sil W 1 ran esx TTTK DAILT NEW Expert Optical Service WaWk. Cluck, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STORE IVc ffae China, Dinnenvare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIA.MO.N D MERCHANT LONDON SHYER LONDON, April 10 The Loo-dass Air pesta was anrtanyd ax 35 peaac per One ounce on the Laadsa aaCal market totter. I! yms nat aocn.-ig advertise far K. Hsscreds of people set what they waai that way tf w BUT I KNOW ITS Suiting The Spring Mood FOR EASTER i Mi There's New At Expert Nev New New SIhn : a UB Orders PrompUj Filled Open Saturday Nijht 5 I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE -In tbe Heart of Prince Knpert" ? J1"110 AX" eXt ,,e0broner' Phone BLUE This is the Time iMakes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us jls to the Stove, Range Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. IIIUNK 11C When You Want a Uciiable, ComfnrUhle, Dependable TAXI ni i"kir ervice U Hour Service Chas. Dodimead ' Optometrist In Charge B.C. LEADS ALL CANADA SaWrieed Mare Nao-taterest .l!r p.. , , raic ts- " ""J wvua Pra vinee la The Hcoae ct wn eeottr Oiof Hanson, J P what -ana the total asaocat ef sciaeriptiom to the non-featerest oeanit bonds aaade fey the residents of each provaace up to Kirch 13 of this year. FoBoTips Pi&sh miniiifiiii njn 15 -Vbesta ga?tacdmnan S53si Hanttcba Ontario Qnefcee ..... X -a raetla . Xrw TT mi ill Place Sowars' MasseL Yakan 5JBG0.0Q MAGIC In Those? 1 5 Spring Suits Just Arrived The Peoples Store OITSTAXDIXG FEATURES Hand Tailoring Longer Length Jackets Softly Rounded Shoulders Skirts preference lean Vwxrd those uUored styles or perhaps TouTe the new figare-moid type or a r. '.-reed model. Whatever yoar :hoi be jooH find the largest seiectlsn In Tr, nrh; here. n worsteds, tricotenes. herritg-bor.ej -.weeds and two-tone wools. See the later, .siyling brooeht to you direct from Montreal ALL- SIZE PJINGES. of Year Mien QUALITY COAL bust kind to use for your or Furnace . . :.NI0Nt at Reeular Kate WORK FOR 1 WAR ITEM Prince Enpert Gyro Oak Supports MTe af CuUiu dabs j Victoria Convention ' Discussed . i I The Prince R a pert Gyro CSaa. at its re?alar EaonLhrj- bastnes tancfa-ctaa yeslerriaT - expressed ceaeor-"rr ti h a crtmk1 rfa-' Qua-lao CJabs -botrk! Join rneetaer to the parehase of sse item c fichu hi; equipsEent for Great Britain Jwh as a Spitfire pixae. laae-danee or nooUe kitchen, the exact aa'are of the article to be determined b? the azaocat of ooney which aatrht become available. The local club, predjta- its on financial support decided to propose, borew. thai he effort shook! not, be eoaflned to .Canitftan dabs atae bat that, the sipport of the American dabs -uHs b? -?ht This preposa: is 5r ne wh a sw-enjitu in-ti--"-d V e fceal rfab thai Gyro Hrhj tttroV! waste to prfhae a c-"irnre rtane. The kva dab Is a bo eanvason; -he, pasatbfltty of beans fmlly " Pbie ntsrat the International and dis- ,. V- V.J ... - na at the ead cf Jane. A aiWe Cpo of Dr. R. G. Large. jit. n. isjccxieov -nii oevise ?s and CMona. President W. F. Stone vaa an the hafc- at yeyatiTs lantbwK. and Vre k a wd attend:- of ntraoers. Other aaailers of dab """ti.-'i wit dealt altfc. President T. Stone appointed Kaat,KS foBoiTi in eonnec-in a tth the spnae hoedovn dance AKinusa; 1. a. nwjier ana a. L. Cr!pp5. i Tickets X. J. Soott. DaoonWms J. H. Baierr. Dr Jeni Mwsthe. a C. MSk. WUBamj raekriunk. Frank Dibb and F J Skfeser. I UOairasiirx vv. F Stone. G. L Rori. E. G. SoathbT. T. W. Bram. D. G. Borland aad IL S. Xleadova. Handrecs o! prop iry a "spot" in tbe Dairy News chvsaried col-cso spd "set rood resaKs ftf i . irTln. "tLE Ttxrr -! t cOnd fur mkir at atT Li Ml, k wwt . at Ac TCnoe of tfcc DMriet r - vl Uon X29M4. u eat XMiJX Ji.o.1 !tw. cntar and bmloek os tti a. i l. but ana vacant CWi tsai ax Use acr-fc rpar of 9rrr In--.. Quern OsuVxte XatonaU tad Dfenrft. Cte. (ti r 1B to aUsnvd lor aaarI cf trafc -"Preacd aafcor laMt to attend "fr-:n ia peneo ear tl teedfr to br 'jprn d at abc bocr U MKtf-n M troiod as c&e Md. Iinfcft- pm-u:-.n m-y be t"inf frwn bi Cbief Frre?-r. V5e . or D -xi rueuer. Prlztee Boprrt. Uutoe Bafidk. Vaoe-ttner. B. C AltTIO.V J.ALE Tlaaer Mle XUlii Tbsre t oCered tct m at Pub-Xe ATt-n at noaa ca tie 5tb Mat. 1941. ta tn cfCre cf tbe IXstrlct For-r. Ujtc BaHJlo Taoeaner. B. C b. sv sjtoc cedu- bd batWu area c xrtatst pan or Lot 33 asd s. T. 188P ard Tr-aot Ooam toed. CuaoahtTa tatet. Queen Ourtotte 11- aods Lacd DUtrlot. ttaSr """" moM cf Tixflrd aarcoe raatte to cerd 1te v5!co in pence mar cnK tceoer to be cproed at ebe ltoor cf ' I aucKfesi and treated as ooe bid." rtatter rsitteurm miy be ctftatcedl frcn t&e Cblsl Faww, Tkxcrla. or! ti IT rreter. Prince Rupert, or ' tb Dttrt- rorester. Taoraurrr. BX: I AICTIOV HALE TlBhn- ate TSIJ I That rm be oSfered fcr mtie at Pub lic Aucticn. at noon on tbe 24tb hat cf April; 1MI. m ibe offloe of tbe Dsa-, . FcrwU-c. Slarlne Butidio. Van-1 couTer. BC. tb. Licence X28154, U aA 1411X00 f. b. m, of aprue and-i ? beadeck oa n area attuased at i 0 J. i QurJottt UUods Laod Dorset Two t Trs be aUoved for re- Dunn of Umber J I -PrortOd anrooe ticabie to attend a tbe xarura ta pence may cubmlt 1 tecder to be cpencd at tbe hour of KicOcs and treated aa one fetd." J Purtber frzyxj3an may be bamed . frem :tbe CHJef PoresUr. 1ctorU. BC. i or the District Forester. Prince Rupert or tb Piirtct Tbrester. Itarlne Bolid-l tofc VtoccuTer. BC -OOVtRMET UQLOR ACI" (Sectfea 38) Natire af ApplieaUva far a Brer Uow I NOTICE la heretr tlren that on tbe f eVj S a W-a. a a . JuofSBoir Kb tbe Tak t.STl.'fU.fiP Wy to tbe Liquor Rnr. Itat!raXiu it- Oootrel Board lor Iicene In rZZg37lXlZ'?J. T? ;or prennaes brtn? part of UoUdinj t 737 Third Arenoe. West. Prince Rupert, upon tbe lands described as Lots ao. and 6. Block No. Smii i Zlr" "laee : tend . n the rd cf atxty da trom tbe noulbel, V, v., m a a. 16U. JOHN HOSKCfS- AnpUeant. mm N "TM, attaBaMaav UKKV LflGER This i the beer you hear k much about tlire day. 1 Order ome totlar and ee bow jrood, (mkI Ieer can be. IBIS SVt : a-4 j, nh c d'.t; isre- Board osbr '.TTrmBi .. BrUitir Combi Canada At War 25 Years Ago J April It. 1916 Msjc- I. BaUoJc Webber and, CoL Kukpaarkk of the Eerenth' Canadian. Mounted Rifles left this morning for Prince George on a recruiting expedition. In S. Ar Irew Anncan Church last ereaing Ueut. CoL W. B. a ay-1 ton- of ih Canadian Dental Corps dettrejed highly intere&tins ad dress on hJs experiences In Europe Coi. Clayton left this morning for Otiau-i ' . Mr 4nd M D J- Wlffiams left today lor TramilDe where they .will reside in future, . C.N.R. Trains For tbe East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days 6 pja. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday PJO..Taku CATARRH SPOILS SLEEP iMrrt a buW BrUrrs WHu Xa ia mcS Mtrfl aH mi TMa B r4c n8n kiMi, Wv dn ra dw. nnnif WxltMrf r avU rw m Stk. tH SH f EKTIIIC.UE Of IMPKOVKMrATM Aat IrMticBal Miami flaioi SKuarve in tbe AtUn Uistnx Divtakn 'br- 1" v.d On tb aid- of tbe River about ore mites us. raj 1-or-JU of 'br boM r a Jrei maa'TerflrJo.' 53127Z i ajie NOT CW -A J. -nes T Ln-derh-'l riXC SmZ aoUcj as ajent Pree Miner's OtrBfatat No. SJI77K in- : uoorr eeMtrr. u ef tbe "OClneral Act," of ousk Haiwa ef ImrxawesJentT Dated tly 23 dar of Pebruarr IM1 Man in the Moon These are stirring time. Let w help the Britfeb to stir. If cant al ftfht. we can baild .ships. Let go to IV. , Ifa aareat war if we dont weak- en and we shall not weaken. Tell Hitler that. , . A Member of the Ladle- Aid So- eiety in a nail town went o the bank to depoMt as she told tana ciera, wrranawy. on. mou.v -nc oolombte. Th- medical operin- "tf8T; as!i tMdsAs ubose wc -Remarkable, tat well the It. now mtttM Dr. w. E. Austin and oid hens are dota thee days?- j E Klne reject Ireiy Andnowhedoeantknowwhy Wrtoch Memorial noted an In-bt .reeeiTed an ley took a. the good of crease iwarty 2jW0 hosral days lady swept oet of the bank. .Ttaktot the toUl UjOOO for the VMr rvrr anv fr-nr K4 r. When a girl gtrea of yo plenty was said io be due lareely rope she expects to be tied to yw n Mrmneilt h tbe permanently. mem rl ndan Affairs which al- " lrw- of ber treTrent for In- i They say that eren the most re- teberilosis cases. The ftn-Ugi-ti- woian will nmtome an tn- aBCW oosstion ws good and a terrtew with her maker in order to bank loan reduced by SI .500. keep an anpatatoesit wtth her other Secures showed hat 472 dressmaker. mUmii .ui-i .. win yoa marry ae. darting . r -Not today, dear.' "Aw. come on. be a aapport! TheyYe tellin? of a aewapaper- r"a!,e.Xy .4 , , , I!1 OTiamine- a Marine and an Army man. He immediately beaan to search the roooa What are yon looking for?' asked his frightened wtfe. 'You're holding out on me" ihe r-ied accusingly. -Where's the Kary C'-!vaore To Guns Was Bia Q Hoasewires A;atn In Business 01 Sarint For .Britain - MON. A : Britrsii hout-wWea in theV eond treat 4r T' f"- saira-re new h-r- tn f amotmt co0eet?d hi ther tr l-momh campaiicn i'ieti 4A Ariiplfrids f paper. sU-nted to be rahied at XUMOMBO and enouoh metal to butid 16jBQ tanks was collected. Amone; other Urin-a hopwin' are asked to coJVxt this yar are liX(W0 old ftashl'et batteriea a eek. 1 000 to o' hop- rooissy and encash (tftovers in fol feed lOftj&M pfc- rer mon In he first eataoaicn BrWh in- duHrv nald more Mian $11,000,000 jfor collected sahrage. Try a Daily iSew wnt-Ad. DOUBLY DELICIOUS 52!fj CXCTII K Ti: Of lMMKm-.MKVT r. T IrarUanal Mineral (Ulm ! SKwaie m Uve AUm Mining O.TUMri I Wbere KcaUd On (be iuxequaa rit about erren miles Rtrer Lanrtnl HaUcr- PnUri. aUmna Oo Ud Ntonber of HMtft Pree Ulner's Cerurtoate: 5317TE. TAKZ NOTICE tba I. Jamea T Co- j M C SSM8E acunc a. Arer.t ! SLP?.!fi"Tku MlnlD Ounpanj Ud rree Mteer Oeruricate .No 3T.Z. at tbe rod of 4xy oar firm date hereof, to applj 00 tba MinlaR to Cervncate of fcnprore And furitvrr take ooBce tjat action unor wotton M of tbe UrralAcT the Ishu- mer or aueb Qenuicate of Improve- Xted tbis ntb do; cf Urch 1941 TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs Fr first Class Service on Bicycles. Hubherware. Tires, Tube. Ete- Vulcanhed tb SL opp. OK Barber Shop REPORT ON HOSPITALS Both lUitlton And Tort Simpson Institutions In Improved Position . . tohoNTO. April lO.-CratlfylBr fraD rio mfcfa hoapHaU were heard by the Home Mtas n Board cf The United oh of Canada at Us Jnma) mettag htre. They jud ie- Port Simpson Hospitals in BrKtsh yr. of whom 4t w-sre discharged cored. Percentage of martaiH, irom an -causes was 2J&1 Port Simpson also reported a hs satViacrory financial pasliirm wkh 80H1 ' hfcther reneti ad a sihcianti! ancoutf the year. A ereat part ; . A' of the wwk of the hosnital was ik feiari VtH Inolanx. For hese oceapa- R'- swnai ana recreational therapy a "wa Toxicin 3 Sbe- xj. a b .."Nortil IVlminfJn la Tich; Coralnr )J0.v Hil THE irrm- ha?e be oarries o. of in -;. chccl were adr-. as cured -were 16 1 NEW LOWER PRICES! PERFECTIOI COCOA b.noN TUIC rrMlnAiniiM.-.. J Quo lflciajn oi a I lb. tin of Perfection Cocoa at your erocr i i our grocer's tods . r Signature...,, f,"1"1 Te Rownute Companr will allow you tf f -da3f InET ? btfo JJ 1 5. 1941. Sign beljw t an rootute allowed customer it e ceou oo this coupca owi3a wita terms of offer. Dnlrr's Sipistmrt Donnacona Insu'ating hi WAl LB0ARDS We have on hand large stocks of coa; All our coal is carefully screened and pre :'- line of lumber for erery type of building the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not t all of the natural oils so necessary to lor.g SAM) CEMENT GRAVEL 1 Phibott Evitt & Co. Ui PHONE C51 a ... nl I Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Frldsj, P--Air-Condltlonpri RleeninK and Dl. Z (lti W V . . - . .. J 0-!.. Tnursday. n.30 pjn calling at Ocean raw aaa --for Full Inlormation and Resenauon, ete Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 521 if " Pbone 266 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canads Air Lines