_ di ~ gays | to my MO ISLATIVE 4h Bay® i ait lie paper to buy Meg ; : Bt say 6-192 ) I : Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For South Chelohsin...... “Wednesday, 9 p.m. — For North Princess May.............Tonight vol ih NO- ill, NO. PRINCE Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, May 1, 1912. ERT MAKINC GOOD IN LONDON MONEY = 7 = PRINCE RUPERT NOTE ISSUE “REALIZES VERY GOOD PRICE Special Cable Through Daily N News Ciciéspuudest from London "states That Issue Has Been Placed Privately at 99 5-8--- Comparison with Prices Realized by Other Municipal Issues in the West Very Favorable to Rupert From London, England, | esterday afternoon The | F Bizee Daily News was informed | CABLED FROM LONDON i corre- ——_ through a special sca Magaabiel theses spondent by wire that the issue of Prince Rupert mu- nicipal G per cent. 3 year notes had all been placed for Prince Rupert—Note Issue Realizes 99%. privately at the price of Daily News Special 99%. This price is consid- London, April 30,—Issue ered a very good one under of Prince Rupert municipal the conditions at present 5 per cent. 3 year notes prevailing throughout finan- placed privately at 99% Considered good price under cia! centres present market conditions Daily News Bulletins. : 4s soon as the telegrain was ved The -Daily News had In January Victoria municipal- special bulletins’ posted in the 5 ee | | isiness premises down ity- sold ssue of $308,000 of \ h formation of the} 4 per cent. bonds which real- public, as the eyening’s issue Was ized 98, a heystreets and The February saw an issue by Cal- ) position ef be-| gary municipality representing t boa mly source for| $393,000 at 4} realizing 101%, hi forma in the city. Aland an issue by KRegina munici- py of letin issued was/pality of $412,400 at 4% made he Finance Minister, who}the same figure as Calgary's expressed greal interest im the! issue. hews 1 subslauee of ewhGh) .On Mareh ist a Vancouver mu- ha ly then made known/nicipal issue to the value of by the ba $991,900 in 4 per cent. bonds Interesting Comparison. fetched just 98. parison the following Substantial Effect. figures showing the prices ob- From this it will be seen that pal issues by! Prince Kupert’s financial trans Weste Ui an municipalities; action, effected through the me g the | few months are} cdiun if the Bank of Monireal, ve interesting; tas been carried oul business x the financia ke manner, and the best market Hupel as aj price available for the note issu has been obtained by the bank's BASEBALL AND FOOTBALL MEN ARRANGE TRAINING NIGHTS KEEN FOOTBALL MATCH GOT UP FOR THIS EVENING—BALL PRACTICE ON ALTERNATE NIGHTS—THE TEAMS AND OF- FICIALS—CLUB OPEN TO ALL ENTHUSIASTS. i and baseball} at 7.30 All footballers wishing have ide arrangements | io join can do so after the game rOBeLn x the nights of a vr mly ground May Day Dance. ” esent in the city, Don't forget the May Day - spaee on 2nd} dance McIntyre Hall tomorrow , th Street. At @| night at 9:80 Admission $14; i ies geht in the West-| jadies free ‘ s ollices it was 2 ass he following sy8- Public Meeting Called. M ¥ yrenen jaseball, A public meeting is cal ed for (lay Fo th i: ee and #N.- Thursday, May 2nd, al the police sil i S 1esdays, Thur- court rooms to consider the ad- ers | ares Baseball- visabilily of holding a celebra- yed Jast night, a Lion on the 24th of May. night "Th a Will be held to- ae leams el viowing are the! prince Rupert's leading hotel— ve Chose \" Team—Goal, | Savoy. ; h Currie and Mar-| fs u it ‘J .H. Kelly and) Mr. J. Piercy returned by the a de right, Holm-} George this morning Dowih : “arnet; outside left : en; ba B Coen Goal, Kil-| Formal opening of the Cath- half ba oy re BrowN; | lic Hall, Thursday evening, May Side | * and Lamb;} ong, at 8 o'clock. Admission PSO! Kelly; centre, Pat-| free, Charges for refreshments Miles 't, Ferguson, and games. 3t th ani ree! at has consented then “s referee, and the lines- | Martin O'Reilly returned — this Brow) ne eee Dennis and| morning to look after the Big “ICk-olf takes place} Sinoke sale, ei: oO Coreeeees, _ PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO fhe Minister reported to be ninety-nine and _ five- By ae around the chest twenty minutes ago ieee - local amateurs’ brows look well below the bay- om eo elites point to Prince Rupert's having oue parson ay : Ssioner, ste Mugineer fancies that football and baseball enthusi- Rant), render the road rolle: superfluous on Second and Qj Hoth " “lerk says the Mason work on the new city hall is , ‘he Woods they worked with in the old Oar | agents in London. This should create a still more firmly pveegiet feeling of security for the city in Coast Ver Portland 5 Sacramento 1; non 7; San Francisco American Detroit 4. Philladeiphia 4 Cleveland 8 Chicago 3; Soston 6; i Louis 3; National Chicago 6; Cleveland 7. To Aldermere Kd, Clarke is going to Alder- mere to take charge of a news- paper there. its undertakings, both private and| municipal, for the coming sum-| we ag ia ss hate ta ead ‘eauee os Presbyterian Club Note. satisfaction that the city’s credit Mr. Code of the public school should be so confidently regarded | *' ft will address the Presbyter- in the tinancial centre of the an Club tonight at 8:30. _His world, from which is drawn the bject will be “Socialism.” This real pecuniary strength that conclude the series of ad- required for the development of] ses for the season rhe at- Prince Rupert. at of club members and ds s drawn ti the first With the other great under -| untbie “of thawhason temoiroy akings opening up for the sun ght at 7:30 from the church er, and the city’s own ¢ slh to Seal Cove. a healthy state, all classes ape ———— business will prosper and Prince | omfortable newly furnished Rupert will continue to forge}rooms, steam heated, hot and lahead Albert Block. m4 | | jever | already sa water. basepae cones | IDENTIFYING THE DROWNED SAD TASK AT HALIFAX TOD Return of Morgue Shi p McKay fcKay Bennett R Relieves Dreary Suspense of the Waiting Bereaved, But Many are Disappointed in the Hope of Identification---Pathetic Scenes at Dock--- Five Women “UNDER THE LAURELS” WON ITS LAURELS and One Drowned Baby Unknown (Special to Daily News.) | brought here today by the cable, exist in the immediate future. Halifax, May 4:—Following the, Sbip Mackay Bennett, sixty re-|Ismay, while on the stand, said arrival of the cable ship Mackay, ™ain tonight unidentified Of} this would be done by the White Bennett with 190 bodies of vic-;!hese there are five women and/Star Line and promised to take times of the Titanic disaster, | ene child two years old. The re-| 1p these reforms with the con- the White Star cofieials have | Mainder have all been claimed by eee of new vessels on the given out a list of 55 identified} "¢'atives and friends. Surprise| stocks as soon as he returned to dead and of 410 buried at sea.| Was expressed at first that 57|England. The inquiry stands Most of these appear to be mem-|Pedies had been buried at sea, | adjourned till Friday. Ismay re- hers of the crew of the ill fated|¥ut the announcement by the|turns to England on Thursday. ner. J. J. Mstor’s body was re-|Captain of the Mackay Bennett| ne covered standing almost erect in| that lack of accommodation and| TO COMPLETE WORK the water and that ef Isadore | embalming equipment made this | ee aes Strauss was aboard. ‘The work| hecessary was accepted without|Government Wharf Man Goes to of identification has not been|¢Titicism. . H. 'V.. Harris and Sen-} Stewart to Finish Dock. completed yet. ator McKeen are here searching | _ “ | for the bodies of Hugo Ross and| William Gillette came in on eee | Thomson Beatty of Winnipeg lthe George en route to Stewart, Five Women; One Baby. but have practically given up all|/ where he will supervise the com- Halifax, May 1.—Of the 190|}hopes of finding them, and as | pletion of the government work bodies of the Titanic victims} only fourteen bodies have been} on the wharf. |picked up by the Minia there is | | hittie further chance of finding | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. of the morgue ship this morning | Phone 4. them. The scene on the arrival Be was an impressive one, the Princess May Arrived. j}chureh bells tolling and flags} Ip route to Skagway, the Prin- half masted all over the harbor’cess May arrived at about 14 and city. |o'clock. For this port she had Establishes a New Record in din Seatbesful Amateur Stage-Craft and Performance in frince Rupert All the promise given of splen-| whole was a good interest com-,beyond reproach. Mrs. 8. P. Me- did effect in its actual production! pelling one, and capitally pro-| Mordie as “Mrs, Milford” proved by Prince Rupert’s amateur com- duced. herself a restrained and altract® : While the well trained theatre | ive interpreter Miss Fedora pany in “Under the Laurels” Was! ;punder which died down cor-| Alder as “Rose” had a heavy part more than made good at the per-| rectly so that the principals|which she performed admirably. formance of the pretdy southern) speaking during the storm could| Mrs. Morgan as “‘Sorky Button’ play last night in the Westholme| be heard distinctly, was im-|was really good, while Miss Mar- Theatre Before a densely) inensely appreciated as an ex-|garet McDonald as “Molly” sim- crowded house the young players umple of the careful stage craft| ply brought down the house and each letter perfect in his and her| expended on the whole produc-| earned the general comment that art, a enthusiaslicall work- on, the performers themselves| she is a regular star of the Prince L I he success he play;each and a earned particular! Rupert amateur slage sa wh rather han for indi-} appreciati their respective Throughout the evening, too, vidual dislinclion, scored a great parts comment was heard very appre- ind well deserved success rhe Charles Vaughan made a fam-|.j,tive indeed of the merits of Cat ly GS Grea the]. Frank Colewood, C. Re) Mrs, Chisholm as an organizet amateurs of exceptional merit,|°''7P8°0" 4° Kyle Brantor de-| and stage manager. Her work is equal to very good professional delighted, Frank A, Ellis as “Ike})..onq criticism, She deserves work in fact, but the play itself| Hoppe: was mitable, Robert} every suceess gnd secures it. was well chosen for its purpose} MeIntosh as Bob Button and! From the. point of view of the { giving entertainment to a|George Wes as “Zeke” both} Baptist Brotherhood, the enter- Prince Rupert audience The|thoroughly made good, while/tainment was an immense suc- flavor of southern romance, the} A, N, Other as the sheriff filled} cess, and on behalf of the broth- enser scenes, the clever intro- jhis part admirably. rhood Mr Clyde Rogers, its duction of coon songs and The ladies, too, were really ae-| president, gracefully thanked the dances, all were thoroughly pop-|tresses f the most conscienti- pau lience for their support of the lar features The play as a ous type ind their efforts were/club room scheme. RECORD CUSTOMS RECEIPTS NEW BOAT FOR B. C. Ottawa Excited Over Remarkabie | Rise in Figures. Special to Daily News. } first Otlawa, May 1 Ihe month of the fiscal year shows an extraordinary increase in| revenue from customs duties and bets are made that if this be maintained throughout the year | it will produce a total in the} neigh borhood of. a hundred The month of Custos receipts April reached $8,075,982.25 figures for last $2,588,819.67. Phitiideeaa for the have just clos- ihe The less year by NEW FACILITIES were | Lumber Co.) increased their of building} every description even better fitted than to supply the trade, They be pleased to submit quota for of materials and are position to quote lower than any Northern British Columbia firm. The large and inereased facilities incumbent every- interested in building to get} from the Weatholme| placing orders, 3t} The Westhoime have greatly large of stock materials and are will tions any sort ihn a prices stack make it upon quetatlions pecple before shoes in the Scott, Froud & fine see men's For latest styles iCo,, 3rd ave, ily oe a number TRISH HOME RULE BILL Winston Churchill Supports the Measure at Second Reading in Strongly Imperial Speech — Unionist Lined Up Against li. | Special to Daily News. London May i Winston Ghurchil ‘ | the debate on the second reading of the Irish home rule b in the Commons day He declared he saw the question with a modern eye and said the whole character of the! inovement has moderated since the Gladstonian period. The question in his opinion ts not in importance to the growing the classes in England, nor irding British posses- thought home rule for first step to further United Kingdom, Unionist, moved the bill along comparable ol amoug dissat- laboring to neces- problem the isfaction sity for pué He land the lidals Walter Long the rejeetion of with othe mdemned the ol Siouls COnSO the measure, while Irish members sup- ported it destroy those moths get Flakes at 25 cents the the To Red Cedar package from Orme, druggist. Pioneer Unionists and severe-| Coming from Collingwood via Suez, for Lighthouse Service. Special to Daily ‘News. |considerable freight and a™~ few Trans-Atlantic Reforms. ") passengers, among whom were: Washington, May 1.—More life| Miss.) Ward, Mr, Hanney, Mr. boats on trans-Atlantic liners| ¥®'4, Miss West, Mrs. J. Hayner and an equipment of life rafts and J, Geur. that will float clear of a sinking ; ; ship; the construction of all| Penetang Packs just received great passenger steamers with|@! Scott, Froud & Co.'s, 3rd ave, Db. D. Munro, capitalist, larg- interested in land in the Lak- double hulls, and extended water | tight compartments; all these} forthcoming reforms as indi- are ely cated today before the Senate/else and Kitsumkalum valleys committee of investigation on|arrived by the George. Mr. Mun- the Titanic disaster, and will) ro expects to leave for up river SEAMEN STAND FIRST CLASS FIRM FOR UNION CHANCES BEST Effect of Recent Disaster Men| Mathenatielae Calculates Odds Been to Increase Vigilance of| in Favor of Your Life in Ocesn Sailors’ Unions in Britain. | Travel —Second Ciass Li.tie - _ Better Than Steerage. , Mal 4. See Liverpoo The Seamen New York, May 1.—In a sum- and Firemen’s Union passed a} , ny batty ; scichacnds th ut | mary of the lessons of the Ti- resolution today declaring t arene "| tanie disaster, Lawrence Beasley, its members would refuse to sail a University of Cambridge man, on any vessel unless a union Of-| who was among the survivors, ficial was present when the men] g.i.- ee nal ji SKS: sigiec for the voyage. The mem-| “What was the relative chance hers of the union were not per-| of escape for a first class pas- mitted to sign for several ships} ceneer and a_ steerage passen- granting of the for increased tougay pending the demands to both firemen and ger?” unions His answer “T have worked is: rales of ai pay out the percentage of the saved Collingwood, May 1.—The new/seamen. The wages demanded! ¢ jhe four classes and find it as goveriment steamel Kstevan,/are $22.50 for seamen and $25| rojjows: destined forthe use of the light-| for firemen per month. oi “First class, 63.6; second class, house and buoy service on the The Seamen and Firemen’s! 39. steerage, 36.7; officers and Pacific coast, was launched here} Union also resolved .-that it8! opew, 22. per cent. today Me steamer is 225 feet} members refuse to coal, load or; “The payment of about 875 ex- ong and will on completion sail} provision any vessel which car-] .ece of first over third gives you for the British Columbia coast} ried non-union or Chinese s@8-|),5-e than twice the chance of under her own steam, She will men lyour life being saved,” cross the Atlantic, traverse the - - | Mediterranean and reach her RUPERT’S WELCOME WAY | sommes destination via the Suez Canal. | nape | Miss Menaehats visit to Prince se Sunny Sun Girl from Vancouver | tupert has proved for her a valu- Best room in town at Savoy. | Wishes to Express Her jable experience and at the same - | Warmest Thanks. time a very enjoyable trip. That Fancy Ben Davis apples, $2.75) -— her accounts of Prince Hupert per box. a.m. May 4, 1912: Bar., 29.764;/sand extra votes. But besides FREE! FREE! FREE! max, temp,, 58.0; min. temp.,/her appreciation of this very (2:0. Mean temperature April, practical support in her enter- A big beautiful 8&8 key 43.0 Precipitation April, rain,|prise, Miss Mangold most in- electric player piano, worth 7.74 inches; snow, .95 inches.|tensely appreciates the kindliness $1,200 given away to the Total precipitation, 8.66 inches.)of the weleome accorded her by poo! players in the Base- Highest temperature, 61.5, on)Prince Rupert people whenever ment pool room, Empress the 29th. Lowest temperature,|}she met them, Besides being a Theatre building. tf } 80.0, on the 4th and 6th, ‘big boost for her in the contest, oor