southwest's most According to the fall schedule ls-!excltlnE m "Arizona." plcturlza ued by Canadian National Steam- Kel-sh of clarence Budlngton" ps, effective September 3 fom,land.s , noveli starrlng Jcan Prince Rupert, the steamers Prince Arthuromcs the feature offer- ling to ate in a twice-weekly service north hc for the flrst w iv i' ana suum 10 Vancouver. The steamer Prince George will leave Prince Rupert, north- the screen o! the Capitol Krt,1 f n Vat ry llrn n rtnlt, mrdl, I " ... vuuuu VVf i.v.imuii nil.,, l. n. I , . Wednesday at 10 p.m. P.S.T. South bound this steamer will leave Prince Rupert at 11:15 p.m. every Thurs- iay, for Ocean Falls, Powell River md Vancouver. The steamer Prince Rupert will leave Prince Rupert ev-?ry Friday at 3 p.m., northbound, making calls at both Ketchikan and Stewart. For the southbound voy- ige the vessel will leave Prince Rupert at 11:15 p.m. every Saturday llrect for Ocean Falls and Vancou ver only. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chcmi. ca!s and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Pmsphates. Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate , Producers and Refiners of TAD AN AC Brand Metals Mercury, Cold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth and Antimony, Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Offlcn and Work Trail. B.C. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage P'lnr- Rupert C. Ltd. British Columbia of this week. Miss Arthur plays the fictional nnrt r.t 4 Via flrcf tt' Villi tL'OTTl 11 in exciting personality, proud, ambitious and aggressive, with all the fearlessness of the rowdy men with whom she struggled to civilize the old Tuscan part. William Holden, an heroic character of the day, plays the leading male role and eventually, after exciting vicissitudes, wins the love of the heroine. Warren Williams Is well cast as a border gambler Settings of the picture are am bltlous including a recreation of, the old pioneer town, a gigantic; cattle stampede, an old time haciehr t da and a massed battle involving' . .1 i i i uiuusanag oi cnargwg Apacues. Arizona" Is said to be one of the ?ers. most of them tourists, much outdoor greatest pictures yet pro- ... v...Uv..vv. u.'v. .."o". Miifrfl. cargoes to oe nanaiea. union steam er Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived at 4:30 a.m. and was here until 11 a.m. when she sailed for Stewart and other northern points whence she is due back tomorrow afternoon southbound. C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, making her final voyage of the season on the Alaska route, arrived at 9 a.m. and sailed at noon for Skagway and other northern points. She had on board 232 passengers of whom A.R.P. AT Interior ' rv. I I. lay. CAPITA TODAY UNTIL WEhXtSfti, Continuous Dally From l Complete Shows at (At 1:00, 3:13. 5 20 and 9.5i 1 00. 3;,!; 5:15, 7:28 and 9-4) Turbulent Adventure Exciting Ifornance in Early Arizona ! JEAN ARTHUR "ARIZONA" With WILLIAM HOLDEN And A Catt ot Thousand! Informal Visit f 39 ADDED "Happy Tots Expedition" TERRACE To Terrace By Village Well Organized for R 1 PrPlTlipr CIIller Any Emergency TERRACE, Aug. 25.The Civilian" TFRRArE, Aug, 25 pr-t. Protection Committee held an or- T. D. Pattullo. who arrived hcreii ganization meeting Friday evening Wednesday evening, spent the ! :-in the Oddfellows Hall with M. Du- lowing day renewing acqualntar ' beau, the chief warden, presiding. In the district. In the aftcray; Capt. H. E. Nedden, with an excep-lConstable Peter Cartwright and the E T- Kenney, local member t s tlonally heavy list of 256 passen- 'secretary, P. B. Crocker, were in. at--the Premier to Lakelse Lake vi gers, arrived at 9:45 a.m. from I tendance. ; In the evening a party of abo;U;. Skagway and sails at 4 o'clock this Tnere was a good turn out of pep- tpen sat down to a supper at tt afternoon for Vancouver via Ocean resentatlve citizens and th? busin .Philbert Hotel. Falls and Powell River. ,ess ol organizing immediately pro-v Tne Premier appeared to be jceeded. The village is to be divided excellent health and seemcu ot.. Home Oil tanker Dlnamac Capt. lnto our districts with a warden fyJ eveiy minute of lv u.n 'jTf' Gordon Willlscroft, was ln port over ,n charge of each. Each warden race and district The vit m Friday night with fuel cargo for the wU1 appoint an assistant warden! luiie iniormai. ne just went w company's loca.1 tanks. The vessel Four services were organized as-he Phased, renewing old (i'.r: nrrived from the south yesterday namely, fire service, casualty, en-61'- He mflde ln fact a r-afternoon. leaving thU morning on Glneerlng and school services. (pleasant impression herfabouf & her return to the Queen Charlotte Classes will be held in first aid ,eIt on Thursday's tram (or wir. Islands. Brotherhood Will Meet In jPrince Rupert I lan protection. In fact the village of Terrace Is now thoroughly organized and, with the necessary training, the Dlace RECONSTRUCTION STUDY ! LONDON, August 25: r Bri- 'taln'.'? Cnn.iprvatlvn nj i nW. a meeting of delegates repre- parties have launched Indenenri-nt Vichy's Envoy to This Dominion to senting the Native Brotherhood of nroblim moves to investigate the Remain for Time Being at Least British Columbia In the Metropoie of post-war rSructton Snd tS Hall Saturday, Alfred Adams pre- 1 Liberals mav create a similar mm LONDON. Aug. 25: Ok- Prlme'sldlng, It was decided io hold the mitte shortly Minister William Lyon Mackenzie . twelfth annual convention nf thpl "ling said today that Rlstelbueber. he, Vichy government minister to Canada, would continue to hold the present position at least for the present. ans week demonstration at Hyde i'ark in London. An effective actuality broadcast to Francs was of target practice with the famous French 75's at a Free French camp. With a back-i Brotherhood ln Prince Rupert dur-1 FISIILESS WATERS ing the week of December 2, Routine There are no fish in Utah's Great business was attended to. salt Lake. IN NEUTRAL SWEDEN STOCKHOLM, August 15 Conscripts are being trair.rj ss r- will be wpII pniilnnorf tnr onw mr- ols. bombers and navt?ar-r ct t ,gency. Rupert. flwerjlsh Royal Air Fores o tit'.' a reserve for the regular e- .'s! and active 'force. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESUAf", 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. pm. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Dae Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islandi Leaving Aur. 19, and 30, September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservation! from FRANK J, SKINNER, Trlnte Rupert Agent, Third Ait. Phone 568 THE SEAL QUALITY III GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by; the only salmon cannlnf company with an aU the. year round parroU to frlnc Rupert