r. ir arror THE DAILY NEW3 Miss Elsie Davis RAINCOATS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Honored Again THAT ARE . . . Smartly Styled . . . Light in Weight Made in England of Fine Thread-Proofed Egyptian Cotton. Sizes 38 to 12. Speciallrpriced at $10 Others at . $12 to $19.50 532 Third Ave. FREE Watts & Nickerson MEN'S ANI HOYS' CLOTHIERS Phone 345 SELLING OUT SALE $2500.00 STOCK Commencing Thursday, Oct. 9, at 9 o'clock, we are putting all lry Roods, Hardware and Stationery on sale at cost or lower. All sale are strictly cash. McCubbins General Store PACIFIC, !$. C. For every 3 labels from any tin or package of Dr. Ballard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cover postage) we will mall you ONE SOLID BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG At::::t:it free BE SURE to print cltfarly your "name and ad-Sn o a separate sheet of paper and mall to the address below. FREE For aa' additional 15 labels from Dr. Ballard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cover postage) we will mall you absolutely free ONE COPY of DR. BALLARD'S-DOG & CAT ROOK Ccnr-.nng a wealth of helpful Information on the feeding, trtams and care of "man's best friend." Address all replies to DR. MALLARD'S ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS, LTD., 4C59 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, B.C. It's Your Duty to SAVE GAS IT'S OUR DUTY To HELP YOU either by tuning up your present car at a minimum cost 6r else by trading in for one that will give you maximum MILEAGE and SERVICE. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products Phone 566 For Emergency Night Service Call COLIN MILLER, BLUE 805 A nnnnl KU TtfJrltT, QflH VHTIPF THft ChflSS' Mill Bait Crlbbage League Thursday Oct. 9 ery will be closed for renovation at 8 n.m. Commercial Hotel. irom uci. a i Mrs n v athwart 1 salllne on ' "The Briae tame u. u. the Catala tonight for a trip to Next Sunday nignt ai um mia Vancouver. ! night. i At the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night a letter was read from Page had proposed to return next year. Brigadier J. T. Gillingham, dl visional commander of the Salvation Army for northern British Columbia and Alaska with headquarters at Wrangell, left on last evenlne's train for a brief visit to 'port ssington and other Skeena I River points in the course of a tour of the district. He was accompanied by Adjutant E. A. Brunsdon, the local commandant. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Olga Jardlne, Y. W. C. A. War Services Liaison Officer for n - will hp at the Y. M. C. A. Rooms on Thursday, October 9th! CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block - Phone 610 I NEW and USED FURNITURE 2 Kitchen Tables 1 Coal Range 2 Water Tanks 1 National Cash Register Household Doors Misr Lot of Windows 1 Single Red, Complete B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Ave. 41.1. wr v i LOOK y cross on every Aspirin tablet. IWAKNIHU! If you don't see It, . it isn't Aspirin. 1 A letter from Hon. T. A. Crerar If this were your advertisement, It's sure 'that at least one person will have read it. BLACKHEADS Don't iquHit blackheads di&solve them. Get two ouncea of peroxlne powder from any drof tor and apply gentJr with wet. hot cloth over bUckhekda. Ther disaolve and "aappear by thl aafa limple method Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. at 3 p.m. to meet her friends and preshyterian Tea, Mrs. McLeod's those Interested in the "Y" worki AvenUe Westi October 9. Deing aone in rnnce ivuycii.. , J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office Orange Bridge, uciooer . S. O. N. Dance, Overseas Parcels, October 9. Anglican Tea. Mrs. J. R. Mori- son, Oct. 16. Navy Tea. Oct. 18, Legion Hall. P. T. 'A. Telephone Bridge, Oct. I 24. ' Lutheran Bazaar," Oct. 25, Met- ropole Hall. i Gyro" Hoedown, Oct. 31, Exhibition Hall. '' r-nnnrllfin Scottish Pipes and nnimo nnnpp Hallowe'en night, 9 to 1. Armouries. Bob Townsend's Orchestra. Refreshments. Admis sion 50c. Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. Nov. 19. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. Miss Vivian Wrathall Hostess Last Night for Popular Local Bride-Elect. Last evening Miss Vivian Wrath- all was hostess at a delightful shower In honor of Miss Elsie Da- vis, whose marriage takes place j I Tonight's traln, due to arrive! World Comrnunlon Sunday was was spent in play- from the east at li:oo ociocK,was ""f"' T ing court whist, prize winners be- reported this morning to be on gta -gg J,TSiiJ ta Miss Evie Rivett. first; Mrs. time. iFirst BapUrt tnurcnes in Prince emd and Miss Ruth Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Goodridge S3l1prt hv t.hp fiataln. vesterdav wickets. Word has been received In the city of the arrival In England forj overseas service of Rev. capt.) R. C. H. Durnford, former padre of the local garrison area and rec tor of St. Peter's Anglican Church; at Seal Cove. The' Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its dinner meeting last night, decided to accede, to a rpmipst from the carnival oommit- tee to audit the committee's books I and accounts. Secretary Arthur Brooksbank and a committee will lhave the matter in hand. RuP-ert- Nelson, third. Delicious refreshments were J. Peck McSwaln, pioneer print- hv thp hosteSS and then afternoon nn their return to Port'er and old timer of many of the thrp nrpttiiv decorated boxes con Simpson after a week-end visit to the city. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its meeting last night, decided to ask the Postmaster to make It easier for people during the congested hours calling for their mall at the Post Office minitiw Timnw n i fit nrnu t n ni ... i v. taming pyrexware were presentea passed through the city a few days . tne bride-elect ago enroute from Stewart to Kam-1 nrPKPnt. wero ml Elsie loops where he will enter the pro-)Davls Mlss heima Davis, Mrs. F. vinclal home. M. Davis, Mrs. Alf . Rivett. Mrs. Frank Parlett, Miss Ruth Nelson, Mrs. J. K. Murray, Miss Isobel Connery, Miss Evie Rivett, Mrs. W. W. Wrathall, Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. Nixon, Miss Edna Strand, Miss Jean Wilson, Miss Betty Woods, Mrs. George Madill, Miss Fheme Finley. Mls3 Audrey Wrath all and Miss VWiun Wrathall. : OiissiFiEil in answer to one from a commit- COMMODIOUS tee or tne ranee Kupert onam- ber of Commerce in regard to the i possibility of shipping grain through Prince Rupert to Vladi vostok said that in the absence! FOR RENT OFFICE ROOM for rent in Daily News building, including large office desk, cup board and chairs. Possession Oct. 15. (tf) of Hon. J. A. McKInnon, minister I ROOM for rent To men sharing. 'of trade and commerce, the mat-j Phone Blue 805. Rldeout of Peace River, telling of;ter was held m abeyance but, on (the Visit Of J. ROSS MaCniCOl, M.P..,fVltt mllcter' return thp Prince I 1 m rAnA4 4Vin Jt - ... .lot luiuiiw-udvcuijuii, w uu- Pnoert DroDOsal wouia De given. trlct. The weather was bad and,conslderatlon- . it had been impossible to carry out schedules, but Mr. Macnicol WANTED URGENT The Y. W. C. A. Rooms Registry requires names of those willing to accomodate service men and their wives and fami lies. Phone 231 and ask for Mrs.; Garbutt. I WANTED Second piano. Phone 51. LOST LOST Black leather wallet con taining registration card, driver's and hunting licence. Phone 220 and ask for J. Storrie. PERSONAL hand player II LOST An important letter be tween Post Office and Lutheran Church. Finder please return to Post Office to Rev. J. H. Get vour silverware, watches,! rings, etc., from Peoples Credit Jewellers on easy terms as low as 50c down, 50c week, or $2.00 per month. Call District Manager A. B. Boruck for appointment, Red 69. (234) RONALD RRIDGETT English Singer and Broadcaster for BBC and CBC is open to Coach a few pupils in SINGING AND REPERTOIRE Phone Red 921 Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled Into Ladies Alterations, Repairing, Cleansing and Pressing "Quick Service" Teaturlng Freedman and Gabbes, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladies and Gents Suits and Topcoats to measure DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Thone 307 Box 725 A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FLOOR LAMPS with beautiful base, twisted and ornamental stands, 6-way lights, two switches, artistic shades with tint colors and oinate, but not over-done. 4 4 A With lights, stand and shade, complete from ....V V (A Good Selection, to Choose From) Phone 775 FHONE 775 327 Third Ave. BROOKFIELD EGGS Grade A Large; 42C per doz. COTTAGE ROLLS Swift's; fresh UtJ shipment; lb. RIPE PEAS 16-oz. tins. ! ff Special 2 forAU WOODBURY'S SOAP Regular bars; 23C 4 for MACARONI 5-lb. boxes; Ready-Cut or Long. Each PEACHES Extra large, 22 size tin. Choice quality; 2lC each PRUNES Fancy California; Op large size 2 lbs.u GREEN TOMATOES While they last! 9n 'Special 10 lbs. SAVOY CABBAGE Crisp and green; per lb. KOBAN COFFEE Vacuum packed; 1-lb. tins GUEST TEA Orange Pekoe fi7P u 1 Blend 1-lb. pkt. TOMATO SOUP Campbell's; regular tins SODA BISCUITS Red Arrow; large pkg. 10c 19c GOLDEN BANTAM1 CORN New pack; 9Cn 16-oz. tins 2 for ' FELS NAPTHA SOAP .3 bars AAn for APPLE JUICE Aylmer; large 20-oz. OCTp Uns 3 for001' PLUMS Extra large, 2V2 size tin. Choice quality; 20 C BANANAS Firm and yellow; 9 2 lbs Dr. Rallard's Dog Kit SPECIAL OFFER 2 Champion Dog Food 1 Health Dog Food 1 Dr. Ballard's Flea Powder 1 Dr. Ballard's Dog Soap 1 Dr. Ballard's Dog Book 95c Value for 59c Linzey & Ingram LTD. 2 PHONES 585 586 $5.00 ALLOWANCE For Your Old Mattress On Any One of the following Simmons Spring-Filled Mattresses: Beauty Rest at Deep Sleep at 4250 $3500 THIS WINTER TAKE Jubilee Anniversary SQ50 Majestic $200 1 sit Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. VITAMIN PRODUCTS FOR YOUR HEALTH, FOR THE PREVENTION OF COLDS ANP FOR GENERAL WELL BEING. These Vitamin Products are carefully chosen for-their reliability and merit. NEO CHEMICAL FOOD r 24-Day Size u....:.:-, 72-Day Size .......J........ 144-Day Size .,. NEO CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES 50 for 100 for IRRADOL A 16 ozs Hospital Size ..4... . $1.15 $3.45 $4.45 .... $uzi . $2.25 $1.50 $3,75 WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL $1.00 ORMES VITAMIN CAPSULES A, B, D AND G 50 for $155 ORMES VITAMIN CAPSULES A, B, D AND G WITH VITAMIN C 50 for $1.50 ORMES HALIBUT OIL CAPSULES 100 for $l.2S Ormes Ltd. Utm Pioneer Drtiqgists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.