- PAffK FOUR TH2 DAILT JOTtTM v STRANGE INTERLUDE IX WAR AT SEA 'P. BIG PAINT SALE ''mm? 1 b i ioi r tint I 9111 Qt'AKXIOATSCOM. Match 29th to April 15th Multi-Use Enamel The Finest Enamel on the Market lOal. C.2l 1 Quart 1 PL Pt MPt. Regular Retail . $?.(H) $3.65 $2.00 $1.10 .60 .35 SALE PRICE.. $5.25 $2.75 $1.50 .80 .45 .25 GORDON & ANDERSON Send In Your News Earlier J ! , Canada At War 25 Years Ago P"e changed conditions MARCH 28, 1916-Austrians be-1 arising from the handling of i str(mg offenstve araInst Itai I Ute war news, the Daih-News ;iang n sector finds it necessary to set a 10 ; troops repuised renewed German, t aJn: i? ,nc fw news i attacks at Haucourt and Malan- eontnbuttons. To Insure pob- ;conrt ln Verdun area. Allied; llcatkm It will be for necessary coast. warships blockaded the Crete contributors to have their copy 4 ' in by that time or earlier if : t Dossible. Dreferabiv the nirht before. Otherwise it may hot ! be published. SMrrnEus recruiting J ! SMTTHERS. March 28: Copt. A. yj tux, recrurang oiiicer irom i Prince Rupert arrived In Snrithers 'on Tuesday nljtit vrtm his staff Mrs. Olga Jardine, representing . and has been busy in signing up the Young Women's Christian As-', -hose offering themselves as re-soeiatton of Canada. Wednesday e H toke ta the Hazelton " Tdkwa areas addressed a well attended and rep-, resentaare meeting of the local oistn. organizations Interested hi a hostel ' . Terr snMlfrc fn PrfnM WtTrwt I Silk STOCKINGS ! BOWLING SCHEDULE i- March 25--Knox Hotel vs. Ran-! Igers, Savoy Swingers vs. Big Sis-jters. Lucky Strikes vs. Bluebirds Stylettes vs. Annettes. ( April 1 Rangers vs. Stylettes, i Annettes vs. Knox Hotel, Bluebirds Its. Bis Sisters. Savoy Swingers vs. Lucky Strikes. April 8 Lucky Strikes -vs. Annettes. Stylettes vs. Bluebirds, Savoy Swingers vs. Knox Hotel, Ran-. 'gers vs. Big Sisters. March 29th is MOVING DAY IN RADIOLAND Automatic Tuning Buttons Will Require a Complete Re-Adjustment PHONE 6 For Service Don't Wait First Come, First Served f' .- i . . 4 For Rctter Radio-rRadio Service and Rettcr Value See TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver Big Missouri, iJ3. Bralome. 1025. Cariboo Quartz, 225. Dentordo. .004. Fainriew. .01. Gold Belt. 25. HecDey Mascot, .53. Minto, .02 ask. Noble Five, .00 ask. Pacific Nickei .04. Pend OreiUe, 1.45. Pioneer, 2.05. Premier. .92 task. Privateer. .49. Reeves McDonald, .10. Reno. .10Vi Relief Arlington .024 task. Sheep Creek, .84. Oils A. P. Can., .07 Vi. Cahnont, .18. C. & 1. 1.18. Home. 1X8. -paealtav sa$- tasJfir- -Royal Canadian, j094. Okalta, .53. . Mercury, .64 Prairie' Royalties. .05. Toronto AWermac, .IOtfc. Boattie, 1.10. Central Pat., 1,70. Cons. Smelters, 3625 (ask). East Malartic, 2.57. Fern land, .02. Francoeur, .40. Gods Lake, 27. Hardrcek, .78. Int. Nickel, 3425. Kerr Addison, 3.75. Little Long Lac. 1.75. McLeod Cockshutt, 1X2. Madsen Red Lake, .61. . McKenzie Red Lake, l.OG. Moneta, .51. Noranda, 54 Vs. Pickle Crow, 2.67. Preston East Dome, 3.15. San Antonio, 236. Sherritt Gordon, .68. Uchi, .17. Bouscadillac, .02. Mosher, M3. Oklend. .04. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 2525. a "want ad." ln the Daily News. High Quality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come ln and choose the cloth for your spring suit. Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Phone 659 CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, l).CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone M PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlnlng Signs LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's i ' Phone 46 of lands, a reduction from !ister $2000 to $200 in the annual fee in i Connection with the holding of jWartf Channel water power rites, j Irving N. Lmnell, United States I vice-consul here, has been trans ferred to Vancouver in a similar capacity. He nas been in Prince ''RHpert for the past four-and-a-f Th halibut schooner Tuladi, Capt. Tom Smith, today brought j in the 65-ton schooner Volarfle. I with cargo of salt and fishing gear. A derelict, it had been drifting at sea for two months. The prize was picked up off Danger Rocks, Banks Island. Steamship Sailings For Varrrou vti Tuesday Catala . ... 1:30 pjn Thursday SS. Prince, Rupert ir.30 pm Friday Ss. Prin. Louise 10 pm. Cardena ...10:30 pjn. , March 6, 17 and 27. JMaich 6, 17 and 27 SS. Princess Norah 5 pjn. From Vancouvei Sunday ss Catala pjn Wed. SS Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. ilk! i i tmw t m SUA SiockUtq tt4 Uh centicttt obui OUAKER OATS, horn IOO. ftieHkorowjrh, OMarm, m Utkaatnm, atkjtrhwta. TRY f; GUNN'S Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 IVariety Repairs ?Vot First Class Service on iBicycles, Rubberware, Tires, Tubes, Etc, Vulcanized Cth St. opp. OK Barber Shop' J r ' I WHJTE J WORLD'S FINEST DISTILLED IN VANCOUVER UHrrro Dtrnixrui LIMITED VANCOUVER. B. C This idvertisement is not published Of dispUyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of f British Columbia. "fiOVr.RXMENT !.l!-OU ACT" i (Section 26) Nntlre of Application lor a Cluh Llcrnre I ' NOTICE IS Hnurav nnrev .1 . I the 3 1st day of March 1941 next the ... . Jtnl"'ESa SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED InletwiK in mni .n t Control Board for Club Licence in .CT1JCT;t 01 prctmnes situated on the tOP floor Of Lh Dnnru. TR.b .1 ooamer of Second Avenue and Birth i1" iaim aescrlbed as Lot 11 and 13 rf Block 23 of Section l. Man "" City of PrtnO Rupert, l ...... ..v no eitrauon District, ln the Province erf British Columbia, to entitle each member of the "aid ClUb to keep on the premise, a wonalle tnrantaty of liquor for nrr-mn&l conwimptlnn on thej premles ln accordance -with the provUtons of the Government Liquor Act and the Regu! 'fW'Wrt thereuhder miW. hruary EMPRESS SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED iTtnldent. CO-ED Beautv Salon (Elsie Klohn) Exchange nidg, v -, ll . ft -HlACKCOS I Washington Provides Means of Ac-: quiring Rubber, Manganese and i Other Prftduets By J, F. SANDERSON Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON. March 2S- rfP Increased war tension in the Far. uui ana uie uaucans will not in-1 accumulate substantial reserves of raw materials for the United States expanding defence program, in the opinion of Jesse H. Jones, Federal Loan Administrator. Since the Reconstruction Fin ance Corporation obtained powers' from Congress to establish govern- ment-owned companies to acoulrel raw material reserves, substantial quantities of rubber, chrome, copper, graphite, manganese tin, antimony and other raw products .hare been bought. Although orders have been placed for thousands of tons of these wartime necessities, . deliveries have wen comparatively slow. For Instance, the government has purchased. 260 ,000 tons of chrome, none nas been delivered and only 7500 tons are afloat. The balance. 252.-300 tons, awaits shipment. oinuiariy. manganese purchases total 2,307.700 ton but nnlv ftn. 790 tons have been delivered and 97.895 tons are afroat. The same general picture is true of government purchases and deliveries of copper, tungsten, tin nntimrmv nnH graphite. Virtually an these metals ! are uuri In m nm , I w,v 4ir.ui vi ajjuuicr in Thi x or di Doatu the proce-bone of . Deipi'.a tween p S. gorr no gr" the u-u.. of ship;-prograrr. long-r.!: . to corr.; The ". ageme; machine orities :. manuf.i' orders T garded :. ers to v::. eluding on the ; . Although they face the tripie threat J jbma) .cs n.ine3 and bombing planes daJy these me., of a Br.Ush patroi vessel caa gt... ;r . c: e Af thcit number give a ship.T.i a trimming These utile pafro .-dap r.v u pc.;-L fur br.cf spells to refuel and tak on amir.uniuon and supplies. Their big job .s i-ep.: , u.c st a lanes cpea ihat England mav t M J her viia.i imports from overseas. Twenty -Five Years Ag( March 28, 1916 - j Mayor M. P. MeCaffery advised. fine dty council last night that. jwhfie in Vktoria recently, he had: secured from Hon. W. R. Ross, mm- C. N. H. TRAINS' Por the East : 1 Mondays, Wednesojs and Fridays L B pjn. From the East -Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday u pjn. UNCLE SAM STRONG ON MATERIALS Make Oui Stoj Shopping Headquarlf Satisf 'i.o:: bES"fl Tom Lee&i -iiorsE oFn.wi This is the Time of Year "hen COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us p.s to the best kiVl t uJf flirl Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & MeCaffery, LW PHONE 116 UNION STEAMSHIPS J Rfoarnftro TAnw. T1Imma tntlArt f(it ViiC via uvavc t-iuitc vmj'v"- - ..a ...rVAfl T.8.8. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. " UAV, 1:30 P.ro, ..... v.nr-nnvrr. 10:3DrCw W" . iue Vancouver, inurs. p.m. nut ' iate' v Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly Kupert march 3, n anu If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets 0 runner information Regarding Keservuwu.... I'KANK J, SKINNER, Prince Areni. in""'g-