THE SIROIS REPORT t What would be the Social Kepcrcussions in British Columbia? LISTEN TO HON. GEORGE M. WIER TONIGHT CFPR-580K;G. M 7.00 - 7.30 p. m. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals, and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Mercury, Cold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth "u Anumony. aiso auipnuric aciq anu -0tneTa Office and Works Trail. B.C. HON STEAMSHIPS LTD. Prinfft rtnnprt for Vancouver: , T-S.S. CATALA EVjCHV TUliSV T. CARBENA FBIDAT, DAY' l.-m.. ... 1fl:30 D.m. - I attfv p. Ill, " "U Vancouver, Thiir p.m. Due Vanceuver, Monday a.m. Q"n CharloH. fottnlehtly) Uave PHnce ltupert March 3,17 and 31 10 p.m. " Cu''venlnt, i'lease Purchase Tickets at P"1" r . p,,hu fur,h-r information Regarding Iteservatlons and Tickets From I ICAVk- 1 -. ... nhnne 868 Island Farmers' Institute, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. MeKenzie, Richardson Family, stairs who is engaged in logging for the Pacific. Mills, we mean what we say, when I we say "This is the best VI t7 TV map XxMXJLyJ We like to boast about our town It's a good town. ..It has the kind of citizens that make a good town. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball. Metlakatla. Alaska vs. B. C. Women's Service Corps will Savoys nextWedneflday and Thurs- accept recruits, Armoury, Tuesday, day. (tf) March 4, S-IO. S2i Prince. Rupert Rowing and Yacht I Mrs. E. Evanson returned to fhe Club, annual general meeting, City city on the Princess Norah yes-Hall, Tuesday, March 4, 8 pjn. ierday morning from a brief trip (53) 'to Vancouver. Donald DeMUle, for drunken-1 ness, was fined $25, with option of Mrs. Charles Goldstein was a ten days' Imprisonment, In city passenger aboard the Princess police court on Saturday.- i Norah yesterday bound from Los i Angeles to . Juneau. G. Stromdahl, for reckless driv-' tag, was fined $15 in city police) William 5. Watson, well known court on Saturday and was given jWhltehorse merchant, and Mrs, a blue licence. IffliMrttiHiMilifci W. F. Eve and daughter, Mrs. George and Doris Leary Mr and'iHuest;on' accompanied by the lat-Mrs James Dnhnw rvrHv,i t ik. ter's little daughter, returned to eral Association Queen Charlotte lthe dty 011 tne Princess Norah Island, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Cook iyieniay irom a mp 10 vancou-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson! ver elsewhere In the south. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens, Mr." and Mrs. F. Evans, Mr. and Mrs I L- E- Beynoldson; agent for the Douglas Edenshaw. Dr. and Mrs American Express Co. at Skagway, J. C. S. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Bellas, Mrs- Reynoldson were pas- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brldden, Wes "Sere aooaxa me- rruicess jxormi and Jean, Mrs. M, Simpson Mr jyesterday returning to Alaska aland Mrs. J. Hagerman. far a vacation trip to Seattle. ' Mr. and Mrs. W: H. S. McFar- have been on a vacation trip to lane were Passengers aboard the Vancouver and Victoria, returned Prtncess Norah yesterday retum-to the city on the Catala last night ln t0 V a to from the south. .Vancouver. Mr. McFarlane Is man- ager 01 the 1 ukou" .uonsoimaiec Mrs. J. C. Carstalrs and daughter, Mining Co. from Rivers Inlet, will sail tonight fTV" T LT on the Camosun for Queen Char-,ana4f , J. J. Tx, X. lotte City. They wUl Join Mr. Car-;ocatwe Ul,u cess Norah yesterday returning to J Skagway. P. S. Bonney. logging suprin-l , . .i In' Miss S mpkins skter of ; tendent for Pacific Mills, arrived the city on the Camosun last night i L'" from a trip to the Queen Charlote fent,y ld hJCa t' UlThds on official buslne.s and will ,toms ISS 'senger aboard the Princess Norah' u, ,u the p,, Catala ,,,., tomorrow o,, sail by aer-.j ! -turninc to th. Al- noon on his return to Ocean rails, 1'. , . " IcU If you want something, advertise for It Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) Let us prove to the world that aoKd autiai ,aitvi iviav-j tie and Tacoma. TONIGHT, 10:30 PM. Listen In to .CUR and hear General' Ross- inaugurate the campaign .of the combined auxiliaries ' to ' the forces. Members of the Canadian Legion, V. M. C." A., Salvation Army, Knights of Columbus, Young Women's Chir-tian Association and I. O. D. E. are especially asked to listen in. (52) CARD OF THANKS Watson were passengers aboard .the Prinss Norah yesterday re-' turning to the Yukon after a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. The fire department was called out at 5:45 Saturday afternoon to the residence of F. N. Good, Em-merson Place. There was an overheated furnace which caused ,no damage. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of JLloyd Craig, British Columbia dustrlal representative at Ottawa who is arriving In the city on tomorrow night's train from the East. Major Craig will meet the minister of mines, Hon. W. J. As-sslstlne. who" Is due here tomorrow from Stewart, and together they will proceed to Victoria on the Prince Rupert Thursday night. Prince Rupert Little Theatre GENERAL MEETING TUES. MAU. 4, 8 p.m. Executive Meeting ":38 p.m. JAPANESE MISSION March 13. i. i , Mrs. A. R. MaUory, wishes 4,p re- drcfj8, IT Try a Daily News WantAd. Jl Jin tiih scimjeme roritT of British l III, 1 .illtl A l. i nuu.ui. Iii tlie Matter of the "Administration Art" J Anrt In the Matter of the Estate ofJ lOsi-ar Olson otherule known a Oscar OIeu otherwl'p known as Oskar Olson." nHTJUIIV. Kill, Iff. -.... ... take notice that tor Order of His When we undertake to do; a Job iianor Judge Fisher, toota judge of the h hpre J Vn' in Prince Prinpc Runert Rupert wo wo do ao a a tSupiwn' Court, of BrltlsJi ColumNa,I good job. Right now we have a big Job to do' We've got to buy our share of War Savings Certificates. It should be a big share. Everybody in Prince Rupert must buy War Savings Certificates and buy them regularjy. We've got to win. this war. Let's show other towns . . . and all' Canada . . . and the Empire . , . that Prince Rupert Is In this fight 100. buy wnni f m WARS lSAVINGSBl CERTIFICATES REGULARLY Space Donated by DAILY NEWS was. on the uax day or reoruary a. u. 1MI ftpnoJnted Axtmlnistrawr of we Estate. of Oscar Olson, otihfr1e.. known Oscar Oltwn. otherwise known aa Oskar Olson otherwise known as Ofkar Olsen. fomwly of the. City of. Prince Rupert, BnUfih, ColuuDia, oeceAsea.' -wno dlt on or about the 30th day of Bep-temoer 1940. All persona Indebted ; to tihe said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness ' to tne forthwith and all persona harlne olaUna ftalnt the aald Estate are, re quired w lam ennn iui iiie pruperiT verified on' or before the day, of Apra A. D, 1941 filling which dUtrt. butlon will lie made having regard only to auch eialma of Which I shall hare been notified. nATED at Prlnre IWipert, B.C. tjila 17th day of February A. D. 1041. , IfORMAN A. WATT Official AcUnlnlatrator Prince Rupert, B.C. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Bldf. HALL Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Peter's Tea, March 6. f i S - turn, thanks' 'to ''fleiids; o.:.. their Wiid.eiu4TiW r6ilted, jW II . 'Mli .A' . kft I, ..0' Ilk I'' Lil9?nd. .AuxtUary, Marchess'; Mrs. Croxford's, Navy Auxiliary tea March 8, Hall. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs .Flaten's, Varden's entertainment March 14, Second Searchlight Auxiliary Tea Legion, March 15. Catholic Ladies' St.-Pa trick Tea, ' March 17. , I Anglican, Tea Mrs. fDarton's March i20tb Mrs, Tea. Legion, Horticultural Dinner, March 24. Rcbekah Tea and Sale, April 2. L. o. D. A. Spring Sale, April 23 FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Arriving Every Boat "BUY RIGHT" Shop at Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" Phone 547 2nd Ave. West NEW ROYAL HOTEL i. Zarein Proprietor "A HOM1 AWAY FKOM umur IUt 71 SO Rooms Hot A Cold Watir Prltic Rupert, B.C. rhni til r.o. Bx 111 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. F. Lye, J. H.: Jefferies. T. Harris Hetherington, A. J. Williams. E, W. Armstrong, C. J. Mlchle, B. Wells, L. F. Herbert, C. D. Inman, W. W. Wilson, F. E. Reynolds. L. A. C. Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Du-bortier. Prince Rupert; George E. Huggett, Aliford Bay; B. A. Mac- SMITHERS, March 3:. In a closely contested game for the Home Oil Cup in the Ladles' Curling Club the rinks skipped" by Mrs. Loude and Mrs. Harley Lewis met Commerce is being postponed Iron In the finals Wednesday evening this evening until Wednesday whsr.and toe Lewis rink was the victor a a apt special speaker will be Major:0' a swre 01 o 10 1. .Many spectators had gathered to watch the final game and the ladies were pretty nervous but this did not seem to interfere with the excellent manner in which they made almost professional shots to get their rocks into the centre or to remove the shot rock of the opponent. They really displayed good curling all through the contest and there was nothing to choose between the two teams, the breaks of the game alone behig the deciding factor. . mis. Lie wis was supported Dy Mabel Berg. Mrs. Vi; McDonald and Ada Mayer while the Loude . ' 1 r n i. m jTl tnnK nan aits, boyi, aits, neauer and Mrs. Ball on the firing line. A. Dando, president of the Smi thers Curling Club, presented the , cup to the Lewis Rink immediately i aiver me comes v arm il wui pros-1 ''I :t ., 5 1041. page rmm THI IHTUH COLUMMA oismtur CO. 1TB. Er by the Liquor Cenbel Bo f fcy W ?J r.. . j o i-. i r t i . uowmHm r mmtm Siyai4 ance By Sea Eadets Draws roung Folks Naval .headquarters was the ne Friday night of a; happy icln party by the local Sea idet Corps. Cadets, their girl ends and other guests, all num- ring about sixty couples, were attendance. Prom 8 p.m. utftl' fcn.;;ht dancing wat In full swln; h Lieut Alex Mitchell as master ceremonies and music by Mrs. Darfo Orchestra. The hall in i attractively decorated for the men, Excellent refreshments ie a popular feature. Whs committee In charge con of Ned Tobey, Bill Baker, den Calderwood, Alan Larse, Eed ) Holtby, Bill Hunter, Edward vr". Jack Wearmouth and Bid xander In charge of th sal Is'.t drinks were Jack Franks K Donnip Metachlan. Archie J pr sided at the door. Irdreas ot people try a "spot" ht Dally News classified col li 2nd Ret good results. (tf) BATTALION AT CHURCH Rocky Mouniaoin Rangers Attend First I'nlUd Morning Strvk-e With the Fltst Battalion, Rocky Mountain Rangers, parading smartly to the First United Church yesterday morning the church wa crowded to capacity. The Junior choir of twenty-one voices led the singing with good effect and presented a fine rendering of the anthem, "March In." Rev. J. C. Jack-:on gave an impressive sermon. On their way to and from the morning service the Rocky Mountain Rangers were accompanied by both their full brass band and their tougfe band and their alternate playing provided continuous music for the regiment and fine entertainment for the general public. i In the evening Mr. Jackson spoke on "prayer as communion , with God." The childish' belief in prayer as an asking for gifts or even in Its power as a charm changed as experience proved the fallacy of both. Instead of prayer being an asking for benefits, It became a re quest to "make me." Some people claimed It to get strengthening of spirit and courage. To some I, was a meditation. But this was not prayer In Us fullest sense. , Jesus own prayers were not al ways answered and the disciples asked him to teach them to pray. With Him It was communion with Ood and the disciples knew what it meant It should not be an occas ional act but an habitual attitude. (Added to this there should be def inite acts of devotion at set times and seasons. Prayer was a search of the soul for Ood rather than a request for His. gifts.' This was not a modern view for the men of all ages had found the same satlsfac tlon. As a result of the communion with God, God became real and, through it, people could keep them selves In the love of Ood. ! The senior .choir sang the an them "From, the Rising of the Sun" IF. A. O. Ouseley) as a special musi cal number. Graham Island Pays Tribute At Mallory Rites PORT -CLEMENTS, March 3: The funeral of the late A. R. Mallory, which took place at MasseiV was attended by a very large num ber of friends from all over the Island. A very Impressive service was conducted by Rev. J. Murray at the church in Port Clements the evening before. Practically all the Inhabitants of Port Clements and the East Coast were present, showing the very great esteem in which decased was held. The following morning the cas ket, which was covered by the Union Jack, was conveyed to Mas- sett by the mission boat Western Hope. The cortege was preceded byi the Massett band from Old Mas-sett with "The Dead March in Saul" being played. Then the procession proceeded to the little cemetery on the North Beach where the remains were laid to rest after a brief service. There were many beautiful floral tributes from the following: Wife and Son, Mr. and Mrs. Dyson. Fred and Louise and family. Port Clements Ccmmunlty Qlub, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crawford. Graham Real Relief for Mhetiet off HEAD GOLDS Put 3 -purpose Va-tro-oal Bp eich nostril ... (1 ) It shrink swollen ntm-branes; (2) Soothes Irritation; Helps flush out nasal passaje,'cUar- ing cioggicg mucus. ' t "Build B.C. Payrolls"'. Perfect With Coffee Used Furniture Good size Chiffonier, 5 drawers, ivory finish and mirror, , n VICK5VATROML Lean, Port Esslngton; D. Candow, ably be christened by the ladJeS'S R. A. Parker and R. J. Cummins, some future occasion. ift Vancouver; Mrs. J. Hindley, Bel- The Ice remains in good contti- carre, sask .; Carl Carlson. Melfort. tinn and th. LucVv n-MsiM Sast; G. 6. Pinseni, Aliford Bay; is going right alon;. I. !s ihl trf- L. F. Campbell and O. P. Campbell, tention of the curlr ; .3 kee Kamloops; H. Williams, Bend. ing as long as weath.r LADIES' CURLING Sirs. Harley Lewis' Kink Winner In Final At Smithers Last Week I :ermlt.J H 111 IVlMlKt i h "I am glad to tell cf. the wdrit of Pacific Milk whhftHi&ve used continually and almo-4'ex-clusively for many years," vwltes Mrs. OJSJB. "Personally I-Jiave! found it a perfect milk forjeof-' fee and among my old-mends' I am famed for makingjood coffee. Pacific brings out a delightful flavor." PACIFIC MILK - Irradiated and Vacuum Pattsrd V Fresh Local Raw ancj Pasteurized Milk v' VALENTIN DAIRY-nioNE 65: "4 Bedroom Dresser irory finish, Gale leg TaUe, walnni fialsh, I Chairs, Range in white enamel for burning coal or wood ' Single Bed, cable spring and felt mattress . Linoleum Rug, size 6x9, Axminster Rug, 9x104 " , Kitchen Table, g-piece Dining Room Suite, Chesterficldjjuitj; ' - 2 Range fitted with an oil burner, Quebec heater, Air Tight Heaier, Perfection room Heater, B.C. Camp Stove, Fire Basket, Fireplace' Screen, Coleman Lamp, Sad Irons, Clothes WringersStojt Shield, large size steel Crib, Prams, Convertabie Carriage ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. New Furniture Department MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVEKUI The Wise Person" gets a lot of satisfaction out ,pf .every purchase they make. If you have an idea as to what good coal should be, try s ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money you spent was wisely Invented. Keep our name and phone number in mind. comfort WAeityoUi ton. -umu OF Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE C51 C32 Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday. 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River ' For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Aveaui Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines HMIHsSliiiiiiiHIXXHilsaH! r