gFar Kasi Ml M If 111 I llll TO JAPS . . it. ti i rS! Move To Frevent uniiea Iftites Shipments guarded As Inimical Act iNDON August 27: ft Reut- rSlln a dlspatcn irom Moscow, k-jiT.nrfav that the Soviet govern- t3i tiad told Japan it would re- W any attempt to hinder traae the United Siates toy way of flte'Eastern Soviet ports as an act Republics, fclfte Soviet statement is said to btljp reply to Japanese repres-"itnn that shlDments of Uni- isd'fetates supplies to Vladivostok tm2 creating an "extremely aeu-ttttland dllficult situation." I Te Japanese Domel News Ag-1 hat. thp Ninnonese ClnSJj icpuiw v.. - MMmmenv is protesting both to ,Uld States and Russia against UnH(d States shipments of gaso- lfielo Russia. Weather Forecast i nera) Synopsis A disturbance passed over the south coast. jeather has been fair over the with rain over Vancouver st Coast of Vancouver Island- PROCEEDING fch Anil Ritccian Fnrrr Mnv- jHi Rapidly And Systematically Into Iran Bstevan. rir.ri u i . miles nor w,. u.L.(.. in i rv..l temperaturrs seTSm T eiaHl-JJandll Victoria. -Cloudy, nnrthpnst win j nines per hour; barometer, Perature, 54; foggy sea Mm Harbor-Dense fog, westerly Es'mlles Phour; barom-ra. temDeratiii-PB r. cp? Ooth, ' . Hat Bav.-MiBv, Iefwi,.u " " "-"n-erea ciouas, 5? l:iY banmiefer. IVanrn . u,c 0, sea smooth. & mi? Udy' easterly on t.T'' one mile npr k.. i 20.92: tAml oth Homre, oi; sea 9rlnrp n -w northeast two SM? P"h0Ur: barom- A tragic accident took place at Stewart on Tuesday afternoon of last week when Wlnfred John Swen-nlng, twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Swennlng of Hyder, fell from the Crawford dock into the water of Portland Canal. He sank immediately and efforts to recover the body were unsuccessful. . Young Swennlng was sitting on his bicycle at the edge of the dock ,hpn. armarentlv his foot slipped I8LMLA. AUr,,st 2i! British and both he and the bicycle went l Russian forces are making over- lIHld anH svxtrmatir nrorress. inthtir occupation of Iran. ITabrli, Iran's second lareest has been nrcuDled bv the IBtisians and manv other 1m- Pant centres have been taken. IThe British are in control wt of rich oil fields and facil ities. iakinr fiver Tl:i n H a r -1 - Stapur on the Persian Gulf pn German and Italian ships lu into British hands. fODAY'S WEATHER Iftince Runprt ltltrh sraitprpH p.-w r - - - o wv.wv.fc ClWds northerlv wlnr! twn miles Piour; barometer, 29.93; temper- I BTrinlp Tcii v. mu. uni.. jwd, fourteen miles per hour; light Ungara Island Clear, south wind, three miles per hour: :3 5 , ""peter. 29.95; temperature, 55; "Wtt swell jkad Tree Point-Clear, north- kWfilt WlnH An . n. ' er. 29.93; temperature, 53; light ill and chon f PROUD OF CANADIANS Hours He Spent with Dominion Soldiers Most Inspiring in His Life, Says Mackenzie King LONDON, Aug. 27. "Nothing in my life has been so inspiring o these last few hours," declared Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King yesterday after a visit ,r incr.Pf.tinn t.n Canadian forces. Their behaviour had been excellent and they had endeared themselves for the British people, declared the primo Minister Canada was ap preciative of the manner in wmcn the people of Great miiam .um thrown open their hearts and homes to the Canadian forces. Rump Parliament In France Bucks oatjto Ancr 9.7 One hundred French Parliamentarians senators and deputies are organizing a rump session to oppose Chier oi State Marshal Henri Phllllppe Pe- taln and Vice-Premier Admiral Jean Darlan and their pro-Nazi policies. 11.4c. Halibut Sales Amrrlran Fay, 40,000, Storage, 12c and 11c. rnii.f oiinnn nnnlh. 12.4c and lie. Tllllcum,' 22,000, Storage, 12.'4c and FORT WEYGAND BECOMES BRITISH PRIZE IN SYRIA This fort, named for French General Maxlme Weygand, was one of the prizes that fell into British hands as a result of the campaign in Ft ench-mandated Syria. A British sentry Is on guard here as a British supply truck leaves the fort. STEWART TRAGEDY winds, nart cloudy and -mild JUw Swertnlnr: Aged 12, 'of IfJ'der, Itoif north Cloudy in the south Drowned off Crawford Dock mnrnlnir with a few , lT8 v'"- "v 9 . liwy scattered showers. 1 ICUPATION War News MOSCOW A tremendous aerial battle for mastery of .the' skies over Leningrad is reported to have developed today as the city's army and militia -stiffened their defence for the last ditch fight against the German and Finnish drives from the northwest and south. A communique said ten of sixteen planes were shot down in fierce dogfights Sunday and Monday or smashed in raids on Nail-occupied airdromes. LONDON' Following a heavy overnight offensive and daylight attacks yesterday Royal Air Force planes crossed the Channel this morning in two attacks on occupied France. The air ministry said the operations last night were larger than usual. Cologne was bombed severely and successful attacks were made on docks at Le Havre and at Boulogne. Three bombers were lost. TODAY'S STOCKS ( Court y 8. D. Johnston Co,) Vancouver Grandvlew, .14 A. Bralorne, 11.00B. ' Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Hedley Mascot, .45. Pend Oreille, 1.50. ' Pioneer, 2.50. v Premier, .87. Privateer, .48. Reno, .10. Sheep Creek, .94. Oils Calmont, .25A. C. & E., 1.35. Home, 2.40. Royal Canadian, .05. t . Toronto Beattie, 1.10. Central Pat., 1.93. Con. Smelters, 38.25. Hardrock, .81. Kerr Addison, 4.45. Little Long Lac, 1.85. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.07. Madsen Red Lake, .63. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.10. Pickle Crow, 3.00. Moneta, .36. ; Preston East dome, 3.10. rv Son Antonio, 2.35. Sherrltt Gordon, .75. William Tobey was a passenger on the Prince Rupert this morning to Telsequah after a holiday visit to Vancouver with his parents Mr. ana Mrs. V. H. Tobey. RATIONING NOT LIKELY But Private Cars in Canada May Be Shortly Held Down to Two Grades of Gasoline TORONTO, Aug. .27. G. R. Cott-relle, federal fuel controller, says that rationing of gasoline in Can ada is not likely immediately but ' 1 . . T I i Krauts oi Kasuuue. Mr. Cottrelle stated that of twen- j ity-seven tankers serving Canada' at the start of the war only eight jwere now operating. AIR USE GROWING! New High Records On T. C. A. For Passenger And Other Traffic WINNIPEG. August 27: For i the fifth month in succession this year Trans-Canada Air Lines continue to report new high records for air mall and passengers car-jrled. The figures for July were re-1 leased today "by O. T. Larson, vice-president. j Passengers carried In July numbered 9,628 compared with 8,958 in June and 5,098 in July 1940. Air mall' carried in July was 129,243 .pounds, more than 10,000 pounds' ahead of June and more than - double the load for July 1940. Air express volume was the iVioavloct orrloH 1m nnv fnprinrt In little larger numerically, the indi vidual shipments were heavier. Pierre Laval Said To Be Shot Later Advices Say Wounds of Form. er Premier Were Not Serious VICHY, Aug. 27-Former Premier Laval was reported tonight to have been shot by anti-collaborationists. Shot at the same time riurinc an nntl-communlst demon stration, according to reports, was Marcel Deat, the well-known ngnt PSt. Later advices said Lavals wounds were not serious. Forecast fomor row sT ides (Pacific Standard Time) (feather and Queen Char-Lie prince Rupert High ..... 5:04 ajn. 18.2 ft. islands - Light northwest 17:20 pjn. 19.9 ft. mild. Low 11:10 a on. 6.0 ft. mostly fair and iinda. 23:59 pjn. 5.1 ft. 8? Of On NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 201- , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS jXXV i i i i i . .J . - Allans Persia Is Expected Bulletins TREMENDOUS BRITISII OFFENSIVE "'LONDON Using seeming thousands of planes, the Royal AJr Force is carrying out a tremendous attack today on the French invasion coast following a night of much bombing activity during which northern France and western Germany were IN FAR EAST MOSCOW The Soviet government has informed Japan it would regard as an unfriendly act anr attempt to hinder normal tiade relations between Russia and the United States by way of Far Eastern Soviet ports, it was announced today. The Russian statement said the Japanese ambassador had declared shipment by the United States t0 Vladivostok of goods purchased by the Soviet union was creating "an extremely delicate and difficult situation." A Tokyo dispatch today reported that the Japanese government has made representations to both the United States and Russia against shipments of American aviation fuel to the Soviet via Vladivostok. MASONIC LODGES DISSOLVED BRUSSELS Masonic lodges in Belgium, suspended since the Nail invasion, ,have now-een rdered dissolved and property confiscated This action is necessary, it is disclosed, in order to preserve order in the country. NO PEACE WITH NAZIS NEW YORK There can be no "careful life in America as long TURKEY IS NERVOUS ANKARA Turkey continues nervous over Nazi activities on the border of Bulgaria. Four more German divisions are reported on the Graeco-Turkish frontier. CANNERY DESTROYED VANCOUVER The B.C. Packers cannery at Quathlaski Cove was destroyed by fire last night. No estimate is given of the total damage but the stock, valued at about $60,000 was lost. Rapid Progress Made On Airport . smith Peonle Impressed With ...v,.o. ...v ... monsters, monsterSf roam roam through wiruugn the uic busn vua.. T. C. A. history also and weighed mng up huge piles of trees and 20397 nounds. more than 5.000 . i Kma burned o as pounds ahead of June. While express shipments were Work of Mechanized Equipment rmtthers Aug. 27. Rapid pro gress is being made in the clearing nt thp nirnort erounds. Two large bulldozers, like some pre-historlc stumps which are being they pile up. Townspeople oi Smlthers visit the field every even ing to watch these machines tear the trees out by the roots. Already a strin a mile long and a hunarea yards wide is cleared of trees and Robson and Campbell, is in charge of the clearing. BASEBALL SCORES National League St. Louis 3-3, Brooklyn 8-1. Chicago 3-11, Philadelphia 4-3. Cincinnati 4-5, ewN York 7-4. Pittsburgh 3-6, Boston 4-1. American League Philadelphia 9-2, Detroit 1-1. Washington 3, St. Louis 0. Boston 9, Cleveland 4. Military Secrets Are Sent Abroad Frederick Ludwick, American-Born Son of German Parents, Arrested In New York NEW YORK, Aug. 27. Frederick Ludwlg, American -born son of Ger man parents, has been arrested on charges of sending military infor mation abroad. iROUNDUP IN FRANCE Jews and Communists Are Being Taken Into Custody in Paris PARIS. Aug. 27: O French mili tary police, proceeding systematlc-jally from house to house, today blocked off a large section of the fourth arrondissement, the work- Jl.l.l.l I 1 -4t.. TTnll 'ers Qisuicb aiuuuu uie viiy nan, land took into custody a number of .persons aescnoea as jews ana ASKS HELP RECRUITING The Minister of National Defence . Appeals -t0' Chambers of Com- - merce for Co-Operation The secretary of the Prince Ru-( nert Chamber, of Commerce has re ceived the following letter from the Minister of National Defence, Hon. J. L. Ralston: "The purpose of this letter is to .he warned that private cars would! as there is Naiiism, declared aSk for the co-operation of the probably be limited soon to two Mayor LaGuardia in a speech yes- ' members of your association in as- help, not only by releasing for mill-1 but also by encouraging employees to Join the Army. "I am earnestly urging - eacn em u riii rpnnlrp time and trouble ana IRANIANS ANDNAZIS Discussions Reported on Between Berlin and Teheran LONDON, Aug. 27: 0 An auth orized spokesman said yesterday that Germany and Iran are in active contact with each other over the situation arising from the invasion of Iran by Great Britain and Russia but declined to disclose the nature of the negotiations. Iran's small navy has been virtually wiped out by British war vessels and the Iranian Admiral Bayendor has been killed leading a counter-attack, Reuters reported today. Collapse of Iranian resistance within the next three days was predicted by well-informed diplomatic sources today as Russian forces, smashing southward into Iran, were reported to have cap tured the country's second city, Tabriz, while British armies, striking northward, advanced forty miles. Riza Shah Pahlevl, these sources believed, realizes that Iran's position is hopeless , and the British and Soviet representatives in Teheran have convinced him that he should come to terms. So far there has been no indication that Iranian defence has been other than the token variety. Moscow reported that Russian troops,jiriving southeastward4ny tb'iranhave captured the town of Dilman, 100 miles northwest of Teheran, Soviet News Agency Tass announced today. PEOPLE IN FIGHT TOO Sendlnz of planes and Uistlne in recruiting for the Can-i tSll,.n fnitie With - yiviuau ni UIJ WME VI arms t0 England was not neiena- iadian Army. Troops In Defence Of Lenin-ing England but defending this , The members of your organlza Crossmg Dneiper country. jtlon who are employers of large I numbers of men can maienauy LONDON, August 27: Oi Soviet nv.K. . ipress cuspaicnes saiu tuuajr uiai tary service those men who apply, nmCTad.s neonie's army had vt n cn rr onnn rav nil? rniuiUY vta l . gone into action with regular Red troops to. check Finnish-German ... in rusts OH 'Wie ouvicua ecwuu ployer to examine the lists oi ms d pmnlovees to ascertain those those men men. . who can be released. I realize that This was after the Germans had smashed another link In the chain it wmic4U''- . of Lenlngraas outer aeiences oy planning to make readjustments capturlng fortified Novgorod and replacements, An1nompntc hilt, but time time A. ana fid ... . . a.i. it nriiW.ln and battle llnes wlthln trouble and planning are alter aniyyg of the main minor concerns compared with the Moscow.Lpningrad railway. The distractions and confusion and re- Nazls have launched an air offen-adjustment which are being suffer- . agalnst Leningrad where 101 ed by the Industries of the uniwa German pianes were shot down Kingdom resulting from bombed hours plants and Injured and killed work-1 ,Meanwniie m Berlin the German men. If the employers m imgiana hkh conunand claimed last night 41 L. 9 An a . can replace ana reaajusi uuaer u tne capture of DnleperopetrovsK conditions there, I am sure you will nlcn was ,jescribed as the last agree that It can be done here. "I would like to ask for active ei-forts by employers talking it over with their men who can be spared or having their foreman talk with them and explain to them their duty to enlist. While this may be a enaA deal to ask. I know that tne employer can do It better and with more understanding than anyone else. I am sure the the members of your organization will tackle the Job with vigor and determination, knowing as they do our vital need for l iaaunvi manpower in the v-. armed . forces. Russian bridgehead on the west bank of the lower Dnieper River, In Berlin the German high com mand claimed today It had "an I "Special leave arrangements for Moscow anti 250 miles south or 1- ..... In Jiicfrloi VlOVO Vfn have been erected. Z.Z:r-a: Robert Campbell of the firm or ox wu vy-i Council, . t.lnnal Labour SuddIv and the Department of National De fence. In a word, these arrange-monh nrovlde that the merits or the case will be considered by a board which Is indenendent both of tne npnartment of National Defence nnd nf the emnlover. and on the rec ommendatlon of this board, leave will be granted to men to continue "It would be greatly appreciated If you would give your co-operation by bringing this request for sup'port i to the notice of all your members." nihilated" the Twenty-Second Rus sian army in a pincer encirclement behind the most advanced lines, killing more than forty thousana Russians and capturing thirty thousand In an unusually bloody battle. The Germans said the battle occurred on the north central front between Smolensk and Lake Ilmen and resulted In the capture of the town tOWTl OI of Vellkle VclllUC Lukl, LUMi 275 U miles Xllilto west nww Lenlngraa Mpantlme Finnish observers, ac cording to Helsinki reports, claimed that a tremendous blaze on the southern horizon, seen from Fin land. Indicated that Russian forces were devastating Tallinn preparatory to withdrawing from the city from the east and south. Tallin is the capital of Esthonla. Salmon Arrivals Azurlte, 21,000 pounds coho, Canadian Fishing Co., 10.5C. Nord, 3,000 pounds coho. Cold Storage, 10.5c.