April 10. 1911. dabyt nwi FAOE THREB mil Feel Like a New Man l Completed! l"c Ituprrt 1 In a ner liiutlful colowtd plcluris MutMrn4illrMJ Itain's Fighting Planesand Irships of the British Navy. KrlTFIRE", -HURRICANE", "DtrUNT" nd BOMSINQ PLANU. H.M.S. HOOD.. H. M.S. RODNEY.. SUBMARINE, AND OTHERS. -W. Il.it titpH from tMirkaaTB of - C xr bx ireh for cub tneture cU. Wnf- y'itr nam anl iu ci. iw. J U: li top' . lh- Mm' 'if lue ilirwl lr'uri ih-i ouul ihem t- Tin Cotuul t rtl lunpaDy I'.O Bui 137. Van-ouvm ICE HAT by Stetson . . . See Our Showing of Hats by this;Kamous Maker . . . ; They include all the new-Spring shapes and shades in... . ; !NSINGTON $1.00' RROCK $5.00 PLAYROY W STRATOLINER $0.50 MEDALIST $7.00 Also a Range at $2.95 atts & Nickerson rillKD AVE. Sucteisors to nryant Co. Ltd. PHONE 315 ew Ice Storage Method surintf only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen, arc Invited to Inspect Our Keconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by nadian Fish &Co'd Storage Cu. UiL llrllish CoiuimiM We ain't mad at Nobody i! m Salvation "a,,.- - , . Sale la- Holds Meeting invr II I,.... .... IV. tendance. The program was an excellent one Including congregational singing, speech of welcome by Envoy Walter Wright, solo by .MJ.a ,Itita Lawson. , recitation by Mls3 Molly Harris, lesture on "The Ploheer Missionaries' by Adjutant Marie McKay, vocal duet by Miss Amelia Bevan and Miss Laura Hudson, speech by Sergeant Major Robert Harris, solo by Kenneth .Harris, recitation by Ralph Turner, du?t by Mrs. O. Turner and Ml43 Phyllis Kennedy, duet by Adjutant McKay and Envoy Wright, comic sclo by Miss Harriet Bolton, duet by the Misses Prlscilla and Beatrice Sevan, speech by Solomon II. Bevan, reading by Miss Rosie Seymour. o.uar-( tette by Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil, Miss Flora Bolton and Miss Amelia Bev-an, trio by Mr. and Mrs. B. Seymour and Mrs. J. George. .iVlJSlllXll order to helD fill the laree number I NO PAPER TOMORROW l, , , Friday, being Good Friday and a 0 APrrnUVTr' , ? WS public holiday, the Dally News'wlli: til ll.rjril JIlll' ... " "n8 cjass- not De published. The next regu-liVV-lUA-All-lle!; Win commence on April 21. con- ir .m an..,.... Itlnuing for three months. The ternoon. 1000 men are ur- 'courses will Include carpenters, mo- ; 1 ' M! calls for re-1 tor mechanics, instrument mechan- Local school teachers sailing to-overseas and ranks ' , lc and blacksmiths. Of course, night on the Prirtae Ocorge" for rrvice units in Brl- such training will also prove of val- Vancouver to spend the Easter i announced. The ue In civilian life after military ser- vacation and attend the . annual between the ages of vice Is over. convention of the British-Columbia bc'ins definitely un-j Men from Prince Rupert district School Teachers' Federation ln-elghteen-ycar-ulds will be examined and enlisted in -''ude J. S. Whon, Miss Jovne roast defence units ;Pnnce Rupert. ' no circumstances, ?d to leave their lo-i they have passed birthday. :rtc call for all man- A "spot" cos-i yju only half a dollar. Try it In the Dally News las-sificci column. itfi Edgcwnbe, Miss E. A. Mercer, Mrs. ,B. Walker, Miss-Mary Hartlni M'ss Irene Mitchell. y Frances WHr son and J. B. Wilkinson. I O. R. S. Blackaby, manazrr.nt- the Bink of Montreal, gave an ad-'tircss before the Prince Rupert .'ROtryClub'today at the regular (weeklv lunhccn. It was both bv- i.erftna and entcrtaJnhijr. Dr. Nt At Can'r was In the- chair and there wa a crood atfcendanoe of membej wih a few crurst?. Mr. Blakaby's subisct wps "Bum and Piners ari Litrrary Lt.n.rs" and lv aik wf very cntcrfalnin'r. . KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pcplti Many Suffer Low Blood CountAnd Don't Know It. Th baffling tbing about low blood fount ii that you can weigh about aa mueh an yon ever did even look healthy and tron, yet you can feet ai'lf you had lead in-yonr lc, dopey, tired ana pepletf. Low blood count meant you. haven't tot enough red blood eorpuaclei.!tii their Tital Job to carry life-riviar oiyren from yoor lunia throuKhout your body. And juat aa it takea roxyfcn to explode grMollae. imyour ear and make the power to turn th wbeala, ao you must have plenty of oxygen to ex-plodo the energy in your body and give you going power. Get Ur. Williama Pink TiUi today. They arajworld-jvojed. for .the help tliey give in increasing the number and atrength tf red eorpuaclen. Then with your blood count up, you'll feci like bounding- up the, etalr at If you were ftnoting on air, Aik yaur drtigglat for Dr. William, fink Tilla today. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full iiKMilli .it 25c a word. Queen Mary April' li Tea, Mr3. Parkin's Cathedral Spring Sole, Thursday. April; 17. 1 Rx$ Cross. Dance, April 18. Arm-? rics, R.M.R. Orchestra. L. ,0. li.. A. Spring Sale( April 23. Presbyteran Spring Sale, April 21. Gyru Hocdown, April 25. Mayday Dance,; Oddfellows' HalL United SpriiTS Salc May 1. '"' 102nd. Auxiliary Dance, May 2, Armory. An:;l:caJi Evening Branch Tea, Mrs.- Hiie'ton, Leeds Apartments, May 3. ; St. Peter's Spring Sale, May i. W. A. Canadian Logton Spring May 21. t LOCAL NEWS NOTES Very Enjoyable Catherine Held . Uc 'Inrnlture bo"SH cash Last Week-End in Interior t or sola on commission. Elio s. Moose Village jBuUdtaff.-TMrd Avenue, ., ' Ul); ,o . I Lieut. James Qreef -;of1.the Royal iT ' Is sailing tonight on the b, . . ,i League of the Salvation Army at Q .for Vancouver. Kltselas on Saturday last was; held in the Salvation Army Citadel. It , ..... was a highly enjoyable affair, being attended by almost the entire village population. Members of Other religious denominations in the vil lage co-operated and were In at .Admissona0c Proceeds for RJkl.lt. Regimental Fund Prince Stay Up Late . wj Join the Live Ones'! . . .. TONIGHT Special Pre-IIoliday 'Idnite Snow At AT 11:15 P.M. FEATURING "Rocky Mountain Rangers Concert Party" Entire Soldier Cast 30 PEOPLE 30 10-Piccc Orchestra Lieut: CoL J. E. Wood, ef fleer rcmmandhg the Reeky Mountain Rangers, Is sailing tonight on Prince beorgc fcr Vancouver. Dr. A. O. Kvaie. who has been .practising dentistry at' Stewart. for tht jpast few years, is moving to .Ocean Falls where he wllf practice In :future", Accompanied by Mrs. Kyale, the former Miss Mary Mc-Rae of this city. Dr. Kvale will be here on Thursday night of next week going through from Stewart to. Ocean Falls. Letter Box RAIDING DOG 8 ; Editor. Dally News: j People who keep chickens or rabbits should beware of two dogs one brown and one white that raid chicken coops in the middle of 'the night. They killed sixteen laying hens of mlns on April 7 during .the night. These hens were , very well cooped in. I (Mrs.) L. RIFFOU Advrt,lse in the Daily News. MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. R H. Linzey Local RtprCbcntaliTC I'rluve Rupert (HONE GitliKN 4tfi YES! We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned ..$1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 nANDY MAN HOME SEJRVICE Phone BLACK Yift Jack Joy the Prince Vancouver. is sailing tonight or, George for a trip to See Wilding for -Bedding 'Plants at Baynes Greenhouses, Alfred St. 185) Mb!S:E D. IriesUev II. N.. nublir! (health nurse here, fa sailing to-1 night on the Prince George for Vancouver to spend the Easter jtjoliday season. '. G. j A. ,Bryant, who has been t pending the past week in the city, will sail tonight by the Prince George on his return to Vancouver. He will proceed to Seattle and there Rev". B. Shearman, Anglican Church mlfionary a.t Kltkatla, is paying a .brief business visit to town today. He came in with John G. Nelson on the Irene May and they are planning leaving this afternoon on their return home. Miss E. McCubbin R. N.. whoj has been identified with the nurs-1 imr staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital of which she is' a graduate, Is sailing tonight on' 'he Prince Rupert for Vancouver; enroute to Vernon. J. W. McKinncn, general super-; ?niendent of Canadian National Railways at Edmonton, and Mrs. McKinnon and son and daughter will arrive hi the city on tonight's ?raln from the Alberta capital in the course of a tr),p to the coast ond will a'l on the Prince George for Vancouver.' R. T. J.'Rose. well known pioneer of the city and for many years in' the service of the mechanical department of the Canadian NaUonal j Railways .from which he recently 1 retired.' will sail .tonight on the i Prince V3cgewrtlTeisouth. Her experts to take up future residence i at Saanich outside of Victoria. ' The marriage of Miss Florence j Rose, daughter of R. T. J. Rose of I! city, and Frank C. McRae of Ottawa, who has been foreman on air base .construction work here, will t.TlfB rhw thio vonln of tv.k ... I . ..w b.wi. u.y ni, jdeanery with Very .Rev. James B. Gib--n off'.ciii.Mnir. and will be fol lowed by a reception at the ,Bos- itrn Ofe. liter ths couHe w'll sail on the Prince G?oree fcr Victoria vhere btv will reside. BREAKFASTS A FAMtV , AFFAIR IN OUR HOUSE.. ITS A HOT QUAKER OATS BREAKFAST FOR THE TWINS, THE BABY AND MV HUSBAND-BELIEVE ME.ITS WHAT GIVES ME MY PEP. TOO &rm sat t Jf flis Aran' OATS FRESH COW'S MILK Our Daily Delivery for Summer Months Will Commence Friday, April J, 6 p.m. Dominion Dairy rilONE 10 AT EASTER TIME We extend our greetings to all and welcome the approaching spring with joy. During this time we are giving special attention to- EASTER GOODS Colored and Decorated Eggs, Chocolate Eggs, Confectionery and other Seasonable Lines At The VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 3rd Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 For That Quick Pot of Tea "SALA0A' TEA BAGS Variety Show 'At Midnight join his wife and daughter-in-law Uocky Mountain Kaneers Putting! for a trip to Toronto On Good Friday the Post Office' wickets will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The public lobby will be open from 6 ajn. to 6 p.m. On Easter Mondav the Post Office wickets will be open from 8 a.m. Thezt to 12 noon. The public lobby will, be open from 6 a.m. to 6 pjn. On Real Entertainment At Capitol Tonight An excellent variety program will Introduce some more compet ent talent possessed by this well organized military unit including the .orchestra which has already become so popular. There will be vocal, instrumental and novelty numbers, sketches and a magician act which Is said to be very good. POUND STERLING NEW YORK, April 10: The Bri- wlli be pr'tnted by the Rocky tlsh ccund sterling was unchanged j Mountain Rangere at the Capitol at $4.03 on the New York foreign ; tonight at midnight. It exchange market today. Fancy Size 3 CUT GUJGEtt BEANS Carefully select t'J, tcaily to heat and serve RctaiOty Branil Green Beans are tender and of excellent flavor. CHURCH NOTICES The Salvation Army Gd Friday at 8 p.m. The. Youth Group of the Corps present two Easter DramUloguc3 1 "The Way or The Cross" and "The Voice in the Garden" Directed by Miss Mary Pierce 35' young pcoDle take part in these items EASTER SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. Holiness Alcetinc Speaker . Adjutant Ivan Halsey. Subject "The Living Christ" 2:30 pjn. Sunday School 7:30 pjn. Salvation Meeting. Speaker Mrs. Adjutant Halsey. Special Easter Message , All arc welcome to join with with us to worship the Risen Christ with us on Easter Sunday , ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church oi England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Organist, Peter Lien Choir Leader H. A. Lancaster GOOD FRIDAY 11:00 ajn. Morning Prayer and Litany 3:00 p.m. "The Crucillxion" by Sir John Stainer will be rendered an augmented choir Your Place Is The Army If you arc physically fit and between the ages of 18 and 45 years, then you arcur-' gently needed to fill the ranksof the Canadian Army for both home and overseas service. Skilled Tradesmen There arc many vacancies for skilled tradesmen and young men who wish to learn a trade that will be invaluable to them In later life. For full particulars apply to your local Recruiting Officer-Prince Rupert Defence Headquarters, Federal BIdg., Prince Rupert . Or Write to the In It District Recruiting Officer Headquarters, M.D. No. 11, Victoria, B.C. by it- . :( 1 , I 1