PAGE FOUR EYES KM Licencee lor Numounts Jy Full-rue Frames, the Newest In Eye-Wear EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving fW CIIAS DODIMEAD Plometrist ,n Charge I I I ' Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Dascm'ent Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties i :! A cf)n i s In The Right Direction That's what wc call our new store located at 50fi THIRD AVE.. H'.. - 1 i across the street from the Canitol Theatre and Ormes Druir. More room for your comfort and the most central location in town for your convenience. YOU TOO WILL TAKE "A STEP IN THE KIGHT DIRECTION," if you see all i94rs NEWEST WOMEN'S SHOES Is it shoe comfort you want or feet that sparkle with style or both? You'll find them all at the Cut Rate Store. Pumps, oxfords, Cuban heels, walking shoes in kid, patent and suede. All width and sizes. PRICED TO SELL The Gut-Rate Shoe Store jj NEW LOCATION 506 THIRD AVE., W. "RUPERT BRAND Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Coiumnia I We ain't mad at Nobody j "ta0aasattavva. ......... Wanted-Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C., Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 7. 1C7 East 3rd Ave. HIS WORK VALUABLE Many Honors Were Heaped On Late Sir Frederick Banting, Writer And Scientist BODIES IN MONTREAL MONTREAL, March 3: The bodies of Dr. Frederick G. Bant- I inff, William Bird and William f Snailham, killed in the crash of j a military plane at Musgrave i Harbor last week-end, were ' brought here Saturday from St. 1 John's Newfoundland. j ' Banting's funeral will be held In Toronto and those of Bird and Snailham in Hamilton. Two military planes carried the bodies as well as the sole survivor, Capt. Joseph C. Mackey of Kan- , sas City, the pilot of the ill-fated plane.. Few scientists received such j speedy and enthusiastb recognl. jtlon for their discoveries as the late Sir Frederick Banting. His finding that ust of pancreatic hormone helped diabetes sufferers was greeted at first with consid TEH DAILY NEWS Monday, EDISON MAZDA LAMPS i t n CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC erable doubt by medical authorl-' 1 111 : bJSi 'I' 5pe?y doubtd and was invalided lo England with benefit won it general accept- bL(.d ance. .... , . Medical men in many countries . j.-u.,.. . t . ni,. i .u covl ?mS a" Animals was made as far back as male lead. TJr STen J1 thOS- 1889, two years tefore Dr. Bant- The period of the picture Is from of Pasteur. The Canadian govern- o, ..... moo .u Sol IS? AT J i st, working under the present time. .,nit.lVU' direction of McLeod, ' to extract In- .uninterrupted program of research. , Honors heaped on Dr. Banting Mmv titat, nt ,.,, 7 .v. a . - 1 rnllrvirintT arm, ui. discovery failed to affect his sense acuie dliDetes: Experimented On Dogs i . . of loyalty to his co-workers. He " , ,.,., , iho,r In their experiments they found n . thought uv,t an .I, injustice that th . . . . ... L iNcbel prize committee failed to ' 1 - - "r , give equal recognition to Dr. Best . J..1..J " A.: IniPTiTDi: IS BEST OF YEAR "Kitty Foyle," the picture In which Ginger Rogers won the annual award of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the most outstanding performance by an actress In 1940, comes to the screen of the Caoltol Theatre for the first of this week. Of course, the picture needs no further recommendation than the mere fact that it won for its star this most coveted of all recognition. The picture is based on Christopher Aforley's best selling novel and U a tense drama. Born on the "wrong side of the tracks," Kitty envlet the Philadelphia socialites nnd fall In love witty one of them and, after a romantic Interlude, they arc married. However, the match does not prove satisfactory and there Is an annulment. Later a baby Is born but, by , this time, her former husband Is eriganed to a Philadelphia society girl. The baby dies and Kitty resumes her business career, achieves Success and later finds herself faced with a vital decision which brings about a gripping climax. Miss Rogers, as might be excect-cd, displays her dramatic talents brilliantly. Dennis Morgan and Whifflets From The Waterfront j j. . . , . 'itnis oi aavancra maueies wnicn . . and- declared at ones he would ..j . . William Brett. Oeorse Andarson. l t his hLS own W" lniMt,on. Injections nf of ,.. insulin. Dy Thr Then thPv they Ca, Carl ' ,,. olslre lskf f and d . A"10" Dybhavn dham tt.itk ii,.. i n couia as Corsica suDuianeous Sf Ih SCl e?? hall of of the prize, which, when it iu. .j tailed yesterday cn the Primess ivuiiu uic adine jncwiuu ui neat- moVioj vi , .... . . reacned Jllm thmnirh V, Knrah fnr Tiiisoii ...111 oh V .. : ment beneficial to human diabetes "V " , Z 1 Onf T .$5,f ; Patlents- ney discovered that In- ?"nd a of halibut One of of Dr. Banting's first con- ,u i .. 4U. beat owners and fishermen on a. t CUUll XilJCALiUllO tyi I WWTJ 11 tell . . 0i eS Problcm ln ard to operations SbShTrS Z5 dency f diaoetlc persons to ex- durlns toe comln oundaSnthr .r crete sugar m the urine by correct- season-Sv oi rf1 ,hC CUld ln the deficiency of Insulin In the . , , carry on hl his work. The endowment internal ' Having on board a, total of organs Sr "Sntwf WhlCh KtCr Dr- Banting's' achievement won V passengers, C. P. R. Dr. Bantings name stcamer Princess was begun by early recognition in his own ooim- Norah, Capt. Wll-tl(f M:?? port at benefitted from insulin treatment. ? Vcsy morning from evry of Insulin, he was awarded ,oclKk The need for research facilities Vancouver and sailed at 10:30 the Dr F A Reeve Prize for thP a. was recpgnlzed by Sir William Mul- WOrker'in the University of Tor- m-. for and other Alaska SSTrf. clef Justlce' w onto showing greatest aptitude ln Pln whence she is due back headedi a campaign for collection medical research. In May. 1924 th- .?re T10" afternom south- nL"7, a?d A mS,Sted P American ,, Phllowphlcal Society bound- The vess?i eleven naming the Institution the Bant- .ave him 4he John ssatt medal Passengers at PrtnbTRupert while ' nnnSea "fu " Ulit Dr- Bantl"S did not go to Stock- ff6" Tk inm here to '5?2.,0?)..for estab "shment of the holm to receive the Nobel Prize the north- aonaiea y dta' untU 1925 hen he was asked to, " , , beicPa,lents- -ThI f deliver trio Nobel lcture. He- was' wtM, WHhTa 'ar-ld list of passcn-tTeaencK Grant Banting wn v, o a i j u . sers, Union steamer natnln rnt I tJorn at Alliston, Ontario. November an lnvlvatlon Ernest Sheppard, arrived ln port 4, 1891. a son of William ThomD- in 1927 Dr.' Banting Investigated at 11 'cIock last nlsht from the' son Bantin?. He received hU SOU,h' 831111,8 pft early the feasibility of establishing in midnight for education In his home town, at- the Canadian Arctic hospitals and ?wart and other northern points i tended Victoria Collene, Toronto, other facilities for giving medical whenCe fhs .will lreturn here to-nd was srraduated in medicine care to the Eskimo. He went north morrow afternoon southbound. . from the University of Toronto in for three months aboard the Dom- ' vU'Vh e" ed, " the Canadlan Jnion government steamship Be-'Dicce HI skin ,n !"'r7, thai aZTI department I Expeditionary Force and served cthh. He found It would not tv ?J finally. in 1918. as medical officer the Eskimo because of his rovlns S T . . ' ,cMhe 44th Battalion. H- wa, .ev- life In recoSnl"on of his services to -relv wounded at Oanib-al. where Durlrw his trin to the north the medCif and humanity he was to was awarded the Military Cross, doctor had time to tduge his S& of' Sn? i th' S"?"1 New York and j.: favorite hobby, painting. With A. Son ' 'ooyKKN.MKXT i.Hiiou act" Y Ja:ks:)n, member of .the former Dr Bantlmr , ,,rf 1 (section m) Oroup cf Seven, he came homfi t"U.VA$m"Tlmi .Notice ot Application for iiii Liience with numerous P nlctures nf ArC,tIC am,mt; Mlllun "Dertson, daughter of JfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on u vT!4 . Dr. William Robertson txt Flnra the sut dav of Mar.-n 1941 th. scenes wnicn attracted wide notice' iundewiunrt empress social club From 1919 till 1920 Dr. Banting ulVr u.J 7. . 0ne 500 limited lateodi to to the e divoroed ,n 1932-Control CTiy Liquor was resident surgeon at th h , Board Xor a Club Llccnw In re- SI He Was a mambar for . I Of the United Pltal -.w Sick Children in Toronto, uniiea, apect or premise situated on th top 'churrh f .noor of ithe Empres., BStck at the cor-For . he next year he practiced I 01 uanaaa. 'ner of Second Avenue and Sixth Street medicine In Londnn nnfartn meaicine ln Lontion, Ontario, .. . - . was ... upon land, described uat 11 h 12 - of Block 23 of section 1. Map B23. tn Part-time assistant in physiology th ctty of Prince Rupert. Prince Rup- at the University of Western On- ert Land Resrlirtratlon District, ln the tarlo " A conslderablc sWmW 11-. time after ,, . Province of Britiah Columbia, to enutie Y , he each member of the nJd dub in k had, left London rt Was revpalprf hv on the prwnL- a reasonable quantity a British surgeon that Dr. Bantlnz Of llCIUOr for Wrmlill rvnimmiTilInn rr, , . the prwnisea in accordance with the,naa.maa? a caslnS for the deform- provlsious of the Government Liquor Act ana. uie Regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED th'j 28th da7 of Fefbruarv EMPRESS SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED By J, O, Moody. President. IN TUB MITKKME COIKT OF IIKITIS1I CUIXMUM l I'KOIIATE In the .Matter of the "Administration Aft" Anil - III the Matter of the Extate of Ernst Itetnhold Walter, Deceased TAKE NOTICE ithat bv nrrier nf HI Honor, W. E. Fisher, itJhe 30th day of October, A- v, 1840, we were appointed Executor of - tlie 'estate of. Em&t Rein-hold Waliter, deceived, and all parties havliitr rln !m AtrHlmit itiv kaIH rafnt are OiereD; required to furnish same, the 10th llay of March. A D. 1941. and all rjarttea indebted ito tile estate are rcaulred to Iwv th. vnnunt nf thlr indebtedness to ua fortJiwtth. miw we iuui a&y 01 reoruary, A. ,D, 1941. , . WRS. KATKRINE R. A. OILLETT, t Prince Rupert, D. C, . CARL KIRMIS, ' MasBett B. C. HAROLD ORMBRAKr. Watun River. B C. .f!.t Wt-" ' . , . ed Toot of a seven-vear nM hnv which was described as a master- PAINTING Decorative Kalsomining Signs LORNE CORNELL Phone 46 CLEANING OilBumersSl-50 Free wicks with every burner Chimneys Swept $3.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 FISIIERMEN1 Inslal MARINE MOTORS Kermath or Lycoming Agent J. T. BRENTZEN, Boat "Wanderlust'' Cow Bay TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs Fpr First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubberware, Tires, Tubes, Etc., Vulcanized 6th St. opp. OK Uarber Shop CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Wtllacei Block, phone IK FLASH ! Hintrcr Ilotrcrs Has Just Horn Au-i-.i . Award as Best Actress for Her Perform? "Kittv Fovln" normancei, - wr V - GINGER ROGER! KITTY F0YLE DENNIS MORGAN JAMES CRAIG EDUARDO ClANNElll'IRNIST COSSART GLADYS COOPIR " IKO IA0IO flchrf KXTKA ADDED "Donald Duck's Vacation" WENDELL WILLKIE Is Your Guest Star In "INFORMATION PLEASE" i TONIGHT, TIES, ind WT) 2 Shows Nightly 7:00 mil. Feature at 7 21 and ) 8 C3! h nil r n . i, n. i iii iiiiiii i- i. w w mm mm mm mmm w m A GOOD PLACE TO BUY " uimiiu iiLir.u .'LlllllLSStb All IU11 s ze CIO E. Well known makes. Restmor and Rlmmnn Pmm vAO" 3 BEAUTY BEST MATTKESSES-Contalning over 800 small spiral 6prlngs 1 ,j 3r(j Atni SLEIGHS ENJOY WINTER - WHILE IT LASTS iiuuiy Lanatnan iiardwood aicigns Steel Runners 60c 32i"ch- At $1. At .... 28lrh"... 75c 3Gjrh ?i- 42-inch (Extra strong) 12-inch (Steering sled) , At : $2.2! $2.75 eMaeSm.M 1 1 if 1 r.nnr xi nittn 1 nil - 1 'ntinniMii Newspaper Association, of the flnniulinn Press and d A...l!i. ... . - - xnn "mm. uuieau nr iwn nt t. i, iu nniv nniw: X'TT. . tnlS II VUW UI. I-Jll I III I IMIIlilllk .