FAQE FOTJB TUB DAILY NXWB Expert Optical Service $Tyl Chas. Dodimead ) I Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnenvare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT do you sigh for a stocking that will never, never run? BUY "SANSRUN" v. KAYSER aeites it with a patented locked knit that is absolutely guaranteed never to" run. And, as if that weren't enough SANS-RUNS are made to look shier to give your legs that exciting "nude" look. KAYSER SANSRUNS are $1.25 FOR -SALE BY Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince 'RuperJ" .i THIRD 'AVE. Next to HcilbrouerVj pLne BLUE 9J7 i Used Furniture Beatty Washing Machine. MeClary Kootcnay G-hole Range. 8-piece Dining ltocm Suite, Bedroom Dressers, 15ed Spring and Mattresses, Extension Tables, Kitchen Tables, Gate Leg Table Quebec Heaters, Wash Stands, Davenport. MISCELLANEOUS 21 jewel Waltham Watch, 15 jewel Wrist Watch, Guitar, Violin, Set of Books of Knowledge, Radios, Gramophone Records, Aladdin Lamp, Coleman Lantern, Bird Cage, Mirrors, Sad Irons, Clothes Wringers, Wash Board, Snatch Blocks, Barrow Wheels, Square Shovel, Lawn Mowers, Peavcys, Stanley Steel Level. Forge and Blower, Tennis Racquet. Used Furniture Department M0DSE J1UILDING ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ICE THIRD AVENUE Just Completed! 'New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen arc Invited to Inspect Our Keconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia PING PONG 4 SHOW FINE Ewart Hetherington Too Much For Army Men in Flay at United Last evening in the United Services Hut Ewart Hetherington of I the Welfare Association downed all , opposition of the Active -Service 'Corps to win the ping pong crown. Hetherington was playing on invi tation and surprised all the .spectators and players, including hlm- Xplf Kv frnnnAlni nnMll t 1 . uj .su.iii.ig III tile I third round two straight games, 21-9. 21-13. J Navy batted out the semi-finals with McKinnon winning over Green In two nice games. 21-17, 21-16. The play in the finals held all the watchers spellbound. McKinnon and Hetherington fought tooth and THE SEAL oi QUALITY lip GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon .Packed hv the only salmon canning company with an all thf rear round Davrnlt In Prim Rupert Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Easter Candies and Novelties Now on Display from lc up Also Easter Box Chocolates MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY .Opposite CWftdiah Legion i i nail for each" point. At times the crass play would run Into minutes while each of the boys watched for a chance to smash home the telling shot. The score was 21-19 for Hetherington in the first game. In 1 the second game McKinnon really srvir... lint 'hit his strid smashing out a 21-11 - .decision. But it was the. last game I that nearly drove the spectators wild. At the start Hetherington ran up an early lead of seven points. McKinnon finally, got himself in hand and drew even with his flashy opponent. Then both boys, standing far back from the table, began-the most thrilling display of table tennis technique ever witnessed in the United Services Hut. Point for point they were even until they reached 19-19. McKinnon was serving and he took the next point, 20-19, it looked as If McK'nnon made it. but Hethering ton put forward a brilliant effort to make it duce., 20-20. Then the crowd watched with bated breath as Hetherington took the next two points to win the match. Although Hetherington is a civilian the boys felt that It was well worth while to have let him play as he put on such a splendid show. After the ping pong tourney ev erybody enjoyed a bingo party it which cigarettes were the prizes; Doug Frizzel donated two tickets to the wrestling match as special prizes at the bingo and these were won by Man of the Navy and Smith of the Rocky,Mountain Rangers. Jim Wllsoniof the "Y" officiated i at Ding pongjand ran the bingo party. "... . ' A "spot" ccwU yju only half a dollar. Try it' in the Dally News classified column. (tf) "(OVEUX.ME.NT LKJl OK ACT" 1 (Swlton 28) XolUc or Application for a Hrrr Llt-enVe I NOTICE Is hereby given that on tire 9Ui day of May. A. D. 1911, the junder- s!gnt intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a ttoeiute In rejpecV cf prpmlfes betn part of building known s th Belmont Hnbl. ltut at 727 Third Avenue. West, Prince Rup. ert, upon the lands described as. Lot 4 Nos. 5 ard 8. Block No. 32. Section I, Prince Rupert Townslte. Map 923. Prince nur Ulms Registration District, in the Province or .British Oolturtbla, for fe sale et beer by the pass or by the bcttle fcr ?nsumiptlon on the premises or elwwTvhere. . uAjcu mis 2ath uay of Mareh, A X. JOHN HOSKINS Applicant. J,H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldil " KOuaaa. . . . We ain't mad at Nobody Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports 6.8. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p.m. ' TO VANCOUVER DIRECT S.S. "PRINCESS NORAH" April 7th, 17th, 29th, May 9th, 20th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway April 3rd, 13th, 24th, May 4th, 15th, 28th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, 11.0; Wanted-Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship lb J. E. ORMIIEIM. Princ Ri.n n r. Kcprcsentinff HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 711. lG7'East 3rd Ave. LOCALS f Xfr inA Mro n V. Rt.ltT ffiho Mrs. R. M. Yerburgh and family arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Victorfa being here to join Capt. Yerburgh i who Is officer commanding of the Itoyal Canadian Army Service Corp3 here. Dr. Neal M. Carter, who has been in Vancouver attending sessions of the Pacific sub-executive of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Mrs. E. II. Mortimer, who has been in California visiting her daughter. Mrs. Paul Yelton of .VIctorville. arrived in Prince Ru pert this morning and will visit for a while with her son Richmond Mortimer. Second Ave -r Sale Of Plants Saturday Next have been spending the winter in At a meet lng of the executive of Seattle and California, returned to ' the Prince Rupert Horticultural So-the this week final plans were thirty city on the Prince George morning. H1. O. Robinson, chief steamboat made for the holding of the annual plant sale. It will take place Sat urday in the vacant store formerly inspector, arrived in the city on the i occupied by the Cut Rate Shoe Prince Oeorge this morning from Store on Third Avenue. The room Vancouver, being here on official j will be open Friday evening from duties. 1 7:30 to 8:30 for the convenience of Mrs. N. Mussallem, who has been visiting for several weeks in Vancouver, returned home from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair and those who wish to take In their plants that evening. ' It was also decided to go ahead with the annual flower show in the summer, probably In August, the time and place to be arranged. President H. T. Lock announced' family arrived In the city on the i ""vuc.wcu " Pt from'al ine not been used Prince Oeorge this morning Victoria, where they have been.mucn 'et- "e thought thlj would Mwndlmr the wintpr. on their w.iv ue u 6 "me lo oufn 'arouno to Inverness cannery for the season. I some of the gardens in the city. Those present included President Norman L. Freeman of the Inter- . H. T. Lock, Secretary C. O. nam, national Fisheries Commission ar- j Percy Miller. Theo Collart, Frank rived In the city on the Prince I Warne. Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow, Mrs. Oeorge this morning from Seattle. C. J. Norrlngton and H. F. Pullen. He will be here for the next couple ! oi weeics on oinciai duties. PRODUCING STEADILY Production of gold concentrnt-s proceeds steadily at the Surf Inlet Consolidated Oold property at Surf r."fV, Out of our forests, by rail ind river, come millions of logs to plmts manufacturing pulp, news print and lumber for houses, furniture and a thousand other useful products. Labour and cap. ital together have made Canadian FORESTRY the greatest of our export manufacturing industries. 8 'Oenrfrn Tlrnn.,, Hit i. act i-.7rr"'j MOWS NiehP I Z1 ;wMJ FLYNN In "Santa FcM RAYMOND MASSn Added . v. several weeb to. sw ., aboard H.M.CR p-' which he sustaini les, continues to mak ward recovery ai i , here are hopirt'.- tim h, Itome before lop;j Reach ten uunimi m "Men of the UghtityxJ "Prehistoric In Technicolor) "DOWN ARQENTLXF m Inlet across the valley from the a "want adr" in thr Dai.) VtK famous old Belmont mine. The I mine and mill crew consist; of j about 125 men. j The concentrates are shipped by ! coast freighters from Surf Inlet to i the Tacoma smelter which bring In heavy suppllds. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY YOUNO couple would rent house, apartment or what? Apply Box 91 Dally News. (79 Woodwork, SIqtcs Cowiwi Etc . .... . Ill ftlirtiert I imtj . Chimnevt Nnrni SEKVITE Thone BUCK US The bank of Montreal co-operates by furnishing business men in all branrhes of the industry with the specialized types of banking service they require. Many thousands of workers in these plants have their savings or chequing accounrs with us, or borrow for personal needs. Sming Canadians and tbtir industries in utry sttlitn tfthi nmmumlr, we in tile you to discuss YOUR tanking requirements with us. BANK OF MONTREAL WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE .. h,Qutt,m, ,f ll Vr,' Sneeusf.1 Ofi CHIROPRACTOR 8tanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wcllace Block, Thone 6 IS Go Where There is Lots of Variety Ruby Royal Glass Vases Cream Colored Glass Vases-Ruby Royal Water Set--Also Jardlnlers and Vases for your spring flowers, "Where Your Dimes are Little Dollars" at the VARIETY STORE P.O..,Box 757 Phone Red 120 A BANK WHERE 8MAII ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME' Prince Rupert Iiranch: G. R. S. HLACKABY, Manager Stewart Dranch: H. V. I'TTTf PR i This is the Time of Year When QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Ty rtn TT mi ri nn I Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. f rsioNn iifl phone l 111