,,17 1941- -w v nsffi? JUBfl ... ft i FAGE JHRE2 Basketeers LOCAL NEWS NQTE$ 'est !B Entertained Used furniture bought for cash .Tonight's train, due from the East Oance For Ocean Falls Hoys And or sold on commission? EliQ's, fipos i atMl ocjock, was reporiea inu "llrls Are Seeing Sights This Avenue. to be on time. " ATlerriooh :n " '" ijuildmTl Jfaornlng TYLEWEAR Jlrs. Duncan Miller and Miss obviating j'J in honor Ocean Eleanor Moxiey left on -last evening's Falls girls' and boys basketball V.r y- ;lrfftf'0n train for a trip to Terrace. by back Dack's Shoes are built by expert Craftsmen . . built righj, to giv you solid comfort faultjess fit and exceptionally long wear. Call in today and see the spring' -samples and get .your copy of tjie 19)1 catalogue. .JOLE AGENTS atts & Nickgron iltD AVE. Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. TEA CLOTHS cloths, check or stripe design. CURTAIN MUSLIN ftain muslins, assoried dots and Pres. 4 yards PILLOW' SLIPS PW slips, full bleach. illGURtJD SILKS PHONE 315 c.fifc-- -Mi 14. amer Princess Norah, northern points and will sail at '5 Palmer making her irance of the season on route In which she has pjn. for Vancouver The Princess Norah is now to be replaced for the summer by the Princess Louise. throughout the eu:3 vm, tnfnrttn.nu ue m port at 3:30 this tlse for it. Hundreds of people get. rem Skagway and other .what they want that way (tf ) 1 LLAR n . i DAYS BABY PILL0WS pillows, pink or blue. TURKISHTQWEIaS y striped Turkish towels. 0, 4 for s i v TOWEI TA1JLE SQUARES .on table squares, 50x50.Assorted fc 2 for iV v.t. v S1.00 Is, hand size with colored stripe. C Ail $1.00 $1.00 1.00 f Mm mi - $1.QQ & yarqs . v . -2 J ?T ' nPPSPPNDJlA?ERy pspun drapery, ypvieil 'strfpes, 44 Rs wide. 2 yards ... SPORT WAISTS $1.00 tton sport wags! wljite offeurptj 1.00 SATIN PYJAMAS or CQWNS Fn Pyjamas or gowns, pink or white, j 7 5 t i, t T r A "spot1 " - -11' -r.-JKSi 7" lU! nroa , about 'thlrt'y-Xlve -young folks being in auenaance. music wai. uy jcaii The regular monthly meeting of thp Wnmen's Alixllbirv ti the TVwnlnlnn Constable A. J. Wat. klnson ieft on'SStVerJlnfe's train de Cirt6s Orchestra and John for a jg Tefracefa offlcAAl Oood was master of ceremonies, ' "This aftemobn the visitors are being " taken 'on an,rinspectlon ' of Ihii plant of'the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage; Co jmd- for a drive alonf? the fikntia River Hlehwav. HTonlgh't Jfesaif by tjie' Prince aeorge on their return to ocean Falls. business. MUSCLES SORE STIFF and ACHING "' ' " - I i Wkm jai'r. M tia M t inkk ui4 mbkIm .chine fia aartaslaataa' -tmU r hars wark, ft hrUL m.uu, wttk BurkLr'i Whit Kla Ht lunkcr fM up tak III U ia m.hU jrearjaaacykark. 3(e aa4 Sic. dollar.,. Try it in the Dally News d. Mc D. Hunter, Besner Apart- :cias.siiiea column. ui) ments. : Dr. R. G. Large's fine new power yacht, launched at the end of the week and taken outside to receive its 175 Hall-Scott engine, is Hack inside Cow Bay again at' its builder's yard, the Suehlro establishment for finishing of upper structural work now the engine is in. nm i ap rnday&wturday days BABY CRIB BLANKETS ' crib blankets, nursery designs. Sl.00 BOYS' SWEATERS Boy.' cotton sweaters, assorted sTzes 100 and colors. 2 for v KIDDIES DRESSES Kiddies yrint dresses, 2 to 6 years. S V 1 . .0 0 2 for ..-.. SKIRTS Skirts in varied materials,' a few to clear. J50 Each . .',.,7 ' ' ! " 1 DRESSES Dresses, an assortment of sizes and CO 75 colors; to $5:50 for TARTAN JACKETS Girls ( assorted sizes all vool tartan C-J JJA jdckefs,,reglar 2.5Q for. vxv,v' WOMEN'S SWEATERS Women's all wobT sweaters, assorted 1,25 styles. Each w w LADIES ILVNDBAGS Ladies' handbags, a Varied assortment Ci QQ of colors and styles , v ANKLE SOX Woman's and girls' ankle1 sox, wool mix. J ,Q 0 3' pairs ' SILK HOSE Pure silfcfepe hose) new "Shades. r 59C Pair, " COTTON LISLE ipSE Cotton lisle hose, new shades. 8100 3 pairs PANTIE CORSELETTE Girjs two-Nvay stretch pantie c6rselette C-j Qg with lace top; Reg. $3.50 SNUGQIES and VESTS Waffle knit snuggles and vests. 8100 . P 3 for -. BLOOMERS and PANTIES Celesuede blo'oniers and panties, tea rose C-j A A or white. 2 for na . i:- v Charles Graham, inspector of mines; left oh last everimgjV'train jfoV a trip to Telktfa ' xm official duties. " 0 Com. W. E. Bottoms, who has been1 stationed heir? with theRoyal Canadian vAlr Force, 'left' drf'Jast evenings train lor rennoia, ai berta.' " i Dr. Joseph Mandy was the speaker today at the regular week Jy luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club,, dealing with incl - dents and experiences on a recent Prince" Rupert General Hospital, D T. Green of Quick is making trlP t0 Eastern Canada on mining Was held in the Boardroom Tues-W round trip to Ketchikan and matters. Dr. NeaJ Carter, president President Mrs. Walton 'gtewart ' club- wasr m chair an day evening, aboard the Prince George. -the lh the" chair. A ' letter of thanks xU sailed for the north yesterday there was .a. eood attendance of from H. W. Birch, managing fee- will be back in the city this members wim a lew guests. reiary vi uie oospiiat, was reau, evening. acknowieagmg gut 01 six more. mattresses for the wards. Plans 1 Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New IJazel-were made for a tea to be heid ton arrived in the city 6n Tus'.day Tn the Nurses' Home in May. night's train from the interior and will be' here until- next Monday costs yju only half 9 evening's train as the guest 'of Mrs. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full montiiat 25c V word. Cathedral Spring Sale, Thursday, April 17. Red Crass Dance, April 18. Armories, RjJt. Orchestra. L. O. B. A. Spring Sale, April 23. Pop's Dance, Armory, April 23. Presbyterian Spring Sale, AprlJ Gyro Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Dance; Oddfellows' Hall. United Spring Sale May i. 102nd. Auxiliary Dance, May 2 ' ' Armory. vt:i,nut?. ..v ' Anglican Evening Branch Tea, Mrs. Hueston,"lJeeds 'Aplirtments. :,May 3. "iifip$hif1 I St. Peter's Spring Sale, May B, Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. L. 1 Kergln's, May"8. " Hospital Auxiliary Tea. Home. May 15; Nurses' Cambral Chapter I. O. D. E. Spinsteri Spree' Friday, May 16. ' R.C.C5., R.CAM.C.. R.CA5.CM R. C. E,' Auxiliary Empire'TeaTLcg-ion, ' May' 17. ' "' W. A. Canadian Legion Spring Sale, May 21. ' - AITTIOX SALE Tlmlr, Sale -.iI155 Tlwre wUl' be'oaSfmt fcr-aile ait Pub 1 lic Auction, at noon ah the 5th May, 1941, la .the office, of the DUstflot Por- eseer, Mariile Building, Vancouver, B: C, th Ueeac: X28153, to'out. 3,OS3,W)0' X. b. m. ejjruoe,' cedar and tomlack on an area comprising part of lot 20, ma s. T. L. 6188P end vacant Crown land, Cumshewa Inlt, Quen CSwrloUe Isl ands. Land District. Two (21 "years- w"Jl ' (b allownl, for r- nw T tlai,br. . ' '. . MProrWd iyan AUiatile iuiind-th eurtton to pereon may BUUrntt tender to fee epened't itliehaur of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may toe oibUOned from ithe cailef ftoreater; Victoria, or Uie EKatxlct Porester. Prlno Rupert, or the District roester, vancourer, AITTIOX SALE Timber' 'Sale XIH1M There will toe offered far' sale at Pub Ue Auction, at noon, on tne -2th day of April. 1941. to the office of the Dis trict Forester, Mann Buimtng. Vancouver, B.C., the Licence X28154, to dut 111.000 t. to. m. ctf spruce' and hemlock on an area' situated at Breaker Bay, Oumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (2) years Kill toe allowed for re moval of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction tn person - may tubMlt tender to toe opened at Uie hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further .p&rttdul&ra. may (be obtained from the Chief nareattr, victoria, B.C. 6r' the Dlstrtot' Forester. Prince Hubert, or the DUtrtat Forester, Marine Build. tng; Vancouver, B.c; "7a ? S : "O O VERXMENT UQl'OR ACT" fSMtfcm 28) Notice of AppUoatlon for a Bftr Llffnie NOTICE to 'hereby riven tnat on me 9th dav of Mar. a. D. i4i, tne under slcned intends .'bo. P5ly to the Liquor Central Hoard rar a uoense in respect of' premise -betoR 'part-'or' c mnicnnj known. &' -the- -Belmont IIotel, situate at 727 Third Avenue. West, Prtnoe Rup ert, upon" the1 lands described as 'Lots nos. S and 0. biock no. aroeonon i Prince Rupert Townslte, Map 929; Prince Rupert Jjana itepstration uimtkti, ,u the Province of British. Columbia, for the sale of beer by the s3ass or: by the bottle for consumption on the premise or elsewwhere. . THIRD and FULTON DATED this 28th day of Mtrcn. a jj Close at Six pi. Saturdays 1941, JOHN HOSXTN3 AppUoaat, Fancy Size 11 CUT GKEE1V KEANS A ipeclally cultivated variety for color, flavor, appearance and" nutrl-lve value. Always peclfy RenaOTY Brand. HARD FIGHTING There is a life and death stiujr-fle going on just now1 between If, fJ.rm nnm nnA 4h Rriilsh. It has been a real test of strength The 'British, ' unfortunately, are on the defensive everywhere except 'on the' sea. They had the severest air bombardment of the war last nijht in London. Their positions 'are being attacked by the Germans in Greece and in S'orthern Africa but the navy 1$, as ever, on the offensive. "it fs too early to give an opinion as to the outcome of the conflicts It seems quite probable 4 that in Africa the British will clean iip the situation arid 'eventually drive the enemy out of the whole country. As to Greece, the British and Greeks are putting up a splendid defence fiiit'thVre are so many factors that may sway the conflict. We are naturally biased and some of our thinking is apt to be wishful thinking. All seems to be the1 "first time there j We feel is that before the ehd we shall Jiave won a great victory. C.N.R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and JPti-days 6 pm. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday 11 pjn. aB III IvS I iKBBRtKBKRttttBiBM E L aaPaHV MAOC IN CANADA. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, ' 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert April 14 and 26 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 588 CHARTS Just Out Dominion Chart 368 Port Louis to Langara Island 5Qc "'J We are Autiorized Government Agents for British Admiralty - U.S. Hydrograghic and 1 Canadian (Sovernment -..- - Charts Complete Stock of Essential Charts Carried Tide Tables '. 10c, 25c Jljloj; House Log Books 1.25. EaTaliel" Rules $1.25 to 2.50 Dividers $1.25 ...,r Course Protractors S4.00 Ghart Reading Glasses $H0 Nautical Books ft ' 'i if 4