I i ;-P AOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Happy New Year DAILY EDITION other To All Our Friends and Customers Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ' ADVERTISING RATES t Local Readers, per line, per insertion ..25 .Classified Advertisements, per .word, per Insertion .02 Advertising: and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OF T1IK CANADIAN I'ltES --r . The CanadUm Prei U exclusively entlWeit .to uu ror tepuWLcatlon ot all new I OMpatcnes ;rutai vo K or 40 tne AE3aciated vtem m mis paper and alao the local , news -puDiianea iiwrein. Ml rlKbts of republication, of sDeclal demjatcaiea therein are also reserred. Matter Of Contrast 'IV "had. London was bombed terribly." Thursday, January 2, 1941. EDITORIAL : And yet the bombing of London and the attempt to runs, . 113, Slmve it wined out bv fire was not very important in -win- base w Speeding Up Planes - - : The increasing speed of airplanes has been made pos-J Sible through the regulation of the octane content of the!i gasoline used, according to William F. McDermott writing" in the Rotarian magazine. A Russian professor at North-j'western University has worked out a process of condens-.i ing the,molocules oi a gas tnat was lormeriy wasted in me faking of gasoline. This represents a tremendous savins. The nenned up gas is capable of driving an airplane up to iuu m: speed recent' les an hour. So far, however, the greatest y attained has been 520 miles' an hour. Our Road Stealing - - - The first suggestion for the building of a highway connecting the United States with Alaska was that it "should keen as close as possible to the coast. Then came, suggestions .that it might go farther inland and now we find the people of Alberta all fussed up over the possibility, of it passing through their province and .up the Mackenzie Valley. Quite likely .all these routes will eventually be served ' by a Jiighway but, for the present, it seems as if a route that would serve the southeastern panhandle of Alaska as well as the great interior would be advisable. By following this route Prince Rupert and Stewart also would be served and the great mineral belt opened up. In mentioning .the highway, we do not wish to divert attention from the war needs but we notice that an at asm SPORTS OF WINTER IN SMITHERS SMTTHERS, Jan. 2; With the first ibonsniel of Uie.SnUthers Curl- ring ,Ciub completed, tplay has now 'started in .the .tournament lor the Hanson Cup. Twelve rinks will be lined up In this tournament and,; ,wlth fine .toe and good curling defeating the Downey rink. In the Tawn Hockey League bettered Rogers Hornsby's record I of 42, made in 1922. By hitting 8 Ihome runs in a same twice during the 1940 season, Mize became the Curlinff And Hockey Are Now Well duplicated Under Way Jolm A petitions with outside teams both Payers. In hnnVav nrvfl nrllntr liirlnr thp Dy Waking 10 course of the winter. 1 ruivi tnAi ' ! Official National .that 270 b&ttinp League players championship games. Of this num-' ber; 81 engaged l?v 75 games or more, 185 took part in 10 to 74 games and 54 appeared in fewer than 10 games.. ;Debs;Ganns, Pitts, burg, leads the batters with a ier. .355, .355. this feat In .1940 on! Only .two players took part all their club's games Frank 150. McCormask. with i i The Newbury rink carried off tx . "w i first honors in ,the recent bcmsplel Uve &me slreaK 10 4b's S? by defeating the rink skipped by &W4g4g DutMn the finals. V- ' ; The rink skipped by Sam Nut- g, ,,. - - - ... "".ter won the consolation prize by Hasseitt, in coiwecutlve hits. ,tlcd a recoitl held by four players.. He made 2 hits In the second game of June 9, 4 on June 10 and 4 on June 14. Daniel W. Lltwhller, a'hlladel-amia, and Enos B. Slaughter, St. Louis, itled for the longest xonse- Tppords of theicuuve nirang sireaK. zi games. for 1340 choviL1twhller made 30 hits in 87 times took part In at bat for a mark of .414. The run began in the second game of September 1. against Boston, and was halted by the same club in the second game of September 23. Slaughter made 34 hits In 80 times at bat for .425, beginning with ppntaa-e of Frank A. McCor,u,c ,"ak " omu u, 111 the Daily News published Monday there were two mack, ClricJiuvUl. went to bat against Pittsburgh, and ending .'.KnfQtnnrlmo' nvfi'nlpc Onp One wn was n a snmmnvv summary ot nf thft the sneech speech '.most most times, times, C18; gib; m maae moiv.nvo-r j-"" w I'Bfi President Roosevelt and the other, a summarized des-feJ18-. ..i;r..i.: ii j. i-i.u xt: fu.n t iC. Hack, Chicago, WANTED vitn - ataniey; tied for most crtpuuu oixne attempt, m uicnazaa toactxuc uumiwu. b , im 19l. wa, the tnlrd passing up the street tne writer nearu a may asK oi an- 'consecutive year Mccormack totai- "What is the news today " The reply was: very-ied most base hits. Burgess u. Whitehead, .New Yoric,. scotea most, av and matle mart three- hing the war whereas the speech of Roosevelt was one of Johnny Ml2Ci Si: Louis, for the .the very important events and the best kind of news for for. a: at. units player that the British Empire. The bombing of London was the Ithird consecutive year, led in total .ie.Vent .df importance . to a person with . friends or relatives .bases, wim .308, and for the sec 1 - '-'. m a I ..AnHiiUin iAn Yci f 11 tt i 1 ru j. 11 1 ...i ..home runs, ' 43, estaunsning tlie United States is all important. . jj : - Few Lives Lost Comparatively - - - TJie number of lives lost compared with the number Tost in the last war seems to be very small. The casualties Dunkirk .constituted the most outstanding loss on the British side. It is impossible to know how many casual--! ties there have been in the German and Italian ranks. A trine most a new DIM new type ot warlare has replaced tne om one in wiiicniFORiEENTrLarge,IurniShed office ithere is very .little more danger to the soldier than there including heat and light. Daily "u f r fVio niuillnn Wnmpn nnl nhilrlvpn n'vp nlmnstna.likelvJ News. tf. l M til V .V V l-vi- - w ----- V I b ibe victims as are the men of the active forces. It is a curious change. FOR RENT-ne Phone J3liie :398. mm furnished room. (306) FOR RENT Oiie-roorrncabln,,part-ly furnished, Jiear dry dockJ Phone Blue 822. (2); FdRSAtE FOR SALB-Siazenger Queen bad-mlntoh : . picket;. 'Used six weeks. Including press .and box of shuttles; See. at JSmplre, (30G) FOR SALES' -room .house, modem, hot water heating cement basement. Close In. Phone Green 937. (tf) WANTED Experienced girl for boarding house. "Box 56, jDally News. (tf) WANTED Man who wants board and room. Box 57, Dally Nws. " ' (308) WANTED PosHlon.tfbr experienced stenographer. Box CO, Dally News. (310) WANTED-Exprlflced local girl for .boarding liousti. Box .66, Daily News. . (tf) ELDERLY woman, work' by hour. Ironing, mending, bachelor rooms. P.O. J296. , (2) XOST tempt Is being made to steal our highway and we do notrosT Oren coat.at.Moose. Find want' them to get away with it. 1 r pieaserieav at Daily News. (Q) Cincinnati had the longest win nlng strealc, 11 trames, which began with the first game of September 11. against Boston, and ended with the second game .of September 21, against Pittsburgh. New York had the longest losing streaK, 11 .games, from the frrst game of September 11, against st. Louis; until Boston was beaten, September 21. Brooklyn, by winning its first nine games to start the sea son, tied the record made by Now York in 1918. .Brooklyn and Boston took 5 hours and 19 minutes to play 20 innings on July 5, establishing a new high for time required to de clde a ball game. New York and Philadelphia played the two shortest games In .1940, .1 hour and 26 minutes, ,the first game of Sep tember 26 and September 27. The longest nlne-lnnlng game played last .season was the first game of September 8, St. Louis Pittsburgh, which took .3 BOWLING Signals. Bankers vs. Phllpott Evltt. February 24 R.C.A J, vs. Signals, Armours vs. Phllpott Evltt, Malkins vs. Bankers, Home OH vs. Llnsett. March ,3 Bankers vs. Home Oil, Malkins vs. Llpsett, B.C.A.F. vs. Phllpott Evitt, Signals vs. Armours. March 10 Armours .vs. Lipsett. Bankers vs. R.C.A.F., Malkins vs. Phllpott Evltt, Home Oil vs. Signals. March 17 Malkins vs. Signals, Home Oil vs. Phllpott Evltt. R.C.A.F. vs. Llpsett, Armours vs. Bankers. March 24 Lipsett vs. Phllpott Evltt, Signals vs. Bankers, Armours vs. Malkins, Home Oil vs. RC.A.F. March 31 R.C.A.F. vs. Amours, Home Oil vs. Malkins, Signals vs. Phllpott Evltt, Bankers vs. Llpsett. Aprin Bankers vs. Phllpott Ev- ltt, Liptt vs. Signals, Home Oil vs. Armours, R.C.A.F. vs. Malkins. OM) FOOTBALLER DUBLIN. Jan. 2: (CP) ,R. a. Warren, former Irish International footballer and president of the Irish Rugby Union in 1895-0, died In Dublin. He played 15 times for Ireland, from 1884 to 1890. Hundrr as ot people try a the Dally News classified column and get good results, (tf) 39 players in their nlne-lnnlng. game of May 5, .established, a new record for number of players tn an extra-lnnlng gam The 24 players used by Pittsburgh also set a new record for one club , In an overtime game. Eleven pitchers saw service in this game, 6 being used by .Pittsburgh .and MacKenzie's Furniture A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 5 by Bos agalnstjton. When .St. Louis used 6 hours I pitchers .ntl Pittsburgh 5 in a and 17 minutes. Cincinnati, by at- nlne-lnnlng game, September 8, talnlng 100 victories, became onej these clubs tied a record held by of three clubs since 1913 to reach Philadelphia-New York, second that mark In a single season. jgame. September 6, 1924, and 'equalled by Chicago-Philadelphia, Brooklyn and .St. Louis, by using June .9. 1928, STOCKTAKING .CLEARANCE Short pieces Linoleum up to 10 square yards Printed Linuleum Qfk .UtJ. JfitlU Couguleum Sq. yard Phone 775 rrrr. 60c Rexoleum Sq. yard .Inlaid Llnoleum- Shortjplece. Sq. yd. 35c $1.25 327 Third Ave. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1;30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA ntlDAY, 10:30 ,p,ra. Due Vancouver, Mouday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Furtlier Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J; SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave, Pnane 668 Building value In Prim Rupert . ,. , building monU in Prince . half of , the . mu Five Pm Bowl- nowl. -8t Mnwt,ber when W. McConnack, Cincinnati, with Ing league will get under way on punted to $12,550. Herman Schulte. Philadelphia, tied January 0. The winners oi wt wc nermUs for December were j'for most sacrifice hits, 20. H. Frey, bases. 22. Cincinnati, stole most -m ...in MAAt n tno nil' fir i nr Lhuw quo nan w ..rrv k M f0n0ws: season with winners of the first Killas & Christopher, remodel- At sQjieuu.c iw. ;r,, " : Place. $75. Cincinnati, with ,155, I7:." nkpr.. .innuurv u mumtiia Tames vs- IIome OU' Arni0urs vs-1DD 155 games w , i . o r a v January 13-R.C.A.F. vs. Phllpott Evitt. Signals vs. Armours, Aiamms Banken vs. Bom iOU. Melvln T. OU, New York, by vs. .Upsett. January 20-S ianate w. Home 0 1 making 19 heme runs, brought his lifetime total to 388. He has .piled Malkins vs. PhilphQtt Evltt. Bankers up more heme runs than any vs. R.C.A.F. Armours .Llpsett. ntJiPr .MnJkmM I oaeiiP nlaver for January 27-Llppsett vs. R.C.A.F., all time. William M, Werber, Cur the .Canadian iNational Railways pminott Evltt. Malkins vs. Signals. iteam won the .first .game of the ' ., "., ":, . . ,1 Whm.rv a-Armours vs. Malkins. ! season when Sons team 5 they to 2. Armours vs. Bankers. Home Oil vs. Deal me wative , . . ... ii,. nil vq Slsnals vs. . t,t Hnnkr.5. I.ltvwtt vs. Ph lDhott Evltt. These winter sports will con- " "" -:r.:arv inlsicnaU ; Phllpott ( February lu-iignais vs vs. i-nupu.fc tourt'jen-lnnlns May 13, tin.m mi thmnph thp vmrai and a same, YJhJSm. Wed two recolds held many ! Evltt. Bankers-vs. Llpsett. Home Oil u it is hopetl that there will be com- ,tv. Mniitina R.C.A.F. vs. Armours. February 17 R.c J vs. MaiKins, Home Oil vs. Armours, Llpsett vs.1 Hans Petterson. .urage. r-ourm Avenue East, $50. T. Rysstad. residence, Sixth Avenue East, $1800. Thursday, January BUILDING I DIES AT FOR YEAR MASSETI Total Was $02,304 As Compared With $79,C25 In ,WJ, Coiiiiiila-tion Shows Kenneth Davis, Hrotlier Of Allien nuauiM aim ?un 01 ; Alaska Allnister, Passes Awa The death ohurr d tomorrow Anglican Hope for JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding of the Seal Cove Trucking Small jobs are higger the job and Transportation lo. And for Your Service Offers 4 DUMP TRUCKS TO 4-YAKD CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED. VANS our business but the the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please I I "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLcod River Hard Coal r.DSON, NANAIMO-WELL1NGTON, KULKI.EY VAl.LEV 41 Tuodny morn. o f thto we-, nrOTTlWTEC for the year 1940 totalled $02,394 K KM nVlLilJ aTconmared with $19,025 in 1939. his home in ton Kcnnd "a lVJLlJ -V UI?i-l -M.C.L It .Itavl- Davis, brother brothw of of Mn Mn. ABw A!rft) .tnrv tn hit: a hnmB run in (rame ! cuuijuuuuii nnvn..Mon ui of i" monthly j ngures a " ' Adams or Masf:ttf wno ha. 4, .. ... Tw-mw ,940 the r4,: "rr : vr ; r : second iuu of -rm tola! -0 - wUh miioTmm4me ua-rm, n'liH .Tiiiu " ZX d ; et A,M"" .l.,.der Way Next $5925 was L in December nnTbeTlMO 1939. The The heavl- heavi- ctt. Mr. ami Mr, Adams will teJ, morning oDt-ara thil mission boat We'tod Massett to otlend ttd funeral ' ,"' Deceased was 32 years of a?l and wai born in Alaska, bein? ft. : half. Home Oil, .for the. city champ- .... .... Araiuo son of Rev. Samuel " Davl; of Hj llonshiD. MnMi 'dhur- ,s survived by fcl The Five Pin Bowling League jjasfi0-nert, repairs, Bisjrar children-four boys and two ...j..i. ciwnnd hnlf nf the f A "spot" coitus you only half ; dollar. Try it in the Daily Nei j "lawslfiMl column in J Office and Coal Bunkers Trotier's Dock rhone 58 Wishing You All A Very If ( tvtf J ORMES LTD. If you joae tnythinjf, advertise for R. m I a i!