April 10, 1WT v V9fB --Mfcr CANADA'S Y i 1MRSAV,"6S : 1D 'ORT CHAT leirn League Senators. He l old house aU 1600 IJvar.u Avenue. The name: President lenamg ids official him. Siesenie to the annual launching"! BaclThV "AprlTof 19T7 themoinr idnri of the United States. ; of America's national game. Wll-Jthe United States rntered the warm a up ana mam Howara 'lart was me Jirsi First Great war Assistant tecret- (to r.r-w Barring sudden Mr. Big p) take part. That wa-. in fmzi developments requir-jl910. Twp years late Clark Orlf- a::ent.ion he'll flip out the iflth came to yVashington. He re- Irfin" baseball's 1941 season . cognized, the value to the game of fcilr-' in next Monday. HJsJche Pres'dent's partlci'jatlon and generally are wild. Perhaps 'the Chief Executive has worked st fcsllng the boys. At any every opener since. Roosevelt the icoka toward home plate -precedent-breaker will break an- tccse-; land somewhere other as a tosser-outer. This will Ttt And Ijndi ii the rlcht word for Carnation Milk-the most useful form of milk to use arid quite economical. A Canadian product irradiated for t xlra "sunshine" vita-raiq I). Used Furniture pofs, Plate Glass 5-14"x 58" .1 14"x36" Ivory wooden frame, "x48" Gilded frame, 1 13"x J7" Ivory frame, 1 23"xl4 ?en frame, 112 ft x 27V ssersi complete Bed Outfits, 2" continuous posts; pinine Room "rs; 8-plece Dining Room Suites; 1 Beatty Washing Machine; Hurninc Columbia Range, first class condition; 1 McClary Sr-hole Range, wood or coal; 1 Northern Electric Radio, 8 tubes; ?en. Electric Radio, mantel: J Davenport, ppeping Id a bed; f'h Tub; English Prams; Small Tables, Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Phone 74L 167 East 3rd Ave. THIRD AVENUE anted-Raw Furs PRICES JM HIGHEST MARKET PAID Snip to J. E. OUMI1EIM. PrltiPB Ilunert. B.C. "eprcsentinir. TilTHRON'R H AY fJOMPANV ary of the Navy Roosevelt helped Manager Griffith hoist the .Amert-; cari flag at patriotic cererrronles preceding the opener. From a con- trol and stuff-on-the-ball :stand-' point the current Master of the, Mansion ranks only third, amontr the lx presidential pitchers.- Th. rating: , 1. Warren G. Harding. He w?s jfar out front Hardhg owned thej 'Marlon team in he pld QhJ.p State jleague. He played golf frequently and was always in good shape.; jH3"d wind up 'and 'let Bo: a hard) 'straight .fa?t one. 2. yroodrow Wll50h. lie -didn't havs much spee4 but his -controli was k. 3. Franklli) D.elanp . Roosevelt.' 4. Ralvln Coolidge.'No speed. No zip. His heart wasnt l?j tjve game." 5. William Howard Taft. His bulging bay window interfered with his pitching technique. p. Herbert Hoover. Nothing .oil the ball, Although Taft was the' first to be actively conneated with the (same, many President!, before hjm , liked basebal and went to games: Teddy Roosevelt Uked all sports. William McKlnley was . a red-hot' on. It has been said that Lincoln was a sand-Jot first baseman and gave his aporoval to baseball as-a itrpop exercise during the Civil War. At least one President liked ifp place mall bets on baseball. That was Harding. He reportedly won a buck from Hoover on one ;contest. .Harding uhdeiitobd the finer points of the game and pn joyed keeping his own .scorecdrd 1 Budj Charles, linotype operatpr on the staff of the Ketchikan Chronicle, after a holiday trip to Seattle, was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday returning to the Alaska city. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprletor "A HOM1 AWAT FROM HOVUT Bates 7t uj 00 Roome Hot St Cold yvtr Prtoc Rupert, B.C. rhone ttt r.O. Be ttt 'TH3 BXILY PAGE FIVE WERE BEST New Low Price on 1-lb tin IN BOWLING I the .Mixed Bowling League during' the season 'Jusi closed was Cy Kellett with 226. Miss Croxford, like Kelkjtt1.'t-member, of the Tollers team, was hah . average scorer for the ladies during the seal tm with 187.. Kellejt had l ibe h'ihest Individual, IHrfee an aeoie for men r the, season with a total of 911 -hIe;tMiss Rcse'j.a-'le of Empire had the highest ladies' ihre; same scpre 697. Dan Wick of Comosers had the highest slngla game saore for man for the scason--4rJ4'-while Mis LaBelle. with 339, had the higtwst ladles' single score. I -. For yearns 'Ccgrossrs had the Ed Saunders 78 highest three games 3884 and Rita DeJong the hghest single game 1441. Pete DeJong 72 The IroDhies will be nrescnted a Mabel Madill , 72 weekffronvSaturday night. Geor2e Franklin Inrlfel Wring red5 for the Fran Davle5 seaspA '.were-ob foll1 '' i Peoples Stoe Games Ave, Alley Cats Bea jBrind ,.r ..... Csclf Brlnd Margaret Montjm,e:ry Ray Montgomery Qrace Johnson ... Elyjn )chn3n .. Violet Bratvhe . Larry Blanche , Neva Assmlssen" Max Asemjssen . Comosers Beitha Peterson pveninc Empire , near first bare. While his 1941 lob be his eighth appearance. .No other John Schrpeder "r Agnss Pierce .. 39 Dan Wick' 31 Pat Timmermaster 57 Tiny Adams : 53 Viylan Wrathall 63 Johnny Comadlna - . 69 A.rt Pearson ..: 54 .51 I'U In 4V.n.nni U n ummkla rnl.4r.. noi-fnt-tvi oH tVlO llinn .EwlVTI Pltllth7 ..." i.j? '' '38 among Senator and Yankee play more than seven times. Vlce-Prest- Boy Frark4 ..." 79 ,ijrs, hen some obscure athlete dent Gamer substituted for Roose- Rose J.aBeUe, 80 named Joe will grab the agate andvelt In 1939 uhen rain pqtponed Mike Montessano v,. .50 iVVUl Haixldge's pieninblue will the scheduled opening nere. itoose- .nwwas uiy -?i i j wild pltrJier In baseball! take charge and the campaign wllvelt made the worst pitch of his May Bond 33 ?r n wvtaH nipnln undar wnv It-.-Aertlrtir rlnv npppr Inst, vear A r rOnK,' WllSOn. oJ Tl pr"tirnmn ttwx. t nr I Mn nna GAme Imnur lllt Virwfnnlirk fitmtlv rrnvprpd the bdll and r railKS statted-rthis custom of the the president autograhped it for Chris Saunders 198 138 181 145 200 COCOA Enjoy a Cup Today Games Avc.'Dom Dominate 72 51 ...:30 .....30 39 33 22 33 78 81 115 Doris Dominate l$s Louis Felsinthal .... 145 Llbby Felssnthal . 145 Norman Campbell 135 Gert Wharton . 140 1 Johnston 127! 165 ft. & 5- 153jlMvia Erlcksen 225 Carl Ericksen Art Alger , T 81 Leah Basso-Bert 27 Dot Bollinger. - 54 Norman Kinslor 81 183 Dora Arney 78 174 Steve Arlington 81 Games Ave. Dolly Nelson 81 . .35 178 Dolly Wesch 66 186 Ted Dungate - -78 183 Slomo Games 186 Ellis Morris .75 183 Rhea Morris . 72 167 Florence Robbins 41 140 Harry Robbin 35 ,156 Archie Sloan .81 Games Ave. Gwenyth Sloan 81 ' Jl' 112 Bill Rothwell 18 80 NOURISHING CUPS TO THE POUND 72 18 75. ......66 75 ......;..78 38 15 Games ... ......74 81 . TT1 m 1 J CtAtvntrtrr ft 1 Games Ave"''',''- 1fl1 I ... 137 Emily Rothwell 160 16.6 05 169 144 1 a n cy Kelleti; Vic Den ? Helen W'oodside Syd Woodslde .., Frances James Jim Jame? 1S" Helen Anderson Ave, Al Anderson 159 ; 179 127 177 169 159 184 208 flames TV. One In Final Of .15 133 play-off games was as follows: 134 Toilers Games Ave. Rinkey Pink 181 Lillian Croxford 71 129 Len Cripps .68 177 Cathie Fraser . 172 Tommy Fascr Audrey Kfillctt 71 63 -62 59 12 Games Ave, 72 13.5' Total .69 ...81 72 72 72 10T CHAMPIONS IN BOWLS Uinkey Pinks Games Av.e Rinkey Dinks Defeat Toilers Three 159 Mixed League ' 194 151 Rinkey Dmks last plght defeated 174 Toller) three games to one to win 191 'the championship of the Mixed. Ave. Bowling League and take thej 190 Watts and Nlckerson Cup, The 114 Tollers took a good start by de-1 163 cisively winning the first game! 172 but the Rinkey Dinks then got! 193 into stride and took the next three 122 straight 172 The Idivldual scoring for the' PESTERED BY HIGH PRESSURE ? .. '3 TRY THE UNION MINUTE MEN , , ; HI?H SPEED BUT NO H10H PRESSUBEI The only "high pressure" the Minute Men useT .tHe. pressure they put into polishing . ... -.-glass. Their service is adjusted tq fit each If you're in a hurry, they rush you through , in, nothing flat! If you have more time they check your car carefully from stem to stern. In either case, you get high speed biit m bigb prtssurt. Try them. itsslNe I Ml 12 3 187 Kins-'c: 223' 195 219 185 p. Nelson 500 ' ,244 173 127 D. Weseh ... 191 131 192 150 D. Arney - .172 173 293 156 eteve Arlington .221 281. 211 220 T. Dungate 162-: 207 207 172 Handicap 13 - 10 6 17r Toilers - i1! ;2 3 190 Lillian Croxford 205" 185 230 '174 Cathie Fraser .. .172 183. Audrey' Kellett .235 iTommy Fraser .143 Len Cripps 217 Cy JCellett 323 Handicap 76 4 245 220 167 215 196 262 18 ..r.,i20J 1229 1313 1323 172 204 93 223 165 76 4 245 155 111 139 200 174 HI 237 130 240 190 76 76 Total 1371 1118 1251 10C3 FROM THIS A t" along with tilk itockiof l MM certificate rouctt It rout ji arocct'i, will bur T . beautuu biljt iiockinf I J I wbeoKQttoTheQuaktl OatsCompaoT.BaxlOO. PctefboroiuaJw One, M Sukatooo, Sask. 5ILK ST0EKIKGS TEN TEAMS IN BOWLING Rocky Mountain Rangers Team Makes Ijgh Score :j Army bowling continued Wed nesday at Max' Alleys with ten teams taking part from the Rocky j Mountain Rangers, Royal Canadian luorps oi ijignais, Royal Canadian Alr Force and Defence Headquarters. The R. M.' R. team, under jSergeant Major Lawley, was able jto chalk up the highest score, of 2696 to win the five tickets while ( ja team from the Signals took second place with a score of 2360. Pederson, squad from Defence Headquarters took third place with a score of 2543. Teams and score) were as loir lows:. . . .; :'V tV.URvM. R. A CompanyJ-rQraham, Robinson; Newman, Brlsbln; Davies, R: M. R. (Headquarters Company) -No. 2 Rowling, Bennett, Walters, De Yarger, Allan. 1772. R. M. R. (A Company. Np. '2.1 Lieut. Barr. McKay, McCormack, WilUams, Davis. 2093. R. C. C. S. Pederson, Wile. Sparks, Woodward, Gandy. 2218. R. C. A. F. Wemb, Batton, Woodward, More, Meyer. 2416.- R. M. R. (C. Company) Lawley, Taylor, English, Henderson, Thompson, 2696. Deience Headquarter feaersen, Kalvlk, Purdon, King, MacFarlane. 2543. R. M. R. (Headquarters Company) Commlngh, Sundahl, Reamsbottom, Turnbull, Ferguson, 2035. R. C. C. S. Marchildon, St. Jean, Lovin, Nicholson, Reg. 2630. R, M. R.. (Quartermaster's Stores Hall. Brown, Clark, Miller, McGowan,, 2l43tM Norman tMcEwenof the Y. M, C. A. was In charge. Capt. E. A. Boyle of, the Rocky I Mountain Rangers, who has been 111, will sail on the Prince George .tonight for Vancouver, enrout to Kamloops on furlough. : Mrs. James McQuarrie; of Settler, Alberto, arrived In the city on Tuesday night's twin for a week's, visit with her mother) Mrs. .Ah! !ptfa;Kay Stephejis.'