ttt Leafs. r rv, ii i in lit. i 47 tv tf 3 tf tf & 11 6 B w 7 rsr Of Mom, Pop and the Kids! jr " " 47 Cut Rate Shoe Store k. If buying and selling helps to make a Merry Christmas, then McRae Bros, have helped a good deal but there's more to it than buying and selling can convey . . . We're Wishing You Right Heartily A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . and Gifts that Keep on Giving! Your Merry Christmas Store Th en It's Smoking Think of GROTTO Cars and Cigarettes and Other Sundries WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE THE BEST YET IN SPITE OF THE WAR. JT. ct f. a ct ct In the second game last night th afternoon for Ketchikan and Brooklyn Americans bested the u due back Chicago Black Hawks out to hfre tomomw h three and moved into sixth place out of their cellar tie with Mont- ' real Canadicns. STRAIGHT-SHOOTERS Christmas night games will be LONDON, Dec. 23: O- Women as follows: Boston at Toronto. and girl employees at the minis-Chicago at New York, Brooklyn at try of information are getting Detroit. Tnnrrt.Hma lAeertn In thA hca r Hockey Standings Boston 12 Toronto 12 Rangers 11 Chicago 8 Detroit 5 Brooklyn 5 Canadiens .. 4 W D 3 3 0 3 7 7 9 13 13 L CI 58 54 45 35 47 40 A Pts 34 27 33 24 52 49 47 69 66 22 19 12 11 09 WINNER OF TURKEY Bert Johnson was the winner of the turkey at Max's Bowling Alleys last night ct t COMEDY OF NAVY HERE I Hawaiian Setting for "Navy Blues" Showing at Capitol Theatre This Week-End. Featuring hilarious naval burlesque and colorful, tuneful Hawaiian settings, "Navy BlueV gay film musical, appropriate to holiday mood, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the end of this week, Friday and Saturday. Th picture is concerned with sailors on leave In Honolulu and the cast, headed by Ann Sheridan, Includes Jack Oakle. Martha Raye, Jack Haley. Herbert Anderson. T r. W f a it ... .fc wiMJii axia jacoe uicason. j There are authenUc replica of 1 whole sections of Honolulu lnclud-tng the main street itself as well as portions of Walkikl Beach and K the principal naval landing dock sj at Pearl Harbor. j Miss Sheridan and Mis3 Raye ".are cast as Honolulu night dub W I entertainers. Jack Oakie and Jack Haley try ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft a a Of a , a c. a CI a . a , a ct Ct - Ct Ct Ct Ct Ct . a Ct Ct ct u men ineir scipmate'i pay checks and pawn the batUeship's trophies with almost disastrous results. Ann Sheridan collars her man. Herbert Anderson, and Martha Raye. chasing her ex-husband. lac Haley, is thrown intn ian an" InternaUonal spy. tf tf tf "In Waikiki- anrt "Vm,ro Natural- are Its. rifles, pistols and tommy guns. SORE BACK? It may be your kidney. Gin PCI, th widely known, reliable kidney remedy, help bring relief by eliminitinj pais-causing toxic wastes. Monty back if cot satisfied I pills tin, 41 Pill. Urn tin, M MM (1 Ik VS nk for "Gto Kb"). H It's- wooderlul what a lltUe classified advertising may do for the principal song you. Most people read the classi fied ads. Kc, Roast MUk-Fed Clricken. Currant Jelly "Grilled Rib Steak. Mushroom Sauce 86c Roast local Turkey. Fresh Cranberry Saaee Goose. Celery Stuffed, Appfe sauce 515 Seafood Cocktail Combination Salad, Thousand Island Dressing Roast Stuffed Young Turkey. Cranberry Sauce Goo with Dressing. Apple Sauce FUet Mignon Fresh Mushrooms Fried Half Spring Chicken. Striped Baeen VEGETABLES Bru&sel Sprouts Mashed or Steamed Potatoes DESSERTS English Plum PaddixHard Sat, Gma Apple Sapce Pineapple Cream Pie. Hot Mince Pie, Iee .Cteata. Christmas Cake. COFFEE RESERVE YOUR SEATS IN COMMODORE CABARET FOR NEW YE.R"S EVE. LOTS OF FUN! Commodore Cafe "Tk Ti I Christmas Day Dinner VO gNO. tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf I? 1 Menu SOUPS Chicken Gumbo or Consomme with Mea. C0LMAN Introducing ANNA LEE with CHARLES WINNINGER and kEGINAID GARDINER GILBERT ROLAND KATHERINE LESLIE J HUGH O'CONNEU . COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 3 V PAGE 8ES THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, We Wish Everybody at This Joyful Season INCREASE Whifflets CAPITOL IN LEAD A rAMvUl PSATiaa l"llir A Merry Christmas From The Waterfront Today and Christmas Day and Boston Bruins Move Further Exira Armour's Salvage Coa power Ahead In National Hockey A Happy New Year League tii? nalv arrived todav from Van Complete Shows Dally at 1:00. 2:56, 5:02, 7:08. 9:14 Added of mate- couver with a scowload Feature at 1:34. 3:40, 5:46, 7:52, 9:54 . BOSTON. Dec. 24: O- Boston rlaI "r P" in MAX Bruins, by scorln? a close thrw new houses whlch are put A comedy with all the zest of a stolen f HEILBRONER to two victory over the New YorK UP kiss and ten times more fun! . . . with 3 Rangers last night, Increased their cj;jl steamer Prince George, Ronald as the storm centre of his margin of leadership in the Na- arrived In c t Edward Mabbs, wife's cyclonic flirtations. &z 6 in the IV, 1 , W V A Comedy Special, "Navy Illucs" with Jack Oakie, Ann Sheridan Mv -SPECIAL MIIMCITE PREVIEW, "Navy HIuch" Thun, XM TL b .. lLTlip.lii.XLJJ FRIDAY and SATURDAY ftK sr r LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTION GIVE A BOOK OF THEATRE TICKETS' ft ; ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Green Pei ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft POOR OLIVER SNAPS TO PIECES ' When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 13 21-Hour Senice at Re-ular Rates We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladles' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. S68 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE K7 Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 pan, caUing at Ocean Falh and PoweD River. ; Saturday at 11:15 pan, ealUnr at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Retufruj5 5 Q ft HA "nck't oa sale Nor. 15th. 1M1. to Feb. 15thM V VVV ml- "naj return limit March 15th, 1X2. Pics Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East 3Iocday. Wednesday and Friday at S:N pjn, Alr-Condltlc-ted Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information. reicrraUons, etc, caU or write R- S, GRE1G. CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 5 Third Avetu Phone Prine Ruoert Agenti for Trans-Canada Air Lines Idav LOOK OLT lilXO unver uoiasmitn, the famous The glass snake which is not a In season author, died with more than $10,- snake but a lizard snaps itself (moves forward (tf ) ; 000 debts unpaid. into pieces when touched. To all our Patr Friends we ub Joyful Christ?.! and a Prosperous New Year. I Ranee & Hardy FAMILY GROCXT. When Yon Want good taxi sERncr-caa 235 Taxi Proprtrtr - o