I August 2T194X- 2 m H to the nibviids arid . -g. Ifs no hardship to walk or use a public convey- ; ance when going to ana irom entertainments or visiting friends. But it is a real gasoline saver. carticularly u you make it a regular part ol your. i - . . V Jl it- I 5U 3U fieage programme, its, ug ua uiuusuiiua of others are doing; walk more, drive less. Use your car only as a last resort and so help Canada's Fighting Forces. HEMFMUFAl: The shmer fyou drive, tlie more i' I you sure Sunshine Isiyour host smiiw nf Vitamins A and D. These Vitamins jivp pssonHnl fnr nnrm.il OTOWtll ill children las a preventative for colds in adults. ..Orme's ! u-i:l-l i .. f i:i i ' HcillDUl Liver UU V,ttpaiiicj Halibut and Liver Oil I Contain Vitamins A and D nr & .... HALIBUT LIVER ...... OIL .... . ., i 51-00 AQUit uose 10 tp 20 drops, Children 0 toiu drops Capsules Halibut Liver Oil 75c m capsules Halibut Liver Oil nil $3.00 N31 I Dose Two Daily OrmesLtd. "3fu Pioneer Druqffsts The IJexall Store Phones 81 & 83 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. , Sundays ami Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. It's lnfnvnn!u i 1 1 'T-!i.. VTniira LU Know wnen reaumg me he people of the whole district are doing" the sairie.; LOGXt NEWS NOTES A Official photographs of Carnival on sale at Wrathall's. (203) Miss! Audrey Hunter, who lias been spending the summer on Vancouver Island, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning. Frank Warne Jr. returned to the city on the Catala yesterday af ternoon from a trip to Stewart. Charles Graham, inspector of mines., returned to the city on the rntnifT vesterdav afternoon from a trip tq Stewart on official duties T. w. Falconer arrived In the city on the Catala. yesterday afternoon from Anvox for a brief business visit. Qus Slaney sailed yesterday af lernoon on' the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. A Holders of Carnival Derby Sweep firkets numbered 3819 and 3888 please advise secretary P.O. Box 130 of correct spelling or tneir names. (203) reMi shnntz who has been In rharee of supervised playgrouna activities for the Gyro Club In the Mtv durine the nast summer, was the speaker at the Tegular weekjy luncheon of the club today, iresi- ripnt W. F. Stone was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. A Panndlnn Leelon. B. E. S. L. August monthly meeting cancelled, j Next monthly meeting Wednesday, September 10. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kennedy were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through to vonnnnver from Anyox where Mr. Kennedy has been in connection with dismantling work of A. k. Wil liams Machinery Co. I Anfield. principal of the Indian industrial scnooi at Alert Bay. sailed by the uataia yesterday afternoon on his return down the coast'after visiting Skeena River points, and elsewhere in con nection with enrolment oi pupus. Annduncements-Aii advertisements In thls.cdl-umn will be charged for a full monlh at 25c a word. Crescent Shows Aug. 28-Sept. 2. Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Sid Thompson. Presbyterian Tea, the Manse. September 18. 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance, Ar mouries, September 19. Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, September 20. united Church Tea, Mrs. M: Nlckerson, Atlln Ave., Sept. 25. , .Orange Sale, NovemDer o. Queen Mary Refugee Sept. 23. Xegion Rooms. Club Tea Special ROUND TRIP Vacation fares to the Prairies And stations as far East as Port Arthur, Ont. Sept. 5, 6, 7 Tinrn Limit 30 Days Children 5 years and under 12, half fare. LOW FARES APPLY IN COACHES, TOURIST OU STANDARD SLEEPERS. stonovers allowed anywhere pn route. Including Jasper National Park. Trains operate on Standard Time For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL Mrs. Jack Gray and . son and daughter, who have been spending the summer, at Premier, were pass engers aboard tne uaiaia yesteraay afternoon going through to Vancou ver. V ' -t' i. Mrs. W. H." Cadman. wife of the foreman o'f.'Wales Island cannery, was a passenger aboard tne cataia yesterday . afternoon going through to Vancouver. The hiehest official thermometer reading at Digby Island yesterday afternoon was 80 above. The fine, dry warm weather continues this afternoon. V-69-41 FOR SALE Vl XL'an CMMKUIO to f MONEY OCX m MO! Mrs. H. D. Rochfort and two sons who have, made their home at Stewart for many years, were pass engers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through to Van couver to take up future residence QlSillEO FOUND FOUND Child's dark blue sweater on Graham Ave. Owner may have same by calling at Dally New and naviner for this ad vertisement. t FOUND at Carnival: 1 purse con taining ticket stub No. 4174 and 1 brass bracelet. G. L. Rorle, Wallace Blocks , (203) FOR SALE Household lurnuure. 225 5th Ave. West. Phone 539. tf.- vnM rat.r 10 used coal ranges In good condition, 20 Springfield mattresses in all sizes at $18.50, 24 chesterfields .in the latest styles, wonsehold doors, water boilers, 8 unpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone BiacK &z. u.o Furniture Co. MALE & FEMALE HELP mm. wanted for general nouse work. Must be good cook Apply at MacKehzie's Furniture Store YOUNG man, assistant for.automo-' tlve parts stockroom. Apply Ru pert Motors. ii"1" WANTED WANTED Furnished Red 378. suite. Mrs. S. "Brenton and' family were passengers aboard the Catala yes terday -afternoon, : going, xnrqugn from Stewart to Hardy Bay to which point Mr. Benton was recently transferred In the service of Gov ernment Telegraphs. H. C. Rhodes, educational sup ervisor of the provincial board of health, division of venereal di sease control, will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. H. L. Cairns and party, who have been carrying out survey work in the. vicinity of Doreen for the trans- rjrovlnclal highway link between Usk and Cedarvale will arrive in the city by train this Saturday after noon from the interior and sail on the Prince George for Vancouver Phone (195) Iwaktpd at once, light housekeep ing room or suite.. Apply box Dally News Wi I WANTED For Interior, Protest ant girl. Housework, one cnua vonr's work. State age, wage, particulars. Box 142, Dally News "WORK WANTED WORK; WANTED Experienced re liable cook. Camp or reswuram, rnmn nreferred. Apply Mrs. C - - -- - . Anderson, 873 Hornpy ai... Van couver. PERSONAL tup! V W. C. A. Room Kegisiry Service requests the names or an t.h(K whn have room accom modation, now or in the future. Apply, Mrs. Garbutt, nosiess, i. W. C. A., Y. M. C. A. rooms, Moose Hall, Third Avenue. rnone nil lUOJ nnvo T.ct Tim TIME TO U.i, A 4.1 W 11 w GOVERNMENT JOB as Ciers, Pmimin. Customs Clerk, 8teno., etc. Five Domlnlon-wlde exams since the war began. Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., winninoir oldest in Canada. No Agents. Mrs. Louise N. Weaver of Ketchi kan, who has been on a visit to Sas katchewan. arrived in the city from the Interior on last night's train and will sail this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for her home in Al aska, She Is accompanied by her son. John Norelius of Gronlld, Sas katchewan, who will visit with her at Ketchikan. Word has been received in the city that Capt. R. , J. ,Carson sqn- in-iaw or Mr. ana Mrs. Max uen- broner has-been promoted to the rank of Major. He is stationed at Ottawa. Phillip Buckwell was fined twice in the same day in city' police court for supplying liquor to Indians. On the first charge he was fined $50, with option of thirty days' impris onment, and op the second $150, with three months' option. He Is serving the time. As a result of the usual week-end round-up of drunken Indians, Al bert Sinclair, Ed Innes and Andrew Pierre were each fined $25, with op tion of thirty days' Imprisonment, for being In possession of liquor, Henry McKay, Moses Ross and Ed die Scott were fined $15, with five days' option, for drunkenness. Slml larly charged, Phillip Douglas and Harry Bell were each fined $5 with two days' option. JEAN B'. niVETT A.T.C.M. and UUTII W. NELSON A.T.C.M. Teachers of Piano Theory Announce the opening of their Studio on, September 2nd. Private and Class Tuition Phone Green 836 after 4 p.m. FOlt SALE Graham Island 206 acres. Waterfront. Log shack and large cattle corral. Splendid beach. Soil very rich and free from rock. Ideal for cattle raising. Taxes $7.00 per annum, Price ,$700.00 cash. This Is an exceptional buy and should appeal to local Interests. CRADDOCK & CO., 1005 Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C. Prepare for Fall and Winter Featuring;. Freedman and Gabbe, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladies and Gents Suits and Top Coats to Measure. 10 off Continuing till End of August Alteration Specialty, make Appointment to, your house Phone307 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite .qonjmqdoa;ctfiae v J. Bouzek TAILOR t snips anil GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Avev two .doors irom Broadcasting Station CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coiton, p.CTiLO. Wallace Blocks Phone MIL . -The fire department had a call at 11 o'clock yesterday morning to jilys Cove Clrcle-.at the rear of Booth Memorial High School where clearing Is under way for the staff house to be erected In connection with the local housing project of Wartime Housing limited. It was merely a smoke scare and no dam age was' done. George; Nelson has been fined $2$, with option of seven days imprisonment, In city police court for drunk- eness. W. F. Fogg, Superintendent of the Canadian National Steamships, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today making the round trip to Alaska This advertisement Is not published oi displayed by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government oi i-.iH.HBHHBHH.iiHH.IHHH-M Check These Specials and Use This' Ad As Your V Shopping List i No. ICORN BEEF Clark's, l's. Each 6UT GREEN BEANS 21c' Lynn Valley, ize f'i'p I FLAKES Ip'osts's I Large lpkg.-r tf . Ihtrnz SOUPS Asst'd, kinds, ,10-oz. 9.HI iTfclffiAfc'E' TOMATOES-7 l Ripe, large HC Dasitei Rmn VEGETABLE MAR ROW pertD. jOOKED HAM fiOC ! Oomirn(k. Per lb. ' I FRESH YELLOW BEANS 3 lbs. 2-JQ GOOD MORNING MARMA LADE Shirriff's fylp 1-lb. Jar ?RESH RIPE 9. 5 P. BANANAS 2 lbs. 3RAPE-NUT FLAKES Giant economy 1 Rp pkg. Ea. CRAFT VELVETTA or . CANADIAN CHEESE-I-lb.pkg. ,?APER SERVIETTES t Plain or colored. Special, per pkg. PIG BARS Ormonds. Fresh shipment. 5C Jer-lb mUIT JUICES Malkln' B 25c Pint bottle FANCY FREE DESSERTS Asst'd flavors. 5C 2 for Mussallem's- Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" l'.U. isox a to i rnones io , , SCHOOL BOOKS Get Them Now and Avoid The Opening Day Rush dopleVBbok Lists for Prince Rupert Schools are Available Here FlxM d6vunerii Priced i'on Text Books-Lowest; Prides oh School ' Supplies. We carry a complete sfifetff or a:U grades -BUY NOW NOTE Teir Books purchased this week and not re- i7drm' f001 openlng and cash refund'allowed in full. SclioTJooWad'Suppties a;re sold on a strictly cash basisPVitiveno new accounts '.opened' SCIip'OL SUPPLY IIEADfttJAltTERS' i 4 - Jl 1 toSti1