—— ‘ Ww. L. BARKER HITECT AR . of wood hoists. ferent ee dif sg Ph yne 89 Second Ave. Alberts Block ae sbcie Ww. Nichol Lailey 1 NRO & LAILEY Architects, Second Avenue. wrk Building — P oUART & STEWART a ouNT ANT AUDIT ORS Butler Building Phone No. 280 Law: P.O. Box 35) prince Rupe rt BENNETT, B.A. ‘“ B.C,, Ontario, Sas- tia Coa ear katchewan and Al- fod Manitoba Ba 4 berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTER NoTARIES, Etc. oBw-Albert B nd Avenue, ~ wu, §. HALL, L.D.8., D. 0.8. DENTIST. n Bridge Work a Specialty. Cow ee in skilfully treated, Gas and tee aes administered for the painless ex- P reeth Consultation free, Offices ann Block, Prince Kuvert. ii-12 —_— ——_—-— W.E. Williams,8,A.. LL.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ Ales. M.Manson 8 A, PRINCE RUPERT Le caenematee P20, BOX 2 JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING poriL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ A.B. Adi, LON, ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 919 3rd Avenue Phone 384 PHONE 801 P.O, BOX B04 PONY EXPRESS ANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE SYSTEMATIC MER Baggage, Storage and For warding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fultor Phone 30) THE IROQUOIS POOL American Billiards SECOND AVE. English and Twelve Tables Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Hotel Central European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day, ’ Peter Black Proprietor HAYNER BROS. ANo EMBALMERS Directors {TAK Fu a St Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WATER NOTICE FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND USE WATER NOTICE is hereby given that the poeen ,~harlotte Fishing Company, Vanes, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bldg., ancouver, B.C., will apply for a li- cence to take and use four cubic feet era 1 of water out of Edward reek, which flows in a south-westerly tection tl lands lies Bay near Tassoo H rough unsurveyed Crown into [wo Mountain will be divert menos . ane a will be ised for ed at Third Falls and will mt industrial purposes on the scribed as shown in sketch at 8 office, Prince Rupert, Water Blane der and situated ; Wi Sr 7 Mountai a ” Rast Coast of Two This notice we as poste on the 10t) posted on the ground applic, lay of April, 1912. The the mene will be filed in the office of ater Kecorder at Prince Rupert. parisectior ay be filed with the said ler of W order or with the Comptrol- ater he ights, ings, Vietori B.C, Queen © harlotte Limited, Ay Parliament Build- Fishing Company, ‘ant By Samuel Pub. April is ie! A Moulton, i = BC, COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE Agent. FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE S. S. PRINCESS ROYAL y : —for— ANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Every Sunday, 6 P, M. a.m CANADIAN Mula LEE NAB, General Agent WAN rT E D! For particulars apse CB. Schreiber & Co., 3rd Ave. . : "y @ Daily News Want ad. Cor, Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT NOW OFEN PRINCE RUPERT CAFE) SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH sT | FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES Williams & Vidak - Props > —-o—-# 9-0 — © 4 6 4-4 FRED. STORK | . —General Hardware $ Rar were ee a é Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware ? SECOND - AVENUE — @-0-4-+ 4-0 ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS . R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Hays Cove. Agente for imperial Gasoline Motors. Phone Biue 259 P. O. Box 957 .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: —THE— Westholme Lumber Co. —LIMITED Savoy Hotel Fucat OVER © THE DAILY NEWS. IRISH CHANNEL Corbett Wilson, English Aviator, Conquers the Space of Sea Hitherto Crossed Only By Bal- loon. Wexford, Ireland, April 30 Making the first aeroplane flight the Trish channel in a rainstorm and heavy fog, Corbett Wilson landed at Enniscorthy, just of here. Except for his propellor in mak- his descent, Wilson made the without mishap. Wilson started from London to cross the Irish channel, Alien has been heard from since he start- ed, Vilson started over the channel from Fishguard. The weather became thick that he was forced to descend at Ennis- corthy, although he had planned to to Dublin. Across north sinashing Ing trip su continue + TEN MILLIONS SAFE ACROSS Titanic Disaster is First Real- ly Sericus Mid-ocean , Mishap in Fifteen Years of Transat- lantic Traffic. is pointed out that:in the years between the sinking Bourgoyne in a eollision sinking of the Titanic by 10,000,000 immi- the Atlan- and nearly number of the Atlantic and in all no disaster big trans-Atlan- fairly in the the accidents to that have happened shore the of life has been small be expressed percentages, fifteen years modern liner succumbed It fifteen of the and the an iceberg, grants have tic this continent, two-thirds of that people have crossed from this those fifteen has befallen a tie liner while open In such vessels crossed to continent, years out loss to In has near too in no COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies | First Avenue Phone 186 | NOW.... That we have more front on 2nd) avenue, we are able to atopray our) large stock of beautiful oak furni- ture and some of our upholstery, curtains, drapery, etc. See our show windows at the Big Furniture Store. iLinoleums, Stoves and Lamps on the €th street side; Crockery and kitchen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. | F. WV. HART CORNER 6TH ST. AND 2ND BOER LINDSAY’ CARTAGE 20 G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable. Phone 6%, Orders promptly filled, OFFICE--E. B. Rochester, Centre St. Little s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers TOBACCOS :: FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF CIGARS New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, Prornierors| The New Knox Hotel is runon the European | lan, First-class service. All the Latest Modern | mprovements. BEDS 50e UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER? | Your Success-Meter Regard your B.N.A. Savings Bank Book as a sort of meter which records plainly your progress toward prosperity. There are hundreds of these Bank of British North America success-meters in the homes around you. Is there one in your home? If not we will gladly provide one, 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 Prince Rupert Branch, F. S. LONG, Manager. } Lo |} wind ithe | ter, | half jard | three } sand | Street. ling froma satnnnnts internal aecident, to wave. The to Titanic was a nedless disas- Manitoba Free the Royal Cafe any OL or disaster Press. Merchants’ tf Try lunch, GRAND ‘TRUNK RAISES |Two Thousand Men Affected by Recent Increases Granted. April announced It of- that an agree- Montreal, 28, ficially Is into be- Railway entered Trunk locomotive has been the ment tween Grand Company and its en- was on be- which -ement day by gineers, which agr duly signed the other of both parties, engineers will get an increase {2 {5 per cent, in wages, bringing them up to wage stand- locomotive engin Pacific. covers the the of from their practically the the Canadian agreement next years and affects two thou- men all the company’s system, to sate as ers the The on over and 10, block 45, sec- tion 7, with small house, $1100. $500 cash, balance 6, 12, and 18 Th. Collart, 225 6th 4t Lots months, “UP AGAINST IT | Siok Man Sent Below to Seattle at City’s Expense. American ¢Cili- suffer- Cc, ony ae. an zen and I, W, member, malady which expensive granted a an been may necessitate operation, has free pass to Seattle, the I, W. W enaranteeing to have him cared sa in the county hospital there. City Council approved this. Full and complete consign- Pr of ship chandlery at Howe & MeNulty's, 2nd Avenue, tf Lots 3 and 4, block 6, section 7, 81200, $500 cash, balance 6 and 12 months.—Th. Collart, 225 6th Street, 4t not} | boys. } CHARITIES KEEP FEW SURVIVORS Several of Those Sa Saved from the Titanic Lost Their All as Well as Their Gread Winners—Dis- tressing Cases. New York, April 29,.—Chariiies caring for 204 of the Titanic passengers. A sad case was that of Carla Anderson, a flaxen haired girl of nineteen, who set out for Portland, Ore., with ber unele, her brother and her fiance. All were lost. A distracted Selma Ashlund, who sailed her husband and three The father was the mother and reach America destitute. are woman Mrs. with small but saved, friendlyy and is lost, sons were it will pay everyone interest- ed to look over the large new consignment of ship chandlery at Howe & McNulty’s, 2nd Ave.tf WANTS HIS SHARE Old Timer of Rupert in Insurance Business Seeks Patronage. G. CG. Emmerson, realty and insurance agent, has asked the Council to allot him a share of the next city fire insurance en- tered into, and his letter has been referred to the Finance com-| mittee. Later a question of in-| | surance of telephone instruments | Subscribe for the Daily News. Owners who place their rented propery in my hands will have it jooked after with the same fidelity as if | owned it myself. Fire Insurance in Board Companies GEO. LEEK, 618 3rd Ave. The new stee! Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” AND— “Camosun” Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: “Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively Leave None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 | Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Agents International Stock Food:- —ALL KINDS OF FEED- Superb For Vancvuver, *Efrective For Port Simpson, All Other Queen Charlotte Mixed Trains Leave Pr. Rupert tf p, If so Ensure Comfort, Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Mail Steamers Prince Rupert’and Prince George Victoria *Mondays and Wednesdays S. S. PRINCE JOHN Port Nelson, Granby Bay and Stewart ob Masset and Naden Harber Island Points on Saturdays, TRAIN SERVICE TO VAN ARSDOL m. GOING EAST THIS YEAR? Speed and The Grand Trunk Railway System from Chicago For full particulars, tiekets, ete., apply to A. E. MoMASTER, Genera! Agent, Prince Rupert Agency All Atlantic Steamship Lines mship Company's and Seattle argoa 13th M May Wednesdays, 114.1, Pp. m on Thursdays, t! on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays Safety on Your Trip by Using Pe 116 | UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6, Ltd PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. —_— «$$ Inlander —for- HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER- MERE and all interior points, For rates and information apply Rochester & Monroe - Agents Second Avenue ..We Offer For Sale.. Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1. Price $3,000 each, ee -half cash, balance 6 12 and 18 month Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, Section 5. $2,100. One-half cash, balance 6, and 18 months. Lot 4, Block -25, Section 5, with 5-room howse worth $900, renting for $20 per Price 12 month, Price $1,775. Terms, $1,275 cash, balance $25 per month. Lots 15 and 16, Block 5, Section 6. Price $4,200. One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Section 6. Price $3,500. $1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 *and 18 months. Lot 18, Block 2, Section 7. Price $900. $450 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, Lots 33 and 34, Block 16, Section 7. Price #1,600. One-half cash, baiance 6 and 12 months, Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7. Price $750. 400 cash, balance 4 and 8 months Lot 19, Block 23, Section 7. Price $450 Equity out. Lots 1 and 2, Block 31, Section 7. Price 1,275. $575 cash, ‘balance 6 and 12 months. Continental Trust Co., Ltd. Second Avenue Real Estate Insurance Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent COAL New Wellington Coal. Coast Best on the Rogers & Black SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 |p. m., at 349 3rd ave. All Nor- |wegians are welcome. Silversides Bros. |The up-to-date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties came up. Mr. Emmerson wah have a share of this. George Little of Terrace is the elty, In Rianaving:: ‘Mr Cleaver, how do you ac-| count for the faet that I found! i piece of rubber tire in one of the sausages-I bought here jast week?” My dear madam, the motor cur is replacing the horse every- where,” | WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS IMI- TATE ‘2nd Street Phone 156 Green - Church Services . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Church Hall at 11 a.m. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 pim. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 8RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at li a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B,D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at Ul a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C, R. SING, B.D. PASTOR THE SALVATION ARMY Services every Sunday at 11 am, 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 1:30 p. m. Weeknight services Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. KERR Cc. CAPT. 0, ‘Prince Rupert nt Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 | Meets in the Helgerson Block } Every Tuesday Evening |All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. | A, DOUGLAS, N. G, W. G. BARRIE, Sec, | | MONTREAL. THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It is national in all its ulms, It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world, Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial is thoroughly independent, A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain, TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Cow Limited, Publishers policy ry beenslbow _—— hp hm: Pf bat Tro General Merchandise ete : Largest Stock Lowest Prices } in Northern B. C. koe TT? ie =~ SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) APPROVED AGREEMENTS Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate andjStock Brokers V. FP. G. GAMBLE FOR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert and Stewart Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of every description w Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE —— LAND PURGHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5. Take notice that I, William Fraser, of Spokane, Washington, occupation farmer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lends: Commencing at a post planted about four miles west and three miles and a half south &nd Hil, Banks Island, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of ee acter containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less. "| WILLIAM FRASER. from Fred Dawson, Agent. Dated March 5, 1912. Pub. March 23, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast} Range 5. Take notice that I, George Graham, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation brakeman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted about four miles west and three and a half miles south from End Hill, Banks Island, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement; contain- ing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. GEORGE GRAHAM, ered Dawson, Agent. Dated March 5, . 1912. Pub, March 23, Skeena Land District-——District of Coast Range V. TAKE NOTICE that I, Dora L. Wright, of Prince Rupert, married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at the north east corner of Lot 5127, thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains more or less to the nor- th boundary ef Lot 2285, thence west 20 chains more or iess to the east boundary of Lot 5127; thence north 20 chains more or less to the point of commencement, and containing 40 acres more or less, DORA L, WRIGHT, Alfred E. Wright, Agent. April 22nd, 1912. April 24. Dated Pub. District of Coast. Lottie McTavish, of occupation married woman | intends to apply for permission to pur- | chase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted 40 chains north and 40 chains east from the north- east corner of Lot 1116, Coast District, Range V, east, thence 60 chains chains west, thence 60 post of Cone Someny 430 acres, more or les OT TiE M'TAVISH. W. Bohler, Agent 912. 12. Land District notice that Skeena Take | Vancouver, Harvey’s Survey, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains south to and containing L F, Dated April 16, 14 Pub. April 20, 19 COAL NOTICES. District—District of Queen Charlotte, that thirty days from date, 1, Samuel D. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., rancher, intend to aply to the Assistant Commissioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 submarine acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at @ post planted about 5 chains south of the southeast corner of Lot 576, Graham Island, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of commencement. SAMUEL D, SOMES, Locator. Dated March 21, 1912. Pub, March 29, 1912, Skeena Land Take notice Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte. Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, Samuel D, Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., rancher, intend to aply to the Assistant Commissioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 submarine acres of land on Graham Island, described as follows: Commencing at a post planted about 40 chains south of the northeast corner of Lot 117, Graham Island, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to place of commencement, SAMUEL D, SOMES, Locator, Dated March 21, 1912. Pub. March 29, 1912. Skeena Land District-——District of Queen Charlotte. Take notice that thirty days from date, I, Samuel D, Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., rang her, intend to apply to the Assistant ssioner of Lands for a license to *t for coal and petroleum on and 640 submarine acres of land on Graham Island, described as follows: | Commencing at @ post planted about 40 ichains south of northeast corner of Lot 147, Graham Island, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thnece west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to place of commencement. 3. D. SOMES, Locator. 1912. 1012, Dated March 21, Pub, March 29, | SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE, Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: ard Ave. Phone 174 . Workshop 2nd Ave. bet, 7th and &th Sts Skeena Land D Reaie ee of Coast ange Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of Prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation civil en- gineer, intends to apply for Seat to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post plafted at the southwest corner of Lot 635, Range 5, Coast district, thence south 40 chains more or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence following said east bank norther!y and veseea to mouth of Falls River Slough, then following bank of said slough easterly to point of commencement, to contain 60 acres more or less, AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW. Pie pep eae 1, 1912. PUL Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Kathleen Agnew § ous treal, Occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission wo purchase the following described lands Commencing “at & post planted at the witness post of the northwest corner of Lot 635, Range 6, Coast district, distant 13.73 chains south from the northwest corner of the said lot, thence west 40 chains more or less to the east bank of the Hocsall River, thence southerly along said east bank to mouth of Falls River Slou, p thence fol- lowing bank of Falls River ugh easterly and nertherly to point of eon encement, to contain 40 acres, more or less. KATHLEEN AGNEW. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Dated February 1, 1912. Pub, Feb. 10. LAND LEASES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ange 5. Take notice that 1, Augustus W. Agnew, of Prince Rupert, B. C., civil engineer, acting as agent for Porpeise Harbour Land Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C, tn- ‘end to apply for permission to lease the jluwing described lands; Commencing at @ post plented on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour or Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, thence north to @ point equa-distant between Lot 446 and .Watson Island, thence easterly ad northerly following a line equa-dis- lant between the high water mark of Lot .o and the bigh water mark of Watson Island to a point on low water mark he- «ween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake Wainright, thence east to high water mark, thence westerly and southerly fol- lowing high water mark to point of com- thencement, Pe HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, Ll Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, Dated April Sth, 1912. Pub, April 8, 1912, Skeena.Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. lake notice that 1, Augustus W. Agnew, o£ Prince” Rupert, b. C,, civil engineer, scling a8 agent for Porpoise Harbour Lam company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C., L tend to apply for permisaian to lease the .ollowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour, Lot 44¢, Range 56, Coast district, thence north to low water mark, thence westerly and southerly following low water ma lo @ point due west of the southwest corner of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, uence east to high water mark, thence following high water mark northerly and easterly to point of commencemen OED: HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIM Per August be aie: Agnew, Agent. Dated April oD, 912 Pub, April 8, 1642, Skeena Land Districk—-Dageeo of Coast, nge Take notice that J, Augustus W. A pews of Prince Rupert, C., civil en acting as agen for Porpoise Harbour Land Company, Limited, of Victori * B. C., in tend to apply for paemaisston, to lease the following deseribed lands; Commencing at &@ post planted. on the high water mark of Lot 44 sake S Coast district, at the mouth or ‘wolt reek estuary on lake Wainright, thence west to low water mark, thence northerly and easterly following the low water mark to 4 point due north of the northeast cor- her cf y Coast district, thence ‘ westerly southerly water mark to point of commencement, PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED, Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, Dated April Sth, 1912, vub, April 8, 1042. LAND LEASE NOTICE Skeena Land District~-Distriet of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engin- eer, intend to apply for ion to ww acres of lan as follows: Commencing at shls © * $i lanted 1-4 mile of the Tyee ‘Station, G.T,P. Ry, end popes f Pri upert, westerly 25 chains rade to point of commencement and contai acres more or less. ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE Date Jan, 81, 1912 Pub, Feb 8, 1912 4 A Ve ;