POUR THE DAILY NSWS Wedacidty,. August 27 lHl. Expert OPTICAL SERVICE STOP! CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraflnf Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Norelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Sudden Storm In New York TERRACE Mrs. Norrington, cently arrived there from Athabas ca diocese. cr- Dead Veterans Of War Are Honored Annual Church Service And Dec-1 oration Of Graves At Smithers . j SMITHERS, August 27 The annual church service and decor-lation of the graves of veterans-(Of the Great War at Smithers was' 'carried out on Sunday afternoon when veterans from all over the! Bulkley Valley gathered at the Canadian Legion Hall and from there proceeded to the Soldiers' cemetery where dozens of floral , C. J. Norrington of Prince Rup- ureaths were deposited on the ert spent the week-end here with of elr late comrades. n their now me service was Ul tiiaigc ui Torrential Rain and Strong Wind . inundates Traffic Arteries Sj-g.'S'SjBuIBe, Valley branch of the Terrace Club. 'Canadian Legion, marshalled the - '.parade. NEW YORK. Aug 27.- Streets,. the Lament Delegates from Terrace to the' PUr Todd played T,Li!lP.ped Suddenly onUSaturday: V1H VI VU tW UtgttCO, Mrs. W. A. King has returned Mrs. Casey Vink and two child- to her home here after a visit to reri' returned on the Prince Rupert Prince Rupert where her husband this morning from a holiday trip Is employed on war work. to Vancouver. I i Mrs. Robert Corlett returned from Prince Rupert where she " p sp m,trsruPro,,M' Acthas been spending a few days NORTlRN BRTTISH1" COLUM-1 vs",'nS with friends. BIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED,! 5f! c s'ves notice that it has, un- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sessions and SSfiKM 2S.SS TlSt have returned from the 11c Works at Ottawa, and in the! of- soutn a(ter spending a vacation fice of the District Registrar of the in Vancouver and Victoria. Land Registry District of Prince Ru- pert, at Prince Rupert. British Co- Mlss Ethel Moore of Victoria is lumbla. a description of the site and . , 1 u . tS with her at Ter-to the plans of an under-water cable staying parents be lafd across Shawatlans Pass- race on her vacation, age. near Jap Inlet, and an over- head transmission line to be stretch- ed across the mouth of Jap Inlet on ! , District Lot 444, Range 5, Coast Dls-; Rt- Rev- - A- Rix Bishop of C&U trict. British Columbia, near Prince ' edonla, will leave on Friday morn-WTiw'S?; ,nS's train for Kltwanga where he thfSpiTaS KVonln irom t an ecclesiastical tour of the date of the first publication of various parishes along the line of, this notice the Northern British, the railway after which he will pro-Columbia Power Company, Limited. Ceed to Hamilton, Ontario, to at-will under Section 7 of ' the said Act t-nd pvpcutivp session of reneral " executive sessions of general apply to; the Minister of Public Sorks at his office in the City oIisJ'nod- Returning west he will visit ttawa, for approval of the said site the Peace River country and at andiPlans. ISunset Prairie will conduct the or- 1941 y ol JU J AU-dlnatlon of Rev. A. Chapman, re NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA . POWER COMPANY,' LIMITED Mail Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) For the East- Monday ( Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 a.m For Vancouver Monday 3 p.m Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Saturday 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday p.m. Monday a.m. Wednesday 11 a.m. Friday a.m. LET "fafyM&uvtir HANDLE YOUR WASHDAY WORRIES He's a sympathetic chap, is Reddy Kilowatt, with one pet hate: the old fashioned set tub and washboard. "There should be a law against them," he says, and nothing pleases him more than when these twin symbols of slavery crre replaced by an Electric Washer. Then he really goes to work, doing the biggest washing at the snap of a switch, saving' wear and tear on YOU, and your clothes. So give the little fellow a chance. He'll do the job for about 15 a monthl Choose an Electric Washer for YOUR home and take the toil REDDY SAYS: out of washday. Many models to choose "The more I work the len tny wtgr ire. I'm your electrical lerrant tlwift at "your service." lrom on comfortable budget terms. ranmfiiVHH F bar Ltqyo Coool teii w th Giruc4 tl Ifitill OK.t. . .7A , . ,al Conservative convention held at aunn e "K aau ,au uru" Ci L C 'V were inundated by a torrential wind j , rad Q T ed the parade away from the teaiTlShlD uui OailUlgS u and rainstorm, yesterday. The wind Slln(1al flnd JamP Ne,son. e cemetery. uiwuhwiiiji g struck a velocity of fifty miles and conventlon nommated WlggsOil ere was a good attendance there was 2.13 Inches of rain. The ,, ,,,,,, , a , of veterans and also a number of (Daylight Saving Times) townspeople attending the service. Vancouver Execution For Railway Patrols Stern Measures Taken Against Sabotage by Nazis in France PARIS, Aug. 27. Railway watchmen, it is decreed, shall be if any sabotaze occurs on sections of line which they patrol. Monday S.S. Prince Wednesday SS. Prince Rupert 11 a.m Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide ajn For Stewart and Premier Sund ay S.S. Catala 8 pm. Friday SS. Prince George 1 p.m. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday S.S. Catala ajh. Saturday S. S. Prince 98. George 12 nooni For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday S S. Catala 8 p.m. I From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday S.S. .Catala ajn. For Ocean Falls Monday SS. Prince Rupert 4 pm. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince George . 5 pjn. From Ocean Falls Wednesday SS. Prince j o.o ouiuena pm. j For Queen Charlotte Islands j August 30 i S.S. Camosun 10 pm ! From Queen Charlotte Islands ! August 29 S.S. Camosun a.m For Alaska Monday SS. Princess Alice .: j Wednesday SS Prince j Rupert 3 From Alaska : Monday SS. Prince Rupert io Wednesday S.S. Princess Alice Saturday Princess Louise .. SOFTBALL TONIGHT R.OA.R. vs. GROTTO Exhibition Grounds 6:30 am. p.m a.m pm. pm. Classified ads. get results. Phone J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Bldg. Make Our Store Tonr Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 147 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OK FINE FOODS Whifflets From The Waterfront Sunnyside And Arrandale Canneries Closed As Sockeye Fishing Ends Naskeena To Naas River So far Sunnyside on the Skeena and Arrandale on the Naas are the only canneries In the Prince Rupert region to close down following the closing down of Skeena and Naas Rivers and Lowe Inlet areas to sockeye salmon fishing by gill net and purse seine. On account of dry weather and low water In the streams, a number of other fishing closures have been ordered by the fisheries depart ment. Lowe Inlet area, with the exception of the west coast of Banks Island and Estevan and Campania Islands, Is closed to al. net fishing. Butedale area Is closed to all net fishing with the exception of Gardner Canal for gill nets and Kynoch and Mussell Inlets for purse seining. Bella Bella Is closed to all fishing except coho gill nets until further notice. Rupert p m. Bella Coola area will be closed Tuesday S.S. Catala . 1:30 p.m. this week-end to all fishing ex-Wednesday S.S. Princess cept gill nets. A .few chum are Alice P-m. now reported to be showing up in Friday S.S. Prince Skldegate Inlet although there are Adelaide 2 pm. none as yet In any quantity on S.S Cardena 10:30 p.m. the east coast of Moresby Island. Saturday S5. Prince 1 George 5 p.m. Indian ' Departments cruiser S.S. Princess Louise p.m. Naskeena left yesterday for Kln- From Vancouver eolith. Mill Bay and other points Sunday S.S. Catala p.m. on the lower Naas River, having Monday S.S. Princess on board Indian Agent James Oil-Alice a.m. lett. Return expected tomorrow. Frank Waterhouse freighter Northholm. Cant. C. Cvr i Huo SS. Prince George 11 am ln tomorrow from Vancouver S.S. Cardena ; pm. with mneml cartm fnr 3 - - vm IUVUI V livery. Consolidated Whaling Corporation's whaler Green was a visitor In port on Monday. She Is one of jthe fleet operating on the whale hunt out of Rose Harbor whaling station, on the Queen Charlotte Islands. , Making the company's flnaf tourist voyage of the season to Alaska. C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Nell McLean; arrived ln port at 12 noon today from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and, after discharging a substantial freight cargo, will sail this evening for Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here next Rupert ii ajn.'Monday southbound. Friday SS. Princess 1 , vj. i nine vjcvii h a.m. .z. 1 c o l i? I . . . . It ' i:. Crescent Shows Prince Rupert ; I Aug. 28 Sept. 2 1 BEGINS TOMORROW (ApilAl FOR 2 DAYS rAMoui hat (Phone 669) CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY FROM 1 M Captain and Mrs. Dan Larren re turned on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. YES J We Repair Water Pipes. Roofs. Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned . Sl-SS Chimneys Swept KM HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 73S SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress FREE! FREE! New issue Premium Books now ln. Call ln and let us explain this plan to you. Dishes, silverware, flatware and many useful items FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage lift men t eowr unWcnhedln out mighty Ihund.r. bolt of ntrv. loihing drama) COlUMllA flCtgti xi uuitit' itiTUi eoortMui luni w r.i w- .itw mm uui At 1 48 3;50 5:52 7 54 9:56) ADDED TREATS 3 Stooges in First Pictures oi the Wir "BOOBS IN ARMS" In Russia in Cartoon and Popular Science WORLD NEWS LAST TIMES TODAY Continuous from 1 p.m. Jean Arthur in "ARIZONAHMl:00. 3:19,5:38, 7:59, 10 1J For Your Costume t v : at Reasonable Pi ; c; Go to the Variety Store 330 3rd Ave, W. Phone iced Ul NEW ROYAL H0TEI J Zarelli Proprief "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 7&c opp 50 Rooms Hot fi Con Kiwi Prince Rupert jk Phone Z P.O r Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 651 ,1 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAT, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. pm. CARDENA EVERY FR1DAT, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday in. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Aug. 19 and 30, September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservation! from FRANK J. SKINNER. Trlnce Rupert Agent, Third Are. Phone 568 THE j SEAL o QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAIi Finest, Pink Salmon Packed by the onlj Jn0'' f cannlnc coinoanr wim " " Prlnc Rupert CO. Ltd. w British Columbia th rear round p5,roU Prince Rupert