PAGE TWO TH1 DAILY KIWI , BOMBS FELL, BUT HE SINGS OX "HARTT" LEADS THE WAY Authentic Naval, Air Force and Mili- ' - tary Dress Shoes, unequalled in quality . anaVpriced right. We invite your Family shoe store ltI The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates EDITORIAL Best Wishes To Rangers A Wonderful Coup - - - Greece and Turkey to hold out against the invaders, fact it will have a good effect everywhere. Receptions To Willkie - - - Evidently the neonle of Canada annreciate the work world. Britain and United States are opposed to that kind of "constructive policy" and always will be opposed to it. It is to free the world from dantre dancers of such mai me present war is being fought. Destroyed His Picture - - - Boys in the schools of Yugoslavia destroyed the pictures of Adolf Hitler during the recent protest against the signing of a pact by that country with Germany. It was a terrible insult and doubtless an attempt will be made to avenge it. That the chosen man of a chosen people should receive such an insult from neighboring schoolboys is not to be tolerated. A g I fcuJdren ga ii. r a, und uu a. ta w-ifuea ai'.'-r uie t-id fc-Jed a blr.. cage from the rui. jf a lwose demolished curing a cne-plane air raid oj Londc. Miraculously the bird waa alive kept on singing FASHIONS IN RAIDS Bombs Or-o Bombs. Shows Go On All Prince Rupert people will join with the Rocky ( in London Mountain Rangers in celebrating their 56th birthday to-i Written for day. The unit has brought color and life to Prince Rupert.' By allison settle ! To see them march past is an inspiration. Their record ! londow, March 23: cp two! ha3 been a distinguished one and all Canadians will ex- spring fathfcn shows were held ml pect great things from them in the future. This paper London within a month. The nm takes pleasure on behalf of ourselves and our readers in 'or persons jnteresad to the bringing them best wishes for a long and brilliant career. SSLnS i Molyneux, Creed, Pacquln, Hart- 2 cups cooked pmt, cut inch cubes Vj sup French dressing tomato 1 cup cooked green peas Good hosts in every land provide Johnnie Walker ' ... because they know their Scotch Distilled, Bld4 tod Bottled in Scotliod VISIT OF GOVERNOR TO JASPER Their Excellence Jiate in; Stay At Mountain -3 cup condensed tomato soup, rthe King and Queen on their re- Mix together the dry mustard cent Canadian tour. The party and salt. Thea add th remaining 1 was later taken to Mallrn Canvon The main types of dresses shown Ie,L.indl fr ftU Mw view-along being done by Wendell Willkie in the Way Of creating a were: tweed a suits Su. .. stable w breasted v j roUry ,7? beater Un until U0 thoroughly : 'Athabasca Athabasca Vallev Valley from from the the height height tetter understanding hetwppn the British and AmpnVan but with lonr lacfet ii- pW. mixed. Makes approximateJy 2 cups of land land at at Lookout Lookout Point. Point. neonle. Mr. Willkie took his nolitical life in his hands Sant town suits, also single breast- when he broke with a considerable section of the Repub- f,1 thorte' nd -with wther lican party through the stand he took, particularly in 22 eSJ3 Dippea-in visiting ringiana 0 anu giving Q eviaence Deiore me ---w senate waists, nMMW, VVW often with to the figure but often break out .. -L QUAKER OATS IS A RICH, THRIFTY SOBRa OP VITAMIN,-QMS OF THE MANY FOOD FACTORS NECESSARY TO NORMAL NUTRITION ENJOY DELICIOUS QUAKER OATS DAILY! On their return to Jasoer Their ' " Excellences visited th. Fdith Cav- Y, W. C. A. ON WHEELS ell Memorial Church in the village LAjnist marcn xo. ine 3na ootn signed tne dook or xor- vwr a "Cub Vans" travelling glveness which was " placed in the Viib UOUlMVll itlKAHJLU . . . I . the uPtinn instep nf aHi A nrougn tngiana t0 serve the girls ... .church , many years ago. t.j j; ir. 11TMM , round j u.".' : cf the various auxiliary forces sta- The visitors then na he is taking. Canadians have given Mr. Willkie a wonder-young necklines innocent !!lr.u. e? i f ul recention in the east. .of raUa"- acsomoanied by match- r' ? . - 'f. " ?" Versatility Of Churchill - - - Yesterday Prime Minister Churchill had the double hio rft fiouncirm from knees to duty of addressing the Conservative party of which he is i'- &d jewels round the the head and the Trades Union Congress with which oth- J TXJ" JT' members of the Kovemment are closely related. There was &u7S& nut one story to tell them but he told it in a different way across th front of a gown ond and both parties evidently heard him as the prophet of merely curves round the arm hole the new order. He ha3 a big job on his hands to keep the, ai the various groups working in such accord that the war will! stay-at-iiome Trend be WOn in the quickest possible time. . Evening coats were scarce among Constructive Policy - - tne collections, it Is expected that entertainment will be held fai homes and not In restaurants. On It would seem that Janan believes in German v. Yo-'rimnie da timl ,rt. though , obviously zuke Matsuoka, Japanese foreign minister, said in Ber-,61 made for restaurant wear Jin that Britain and United States would always oppose' , usua"y tends to straighten Japan's constructive activities in the Far East. The Ja-'S, but tthildoes panese people believed Germany could keep faith with wnoieMeTthf & them Under their tn-partlte pact. clothes for spring and summer The constructive activities of Japan are seen in China i7"6 same was true, in a quiet where she slaughtered thousands of the people including1?' 10 5011 lines M weU a hour-women and children and where she continues to occupy IvSnfdrSLs11 ,n day OTi as much of the territory as she can defend. Another con- jacket of suits, structive policy has" been to creep m on Indo-China and, by single breasted opening emphasized S: Thailand and secure control and the right to occupy ports by de,icate revers curve gently and ' for the purpose of threatening Singapore and the East unobtnBlve"y into the waist. and. Indies. It Is a similar constructive policy to that df Ger- VLZ lJLc "1th tJocket' many in Europe where small nations have been enslaved ' unoMm1"- , ana oppressed and threats made to dominate the whole call at super- Jng short straight-hanginj Jackets. IT V , . "irououl untain mienoent ana tea was served by Sottthlttm;jnlntaK-lT-nZ, rPularlty.MTWood (crepe dinner dresses whHi cling tbe auxUlary omen. , Meeting the party at the saUon "Niter I tfxfitU human conjlut wat so much tutd hy i many it it ttr." Churchill The price of freedom comes high ... in lives. In personal sacrifice, In hard cold dollars. Millions " are needed now ... to feed, clothe and eqoip the men w ho guard the: citadel of freedom. At this fateful hour it is the plain duty of every working Canadian to SAVE, that Canada rnay plajf her par flotthijy in this Struggled for . . freedom and human deiency. , . v Invest in War Savings Certificates regularly. Build up your savings Now . . . keep hi it. Save for Victory. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA WAR SAYINGS PLEDGE FORMS AVAILABLE AT Alt BRANCHES OFF QUARTS 23 Red I.uc. j 40 ko.. QTiilt-iiiv at' 0.1' Canadian Rockies was in gala at- . .v.,. - . j . v. r " rB 4 , ure yesteraay to wewome izinaaa s hu tans- coast b( 5fE.T AST) VEGETABLE SALAD Govfrnor General and the Princess ttsh. The old Swift homestead was m vaneouvf r Alice m the course of their first the only one or ILi kind. In Jasper tog official visit to Western Canada. They arrived shortly after noon with OTer Canadian National Hnes and the Vice-Regal party was met by th local donatories, headed by 3i cup celery, diced Major J. A. Wood, Superintendent 6 tablespoons salad dressing or of jasper National Parle mayonnaise Capped, peaks sparkled In th; Cui rout loin pork or roast fresh ninshlne durinz the iftemoon and ham into V bvh cubes. Pour tht the world famous Mount Edith nell all the big houses put on i " " ' " ' " Vteu prcsemeu a lainauns ap- parades. There was no dearth of Z7JZTLZZ Z 77 - A te. -i- . VI i - " , I'. It. V hM. ...1 . a'"'S Ail euecuve mow tu uennaii ireauiiK was uie iuuu- roofed Mn and rfwd v..- Slav COUp d'etat in Which the pro-German government of "J 12JS.e' Just before serving mix weU uTbe presented to th- Earl cf the regent Was replaced by the youthful pro-BntlSh King w.h fnr ,.MrV4, , wlt dressing or mayonnaise. Athlone and Princess Alice and tha reier. r.viuenuy me iormer auminisirauon went quite lection of great elegance but re- -.v..MC.. w contrary to public opinion in making a pact with the Nazis stricted the choice for private di- Je 5? kiiAi?sert " and it was necessary for them to be turned out in order ntcfc to co models. t am in cava thP nnnirv frnm a nnrlirinn nf nnsrchv preoocunatea inougn. un- m..i t M, t . ':i A i.- til the manneauin took off the m guish between the suit proper with blouse and the dress-with-jacket. ' Slimness was also achieved although more material was used, than previously. Main Types French Dressihr With Tomato 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup salad oil Vt cup vinegar or distinguished visitors thoroughly enjoyed enquirinq Into the early days prior to the arrival of the Railroad hrough this section. .Later in the afternoon the visitors were taken by motor to pay a short visit to Jasper Park Lodge and were shown through the out-(look cabin which was occupied by this ilrrttvtm-nt Ik not publlnhd or dlaptryea b) the liquor Control ttotrd or by thf tw(n-1 nf JMUM. frtlurnhU 1 on arrival included three old Urn- National Par. .,: ers of the district Mrs. J. Swift, wsa a welron. 35 years of age. J. Dayer. 68 yean travellers pu.- of age, and Bert Morris, 61 years In the early dj. erf age the latter lwo being 'old Their Ex k soldiers of several campaigns with quite enjoy nu the British army. erana. Mrs. Swift has lived In Jasper- On Friday n for 49 yedrs and In nil that Ume. menu havihf ! Intfrrsl- has seldom left the valley. Mrs. intendent Wxk ftesort Swift related going with her par- ed to the f.,: - ents as a child on buffalo hunts t a P nur!' Timely Recipes JZJT", rv - "TLT wvm wcaicu in me urarc 01 iiic . OUOmy Wmrtlv TnrKnn onA tVnrut r.ln I N-G LO T 00K around tear bent I L. and tike cote of t'jt hrl nitureand woodwork uutccl a coat f Enimel, Tbe::n and linoleum that Varn:sb rl I brighlea. The walli that tbosU hare a coat of aemi-closs 5ita Finish. All thrte of tht to sua Satin CIo interior t.-ia are on wle thia wetk at i reduction. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 2J5 Third Avenue Vhoot Hi EASTER NOVELTIES Now On Display Priced From 5c to $3.00 Make Your Selections Earlf Ormes Ltd. The ReiaU BUrt Sunday lyi rbooes ' Opn Dally frm '-till H and UolluV Um it t VM' D