TO71 Family SPECIALS While" Shoes' in Straps, Oxfords" arid Punip Broken iifsizeS bWlarge variety to choose from. Specially priced to clear SHOE STORE The Home of Good" Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE BUPERt" - BRITISli COLUMBIA ltD Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally" News, Limited, Third Avenue If. f! PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor AD VERTiSlNG KATES Local Readers, per , line, per insertion ,. r Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion All,rlKht,p,repubUctttlon..Ol Keclal.droatoh(( therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Daylight bavmff Tournament ..Of Table Tennis-And Shuffleboard. Held Last Night Wednesday. Aueust 21. 1941. 1 Mr. ana Mrs. Dan McLean who A miniber of ctnjnmnifies in British Columbia are, considering the possibility.' of returhig tP standard time, after the first of the month. Particularly this applies to communities in the Eraser Valley. They say that the system does not help thq war effort and it is otherwise very OOjecuonapie, esppemu XO cmiuren aLLenuin siiiuui. m Alberni, a sawmill town,' there is also a movement to return to standard tiipe. If davliirht savint? helb's the war effort, we are strong ly in favor of .it. If jt does not help the" war effort, we are vigorously opposed to it. It is really, up to the shipbuilders to decide. We still have standard time on the railway, the telegraph service arid some of the steamships. Some.' radio coines pri according to. standard times. We are not campaigning to get a change made in the time schedule but, if the war work is not benefited by it, we suggest it would, be a great thing to revert to the standard system.. If the to be said. All depends upon it. England tta 6 brie Something' We have been taken to, .tasfc .for using the word Eng land when we should have used Britain. We humbly apol-j ogize for this lapse. In France they say Ahgleterre'and in most countries of Europe they use the equivalent to Eng-j lish for the people of : Britam. Often in the United States the same ex'pressipn is used.. But that does not excuse' t those of us who know better. We know that it is bias- J phemy to use the word English when we should say BH-; nan. 11 wc vviMi iu iiiyiuue uie iiuriii oi iimuiiu or vvaie we scarcely knov w)iat to say , but perhaps there is a word. British are primarily people who live In Great Britain but also people who live in Canada and. are citizens of that country. Also people who have taken out their papers in Papua, regardless of" color,, are British. When caught up by onfe qf the sticklers for proper nomenclature recently a tire'd Englishman remarked: "You must admit that England has dope something in this war. I read of Highlanders making a name for thiem- T 'A i 1.1- ' 1 I-.".' 1 ... , L' I'll . I selves, i i.euu ui,,tne wonueriui Anza.cs, oi tne spectacular Canadians, of the Indian troops that are continually distinguishing, themselves. Yet there are more English regiments takmg part .than.all others put together but they do seem to be worthy of mention. They probably did something but theif deeds, must not be whispered. Happily in this war .some fbojish' man Avrqte a!song "There'll Always be an England" tp remind Jhp World that there really is an England as part of the Empire," When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. nenenM. ,j r . , - TAXI nfeArvkir? Servi 24 Hour Service' it Rejular Kates I 0 1 J . PAGE TWO THE DAIL? NEWS. Broken Line GYRO SPORT I! sport chat IS CLOSING1- ; A much-discussed sport event 'which Is attracting considerable attention will take place tonight at the Acropolis Hill, grounds when I Royal Canadian Air Force, whlcn , Gyro summer sports drew to a copped the Civic Centre Carnival 'close last evening wltlj the stag-Icup last week, and Grotto, season's lng of a monster tournament of ' champions in the Senior Softball table tennis ..anci ,, shuffleboard. League, will meet to settle the Issue During the eyeijlhg'. prizes were ,ct jujt which Is the best team , in presented to thememters of the prince Rupert. There Is a good deal t winning Westvfew sottball and 0( discussion on that question and soccer team by Cecil Shantz, sup- bath sides are so confident and en- .....I..... ,. . An .. 1 1 . 1 1 w. Vine civiui ui laygiuuiiu. tiiusiasuc mat me cnaiienge ?Lorne Reid, Sid Youngman and -day evening. Rupert Holkestad before gaining! i the final slot. In the doubles Frank Kingston and Gus Kadon-I aga were too good for Rupert Holkestad and Tom Reid, winning No less" than fourteen boys entered the shuffleboard tournament and when the smoke had cleared, I the finalists were found to be 'Neil Sheppard and Don Hartwlg. .25 Neil won the play-off quite hand-.02,ily but Don came back strongly in the doubles when, ' teamed with tlsh,scheduled .to be played last night, was postponed until Thurs HOTEL ARIU V'AllS Prince Rupert Vi W. Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and A. F. Fawcett, .Vancouver; T. W. Falconer, Anyox; J. Erlandsen, Remo; J. .Johnson, Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Edwards, Lowe.Inlet; Louise N, Weaver, Ketchikan; John A. Nore- lius, Gronlid, Sask.'r Mrs. N. Brew and Marvin, Haysporf, RV W. Rain Comes to Dry Interior Is a Little. Ljite folucjCtfoto Crops Which Could Ilave Stood .'IfEarlfe'r' SMITH ERS, Aug! 27. A long awaited rain has visited the Bulkley Valley during the past few. days. It' Is generally considered hat ltl too late, to do any good to any: of .the crops, but It will put sprne rnuch needed moisture Into theV ground,,., There has been a very long dry spell and, while the crops .generally are fair throughout the .vaney, Ii Ue girls: table tennis finals : rcsulled In a sizeable wager having I there rriigh(.Wve "beenrbmnpercfop's v5' """& vw .u "-vDeen rauae. as aiuiuumra jn every line had mere Deen a iew ea 21. to 8 win over Lorraine i tne inseam ball will be used and t Umel 'howrs Youngman while, in their shuffle-. mcrc win be sixty-foot bases. Cy ? ls gaoptivhchs and board .finals, Bessie Lee defeated iKellm wm be on the mound ln other nlaces Is pretty 'light.' Tim-Madeleine Youngman in th e Grotto with scoopBury behind the . thy seed and grain will' be n0 jcln trips Tn thp riniihlps TirrnlnPU .i i r oii. f rte rifVi- 16, 21-16. With ten entrants in thls tournament Don had to beat n:i i ;i 1 1 ii nuilliv OLllfN ut mow, .Youngman teamed 4 with Theresa 0rs on the team: George Howe, Ben- woiig io ueieat uessie i,ee a"a,ny Wlndle, Sonny Beynon, MiKe Rose Marie Hartwlg, .jMontesano. Al Slmundsen, Frog Le- The boys' table tennis produced tourneau and Bill Lamble. .some very exciting games with . - . .Gus Kadbnaga providing, the big j f ... ;upset of' the evening by ousting FOOTBALL POSTPONED favored Frank Kingston in the ! -; second round and going on to winl The football game between the the final's from Don Hartwlg 21-'Composites and the Canadian Scot- Unit 'IVion nvltnop Vegetables, too. have fered trom the long dry'.spelli and potatoes will not be a heavy crop: SfflileWloW ConstaDlGriiit1 Farewell Party to be,,IIed Tomorrow Night in His Honor SMITjlERS, Aug 27,-Constale Andrew: Gr,an of . SmlthersK wh9; Banks Island; A. II. oe sorry ro warnui iney.are mov: Olaf Central I mg 10 anotner part oi me province. ;Gullikson, Terrace; , M: Mrs. Charles Ellison and daughter i are leavlng.Stewart to reside In Vic- Moudrle, Dauphin; W. Paveluk, C, Betty returned to jthe. city on the J toria, were, passengers going south N. R.; W. Johnstone, Armstrong; Prince Rupert afier a four months ' - ion the Catala yesterday afternoon. T. Berg. visit In Vancouver. " : . v., i v.- v i . i' i I RAILWAY I LINES has received notice or nis transier , .-. .. I to! punpan,, and he, ..wiU leaylng j .. R iimmeaiaieiy ,wite u. wjjk in iu new post, .constaoie uram win, be the guest at honor t,a farewe)! i party In the reception from, of the : ' ' panadijn Legion at Smlthers on Thusday;.evenlngv ,..,,.) : ;cbstabl jpritjt is otxe.of." thej,.best k'pwn memijers ot the. provincial, pplicft, in. ,tne .nortn, navingseryea v cimcrniVTiniu iia'1'i.'c i. .. . . ; . . . T.nrrinpr Vnnronvpr- Mrs Walter .in Wince KUDert, nazeiion ana Bub.scrlptlon Rates In CltyPer year. $5.00 j Half year, $2.50; One Month. 5 ,,,1 i!!lL I Warner, Rosswood; W. A. car- Withers over a tenripf many years. 60c; One Week, I2c, pi iqwn: quoscriDers oy Man, .uo a xear .v..-., 'ruthers Victoria: Stanley Avis. He Is an efficient, and conclentious Advertising, and , Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi tucuiations MEMBER OF TUB CANADIAN l'KENS The O&nadlsii Pmi 1b exclualvelj enHUeit to use Tor republication ol J1 nw J Frank James' pre-tournament th Pacific Cannery; R Glazen Shirley, E. Komash, Winnipeg. fnvnrit. t J the tow. hmni. singles, who had the misfortune I Royal UMpatclieB cmllted to tt or to the AMOclatod Pi ess In this paper and Mao the, to take sick yesterday and t.TjS ' - Hudson, uoson, rsn local news published therein.- . 'miss the fun Barton, Inverness, officer. He, and his family have a . large circle of friends throughout this part of the Qountry who will 1 . . A, 1 1 1 " PHONE 651 (. t - - " i SINCE 1770 J JUST THAT MUCH B'ETT 'R ' 1 I (4 ; :l , - ti ! That Unique Flavour ' ASK fisrs, mnlac thn I lilmMnnm f s c i j i. m m m m ft. 'i m U lil'm Burnett s London Dry bin derives its unique , l: ..- iSifSriV nrr flnrrur inrl ntcrinrtiv FnrrHeh nit-irf-ii ( I ill ,f0fk from, the genuine London stills, built in 11 j! 1 RMggBB original formula which has been used by ; j 1 vM nS jrl iTSB Sir Robert Burnett 6? Company, Vauxhall, i iter N gin W Ji . W . ' IllsT THAT MUCH llFTTf R Jt: ir- J - .. .. ........ j c : - t"'" ' '! -Ui?5i,; This advertisement U not published or displayed by the Uqijor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts S.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday I pm. p.s.T. TO VANCOUVER DIKKCT Aug. 2nd.' 6th, 9th, 13th. lGth 23ftI,J7th, 30th To Ketchikan, U'rangell, Juneau and Skagway August 4th. 8th, llth, 22nd, 25th, September l.-t Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian i'aririi Tickets and Rpwrvatlons from i V. I.. COATES. (Jeneral Agent. TAe yre&iest victory ft&ture woI-Was storthf hedtrdys from tie tun. r 1 ass Trlm c Ituport. m Traclfc Iii Yoiir Old Furniture liefji lol'ay the Jcy I)urihj? AiiRiist F , SAlj; VALUES AT ELK i OM urniture Sale! 10S l-i)c. Redmom Suite S79.00 . . . . , 2-jj'c. Ikd-Davenport Suite S81.50 G-pc. Dinette, Walnut Finish $70.00 Elib's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. COAL! The coal business in't a mar., ter of guess work witn c We know good coal when wp buy it .and you will know pood ai when you try it. Wn bvy iSe best the mines produce it's properly graded belorp (t comes to us and proprrly scheened and welp.hcd bvUre It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. bus I'HONE 65! At MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A (3001) ri.ACtf TO 11UY UTiLo .moi iiritoor wakdicoiu' caisinijts Sliding Drawers Clothc3 Hangers. A splendid wardrobe for vsar suits, coats, dresses, furs Unassembled, each 27 rj'.ird Avenue t $4.95 BUILD A HOKlE Like This '). 1 1UM..i Assembled, each S5.25 I'hone "75 fiet Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL ,Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE liC PHONE 117 jWMftrvjf" Ail : i Canadian National Railways . Steamers leave Prince Riipcrl for Vancouver Monday at 3:0Q p.m. P.S.TVcalUnc at Ocean Falls and Powell Klv Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leayc Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 2C0, Prfncc Kupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines r rt tit r m , .tu If you, have somcth'ino' tn Roll n ninooifiofi idvertise- menUn this paper will soon let you know if there buyer in the city. mi