AXIS LOSES SHIPS LONDON A British submarine has sunk two Axis supply ships out of a convoy in the Mediterranean. They were fully loaded with reinforcements and supplies for the Axis forces, in North Africa. One of the ships was a 12,000-lonner and the other 6,000 tons. ATLANTIC TO DECIDE LONDON The Battle of the Atlantic will decide this war, declared Prime Minister Winston Churchill In his speech in the House of Commons. "Once it has been won and uninterrupted movement of supplies from the United States is assured we will be on Hitler's track no matter how far he may go in his devastation of Europe." the British rremier declared. Mr. Church, ill predicted a hard fight tn the Balkans and possibly in Egypt but forecast a complete defeat of the Italians in East Africa. The rrlme Minister looked straight at Ivan Malsky, Russian am-basiador to Great Britain, when he warned Russia of her peril at the hands of Germany. RECALLING ATTACHE ROME The Italian government has agreed to recall the Kalian naval attache, Admiral Robert Lais, to the Italian embassy I it the United States, who the United States government complained had been responsible for scuttling of Italian ships in American ports. Italy asks for the recall from Rome of Capt. WIUIdip C Bently, assistant United Stales naval attache at Rome. BRITAIN RAIDED AGAIN LONDON Heavy raids were being carried out by (tie Nails on Great Britain again last night. The bombing attacks cre being concentrated on the West Midlands. Other parts were tbo being attacked. London had an alarm. Twenty-three plane? have been brought down over England in three nights. U T 1.1 A VS V J-l by soviet; I I - . - m.i k uiirli III Developments May Be Expected ANKARA, Turkey. April lO.-Sur- Kidng developments from tnc air- rctlon ol Russia as a result oi me nrw Axis drive In southeastern Eur ope through the Balkans may be expected, It was suggested here Fatality Carib On n 1 oo Koaa John Appleton of Kelowna Loses His Life and Four Others Injured day on the Cariboo Highway. Mrs. Appleton, his wife, and three other persons were Injured. WHALES TO BE HUNTED lions on Queen Charlotte Islands Iq Uun This Year VICTORIA, April 10. Both whaling stations of the Consolidated Whaling Corporation on the Queen Charlotte Islands Rose Harbor and Naden Harbor will be operated this year and a large output Is expected as market conditions are 6ood. President Sends Message To Crown Prince Of Norway WASHINGTON, D.C., April 10--Prcsldenl Kranklln D. Roosevelt has sent a message of good cheer and sympathy to Crown Prince Olov of Norway on the occasion of the first anniversary of the invasion or Norway The brave fight of the Norwegians will go down as a bright Pa8e In history, declares the chief executive. STRATEGY IN LIBYA Rearguard of British is Engaged In Delaying Advance of Germans and Italians GENERALS MISSING LONDON, April 10: (CP) The War Office announced today that three British generals are unreported In Libya. They are Sir Nugent O'Connor, an outstanding tactician. Lieut. General P. Neame V.C. and Major General M. D. Gambler-Parry. They have been mining since the fall of Bengasi and It is possible they may be prisoners of the Axis. Six British generals and 2000 soldiers are claimed by the Germans to have been captured in Libya. 1 CAIRO, April 10: (CP) The Mid- ASUCROFT, April 10. John Ap- die East command announced yes-pletori of Kelowna was killed In an terday that the British rearguard automobile crash near here yester- was being heavily engaged In de- laying German and Italian troops advancing across ross Libya Libya but but no no mention was the Italians had ad cupied. The British are still with drawing. The announcement of the Middle East Command, officially stating that British troops had occupied Italian defenders of the Red Sea port had capitulated on Tuesday and that Imperial forces had quickly moved in. -Tonight's train, due. from Uie East at 11 o'clock, Is reported- to be one hour and twenty minutes late. Drive Is Now Up To $8300 J X The original objective for Prince Rupert In the Canadian War, Services Fund campaign j.',.,o iinn During the cam- naa Vvvv , paign the objective was - ed to $7500. ..It is now art- nounccd jounced that that $8300 Juu naa so -r HI-Hi8BP-HM9b3hIiB w!pjBKff wfwP9- . jfcffiP Still Obscure; Greeks ler for the Invasion of Britain, Premier King Postpones His Holiday Trip hanging, out last night. J V.CT0R5A, B.C qOOOOOOOOOOOOOC WS Wmln Tomorrow s Tides High 0:41 axa. 222 ft. 13:10 pjn. 21.9 ft. oooooooooaooooooeiisoisaoaoooooisov -eaaaoaadooaoooa Low 7:03 ajn. 2.6 ft. NOT DECISIVE YET 19:20 axa. 3.0 ft. ATIIKNS Events which hare occurred in Northeastern Greece were foreseen, said an official Greek spokesman last nltht. The decisive battle will be fouiht where strategy dictates. 'The war will go on until final victory is won," he said. N EARING ALBANIA BEIINE It was. reported last nijht that the German forces rrovsin Yugoslavia from Bulgaria, were within fifteen miles of the Albanian frontier. Berlin claimed that the Yugoslav army had been split into'three sections, Communications between Yugoslav and Greece armies have been cut. STAND AT TOBIIUK LONDON The British stand against the Germans and Italians In Libya will be made at Torbruk where forces and rquipment are being concentrated, it was stated in the House of Lords. Vol. XXX.. No. 85. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.TTHURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1941 Thr Rf linn Malcolm MacDonald, left certlrr w , Lieut -Gna . McNaughton. Canadian Corps com-munder. und the Hon. Vincent Maissey. Canadlap hish commissioner, watching Canadiaas in training This was 4r? J4acDorad'a layUAt-XoOhc -adian4-Qop-Jfora -i5.tiepartc.fnrififtnada,JwhCT. lie is to become high commissioner for the UK. Ballon Situation I Holding Germans Hcllcncse Army Still Intact Thi (rpnpral situation Is far from (day. caused two air raid alarms In Athens last night. Magnetic bombs were dropped at Pyraeus. YdgoSlav forces are reported to ! have crossed the- Drlna River In ! Albania south of Scutari ! In Berlin It is stated that thej German plan is to complete the .jc'onqucst of Yugoslavia and put! down the British In Greece by Sun i There Is talk In London of Tur- 'key having sold Great Britain OTTAWA, April lO.-Prlme Mln- Possibilltv of a diplomatic NE WYORK. April 10: The bid , d. Roosevelt to come to Ottawaprice for copper on the New York been subscribed witn proo ' 'The Prlme MinLster said he was metal market today-. wah -11.25c more w , f rtnnspveu wnnlri hi accord- oer Dound and the asked nrlce. OU1V --wvw-w w - a - - ' ed a great reception in Canada. ill.4c. NAVY WILL BE BIGGEST, Secretary of Navy Speaks at Launching of New Battleship, I BROOKLYN, April 10. The new United States superdreadnaught . North Carolina was launched ;romt i fi I . T f 1 TI .. Pnf.Mn1i!m A ccnnlii' fn n l.t. XT- A --.r4 ttA -i it Speaking on the occasion, Secre- VXl y Ul HAC -it J - - ail- iMlUA -- ATHENS, April 10: (CP)-British bombers inflicted fnav" S'taJSS heavy casualties in assaults on German columns of motor wnlcn wouid be the deciding factor transport and troop concentrations, damaging bridges on ail oceans. about thirty miles nortnwesc oi cjaiomna, tne noyai Air Force announced today. Greek military sources said the Greek army remains intact "to deal a decisive blow at the made of Derna which fcaster iVlOntlay claimed to have oc-1 'virtually completing the conquest Both Rose and Naden Harbor Sta-)() Uallan Africa, reported that Invasion Date VICHY, April 10. Vichy nrofesses to know that April German invader with Allied sup- Iport" despite the entrapment of I some forces In northeastern Greece. The fate of forces cut off by the Nazi drive to Salonika still appears " obscure but they were reportedly 14 (Easter Monday) has been Gulf of Salonika. set as the date by Adolf Hit- German planes 1 Eden and Dill Back In London i LONDON, April 10: (CP) Foreign Secretary Anthony clear. The Allies are endeavouring, Eden and General It is understood, to establish a new defence line from Albania to the sir Jonn , Dill,, chief of Imperial general staff, have returned to. Eng- land and are In conference with the government on the Balkan situation. Neither Eden nor Dill have made any public comment as yet on the sltua- Hon. RAIDERS CLEARED Admiral Schecr Believed to be Only One Now in Pacific Waters lster William Lyon Mackenzie King and mUUary shake.up ls talked of j HONG KONG, April lO.-Admlral was to have gone to Warm Springs, Jn BrlUsh capi iLeighton, commander in chief of Georgia, for to confer with Presl-J u according to an e China station of the Royal nnncnvnU owrf rnffiv ft hollO-iV ! . Nfivv Mvs that, tho Pnrlflc. flnri In- but. on account of the International unconfirmed report from. Budapest, jdlan 0ceans have been cicared of situation, has postponed the trip entered Belgrade today. until after the Balkan crisis has. been clarified. He may leave this week-end. ' Mr. King said he had been en-! deavourlng to get President Frank- NKW YORK COITKU : German commerce raiders with the (possible exception of the pocket I battleship Admiral Scheer which is 'being forced to hold far off shore. CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, April 10: The price of wheat was Vic higher today with May at 91c on the. Chicago grain market. ALARM NOW IN TURKEY Considerable Portion of Population is Being Withdrawn From Istanbul Isanbul. April 10: (CP) The Turkish government announced today that H was found "advisable" to withdraw a considerable portion of Istanbul's population. The government offered to transport people free to the interior. The action was re-carded as an indication of ""''Ufew scflQUslj''TurRcy" Icon-"-siders the war threat to Istanbul which is less than one hundred miles from the Bulgarian frontier. It is freely said that Turkey will be the next objec- . live of the Nazis in their drive southeastward. R.A.F. HITS VERY HARD : Impressive Raids Are Being Continued on German Naval Bases LONDON, April 10: (CP) The raid on Kiel by powerful forces of Royal Air Force bombers Tuesday night was even more impressive 'than the assault of the previous 1 night which was the heaviest, raid of the war on Germany. In addition to the important naval base of Kiel, the Royal Air Force also at tacked Bremerhaven and Emden again Tuesday night as well as ' PRICE: 5 CENTS. Air Attacks More Intense BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER TO CANADA INSPECTS CANADIANS Berlin Is Dealt Heavy Bomb Blow By Royal ! Air Force Last Night i Famous Buildings Along Unter Der Linden Destroyed or Damaged Luftwaffe Also Felt Over Wide Area in Britain LONDON, April 10: (CP) The Royal Air Force dropped powerful high explosive bombs on Berlin last night, starting several huge fires in the heavy raid on the Reich capital, the Air Ministry announced. Overnight attacks were also made on an aluminum plant in Norway and on a Danish radio station. Eight planes were lost in these and daylight assaults yefler- day while eleven Nazi planes were, downed in attacks last night on Birmingham and northeast Eng- " land-Including Newcastle, the latter city having Its heaviest attack b far in the war. Coventry and Liverpool also were Included In the heavy blows of the Luftwaffe. Berlin admitted that the magnificent German State opera house was destroyed and three palaces damaged in what the High Command acknowledged to be heaviest raid on Berlin since the war began. The usual claim was made that no military damage resulted. -Other famous buildings along Unter der Linden to be hit Included Prussian State Library, famous BsJIevue CasUe, Emperor Wilhclm Palace and Berlin TJniyprsljj, ; gastraltles ' ?we7e?hcary: - u r Greenland Air Bases WASHINGTON, D.C., April 10: (CP) The United Stated will establish air bases In Greenland for the protection of Greenland and the western hemisphere under an Amerl- ican-Danlsh agreement, It Is announced today. 4 TAKE OVER ALLSHIPS President Roosevelt Seeks Power to Seize All Idle Foreign-Owned Vessels bombing oil tanks at Rotterdam. . Five Royal Air Force planes were WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10: lost in these operations. (CP) President Franklin D. Jtoose- At the same time as the British velt asked Congress today for were carrying out these, raids broad statutory power to take over against the enemy, Germans were "foreign-owned vessels lying idle hammering overnight at Coventry in our ports." Although the Presi-and other British objectives. dent said Tuesday he would recom- PALACE IS DESTROYED Yugoslavia Protests at Indiscrim inate Bombing By Germans BELGRADE, April 10. The Royal Palace here has been destroyed as 7C, imend legislation permitting pur-' chase or charter of Danish vessels taken Into protective custody by the coastguard the language of his message was not limited to Danish ships. HALIBUT SALES American 49,500 pounds, c and a result of Nazi bombing, ine Canadian 22,500 pounds, 9c and Yugoslav government has officially 7C and 9.1c and 7c. ' t protested at the indiscriminate American bombing of this open capital city1 Federal, 26,000, offered, ,9c and by the Germans. 7c. .t . ' , I Lansing, 15JD00, Storage, 9c and Weather Forecast!' Light to moderate variable winds; 7c mostly fair and mild, Prince Rupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Light to moderate variable winds, mostly fair tnd mild. i A rvtn j 1 n 1 n uaum, ,uw, iwjroi, sx; tuiu it. General Synopsis It has been Condor, 11500, Storage, 9c and part cloudy and mild with a few 7c. light showers on the coast. Canadian West Coast of Vancouver Island Peerless, 2,500, Storage, 9c and Mitfeof, 8,500, Atlin, 9.10c and 7c. Mother II, 5,000, Storage. 9c and 7c. Minnie V, 6,500, Booth, 9.10c and 7C. ;