——————— ARCHITECT izes of wood hoists. THE DAILY NEWS. Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT fferent © - . Phon 89 d Ave Secon . Alberts Block ae ‘i ——— W. Nicholson Lailey ff. Gordon Munre ‘ MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, wilding, Second Avenue. 4 stork B .; WART wttART & STE gTUART +. AUDITORS sCOUNTANTS oa Building Phone No, 280 Law-Bu P.O, Box 351 Prince Rupert — anss, C- V- BENNBTT, Bed Mf cace —faaeegan and A of Pifanitoba Bars kate gs & BENNETT punciaTERs, Norarigs, Ero. ok ynd Avenue. gger- Albert Block, Second Aventis amg = 2 | owe. S. HALL, L. D. s., D.D.S. DENTIST. sridge Work a Specialty. Gow eens skilfully treated. Gas and Ail dents tics administered for the painless ex- heal set teeth. Consultation free, om : ewe Block, Prince Rupert. i-12 ————— a -_ ~ a jex.M.Manson B.A.» W.E. Williams,B.A., L.L.D . WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ —_—_ pio. BOX JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING KON, BSQ., ARAM, 10N., ENG PRINCE RUPERT port, OF WM. FO JOHN DYBHAVN —_— Real Estate — Loans and Insurance $19 8rd Avenue Phone 384 P.O, BOX 804 puone 301 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE nd Forwarding Agents. For e, Storage an Baceas' Motor Car day or night Rigs or Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 30! THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards SECOND AVE. Twelve Tables Hotel Central 95 Fires Ave; European and American plan, steam iheated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : 3 Peter Black Proprietor HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WATER NOTICE FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND USE WATER sori E is hereby given that the me ( harlotte | Fishing Company, vn ed, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bidg., u fouver, B.C., will apply for a. li- hee to take and use four cubic feet Bt tevond of water out of Edward hag which flows in a south-westerly vo ion, through -unsurveyed Crown : and et otes into Two Mountain wit peas l'assoo Harbor, The water e diverted at Third Falls and will py used for industrial purposes on the Water mere as shown in sketch at and site ot 4er’s office, Prince Rupert, Situated on the East Coast.of Two main Bay 8 notice Was posted on the ground ~ me 10th day of April, i912" The tee yeation will be filed in the office of On ater Recorder at Prince Rupert. wtctions may be filed with the said vy Waccruer or with the Comptrol- ings, Victoria awe ng site a2 Queen Charlotte med, Applicant 3y Samuel A Mo Pub. April 16 Ree ED a — 07 Cc Fishing Company, SC. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE N S. S, PRINCESS ROYAL —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Every Sunday, 6 P. Mm. 4. @, M'NAB, General Agent St WAN T E D! 8, Schreiber & Co., 3rd Ave. — TE PACIFIC tea, ~For particulars apply a "Y & Daily News Want ad. NOW OPEN PRINCE RUPERT CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH 8T. FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES Williams & Vidak - ~- Props 4-009 — © 4-4-6 FRED. STORK —General Hardware— | 7 Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware . | SECOND - AVENUE —© 4 © ¢ 0 4 6 6 © 4 IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Hays Cove. Agente for Imperial Gagoline Motors. Phone Blue 259 P. O. Box 957 .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: —THE— Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED- COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 NOW.... That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to arognay our large stock of beautiful oak furni- ture and some of our upholstery, curtains, drapery, etc. See our show windows at the Big Furniture Store. Linoleums, Stoves and Lamps on the 6th street side; Crockery and kitchen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. F. W. HART CORNER 6TH ST. AND 2ND AVE. LINDSAY'S “'Stoxace™ G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable, Phone 64, Orders promptly filled. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers TOBACCOS :; FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF CIGARS New 0x Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is runon the European lan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern improvements, BEDS 0c UI FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER) Your Success-Meter Regard your B.N.A. Savings Bank Book as a sort of meter which records plainly your progress toward prosperity. There are hundreds of these Bank of British North America success-meters in the homes Is there one in If not we will around you. your home? gladly provide one, 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Capltai and Reserve Over $7,500,000 Prince Rupert Branch, F. S. LONG, Manager. FRENCH PROUD — OF THEIR SHIPS Declare that their Trans-Atlan- tic Liners are Safer and Stron- ger than British Built Boats— Carry Yore Life Saving Gear. Paris, April 30—The surprise is expressed in shipping circles at the inadequ- ate regulations of the British Board of Trade as regards pre- cautions against the loss of life. It is pointed out that that the French law on this point is more greatest French modation for every soul on board rhe navigation inspectors of the Ministry of the Marine pay fre- quent visits to the large liners to that the regulations touching the state and equip- of the boats are duly served, A life-saving drill once a week is compulsory on all French pas- senger and at least twice a year all lifeboats must be lowered to the water. Each of these must bear the name of the vessel, her port, and the number of passengers she can hold, and be stocked with five and one-half pounds of buscuits and five gal- of water per passenger. These provisions must be kept in air tight barrels and be renewed once a fortnight. Beyond these necessaries and equipment the boats must be empty. See nent ob- steamers, lons La France, the newest and largest French transatlantic steamer, which is about due in New York on her maiden trip, has a tonnage of 25,000, and a capacity for 1910 passengers. For these, sixteen lifeboats, each accommodating persons, and a large number of smaller boats are provided. It pointed men here that constructors use much metal plates for the skin of the than the French. The French liners, it is said, are built with plates not less than twenty millimeters thick, and it re- called that the Campagnie Trans 52 is out by shipping English naval thinner vessels is Atlantique’s boat Niagara, col- lided with a block of ice in the same spot as the Titanic a few days ago, and emerged from the aecident without disastrous con- sequences. It wil) pay everyone interest- ed to look over the large new consignment of ship chandlery at Howe & McNulty’s, 2nd Ave.tf ROSSLAND EDITOR C. E .Race Goes to Mexico to Take Up Rich Concession. Mr. C. E. Race, who used to own and edit the Rossland Miner in the haleyon days, since leay- ing British Columbia has been His Majesty's consul in Ensen- ida, Mexico, but has left the service to devote himself to a coneession which he owns from the Mexican federal government. Full and complete consign- ment of ship chandlery at Howe & MeNulty’s, 2nd Avenue, tf B. C. TRADE THIS YEAR Steady Increase in Prosperity Is Shown, Montreal Herald says: “Vancouver and Victoria say a brisk trade moving these points, and throughout the province, The yolume of general trade shows a good increase over that of last year, to be ex- peeted in view of the rapid de- of the country and increase in popula- tion. General merchandise moving freely, Shipments to the interior and up coast points are heavy. Payments are, on the whole, very satisfactory. The shipping trade at these ports has been active and the volume of traffic through Vancouver shows steady increase. Values commodities are generally firm,” The reports al is as is velopment the steady 1s of to steady For Port Simpson, Port Nelson, Granby TRAIN SERVICE Mixed Trains Leave Pr. stringent than that of any other) country, Every French liner must carry enough boats to insure accom- Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Company's Superb Mé Prince Rupert and Prince George For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle *Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 A *Elfective May 8. S. PRINCE JOHN Masset and Naden Harbor on Thursdays, 11 Pp. All Other Queen Charlotte Island Points on Saturdays, 1 p, m. Rupert 1 p, m. GOING EAST THIS YEAR? If so Ensure Comfort, Speed and Safety on Your Trip by Using The Grand Trunk Railway System from Chicago For full particulars, tickets, ete, apply to A. E. MoMABTER, General Agent, Prince Rupert Agency All Atlantic Steamship Lines LATEST TALL STORY TOLD | Doctor Over Hundred Miles Away Amputated Man's Foot—He Di- rected Operations by Wireless Telegraph. New Orleans, May 1,—-How a laborer on Swan Island, a lonely ss station in the Gulf, suf- crushed foot; how the operator communicated ship 420 miles Away, raised the surgeon and got him to explain the proper way to amputate; then how the operator wirels fered wireless with a a performed the operation, is a lstory told by the manager of a hig shipping firm. On Swan [sland is a wireless j} station, one of the links in the chain in the tropics. When a laborer’s foot was hurt in a tram car accident, the operator concluded that an operation was imperative. There were no medical books at hand, and no one at the station had ever hacked a limb from a fellow be- ing. The operator called a fel- low craftsman on a ship passing 20 miles below, in the Carribean The situation was ex- plained to the ship's surgeon and detail by detail he explained just 42 Sea, how to amputate the foot. After the arteries had been tied and the wound dressed the patient recovered his senses and insisted on pressing at the wireless key to express his thanks. At last accounts he was getting well. SOMETHING DOING U. S. Destroyers Saii for South Under Sealed Orders. May 1. San Diego, Steaming south on a secret mission, the torpedo boat destroyers F Perry and Preble are today niearing Magdalena Bay, Lower California, where sealed orders, received late Sunday, will be opened. Where the little fighting craft will proceed only the authorities in Washington know. They are now out of touch with the United States by wireless. Owners who place their rented roperty in my ooked after with the same fidelity ‘as if | owned it myself. Fire Insurance in Board Companies GEO. LEEK, 618 3rd Ave. The new stee] Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” AND— “Camosun ” Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: “Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively Leave None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. y Attended to Mail Orde rs Prom -: Agents International Stock Food:- —ALL KINDS OF FEED— all Steamers M i3th art on Wednesdays, 11a,.m, Bay and Stew m TO VAN ARSDOL on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays §.S. Inlander —for-— HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER- MERE and all interior points. For rates and information apply Rochester & Monroe Second Avenue Agents ..We Offer For Sali, Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1. Price $3,000 each, One-half cash, balance 6 12 and 18 months. Lots 16 and 17, Block :7, Section 5. $2,100. One-half cash, balance 6, and 18 months. Price 12 Lot 4, Block 25, Section 5, with 5-room house worth $900, renting for $20 per month, Price $1,775. Terms, $1,275 cash, balance $25 per month. Lots 15 and 16, Block 5, Section 6. Price £4,200. One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lows 9 and 10, Block 5, Section 6. Price $3,500. $1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lot 18, Block 2, Section 7. Price $900. $450 cash, balance 6, 12 and 48 months, Lots 33 aud $4, Block 16, Section 7. Price $1,600. One-half cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7. Price $750. months. 400 cash, balance 4 and 8 Price $450 Lot 19, Block 23, Section 7. Block 31, Section 7. Price Equity out. Lots 1 and 2, 1,27 $575 cash, balance 6 and 12 months, Continental Trust Co., Ltd. Second Avenue Real Estate Insurance Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent COAL Rogers & Black New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 SONS OF NORWAY | Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 |p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- |wegians are welcome. Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS IMi- TATE 2nd Street Phone 156 Green -Church Services - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH } | Services every Sunday in the | Chureh Hal! at 11 a.m. and | Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. j Sunday School at 2.30 p, m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. | Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m. || REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. 1 PASTOR THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE, AND MUSGRAVE PLACE | Services every Sunday at 11 | | ' | a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. PASTOR - THE SALVATION ARMY | Services every Sunday at | ii a m, 3 Pp. m. and 8 } p. m. Sunday school 1:30 | », m. Weeknight services Wednesdays, | Mondays, | Thursdays and Saturdays. Cc, CAPT, KERR oO. Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A, DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec, The Strndurd. MONTREAL. THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It is national in all its aims, It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the }hotographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly independent, A subscription The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Co. | Limited, Publishers tu LYNCH General Merchandise * - Largest Stock Lowest Prices in hs TT? Northern B. C. $ — —~-ebr SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) Real Estate and APPROVED AGREEMENTS Samuel Harrison & Co. V. F. G. GAMBLE "Stock Brokers FOR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert and Stewart Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of were description Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5, Take notice that I, William Fraser, of Spokane, Washington, occupation farmer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about four miles west and three miles and @ half south from End Hill, Banks Island thence south 40 chains, thence west 4d chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement; containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, WILLIAM FRASER. Fred Dawson, Agent. Dated March 5, 1012. Pub, March 23, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5. Take notice that I, George Graham, of Prince Rupert, b. C., occupation brakeman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about four miles west and three and a halt miles south from End Hill, Banks Island, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement; contain- ing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. GEORGE GRAHAM. Fred Dawson, Agent. Dated March 5, 1912. Pub. March 23, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V g ° TAKE NOTICE that 1, Dora L. Wright, of Prince Rupert, married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the rollowing described lands: Commencing at the north east corner of Lot 5127, thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains more or less to the nor- th boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20 chains more or less to the east boundary of Let 5127; thence north 20 chains more or less to the point of commencement, and containing 40 acres more or less. DORA L. WRIGHT, Alfred E, Wright, Agent. Dated April 22nd, 1912. Pub. April 24, District of Coast, Lottie McTavish, of Vancouver, occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted 40 chains north and 40 chains east from the portn- east corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District, Range V, thence 80 chains east, thence 60 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 60 chains south to post of commencement, and containing 480 acres, more or less, LOTTIE M’TAVISH. Skeena Land District Take notice that F. W. Bohler, Agent Dated April 16, 1912. Pub. April 20, 1912. COAL NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte. Take notice that thirty days from date, I, Samuel D. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., rancher, intend to aply to the Assistant Commissioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 submarine acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at @ post planted about 5 chains south of the southeast corner of Lot 576, Graham Island, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of commencement. JEL D, SOMES, Locator. 1912. 912. Dated March 21, Pub, March 29, 1 Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte, Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, Samuel D. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash,, rancher, intend to aply to the Assistant Commissioner of Lands for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 submarine acres of land on Graham Island, described as follows: Commencing at & post planted about 40 chains south of the northeast corner of Lot 117, Graham Island, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to place of commencement, SAMUEL D. SOMES, Locator. Dated March 21, 1912. Pub. March 29, 1912, Skeena Land District-——District of Queen Charlotte, Take notice that thirty days from date, I, Samuel D. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., rancher, intend to apply to the Assistant Commissioner of Lands for a@ itcense to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 submarine acres of land on Graham Island, described as follows: commencing at @ post planted about 40 chains south of northeast corner of Lot 117, Graham Island, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thnece wert 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to place of commencement. SAMUEL D,. SOMES, Locator, Dated March 21, 1012, Pub, Mareh 29, 1912. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: ard Ave Skeena Land De Terrie of Coast ange 5, Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation civil en- gineer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described ones commencing at @ post pilafited at the southwest corner of Lot 635, Hange 5, Coast district, thence south 40 chains more or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence following said east bank aorther! and westerly to mouth of Falls River Slough, then following bank of said slough easterly to point of commencement, to contain 60 acres more or jess, AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW, Dated February 1, 1912. Pub, Feb, 10. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Kathleen Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation spinster, intenas to apply for permission to purchase the tollowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the witness post of the northwest corner of Lot 635, Range 6, Coast district, distant 13.73 chains south from the northwest corner of the seid lot, thence het oR re ° jess to the east Hocsall River, thence southerly along said east bank to mouth of Falis River Slough, thence fol- lowing bank of Falls River Slough easterly and northerly to point of commencement, to contain 40 acres, more or 3. KATHLEEN AGNEW. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Dated February 1, 1012. Pub, Feb. 10, LAND LEASES, skeena Land Dlppeict= Alstece of Coast, aL uge 5, Take notice thai 1, Augustus W. Agnew, of vrince Rupert, B, U,, Civil engineer, acting a8 agent for Porpeise Harbour Land Company, Lumited, of Victoria, B. C, in- wnd to apply for permission to lease the niowing Geseribed lands; Commencing at @ post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour of Lot 446, Hange 5, Coast district, thence .urth to @ point equa-distant between Lot 446 and Watson Island, thence easterly au hortherly following a lpne equa-dis- lant between the high water mark of Lot .v aud the bigh water mark of Watson island to @ point on low water mark be- .ween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake Walnright, thence east to high water mark, tence westerly and southerly fol- 1oWing high water mark to point of com- dmencement, PORPUISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED, Per Augustus Dated April Sth, 19 Pub, April 8, 1012, Ww: Agnew, Agent. 12, skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Ra nge 5. take notice that 1, Augustus W. Agnew, oc Prince Rupert, B, ., civil enginecr scling as agent for Porpoise Harbour Land company, Limited, of Victoria, B, C,, in- tend to apply for permission to lease the .ullowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour, Lot 446, Range 6, Coast district, thence uorth to low water mark, thence westerly and southerly following low water mark to @ point due west of the southwest corner of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, whee east to bigh water mark, thence rollowing high water mark northerly and easterly to point of commencement, PORPOISE. HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED, Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Dated April Sth, 1012. Pub, April 8, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, we Oo. Take notice that 1, Augustus W. Agnew, of Prince Rupert, B. C., civil engineer, acting as agent for Porpoise Harbour Land Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C., in- tend to apply for permission to lease the followuw described lands; Commencing at @ post planted on the high water mark of Lot 446 Bango 5, Coast district, at the mouth of Woif Creek estuary on L Wainright, thence west to low water mark, thence northerly and easterly following the low walter mark to a point due north of the nortleast cor- her Cl Lot 446, Range 5, Coast «istrict, thence south to high water mark, jJence westerly and southerly following high water mark to Pont of commencement, PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED. - Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Dated April Sth, 1012. vub, April 8, 1912. LAND LEASE NOTICE Teke notice that I, Alfred Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engin- . intend to f to lease 1 Sores of land described aa follows: Commencing at this pont of the Tyee Station, G.T.P. 271-4 miles east of Prince ted 1-4 mile eee eb chains (more or ws westerly 26 BR or jess) Workshop Phone 174 2nd Ave, bet, Tth and 8th Ste ~ i = Some. ae