8 August 25, Sir lines four air OFFICIALS: MENDEAD Loral New Appointments . nave iwo unions ana Two Canadians I - trill. Been Announces are iwuea in umjut. urasn INN1PBO, August 25; A num-aDDolntments affecting Sns-canada Air Lines operating . m a aj4 mtrxrt . Aartment were wihuuih. j-'Sav W C. T. Larson, vice- isldent iney uwu" tember 1. v Rnellsh. formerly assistant president, is appointed aslant vice-president. k F Oeorge, formerly superln-Mdeni of flight operations, be-ief operations manger with ur- Mcuon over tne t. i. a. system, will remain at operations neaa-irter Winnipeg. operations superintendents inioH In TT H KiTinn nr. ,hridee and F. M. McGregor at onto The posts are new. Mr. iviui was formerly assistant to general superintendent at Wln- g and Mr. McGregor assistant rmtendent of flight operations thbridge A Rawson, formerly assistant , HALIFAX, Aug. 25: 0) The East- ern Air Command announced today Ithat four men two Britons and ,two Canadians were killed early i today In the- crash of a training j aircraft. The Canadians were Sergeant-Observer G. T. B. Woodham of Huronvllle, Saskatchewan, and Aircraftsman G. J. Elliott of ' WHAT IS EXPECTED Anticipated aircraft construction ! in the U.S. for 1941 Is between 18,- 000 and 20,000. superintendent of flight operations at Toronto, becomes assistant operations superintendent at that point and E. P. Wells, assistant superintendent in the office of the operations manager. It was also announced that W. J. Dalby, western traffic manager, will be acting as general traffic manager replacing G. G. ROYAL CANADIAN PERFUME Like an orchard in Bloom ODOURS Annapolis Apple Blossom Niagara Apple Blossom Okanagan Apple Blossom Niagara Cherry Blossom Niagara Peach Blossom In earthenware Crockery, Ideal as a gift $1.00 Ormes Ltd. "Tim Pioneer Drut&iats The Kexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 pjn. COAL! COAL! I RAILWAY The fmtest victory fature Wott-Was stcrnf hpAt rAvs from toe &tnf The coal business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy It ,and you will know good coal when you try It; We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before it comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. MIONE 651 PHONE C52 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vanrnnvrr via rWan Fnllt and WaV Ports S.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 1 p.m. P.S.T. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT Aug. 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 23rd, 27th, 30th To .Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 4th; 8th, 11th, 22nd, 25th, September 1st Dl"ct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATE8, General Agent. Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Harry Thrupp, who has been 6n a holiday trip to Ontario, returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon returned to the city on Saturday af ternoon's train from their summer home at Lakelse Lake. Mrs. Elmer Thompson and little son arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train from Jasper or a visit with Mrs. Thompson's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jack. Mr. and Mrs. J A Frew, who have been spending a three week's vacation at Lakelse Lake, returned to the city from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train Mrs. Thomas Priest sailed on the Prince Rupert on Saturday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little sailed on the Prince Rupert on Saturday af-terday afternoon for a trip to W. J. McCutcheon and his sailed on the Prince Rupert on Saturday afternoon for Vancouver where the latter will board the train on his return to his home In Cornwall, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamb and daughter .Margaret, sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening for a trip to Vancouver. MJr. Lamb s recovering from a recent illness. Among the passengers sailing on the Catala for Vancouver tomor row afternoon will be Miss D. Me Donald, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. James and Mrs. McCormlck. B. W. W. McDougall and W. Beck are sailing on the Catala tomorrow afternoon on their return to Van couver. Mrs. R. G. Large sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. B. E. Morgan, manager of Blll-mor Spruce Mills Ltd., returned to the city on the Princess Charlotte this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. James M. Campbell,, who has been In Vancouver attending a convention of the International Typographical Union, returned home from the south' On the Princess Charlotte this morning. Try a want ad. In the Dally News. Canada At Wai; 25 Years Ago August 25, 1916: H. M. S. Duke of, Albany was sunk by enemy action in the ' North Sea. French drove off German attacks on the St. Mlhiel salient near Verdun. 7onniin raided British east and " " UVJ'fviii" southeast coast and outskirts of London. A.mud 25 1916: Russian re- -ri Mush in the Caucasus. Serbs made gains north of Stru- nnn in Macedonia, iiriusn cuinui- ed German trench system south of Thiepval. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Crescent Shows Aug. 28-Sept. 2 Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Sid Thompson. Presbyterian Tea, the Manse. September 18. 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance. Ar mouries, September 19. Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale September 20. United Church Tea, Mrs. M. P, Nlckerson. Atlln Ave., Sept. 25.. Orange sale, November o. .552 EME? KEvft. IvJu2 THHZ2 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Legion, B.EJ3.L., meeting tonight, 8 pjn. Guy Mussalls. a recent arrival in the city from Calgary, has purchased from A. H. MePherson a small residence on Fourth Avenue East which has been occupied by Mr. Mcpherson who has moved out to make way for the new owner. Joe Slaggard has purchased a lot on McBrlde Street next to that be ing built on by the Ideal Cleaners. It is understood he will erect a garage there and possibly a home for his pet squirrel. ' W. A. Hogg, chief clerk of the Royal Canadian Engineers civil staff, returned to the city on the Cardena on Saturday evening after a two week's vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. On his return route, Mr. Hogg made the trip from Victoria' to Vancouver by plane. Inspector T. VanDyk of the Game Department arrived in the city on this morning's train from his headquarters at Prince George and sailed on the Princess Charlotte for Wrangell enroute to the Cas- siar district on an official tour. Provincial Constable J. A. Purdy, who'has been stationed at Powell River, and Mrs. Purdy, having been married at Vancouver Saturday, passed through the city on the Princess Charlotte this morning en-route to McDames in the Casslar district where they will make their home. Constable Purdy, now trans ferred to the game department, Is a brother of Mrs. S. P. Woodslde of this city. ClHED TOK SALb FOR SALE Household furniture. 225 5th Ave. West. Phone 539. 1 Furniture Co. FOR KEN! tf. FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges In good condition, 20 springfleld mattresses In all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields In the latest styles. Household doors, water boilers, 8 uhpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. FOR RENT Bright bedroom. Phone Green 830. tf. FOR RENT Housekeeping room. Phone Red 249. (tf) MALE HELP WANTED YOUNG man, assistant for automotive parts stockroom. Apply Ru pert Motors. (104) WANTED -Man, young man prefer redGeneral purpose. McRae Bros. tf. WANTED Young man for day work. Apply Chris Mill. (tf) WANTED WANTED-T-Rboms or house. Phone Green 970. (200) WANTED Furnished suite. Phone Red 378. (195) WANTED at once, light housekeep ing room or suite. Apply Box 139 Dally News. (tf) PLEASE! I need a place to stay. 2 or 3-room furnished apartment or small house. Permanent res. Phone 98. (tf) POSITION WANTED YOUNG Woman with ten years' bookkeeping and clerking experi-, ence desires position m oince or store, full or part-time. Apply Box 140 Dally News. (199) WORK WANTED YOUNG couple desires any kind of 1 i j rHn.. rA. general wont, uox uauy wwa PERSONAL (200) WORK WANTED Experienced re liable cook. Camp or restaurant. Camp preferred. Apply Mrs. C. Anderson, 873 Hornby St., Van couver. THE Y. W. C. A. Room Registry Service requests the names of all those who have room accommodation, now or in the future. Apply, Mrs. Garbutt, hostess, Y. W. C. A., Y. M. C, A. rooms, Moose Hall, Third Avenue.' Phone 231. (203) Harry R. Sheppard, well known Juneau Insurance man, is among passengers aboard the Prince George today going through from Alaska to Seattle. Col. J. W. Nlcholls? general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Ketchikan on company business. At an auction sale of provincial government held city property on Saturday Frank Dlbb purchased two lots in Westvlew adjoining his home. The property sold at the upset price of $150 for each lot. H. S. Meadows, local manager of Canadian National Telegraphs, re turned to the city on the Princess Charlotte this morning from a va cation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Meadows Is remaining in the south for a while longer. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Bradshaw of Indianapolis, who have been spend TEACHERS APPOINTED Changes in Personnel on Staffs of Local Schools Are Announced Seven resignations and replacements on the High School teaching staffs here are announced at the City Hall. There is one change at King Edward public school. The new appointments at the High School are W. R. F. Seal (In dustrial arts), Charles E. Holland, Miss A. McKechnle, Miss M. Mc- Dlarmld (home economics), Miss K. Van der Mark (home economics), Miss E. Young and Miss Dorothy Sherratt. The teachers resigning were J. H. Nordan, Misses Joyce Edgcumbe, K. Robertson, F. Watts, I J. B. Irvine. M. Shiel and Irene Mit chell. Bruce Mickleburg replaces Giles at King Edward School. H, AH the new teachers are from Vancouver or Victoria with the ex ception of Miss Van der Mark who comes from Calgary. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. Beck, G. Oosse, M. Curtis, G. F. Tangle, B. W. W. McDougall, John Cunningham, N Young and W. J. MacDonald, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bradshaw, Indianapolis; A. H. Parsons, A. J. Wilkes, C. H Cleln. James P Hartley, W. L. Hartley, Allford Bay; J. Milne, Ed-, monton; T. Van Dyk, Prince George; W. Ismond, Victoria; Mrs. J. Worrobec and daughter, Terrace;. Mrs. J. Findlay, Usk; W. J. Cobb. Central Thomas Svensen, Prince Rupert; Einer Skands, J. Grihdlay, Vancouver; R. Johnson, Prince Rupert; G. F. Turner, Prince George; R. C. Rees, Aliford Bay. PILGRIM'S RETURN CALCUTTA, August 25: W With Brltsh control of the seas, 4,300 Moslem pilgrims have journeyed to Mecca and safely returned despite the difficulties and dangers In war-swept Asia Minor countries. Prepare for Fall and Winter Featuring: Freedman arid Gabbe, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladles and Gents Suits and Top Coats to Measure 10 off Continuing till End of August Alteration Specialty, make Appointment to your house Phone 307 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJTh.0. Wallace Block, Phone 649 GET STUDY INMATRIC University I Toronto Extension to Have Courses Through Fall TORONTO, Aug. 25: O) Young Canadians wno' wish to enter the Royal Canadian Air Force as air crew but who cannot qualify because they lack matriculation standing in certain subjects are undergoing voluntary training at night school here in order to gain the required standing. The University of Toronto provides class-room spaee f6r the potential airmen at University of Toronto Schools where courses prepared by W. J. Dunlop, Chairman of the Regional Committee of Education, and other military and educational authorities, are delivered. There are 150 boys working at U,Ti. three nights every week. The whole system is voluntary teachers of several of Toronto's high lng a few days visiting the city, schools have contributed their time sailed by the Princess Charlotte 10 the effort. Composed largely of this morning to make the Alaska trip. men who have had some years of secondary school training but who lack junior matriculation In Eng lish, mathematics and physics, the class Is coached intensively In these subjects. Each class is trained for three months. Through R.C.A.F, "The lads wjio are eager to get In to the Air Force and become air crew rather than ground crew apply to the R.C.A.F. recruiting centre," Mr. Dunlop! explained, "Jf the recruiting officer thinks they are suitable materia, and they pass the first part of their medical examin ation, he signs, them on as air crew" with the provision that they .com Air Supremacy With Radio Reception Rbund-the-World MODEL aUO Iplete the . necessary raatrtculatlon standing. ! "That is where we come In. We provide twelve weeks of night school for each of these lads, most of whbn are working during the day. They study English, physics, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and navigation." Mr. Dunlop organized the sum mer school last November under the auspices of the Canadian Legion War Services. The students come from many points within a 100-mile radius of Toronto. Headquarters of the Canadian Legion Educa-' tlonal Services at Ottawa have asked Mr. Dunlop for a report on the school, with a view to making similar services operative throughout the Dominion. sm ru 'E ruru iMtmrmtMrnwrnTU "Build B.C. Payrolls" Extra Rich It Lasts Longer ITS at J I J .tVAPORATFJ) 1 m3 "Pacific Milk definitely makes for economy." Mrs. M. R, could not have written a truer thing. Extra rich it goes further. Many prospectors, accustomed to carrying heavy packs and anxious to "cut" every pound take Pacific Milk when going into the hills. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed SEPTEMBER From PRINCE RUPERT and return To Coach 'Tourist Standard Toronto...,- 563.50 77.50 5 31-45., Otlowa - 63.50 77.50 91.45 Montreal 64.30 78.45 92.60 Quebec - t ... 67.95 83.00 97.95 Halifax 81.40 99.40 117.35 , (Cvtr(imcnt Tlx Extra) Cctf In ttinj w on pimenl of regular berth far. Stepovm llcwtd. Ch!ljrn, 5 yar and under 12 half fart. Corrtipcndlnaly low faret from all point In Western , Canada, to polnttjn Eaitern Canada (fort Arthur, Arm-strong and .East). tlMlUK AW nut MOM MIT TO WEST TRAVEL BY TRAIN Attractive meal$ at moderate tost In CrJm your tri in Safety and Comfort. the Dining Car. also tasty Iriy lunches luiiln Air-Conditionin, on principal itrvtd at your seat In Day Coachei nuin lint trains. and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Full information from any Agent $54.95 Incl. Federal Taxes SEE the Outstanding Beauty HEAR the Amazing Performance of At Radio Headquarters