Scotland wirfa the help of tie Braish Navy is still delivering the goods! Grand Old Parr Scotch whisky . . . distilled zed boctled in Scotland . sxM arriving in-the famous old-fashiooed untippahle flagon. There's no better news for those who lite to grace their leisure hoars with a rare old and delrghtfcl Scrxch whisjey, 40 oz. $5.60 26 or. $3.75 MCDONALD GREENLEES LIMITED, LEITH, SCOTLAND This adrertljeaiei:; a not pebfeshed cr d-JpUyKi ij the Laao? , OwtrciEiarierby the Gorrn2ot of British Coisa&z Vancouver Ezg .Alberta Lumber Prices Lower . lOutuut Greater - : it ixzumw-i: ik jm jet uc a Is seor 23s. 23c Differences n ..i i EHXOCTOK. Apffl It- There jjba teen a tTrearr pr eeat iocreaie prices to Vurorcr fcaif . V?1 toSsrJfcirn Six men have been empkoj- WDiS VANCOUVER TRIP Darning in the raffle of a raszd jtnp to 7uw m sr Uk woaea el tnl Tbeatre last nfeht. The vm- Arf .NPttlPfl rner Ito Sete A3h Jaeiet JJo 44. The eOer of tfcs lfcKi fleiet lira. Ote Sudani Tke raffie m in etarfe of Urx. VAJfCOOVIS. Aycfl Ml Differ- Saus Baafeoadifid and Fred Bead esees &eRB Vamnc; air sx- jcsndaetei! tbe draviag. liu Hsra diss aa layor W. Cfcractt fete 1 Tmcstac poOed oc: Uk 1bc1:j YAIfCGCYTH. A?rfl It Qj. W to t mfeiMter of mnittwii and rppiy. arrired bose ip Vanesoter ypSerfiaj tors CHuva aad xffl be fcert for seTera! tj on prtrate mi Slow Burninq CIGARETTE PAPERS MOHC FJIUl MADE Ts WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL Leadtx beahh zsdxxiats dusifj "miiole gain cereals" ar ooc of rbe essesnil "prottcirie" foods rhn too lixxJd eat eitry dij. NaHsco SrmWd XCbot is a'"toie grain cemT it is Jft tarr ucr ubttt Kh nrf4ng added. The tnttZltd oIe nbext h srrrm-cooktd, erased aod foroed ito bisasts, tbes tborocgblj biltd vidmt Joss of its "protecdTe" food rifnerys. Yen get real nosrhhmrct for yocr food dollar nbta roa bey Xibisco Shredded Tbeat. Get a package or rx today. t ujuxuln SHtrsso anftu cautr, ire. . jm mi. c Lose XZ2 DJJZX. Bevin Sends Message To Queens Canadian Fund A He from Bl Hon. ErnesBevin, British Minister of Labor, received at Montreal headquarters oime Queen's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims, reflects :he Brnfeh pride in the unconquerable spirit of the masses who are subjected to the fury of the enemas air attacks. Mr. Bevin cabled to the chairman of the fund: Anyone who has lived in Britain during the past year witnessed unforgettable scenes of poignacy. and courage. The attack of the enemy on our civilian population created a feeling towards Germany which it will p rob- any take generations to eradicate. The Germans pave shown tbemehres to be an enemy without pity or mercy and ruthless destroyers of women and children and the r .r es of the people. $ "The thing that fills us with pride is the unbeatable character of the common folk. It must have been the realization of this amazing stoicism that has led you to inaugurate the Queen's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Vic-fcizs. Taxation in our country is high, conditions of living are difficult; but in spite of that, the State has instituted many forms of rehef and never before has there beer, such common, acceptance by the whole population f its responsibilities towards those who suffer. Nevertheless, with all that State regulations can do, there remains still more to be done comforts to be provided, extra care, the introduction of special treatment and attention for children who have been victims of these attacks. It is in all these special branches of sustenance and help that the Lord Mayor's Fund piavs such an important part. The Fund is the expression of charity and love. It is las if those contributing were saying: 'It might have been j me,' and in thankfulness they subscribe in a manner which 'expresses their desire to share the sufferings of their j comrades. The knowledge that this great feeling is not limited I to the people of Britain, but that it is shared by our kinsmen in Canada and the other Dominions encourages us ,to carry on the struggle; it buoys us up with the knowl- euge i fiat nc ti c uut uuuc, uiu, uuuimg u it uueo ill audition- to the great war effort the Dominions are making, help that can be given through your Fund to the Lord Mayor's Fund for victims of air attack is doubly appre ciated. Contributions to this fund inav be sent to the Dailv J News, Prince Rupert or to the Royal Trust Company, dir. ect, who will torwara ine money to London, England. I Col. Woodward !Tactfcs Are Reaches Coast IBarbarous Exerstrfe Assistant t Jlinirter ! Msnitiwts and Snpplr fc VxnTer ETea Mart rrimittre f Warrirs Were X Wne Thaji Stria ( ' J Tday, Creeks Fm4 ATHENS. AprJ r-::j. tarj leaders descrite the aitlcoi cf , Geran zoSdtert la tteir iaraiiDa - ' - - - I c... 1 11 or prirare cf varrioci. fren Faaevrm Ssday t Caula April 24 SJS. Pxiseeat rr Stevart and Prtxnlex Steamship Saflings J Par Taaeret Taeadar Catala 1;J3 pa Tfcarsdajr S5. Prtace Gre ng p. AdeJaids . Cardena 13 pzr ' -10:30 n-i i April 7 and IT 8. Prfaeesa Jlorali j pxa April 2S-55. Pririeeaa pa Wed SJ5. Pr. George 13 aa. TrLSS. Pria. Losise '1 4 pa Cardesa Zl pa. AprlS J axd 12 Prfacess Vonh an a. Soada cs. Catala - t pja WedaesdiT 8S. Prf - 3 pxa. U&I Cafe Oa Waterfrv&t NOW OPEN' Fpr Basiaets J.H. BULGER Optometrist Eyxi Bask BUc Mrs. pastes CUrk Palmistry ifLVERSIBES BLOCK Seea St. Pba Green 111 TODAY'S STOCKS Taoewrrer ' ' ' Bralorac, Cariboo Qwo, 19 Deutoti jM4ak.-Vrr. rairrteV. M. "T Cold Dee, J6, . r: Hedtey Uaeeot 5 MSato, JMV Ke&te FVr. JH Pacific JAekeL M. Ptoeeer. UW. Preraler, JK. PrtTaieer. Beeres VfeDwM, J. ' BesBi ia BettrfrthiBlnn. J6 (. Sfcep Creelc. 03s A. P. On, Jf CaVmnt. JS. C. & E, Lie. BYje, 1M. PaeaSca. 4ak. Royal Omriw, JK. Okaa. il Mercery. Prae Pjaftfci, JMH- Trnt4 ASdenaa. Jf . BexMSe. 1C-Ceatral PaC. 1 S5. Coos. SakeMess, 3435 Eas Uahrtfc. 25. ' Femtand, M. T Frareoear. Gods Lake. t2 Hardroct '.74. Int. Nkkri. XO. Kerr Addtee. 3 M. UtHe Laac Lac, 135. UcLeod CokaNpe Jm ' Madses Bed Lakf.. McXrrgie Bed Laif; UKe Uaceia. Xersida. 54. ' Pfckle Cror, 255 . Presoa Eatf Dsse24i aa AatoBla. 2JtL SherriEt Curdoei. .7 Boctcadfflae. JS. Uosfcer. Oklead. JM4. fetters Coid. 01. Br&dge 24.19. 7 WDRKBOQT VALUE QUALITY COMFORT . a t i ttOMUMI Ti a o fcT"-t nk Wco t fix CJiWi Notk dw tH- win ixi b Uk 1 rj" r Kck a BpJrt- Lcii Ct Wcrfc Km an b is r cTe1 n vucr 4 cart. LECKIE COLUMBIA W0RKI00T5 St Atm ct ymr Ac More Hl.k Qnality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Cere la aad choose the doth for yesr iprlag snlt Ling the Tailor U.Slrth Street Fbae S) Make Oar gtrc Your Shopping Headquarters Satii(aUn Gaaranteed FB0.VE $17 Tom Lee & Snn e5e cref Canadian War Service Drive m OTTAWA. A Kit MbUr Umb SSJMuKO of the UMjBM bbHteht m uw tasmfWMi war sernect tm drive has been eoSeetcd. Prince Edward T Janrt Ovette stui Sa.i iz I Australians uit Un SmclJ CAXBE??i Air. in c.-i-- katcferraa have eadd tfaeirfebar. wa. img for:- APHUffi: DEUOOtl INJB.C.ITS 0' LAGER PHO.VE Ul FOB TZXZ 1 This adyertisement s net pub,' shed cr Centra Beard cr by the Lbvc- -ver ' - For Meritorious WAR SERVICE In the Canadian Hone SINGER SEWING MACHINE Use a Modern Singer to Serve cisdfc Save $3.00 a month ir.a-own and your familv - Draperies, Rugs, Pillow? ar ather necessary IwusehoitJ Your SANGER wiU pay f " - : Liberal allowance for your chine Let us make y j Cmirnr Cnninff MSP nmO-- " Genuine Singer Parts Needles-and I RAILWAY I UMS ta tj MM Hr Canadian Pacii Transcontinental Wranr-Atlantic Tra W VincoBfer tla Ocean Fafli and Wt f S5. -PRINCESS ADELAIDE EtpT Pr.aa. TO VANCOUVER DIB"X .r SJS. "FKiNUE&S UKAU Apiu To Ketehlkan, Wrantell. Jimtt and SUfJ . it j .a.i. aow Ufa 4 tit. 15'- " Cir a Direct ConnecUons at VaacouTer