71. i ' i it I !f .j JOUR' EYES Licencee for Nnmounts Full-rue Frames, the Newest in Eye-Wear Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties 'Xmas Service j I A l DllVMO nt jLsuuio i-icmc i BURNS LAKE, Jan. 2: An In- spiring Christmas service was held in the United Church with a large congregation present. After sing- i Size 2 I Dainty, full-flavored, tempting little fellows that do so much to make an ordinary meal a banquet J Have several cans on. your pantry helf. B. C. Furniture Co: 1 Phone BLACK 324 Next Door to Nour anil ITcurl Fnrnihiro nui uuu uuuu iiiiiiituiv At the Lowest Prices in the City. It will pay you to come in and look over our large stock of new and used furniture 1 Beatty Washing Machine In Al condition. Just QQO Aft like new tPOA.UU 1 Large Size China Cabinet COI ftft Areajsnap $Al.UV 8 Reconditioned Typewriters Of various makes at very low prices 1 'National' Cash Register Just like $45 00 4 L "fom izc.I,ressers" .. $7.50 10 $10.00 4 Kitchen Ranges With oil burners. Complete from $40.00 10 $50.00 New Furniture 20 Mattresses 3-3, 4-0. fljfl PA Special tP.DU 16 Spring-Filled Felt Mattresses Regular $22.50. jj gQ 6 Studio Couches Can be made Into double bed. QQQ Aft In the newest patterns PO J.UU 12 Chesterfields Of the finest quality and makes at given prices. BIG DISCOUNTS Off All FUR COATS Our Season Is Open to Buy Raw Furs and We Need the Money Goldbloom Tle Old Reliable EYES CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Fhone 261 for Appointment fing the well known Christmas Carols the main service began. Two srtos "Nazareth" and "The Gift" were suns: by Miss Dorreen Little and Mrs. Roy Jewell respectively. A'ing war subjects, dropped its ta trio "Star of the East" was given by Miss Annie Lund, Berntce Mc - Intyre and Dorreen Little. The sermon theme of Rev. Adam Crisp was "The Gift Supreme." ' . 1 PEAS h Third Avenue B.C. Clothiers NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprletcr "A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c np 60 Room; Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhone 231 r.O. Box 1ft 1G00D YEAR FOR FILMS Movies Hit Their Stride With Anti-Nazi Productions By LEON ED EL (Canadian Press Staff Writer) NEW YORK. Jan. 2: (CP) The THE DAILY KUWaf Thursday, January 2, 1941. first full year of war has been a J General Hospital Robert Johnson, hard year for the theatre and a ! a Massett fisherman, who had uf-prosperous and highly successful fercd a heart attack. The Western one for the more adaptable mov- Hope will leave tomorrow morning ies. The war's effect on Broadway was felt most acutely when Hitler's legions overran the Low Countries. As they flanked the Maginot line New Yorkers, in this theatre centre of America, hugged their radios close. Theatre attendance fell off alarmingly. A number of j .hits suddenly developed into flops. I I This made the producers wary ! and the new season has found them ready to provide musicals I and comedies but very cautious where serious plays are concerned. ine cinema, always ciose wj me front oaees. lost no time In flnd-l boo on anti-Nazi films and pro ,duced a series of important and striking pictures. 1 Some Good Plays I Broadway had a few excellent! plays, however. The interesting, if somewhat over-rated, Pulitzer prize rojgnw saw considerably less jwlnner, "The Time of Your Life" raIn ln Prince Rupert than the Iby William Saroyan was one; there year Previous. The total precipi-,were also Kingsley's "The World tation foT the yT Just ended We Make." Hemingway's "Fifth was 9U6 inches as compared with Column" and the moving piece of 118 94 inches -in 1939. Th? wettest theatrical journalism. "There Shall mnth of the last year In Prince be No Night," by Robert Sher- RuPert was December with 13.84 . wood, which Canada has been see- lncnes. August being a close'second In? lately. In comedy it had the wlth 13 41 Inches. The driest-month slick but funny "Man Who Camo f tne year was July with only 2.89 to Dinner" and the urbane "Life incnes f raln-With Father," bo'h Still runnlns. Sunshine for the year 1940 agin musicals there were Buddy Seated 972 7 hours as compared witn 899 hours ' "39- The finest De Sylva's three productions. "Lou- isiana Purchase." "Panama Hat- mo"th the old year was May tie" and "Du Barry Wai a Lady." wltil 1869 ncurs bright sun-Al Jolson's "Hold On to Your Hats" shine- January, w'.th but 26.4 hours 'and the Ed Wynn success, "Boys of sunshine, was the dullest month and Girls Together." A recent ser- !ous play to arrive Is set for a long and successful run, Fmlyn Wil- ilams' "The Com Is Green" with Ethel Barrymore. And there are, of course, the perpetual "Tobacco Road." now ln its eteht vear,.and' the long-run-frolic "Helzapoppln," now in Its third year. Many Anti-Nazi The screen, waking to the fact that Its European market' was smashed, discovered it could ex- press its dislike for the Nazis with - out having to care any xnorcftabcut whether It pleased Dr. tioebbels. Ton anti-Nazi natures nf t.ho -Mr were .Charlie Chaplin's human and nrnvoratlvp "Tho Hrpat TMMafnr" the! exciting "Escape," with Mont- reai-Dorn worma anearer, ana tne British film ''Pastor Hall." A series of highly adult films came out of Hollywood on c variety of subects"The Grapes of Wrath" Mice and Men," as well as "Water-, I JnifPfl I niltn loo.Brdge" and "The Long Voyage V11UI lH Homer' screen biography achieved ,Yrno o f r a notable portrait ln Warner Broth- AHlaS vORCCS! ers' "Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet." - Alfred Hitchcock, British wizard of Large Audience Enjoys Very Fine screen suspense, came to Hollywood Program At' Burns Lake and made two exciting pictures, "Rebecca" and "Foreign Correspon- BURNS LAKE. Jan 2-- The dent." "Pride and Prejudice" show United Church hold its Christmas that costume pictures and classics concert when a program of out-can be intelligently adapted to the standing merit was heartily en-screen. A fine example of honest joyed by a crowded audience screen narrative was "They Knew, Instrumental seWMrm ', What They Wanted" while light uim comedies scorea nigmy, among these being "Bachelor Mother," and ."The Primrose Path," both with Ginger Rogers. In the realm of the fantastic, Walt Disney and Leopold Stokowskl created their controversial musico- cinematic "Fantasia" whllt Alex- andra Korda, head of Britain's pro- ducers, in a Hollywood production showed how to spin another type of fantasy with his "Thief of Bagdad." Notable among cinematic spec- tacies was Cecil B. Demllle's "North- west Mounted Police" ln which a surrmg page or Canadian history was lold with Hollywood embellishment but elaborately and OLD CHURCH DESTROYED Santa Clau3 appeared with a treat LONDQN, Jan. 2: (CP) The Rec- for ' everyone present, tory of St. Jame's, Piccadilly, was During the evening a presenta-destroyed when a bomb fell ln the tion was made to Rev. and Mrs. forecourt of the Wren Church. The j Adam Crisp of a valuable set of church boasted an organ given by .electric bedroom lights. The pres- Queen Mary (wife of William III.) entation was made by Miss Dor-ln 1691. treen Little on behalf of the par Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher A.A.A. Certificate PHONE RED 811 Whifflets From The Waterfront - ' The Anglican mission boat West- ehn Hope, with Engineer Fred Bel- las in charge, arrived In port late I Tuesday afternoon from Massett, I bringing in to the Prince Rupert' ion her return to the Queen Char lotte Islands. With a good-sized list of passen-gtrs, ONJt. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 10 o'clock yesterday morning from Vancouver, Powell River and ocean Falls and sailed at 3 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here this evening south- bound. 17 PQ T K I1J IjLuJiJ lvalll LAST If EAR 1910, While Setting No Records, Wa Better From Weather Standpoint Than 1939 While ttlng no record for 'ear- warmest day of 1940 was September, 7 when 79 above was recorded, The lowest thermometer rea(ng of the year was 16' above on February 26. 7116 weather summary for the month ' December Just ended, as auuncea Dy 8. J. Mellor. Dlgby ,iana, Dominion meteorologist. ,wa as foJJows: xnium barometer reading at lev ' 0,595 on December 10. ' Mlntaum barometer reading at efJe ye1, 290.29 m December 22. r "m Jn,Pcratu reading, wn December 2. -z11"?1 ,temjrature reading, "puer 30. temperature for month 396 Total precipitation, 13.84 Inches. Total sunshine, 41.7 hours. . , M3V milm ...4 i t . w"'a velocity, 40 "'UC5 soumeast' December 4. rendered by Betty, Ann and Mar- gery Loper and a piano duet was .given by Gladys Rnmpimi wh Evelyn Nicholls. A vocal solo. 'ThP VJJlage Choir," was sung by HU- bert Anderson and Mrs. Roy Jewell sang "Deck the Hall." "Hang Up Your Stockings" and "Santa Claus is Coming." Mrs. M. F, Nourse accompanied the carol singing, Victor Jafeito sang 'Away in a Manger" and Glen Valde, "Jingle Bells.." A recitation was given by Bessie Anderson. The primary class of the Sunday School gave a playlet entitled "Bringing Our j outs." A cantata, "Heart of the Bells," was the crowning event of the evening. It was presented by the choir and Sunday School. At the close of the program ents of the Sunday School chlld-Iren and members of the choir. START BREN GUNS MELBOURNE, Jan. 2: (CP) After long delays with equipment, Australian manufacture of Brcn Quns for the British forces will start early ln 1041. ...t.if-a,r.iV..,,!, SOCIETY COMEDY "Susan and God," With Joan Craw-1 ford And Frederick March, , Showing At Capitol Theatre "Susan and God," picturlzation of a noted stage hit. comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here tonight and Thursday with Joan Crawford and Frederick March co- i starred. This is the story of a social gadabout who adopts a new fadj and insists on trying to convert i her friends, only to make a muddle of her own life and theirs. j The picture blends hilarious comedy with highly dramatic situations. There is scintillating dialogue. Latest distinctive fashions highlight the production and will be of particular interest to women. Mls3 Crawford pla y Lhs part of the society wife. Frederick March is the husband. Rita Qulgley. young newcomer to the screen, Is tlje lovely, unwanted dsuhter Rose Hobart is a Long Island hostess at whose home much of the action takes place. Bruce Cabot Is a young sportsman who is in love with the daughter. j MIDWINTER j SEABATHS Port Simpson Folk, After Last Sunday, Think About Starting Polar Bear Club PORT SIMPSON, Jan. 2: Port Simpson folks are talking about organizing a Pola- Bsar Club following events of last Sunday. That afternoon residents of Port Simpson were amazed to see Dr. Wnitlng cavorting about in the water off one of the village's lovely beaches. As he emerged, they wer surprlsd to see that he was fully clad and that the swim had been quite unintended. But that was not all. A short time later another splash broke the surface of the still waters. This time a head appeared and a burst of Chinese words rent the air. Dong Duck, the hospital laundry-man, had taken a midwinter, like his employer being also full clad. Both Dr. Whiting and Dong Duck had slipped from the icy decks of the cruiser Sunbeam III. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coltoi., D.CPh.C. Wallace Block. Phone 64 fc r Notice ! Confeotionery Store closed all day Wednesday, January 1st, 1911 and open until 6 p.m. Thursday, January 2, 1911. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY STORE Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in 1.1 . n a - n unite ivupcrt i in 1 mm a mio Atom Hit MiD...lilVHWtH Hit RUTH HUSSEY John CAR ROIL -Rita HAY WORTH Nigel BRUCE Bract CABOT Rlli QUIGltr H0IAIT I!I0.01DW!N.!II riCtll Feature at 7:23 and 9:13 Also News and Novelty CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUFEUT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN COJ A A Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 19U, ygJU VU Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines MAU AND Ml 0H HI MlftSf ttdwl Cftriwfi' jwii pkf (Wf m irf tntiwifJkKtmi At fkfwi Aft 9 rtd TONIGHT & FIUDAY 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 and n 20 to IS I Ltd. British Columbia J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Kldf. To Our Many Patrons and Friends wc Extend A Very Happy New Year THE SEAL COVE TRUCKING AND TRANSPORTATION CO. -AND- 32 -TAXI-" "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25e per lb. Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish' available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Trince Rupert Co. FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4:39 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER' DOCK