WeatRer. Rorecasl Tomorrow 'sTTdes Priiice Ruperi ana wueen unar- XXX. No. 52. The Associated Study Chibs of Skidegate Inlet Credit Union i a rally at the home of Mrs. Siie Twenty membtrs were pre- W wWh the president, Clwrles Wfcley in the chair. Besides mat-W rwav business two new lj tr were dealt with the form-Uig of a buyers' cluJ) and thi ob-. ffinui" nf a community hall. Wfi. committee of three N. Shafer. .tllllarn Joll and T. White was Iffmed to Investigate th- possiblll- Igs of farming a buyrs" club. An-; iiier committee, consisting of Mrs. ' 9i McColl, Bert Roberts and B. A. Ijjunro. was appointed to work in ignjunetlon with other local or- luuzatlons towards obtaining a mmunity hall. he sum of five dollars was tak- in collation to pay the balance tiihT on tho st nf hook-keeninc fcolej purchased by the Skldegate Credit Union. t the close of the mceUng re- -hments were served. lines In Police irt Are Light Jmount Taken So Far This Year $355 As Compared With $799.50 Last Year IPolico court fines In Prince Rup p February amounted to $180 compared with $572.50 in tho; jme month last year. Fines so far, year total $355 as against. 799.50. Although fines have been I nr eo far this year, they appear j oe starting off In March a good more heavily. Hockey Scores PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE S1 1 It rrlnv Portland 4, Seattle 1. L. Sunday Vancouver 4. fsnov.in,, NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 0. Toronto 0 (overtime) """Kerii 3. CanariiPn, 1 Hangers 2. ivtrRrt -.a 'i Boston 4, eh; l.it,Msi; winds, mostly cloudy ar . s??i Vol'wl increasing cloudiness t 4r wards night. . ed out the town of San Yocinda j ejcs. near here. REAPPOINT HAMBER .virrrniHATherc is a move GltEECE IN UNTIL END Remnants of the glory that was Mussolini's. It ;:ian naval pr:.-c:w '.re marched through the battered Libyan clfy of Tobruk after its recent capture by the British, who stormed the Italian stronghold by land, sea und air. From Tobruk, th e British have pressed forward until now they control all of northeastern Libya. v ! Bulletins BItEST IS ATTACKED LONDON British bombers, at- which a German cruiser of the Hipper class was berthed while other raiders sahH. two 1.006"ton vessels in an eliemy supply convoy in the North Sea. German raiders subjected England "to light and scattered attacks last night with a small number of casualties in a southwest town. WINANT AND 'CHURCHILL LONDON John G. Winant, new United States ambassador, is about to call on Trime Minister Churchill to "get acquainted." He expresses confidence that the United States Senate will pass the "lease-lend" bill this week. ROOSEVELT HAS COLD WASHINGTON, D.O Suffering from a head cold, President Roosevelt cancelled all presonal engagements today. CHILI FIUE SANTIAGO, Chili Two thous- j and persons are homeless as a re sult of a lire wnicn wiuanj Canadians Safe Over LONDON. March 3; Several thousand more Canadian ISTANBUL, March 3: (CP) The Turkish Navy has mined all except a narrow channel in the strategic Dardanelles, it was disclosed authoritatively today. The mining followed closure of the Dardanelles to all ships except those given special permits and employing Turkish naval pilots. Turkish naval units are report ed steaming toward the Dardan- WAR SAVINGS PLEDGES on foot for the "aPi,nl""" I totalling 453 have been reported of E. w. namoer u v..-... by Qcean F smithers reports uovemor. ouvn .v 130 and Prince Gwrgc, 54. ment would create prcccu... throwing in her Io .channel today but, up to an early uriia.n. u U - aivc , , !hour thls afternoon, no report of the end until full a tory," the papers declared. DEFENCE MATERIALS PERMIT WASHINGTON An order was issued today authorizing export of 138 types of defence materials to England and Ireland, i Weather Forecast I the Intention to bring the Kvichak to Prince Rupert dry dock. , VugoSlavia Must Yield? I General Synopsis-Light to mod-; BERLIN March 3: It is Urate rain has occurred on me west .j, tak?n ft foregone conclu- i i Vancouver Island. in j. iVif Vnro- weather continues fair and cooi on . slavla,wm poln the Axis un- i tho North Coast. der Nazi pressure. It Is said Island- here ' that Yugoslavia will- . jWest. r Coast ,.ff of Vancouver yancouvw , 1,. chok but to vleld. . f.t-i. im nniYMtn SOUUicasu - showers, Um. t. t EXCELLENT sales per month previously. I 1TT1. M . 11 1 A J X The canvassing of the reslden-' Building Permits Are Well Ahead Amount To $18,525 So Far This year. Year In Comparison With 58,230 Last Year Building permits ln Prince Rup ert so far this year have totalled $18,525 In comparison with $8,230 In the first two months of 1940. NOllTHEUJN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMbJA'B NEW8PAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1941. The War Savinss.iCoaun.Utee re. over thesEnglisfa-Channel'Siturdayt . I tacKing urest yesieraay. reponeu r- "2 ..XT-? iSiaift!Siii " .ifa4w . twi. 'TitysrX T.Til. r kvk itnAAiri at T,"TOis o ' aiwuiaii ibhiu ports tnat the pirac? camraiin n? LONDC'M, March 3: Th? Royal Saturday night. High explosive and Incendiaries were dropped and larg fires were started. It was evident that extensive damage had been done. Targets in the Ruhr and at Rottrdim and Boulogne were also struck during the night by the Royal Air Force. Brest was heavily bombed last ni?ht with the attack cont'nulng today. Damage and casualties were light In widespread raids on Britain last night. . . Two raids weri mads on London UirCPOWQl? bv ,he erm!n Luftwaffe during IaIjOI VllOEl Saturday night. High explosives and Incendiaries were dropped on Prince Rupert Making Good the metropolis as well as on the . Showing In War SaTlngs Drive south coast and in Scotland. One' German nlane was brought down I while the Royal Air Force was VLUi WllAHJ-UA 16 Vii I. iviai - ..7 R.rvlr., Vnrr anrJ fh. Hnval l.-.j.. u uk . i n ... ww.i.w ---j antuu wuiym uui a $nccessiui m aropping unree iNazis uanaaian air rorce lanaea t response from the public even over France. safely in England yesterday. though only the business section TURK NAVY :nd waterfront have been canvassed yet. . From the commencement cf the rjWar Savings heme Ir- Canada in June 1940 to the end of January this j'ar, when the pledge cam rn'.Tn ntarfpri. a t.oiil of $38,592 In Blurards And Cold Take 26 sold Heavy in RIAimir1 certificates and stamps was IN IVIll VlNUl ' Pri' tort through the. Lives In East-Except lonaily 1U L1LJ iJ .i,eaVy Kai In California mnlryer - employes co-operation , , scheme an averags of $4574 a Mined and Only Special Dardanelles mmXh Dur,ng the month Qf Feb. rermus can uive rassage xxow U.S. HAVING BIG STORMS was fourteen Inches of snow. vvjiue uiOTifwfflwiai a magnetic storm has brought Is very sat factory from the point flenJe les extensive rain to of ew of the dollar volume of y CaUfOTnla and m Angeleso certificates sold the committee' unprecedentedly heavy rainfall points out that this Is due to some , rp.lXvrtpd ityui leu. . .... t i i B..uv... u.. 'Individuals who cannot be counted on to do the same for the balance 'of the year. The extent to which , Prince Rupert will continue to do Its part In the nanonai war savings campaign will depend on as PASSING OF MRS. KING many wage and salary earners and , nrri Wo1 nui. .business men " slnln PfWe CSs Man Succumbs After 'pledges to Invest their money regu-. ,. War Savings Certificate pledges,"" 1 I With Fortitude .Q orVhvn Twiner ninnpr hilslnPJll WV"V KMaQ , Union steamer Camosun, Capt. years ars ago. uku. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnsttm Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, ..C5 (askJ. Bralome, 9.50. Cariboo Quartz, 2.25. Dentonia, .00Vi. Falrvlew, .01. Gold Belt, .25. Hedley Mast. At. Noble Five, .OOVi (ask). Pa.cifl? Nlck-1, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer, 2.05. Premier, .82. Privateer, .47. Reeves McDonald, .10. Rrno, .11. - ' R'llef Arlington, .025i, Sahaon Gold",T&i. Sheep Creek, .80. Oils A. P. Con.. .08. Caiont, .18. C. it E., 1.15. Home, 1.70. Pacalta, j04V2 (ask). Royal Canadian, .07'4. Okalta. .50. Mercury, .04. Prairie Royalties, .OTVi. Toronto Aldermac, .11V4- Beatitie, 1.15. NEW YORK, March 3: Twenty- Oen'ral Pat., 1.75 six persons are already numbered' Cons. Smelters, .35 H. HAarf a 9 rpsnlt. of n. hpavV bll7.-' V.ny Malarf'rv 2.B5. 'ruary $10,545 were sold or almost extreme Mld along Fernland my2. hiiu . uuira Atlantic coast. In New Jersey there Francoeur, 6. Ocds lake. .29 y2. Hardrock, .78. Int. Nickel, 31?i. Kerr Addison. 3.35. Llttle.Long Lac,;1.71. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.85. Mads;n Red Lake, .58. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .46. Noranda, 51.00. Pickle Crow, .2.75. Preston East Dome, 2.82. San Antonio, 2.25. Sherrltt Gordon, 67. Uchi, .22. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher, .04. Oklend, .05. tiai sections oegms wuay ana, several years of Illness borne smelters Gold; .01. the response Is as splendid as It wlth r,atlence and fortitude cul- has oeen in tne Dusmess ana minated in the death at 3 o'clock i' ATHENS Athens newspapers, expecUtlpn was to refloat the Uni- (local campaign will be a success, enthusiastic and confident, at- ted states Army transport Kvichak clared today that Greece was frwn slsters Isiand ln Flnlayson XT II.... waterfront sections Xo date, th o,tlirdav afternoon at the Prince lNUrSGS flCre j It-was reported herb that the'eommmittee Is confident that the RUpert General Hospital of Mrs.' a i Harriet (Hesse) King, wife o A I lrorani7Pf1 .High Low man of this city and herself a! resident of Prince Rupert for Prince Rupert Dranch of .British eighteen years. The funeral will Columbia Registered curses take place tomorrow afternoon from the chapel of B. C. takers with Very Rev. James B. Association A D.fnna Pimurf phflnUr nf thp 4t49ia.ni. 183 ft. 17:26 pjn. 165 ft. ... 11:30 ajn. 7.0 ft. 23:20 pm 8.0 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS. axis Sweeping Through Bulgaria OMPROMISE IS REACHED ported That Trance And Japan Have Come To Terms OKYO, Maun it was rc-f.i y terday that Franoe and t had agteed upon a cumin in regard to the ending he war brtwein French-Ind3 a and Thailand. The French fabuicr Charles Henri, Ilnally K&t in 3 conference Sunday with llveisn Minister Matsukua of Jap- having s.jca nun up since aaff." ;urda: whrn he failed to kc:n appointment. No official an-Ujcnsemcnt was made regarding fjfeflcmervt although It was felt Qlt err would be reached. M hitch In last minute negotia- . ... T . . .... lnUbi(1 See agrerm-nt bstween French jflo-Clilna and Thailand had de-: tpopca oaiuraay nignu rumgn. Jitter Matsuokua waited six j libr for French ambassador Henri , Ueei an appointment, it was id, buf the meeting did not take ce then. ILANNING FOR HALL minify Centre At Queen Char-. lotti City Undtr Consideration ITALIAN PRISONERS OF BRITISH AT TOBRUK G erman Hord K. A, F. Sttikes There And Else-where Luftwaffe Over Britain es Rushing Toward Frontiers Of Greek And Turkey Following Crossing Of Danube COLOGNE IS HEAVY HIT State of War Between Great Britain and Balkan Nation Expected to Exist by Tuesday Breaking of Dipomatic Relations Due at Once SOFIA, March 3. German troops are now in full occupation of Bulgaria and are sweeping across the country to the Greek and Turkish frontiers. Great Britain has Air -Face d?livc:?d anohcr heavy 1,UV" Uii ulJ"""- wtw uBH, .v v a: ack upon the important German pecteel it win De only a matter oi nours Deiore mis nas industrial cKy of coiojne during been done and that a state of war between Great Britain and Bulgaria will exist by Tuesday. London hints that military action will follow, suggesting that German troops are Just as likely to be bomb- , ed In Sofia as they are in Wllhelms- haven. Sofia Is completely btackea-out and anti-aircraft guns are ready for action. There is no confirmation of reports that Germany has already demanded that Greece yield to Italy. It Is reported that Berlin has sug-' gested that Turkey Is In a good position to propose mediation of the war between Greece and Italy. The German troops, sweeping southward a:ross Bulgaria, were reported late today to have reach ed 'the Greek frontier, at four jpolnts amid expectations that a state of war would exist1 between"'' Great Britain and Bulgaria by Tuesday. Nazi armored units are also re ported racing toward the Bulgarian-Turkish frontier. British quarters said the British minister. George Rendsl, had informed King Boris in a talk Sunday night that Britain would break diplomatic relations with Bulgaria "probably Tuesday" and a state of fwar "undoubtedly would follow." Twelve Bulgarian divisions have reached the Greek frontier. ' Eden In Athens British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and General Sir John Dill are .In Athens today conferring with the Greek authorities. One of the matters being taken up is the landing of British troops at "Salonika. Vlrglnlo Gayda, Italian editor, said British troops,, had already been landed at Salonika. The British officials were given an enthusiastic welcome and the Greek press reiterated the deter-.mlnatlon of the country' to stay in the war with Great Britain against Italy In spite of German threats. Confidence was expressed i by the papers in flnaj victory. I Fire Damage Is Inconsequential Prince Rupert Has Had Sixteen Alarms So Far This Year There were eight fire alarms ln Prince Rupert during the month Olbson, dean of St. Andrew's An-, Registered Nurses' Association of of February. The only amagvixv that;, was when ellcan Cathedral, officiating. British Columbia has been organiz- The late Mrs. Kine was born at ed with officers as ioiiows: Rye, Sussex, England, flfty-flvoj President. Miss E. D. Priestley years ago. She Is survived by the R.N. widower; one daughter, Faith, one) Vice-President, Miss Edna Dobble i t .fl07 im mmmriwn wtt.h ther and four sisters ,ui the oia r.n. I . ., . ,nin w " ".:iri,.f ctefftM lnlnHo XflM Troocnror VTIss -T Foster R.N. woo m me we iuuwi . r , t t f r,..i ..h... ov!nT M1, er, who visited Prince Rupert some . each Monday evening at the Nurs- and former nurses are be I i ca es' Home Hume ttnu v...v - James Watt, arrived In port at 9j Mrs. King was a member of thojing invited to Join the active ones o'clock last night from Vancouver 'Anglican Church. She was highly as associate memoers via the ".Queen Charlotte Islands and wllLsall at 10 o'clock, tonight on her. return south over the same route, consequentlal at sparks from "a chimney started a small fire which scorched a lew shingles on the roof of the residence of Mrs. J. O. Viereck near Seal Cove. So far this year there two months of 1940. FRASER STREET WINNER Fraser Street strengthened, Its esteemed by many friends .who one of the Immediate objectives lead In the Junior basketball series will deeply regret her passing and' la to raise funds for nurses who' Saturday night by defeating Mc-who will extend their heartfelt have suffered severly In. the. Rattle, Clymont Park ln thelrflfth. con-condolences to' the bereaved. of Britain. , , , secutive win, 31 to 17v iM t . m m