fat - nnnnnnnnooaaBMDOonooDononnrmn w Sir .oaiJBOOOO" p. C u n k i ill i i ar News nATTI.K FOR VICTORY PREMIER r.nrral Elias Will Have To Ttestify Against Other Czechs To Save His Own Hide BERLIN Ocober 7: 0 DNB - . -, a lead) emence imposed upon lei Oracrai Alois Ellas of the oroteetorate of Bohemia- ..MH4lntlni IrAicnn :rmi mm to testify against ive- more Czechs are reported uvf oc?: --xrufed In Bohemia ... JUnttnr. t ml CfT1 been suspended to permit him ;!'!? trainst other suspects twJb ynagogues have been . .- .w. -3 Un IV..V c: .n places for suover- Jer. ") elements," i . Ill II H U Kansas City areas or Thousands Hollars Damage Done. re iniurpd and hundreds of n n 1 T Not Entertained 'c" the- '.rown unntyht. in hnvn -.u a iirriMim in nTr nnnpp Hi inn t?, . ,VSVSB V1VJ JW w- r m - . WU.huut first, nhfnlnlntr n m I n .. . l . . . wcrii llirown OUL DV ntA tit . " Ma'-Wn of Smlthers acted uiimi tor the crown while 'tn wa.s represented by T. ""Ill -il. . fC Mines Proposal Is Held Over f!he miniriE cnmmlll.. of SS r PCn Chamber of Com- wpport of a movement bv the Case3'"8 that there be " Pron 1' certain mln- nai miBht cause 'esemin . .. mines tn sVinf a rhe h,..u .: """" wvt- mf,.fl,?nt think they them "formation before Sterred hZ.. ? act s was ccure th, 7 . ine cmmlttee to ""urmation. Bulletins HARRY FOWLER DIES Many friends all along the coast from Victoria to Stewart including Trincc Rupert, will learn with regret of the death which occurred suddenly in Vic-toiia recently of Robert Harry Fowler who for many years was skipper of the ferry boat Awake plying between Anyox and Alice Arm. Born at Cambridge, Eng., 59 years ago, Mr. Fowler had suffered from heart trouble for some time, but t0 friends who saw him in the south only this summer he appeared quite well and cheerful. Mr. Fowler ar rived from the Old Country in 1903 and his first job was driving a stage between Duncan and Cowichan Lake on ancouvcr Island. Later he was located at Mount Sicker, nritannia and Stewart. FREDDIE COCHRANE WINS NF.W YORK Freddie (Red) Cochrane, world's welterweight champion, chased Lew Jenkins, lightweight champion, all around the ring In Madison Square Gar dens last night and won an easy 10-round decision. Jenkins took the nine count in the second round. WINDSOR'S LEAVING HIGH RIVER The Duke and Duchess of Windsor will conclude their visit to E. P. Ranch tomorrow when they leave for the return journey to the Ba hamas. They will proceed irom High River to Moose Jaw and cross the line at roriai, Dakota. LIVING COST MOUNTS OTTAWA The Dominion BU reau of Statistics announces an increase of one point in tne cosv of living in AuRUst. On Aug. 1 it was 113.7 and on Sept. 2 1H.7. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtwy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Grandvlew, .15V4. Bralorne, 11.25. Carlbob Quartz, 2.10 Ibid). Hedley Mascot, .47. Pend Oreille, 1.60. Pioneer, 2.35. Premier, .75. Privateer, .53. Reno, .10. Sheep Creek, .91. Oils Calmont, .18. C. & E., 1.30. Home, 2.45. Royal Canadian, .04U-Toronto Beattie, 1.08. Central Pat., 1.70. Cons. Smelters, 40.25. Hardrock, .79. Kerr Addison, 4.30. Little Long Lac, 1.76. McLcod Cockshutt, 2.10. Madsen Red Lake, .68. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .331 Pickle Crow, 2.75. Preston East Dome, 3.35. San Antonio, 2.45. 1 Sherrltt Gordon, .95. LONDON. Oct. 7: The hospital ships St. Julien and Dynard had their German passengers on board and even had their sailing lights on early this morning when orders were received not to sail with German repatriates under the arrangement which had supposedly been made between Great Britain and Oermany. Now It Is possible the transfer may be off altogether. The order calling off the movement was based on a statement made by the German radio saying that arrangements had been delinltely made for the exchange of only 133 prisoners of war and not for 1500 as had been announced In this country. The Breslau radio station said that the British Broadcasting Corporation had been ahead of the fact in stating the number of 1500. Great Britain' had expected to get 15C0 prisoners in return for a smaller number of Germans. It It Is is not not said sam whether wneiner negotla f-lBRAKy Ivic - Mpather Forecast Tomorrow slides W' ,nt and Queen Char- (Pacific Standard Time) T landW-Llght to moderate High 2:49 a.m. 19.9 ft. lotttC 1 northwest winds, mostly 14:48 pjn. 20.7 ft. Low 8:50 a.m. 6.3 ft. 21:21 pm. 4.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I ' JW -r VV . rw ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENT3 lOL. W . ......ir iiavR won the battle for survival. Now it . .... t... ictnrv." declared Lord Halifax, British ambassa- L 4h bill'" P inr " United States, at a dinner in his honor here last night. '' h ttle for victory could only be won by assuming the offensive. r ti.. is as much yours ami ours as is me uaiiie Th Dane of AUantic a serUd Lord nailfax t0 K . riran audience. Wendell Willkic, also a speaker, advocated U Ameni- v-.itralitv Art sn that fullest Dossible aid "W"r" cXnies. jnijDi Dt , SOME SECRETS DISCLOSED LONDON A Royal Air Force booklet, issued today, declared Htiji fireat urnam nau , r fit, fniljDse. irom u"i"""'s - ....... IU1C . .,.., n.n Itrltilr. kn JNazi uunua ...v..v.. v .......... if how a jreat J1 . . ... it.. iTrpnrh roast. It declared that Berlin traffic had If15 demoralized by Royal Air Force raiding and that the German ,!efn . . vi Tnvpnttv" so ereat had been the bomb damage LititT ' " ,.:., . . . ... ... . fr n i i i iti ir ' HA EXCHANGE ! ; DEFERRED Another Delay in Connection With Btitish-Gcrman Kepatria-! lion Move. Out German Effort RAILWAY DISASTER Great Bridge at Sault Ste. Marie Collapses as Train Passing Over. SAULT STE. MARIE, JVIichigan, Oct. 7: O) A mammoth bridge across St. Mary's River buckled beneath a freight train early today, hurling ftwo trainmen to death as the engine plunged into the water. One of two great spans in the bridge collapsed as a heavily loaded train stalled to cross from Canada. The locomotive dragging two freight cars behind it dropped into the river. FOR BETTER WAR EFFORT members generally, me assignment Tne present facilities for moouiz of ministries being left to the pre- Jng and training Canada's man mler. , Storm Damage Rev. E. E. Brandt, who has joln- thP Cnnad an Army i,nap- lalncy, formally presented his resignation ot First Baptist Church in ViR pnncrecatlon at a ItLiW w v u ' meeting following sunaay eve ning's service. A pulpit committee rnnslslinir of P. H. Lliizey, H. U. Daggett and Miss Kay Watson was delegated to arrange ior CIIPPPRROr. Miss Edith Johnstone was el ected envelope secretary of the church clurV Sunday Sunday night night In In succes- Gives Support night, decided to ask the city pnmmlssloner tn make a substan ROAD FOR PUTSCH IS l1!usso-Gcrman War SEAL COVE PUT DOWN.CRIMEAN President Of Local Clergy the Prince Rupert Ministerial As sociation was held In First Pres byterian Church Monday morning, npside a full attendance of the local clergy, Rev. T. C. Colwell of the United Church, Port Simpson . r . and Brigadier J. T. oiiungnam Tn, 0 LlVlC Lentreof the Salvation Army, Wrangell, Alaska, were present. I The annual election of officers 'took Rev. J. H. Myrwang i. i.. Mr rnmml.rr. iipniipsis nlace. 1 rn. rfoctrlont and Ad City To Make suostaniiai iwas uiuh H.v . - Donation 'jutant Brunsdon, secretarj treasurer. The Prince Rupert Chamber of) After a number of business 1 mat- rr,mmprpp nt its meetlnc last.ters were aean. win., .& president, Rev. E. E. Brandt, who has been appointed cnapiain to the Canadian Scottish Regiment, INVASION IM XT A vYM Jill f jTU1 Vl City Prepared To Spend $20,000 Daughter Of Serbian Lawyer Led' Which Is Half Estimated Cost . Latest Movement Against Nazis 1 In Subjugated Croatia The report of the civic commit- - tee on the Seal Cove road lm- BERLIN, October 7: 0 German movement DroDosal to the Prince troops and two companies of' 4i0 Ulllllk.. lllvi.WII IHdV . . . . 1 V f - tj " w brought out the fact thai the city ter In the west Serbian town of was prepared to spend $20,000 on Sabac, the news service. Diest Aus the work but, as that' Is only half Deutschland, said today. nt v. -...v. .nnnirj if to e A- The TTstnnHas arp the uniformed Ul kiiU OU1I1 lltUlitUi ill WCfcO UU- . . cided to ask the Department of guard or Dr. Ante ravenc, cniei, -. .... .. . . . f .. . . 11 i . .ntl . t H .tnA . t . MAr -i tnJ -j I f nm I I LOOMING Rupert Chamber of Commerce at Croatian Ustachas have smashed 'New Nazi Offensive Taking Form Although Soviats Claim To Be Holding Firm GREAT NAZI OFFENSIVE MOSCOW, Oct. 7: CB The So- 1 . .1 , ii.ni National ueiencr to prcviae an- oi me ronun suite neaau num uumcugcu mi mc ucimans other $20,000. the remnants of former Yugo- had launched a great offensive It was also decided to ask the Slavia. city to finish the fill on Fifth Reports said that rebel bands Avenue at Hays Cove Circle to had stormed Sabac. enable traffic to use that road in going towards Seal Cove. It would np"V f i AT"!"1! then be possible to have one-way III I APll.r.1, roads thus avoiding the danger caused by the loop below th6 school. J. E. Boddle suggested that the cost of the work might ba reduced by using some of the rock now being filled Into the bay at Seal Cove. G. R. S. Blackabv doubted if the rock fill could w'"u be uc diverted for rf thnt that on the central front and an nounced that the entire Russian nation was being prepared to meet it. LONDON, October 7: While a new Nazi offensive all along the 1 1 I I l - 4 DC,V! J P Y ,day against stubborn resistance by lEiVJaO 1 S i the Soviet defenders, an Invasion jof Crimea by the Germans from Panama inama Will mil Strike sirike Armed armca Mcr- nier- ine " " sea appears .. imminent. chant Vessels. Foreign-Owned ' Authoritative sources said today ( 1 1 4 11 It 1 .......... Off Its List. J iiiab uic uciniitiis suiicilu aevcic losses in Perekop Isthmus in a p amam a nit. 7 The Panama drive southward from the Russian - - . negoua- . """'tuj'u' Ukra ne toward Crimea, E0Vernment announced yesterday cancelled Executive ;Of Canadian Legion In purpose. His understanding was JJJ """S tlons have been finally Panaman-I A battle growing In intensity for the transfer or whether they Session Last Evening that thls work would be continued foreign owned' hour by hour on the central front will be continued. ' a Seal Cove orJt,wo yera,.J" J; the Soviet vessels which are armed This was reported today by Meantime the British Broad- Tfre executive of the Pce Little also doubted If casting Corporation says It has no Rupert branch of the Canadian material could be obtained. 1 e CXP exoected c move of the Unit- said that Marshal Timoshenko's of the British Empire Ser- The prosal for a one-way further instructions. Legion merchant vessels, forces were fighting back with a - vice League was In session last traffic routing around Booth eQ w serles of hard smashes agalnst kif-iflT rifWTJT evening In preparation for the Memorial High School was made 'German armored wedges driven ilLlIY Nr. W 111 V1W IV 1 I half-yearly next meeting of lUv... Wednesday - by R. M. PrfltestSQaJox Wlnslow, It Jba.school would be a ,:VUUIJ I Aunty 1,01111 VWU.-- Jtato Soviet lines. Sovletrlflede-- VVfifle lbcal matters take much children who used the streets a I Cpcc:nn attacked Nazi IO Tf nil1 17 1 aviation, heavy con- I.N r I )K Yl VAJ of tne tlme of the executlvc tne 8reat deal there- He also suggested lb 1H UC5MU11 centratlons, Red Star said, and in A vrXf-i-' national emergency and its de- a stop sign where Hays Cove three sectors aJone the 0ermans mands come first. In this con- Avenue turned Into Sixth Avenue were sald to nave lost i08 tanks Labor Leader John Curtin Formal- necton the af tion of the Dom- at the far end of the bridge. Three Civil Actions And Two more than j 00Q klJled and 32 ly Takes Over Administration lnion presldcnt, Alex. Walker, in The committee consisting of W. Appeals On List For Month Of . lanes downed, in Australia. calling a special meeting of the M. Watts, Cecil Brind, Frank Dibb October , The Russlans admitted that the run dominion execuuve council oi ana o. K. s. uiacKaoy win present llne had Deen dented at some CANBERRA, Oct. 7: Labor the Canadian Legion has met with the proposal to the proper auth- With three civil actions and but tha. thQ NazU haV8 Leader Jolui Curtin became the the fUnest approval of ex-service oritlcs. ,two appeals on the list for the accompilsned tnls oniy with great new rrlmc Minister oi nusuaua men Their demand is mat uana- yesterday, taking over the port- da-s war eflort be a total one. tx 4 TT rVTirif folio of defence co-ordinator in Tnat in turrii it 15 held, requires II VKp. iJrjV iLi .jjitinn tr. 4Vo Prpmlprshio. There 1.. nnkiii7nti.n nf mpoith 13 a war cabinet of seven members and materlal resources but also IP "ni?CpTTl7r In addition to the general cabinet. consCription of manpower for ser- Jj IvEilJ vUjuL xii tuiuiiiii"j " - e vice wiicicvci wic vnviiij ccdure, those to become members In me Lepion's opinion Cana-of the cabinet were elected by the das war effort Is not total month, County court was m rcgu-. to themselves ln men and lar monthly session, yesterday . . . .. nom morning before Judge W. E. Fish- &n driye had sq faf obtamed nQ erl0r f,ettt "g ofc.ases- 'important result. The 1st is as follows. I Tank forces 0f the Germans on Chesley HerretV vs. David A.' central &nd ns (Don) Wilson'. $310, Brown & , ... . . ,... George Hopkins Finally Rescued Zil heaVy destructlon and- Safely From Wyoming ' "w tol Tlox enelM SPeaklng' aCCOrdmg t0 o Monolith. "lng ;.ff "L2n8' W. S;rvVv the Raiw. the Soviet defence plaintiff, Brown n & Harvey for for de- de- M..rm!.nSfc in thp far north Z'mlXe frtWJS n11.. Stanley lies ahead. The Legion believes Jack ura" that the country is united on this medical student, and a Jcue lamtlff( November 11. stralghter . ...... u. j i 1. nartv of seven others safely ef- .t,QO,c rn,no. Wnv nnrt Chone straitmer. Is Not Severe , r.X',. g 5SZ Pinion C elreuta te 1-t y bh. S-J X,Z tr, ' K0 "f" SPVPntPPn to and had little food or water. His IV OSCOW LnVOV I. ?reai "a"c.uiu"" " " tf ,m i. DosiUon for a time had seemed, IlllUiUll UUHCliO. - fcWUIlfcY MIAMI, Oct. 7: O-Only 1 minor 1 auxiliary services and desperate. omntro was done by a 60-mile ., 1 gale which swept over Miami yes- n M lon utives of the u at the meettng of the civic centre lVlyrWailg licW jparea iui . "hurricane committee will be the presl- istorm warnings as the hurricane and Q e 'swept towards the coast from the . rnhamas Parts of the Florida "PPS- S were struck with 100-mlle -Those In attendance at the ex-, ecutlve meeting were H. A. Breen, velocity. netAA t,v Prpppp MpII , i n 1. Cameron, S. A. Cheeseman, J. M. RocimiC Ac raSini Walker. R. C. Bamford, George ed vol5"u mw " . Abbott. H. Thrupp, C. L. Parker Of Local Church and Hugh M. Smith. I Coming Home Ins from the north and central sectors towards Moscow while the push towards Kharkov and the Donetz River basin Is proceeding ...iu n Mn.r Innil iiffoticlvn annar. Lawrence A. Steinhardt Returning entiy getting under way north of . . i A .. - II 1VUI. .. . . to uasningion 10 unsun me oea oi nzuv. U. S. Government ) The German High Command ln Berlin asserted today that a great MOSCOW, Oct. 7: United new. battle against the Russians States Ambassador to Russia, Law- nacl been fought and won 800 miles rence A. Steinhardt, Is about to rom the German frontier in an u.o., ior north of the sea ot azot ana The regular monthly meeting of leave leave for ivi Washington, twiuiibvwii area aica iiutm ui wv consultations with his government said this was "ln the course of an n 1 .It.i. I . ...11 In regard to tne ttussian nounced new operations.- tlon. Mr. Steinhardt had a lare-,pii mpetintr vesterday before leaving with Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov. Ankara. Turkey, reports indica tions that a large German naval operation from Bulgaria Is about to be launched. Much activity ln : the concentration of warships at 1 a imAc nTpMnetprs nf Na- thp Rulzarlan Dorts of Varna and iVllO. XftiiVO IUVH.WUW.W - L- nalmo worthy grand matron of Burgas is reported. Such a naval ' . .. IJ 1 kl.. U. Iln.il the Order of the Eastern star 101 move wouia pruuauiy ue uui British Columbia, and F. A. Fran-with a break-through Into the els of Vancouver, the worthy grand, Crimean Peninsula by land. The patron, alter spending uie yam oojetue uum uC w few davs here ln connection with and the Russian naval base of ' ..... ..I-U , 1 , 1 41 UU l Jnm. the making of an oinciai visit iu (aeoasapoi aim uiua uuwm uu- . 1 1.n awa. ImhIIam m i V a T2ln1r Can Beast unapter, ieit on cvc-.umi.iuii ui uic xi n rr Ihplr rptiirn south' ' w .o of hp intprlor. In addl- STOCKHOLM. Oct. 7: ff The UJ WJ I . a 11. v, . ftffiMai .rl.l1 visit, session CflCCinn Swedish Cnrn41eVt Academv. AnflrtfitrlV XL' which n . f awards succes-tlal donation nl ht7 there' were a the Literary Nobel Frtefr Is not on to .Mrs. Frank Glass who ls,p tbT of speclal functions for expected tonarne jOttr to leaving the city on Thursday night of this week for Victoria to taice up future residence. mously. 'of office.