lodiy. TROOP TRAIN MINED ciiiN-nitAi Hundreds of Japanese soldiers were killed L rnnn train ran Into a land mine in Chansi Province. lurrirors of the wreck were ambushed and slain by Chinese iuerrillas. GERMAN CLAIMS nnif ivTr,r. Rritih hlns hare been sunk and five mited by the Nail Luftwaffe, according to German claims iimnsil TROOPS MASSING nfTnrrcT itriiUh lrnons are renorted to be massing on nutugoSUT frontier to assist that country in the event of a p-wn attack following repudiation of the signing up with the purr rriic mnu ..-j -- - the defensive . . but is , as- . that Great Britain Is no longer on umlng , the offensive against Germany ana . HUGE'TOLtaAT BREMEN ,ut ' . . .... tu- nit. Mfn'uirv news service said tonight that ftbi recent series of Royal Air Force raids on Bremen had left 1000 persons killed and 7,000 injured. WINANT SEES BRITISH VICTORY . r-. uin,ni new United Stales ambassa- JUHH --1 - , . PliUiUU. J. i.mrhenn vestcrday. paid high tribute o urrai innam, i - - .... (nor U the .eadership -rW." ChZ tot'a strenth and undersianaing oi n w.r - Itlctory to Great Britain," Hinani uctu.cu. 0 SHIPS SHIP LOSS CAPTURED IS PROBED Ul Cintdlan Navy Takes Danish Tankers in West Indies tawa March 28: Hon. Angus tiflerlne without resistance, now fm part of the British merchant ferine Thev make five vessels Iptured so far by the Royal Can- pn Navy. F almy Days On ower Skeena Inuinilly High Thermometer jReadlngs Recorded this Week i H Followed, However, by New Snow on Hills ln town today from the Ecstall per Douglas Frlzell reported ex- Puonaliy warm weather there P" i week for this time of year. On Fa 92 In rr.1 U. COOl nn A , . p un bines men, nowevi-i, E " '""sraay there was snow half j"' uwn the mountainsides ar k. -JL-.:Tri.'AJ Investigation Proceeding Into Fire Which Destroyed HjI.C.S. Otter appear, the Investlsatlon will pro ceed. A tii mn -n oilicers lost, it has seventeen ratings-were been officially confirmed, oeinb drowned or dying of sno au - posure. The Department oi two oi- corvixpn announces that ucers anu j f Ynpn were saved by a merchant ship ana war vessel. Columbia men vere No British aboard the Otter. Air Transports Are To Be Built Vessel Being New Type of Naval Built by ALTy . will be of tag program. 8,000 tons e ch re. be used to carry aircran mote points , . Great Airp" b used v Brltalrt. . ' imam a-uu it UBRApY 1 -1 1 it. feather. Forecast Tomorrow's Tides Prince Ruper' Queen Char-. .High 2:06 a.m. .21.1 It ir.1 moderate i,!ands- with 14:28 p-m. 205 ft. Low 8:31 ajn. 3.8 It iiiht .""ff... ., 20:35 pJn- 5.2 It. alni par cloudy NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICE: 5 CENTS. No. 74. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1941. OKKHlOOOOOHXoaaCHJOO3OOOOOO0O j B B H I War News Yugoslavia Independent END OF CAMPAIGN NEAR nin An Armv xDokesman said toriav "it i tint undulv - - " tnlu . ptimiilic to prophesy that the end of the East African cam- iltn U in sight The Last African Lmpire of Italy is about one. WE ASSUME OFFENSIVE tnvnnv Tlir Koval Air Force nounJed the German In- i . . " - - I ...ui n(rn nf noloene and Dusseldorf with manv heavv ....... " -- - - ausiiiAt . Combs in overnight raids extending from the Uhincland to the Evasion coast while in the war at sea the Admiralty announced lilt the submarine rarinian same a o,uu-ion supply or iroop kin and a 10,000-ton tanker In an Italian convoy in the Medi- ferranean south of Italy. BRITISH SHIPPING GAINS invnON British shipyards are now turning out more Ship, than the Germans are able to sink despite the intensifl- tion of their war at sea. snips comiieiea uunn a iiciiuu iding February 10 totalled 10,000 tons more than were lost as remit of enemy action. GREEKS BEAT ITALIANS ATllKNS Fierce Italian counter-attacks on the Albanian Ln have been shattered by Greek bayonets. The Hellenese late made Important new gains. GERMANY IS 1 IMPATIENT Berlin Talks About Forcing Yugo slavia To Keep In Line-Dismemberment Threatened BERLIN. March 23: Official Germany Is Indignant and irnpa- j tient over the decision of the new : Yugoslav government to refuse to irattfy the Axis pact. Threats arej (made by high Nazis, that German '.forces will march into Yugoslavia I to v compel k- that nation ..-ww. to w live up to -w YUGOSLAVIA 1 I MORE HAPPY Change of Government Followed by General Rejoicing on Part oi j s People nraisRADE. March 28j (CP) 01 ON:;OFEENSIVFW ... - cii.ki lUnlrnant F. J. uunny. nonie in-lvrgiiia - . ... . , nr.ui.m-ii - . . , . taking tnicmff Wer liver of or the ine reins reins oi of office unite li. -1 .. iiu h. Rnxl ranadian Air I orce Jn .ngiaiiu, 1 by young King Peter II. from Re-opnt Prinep Paul crowds swarmed linto the streets of Belgrade, which1 a few hours earlier had Deen me scene of wild rioting, nags ana; hunt!? were broken out and the streets were decorated. Even the prospect of being drawn Into war hv a possible German invasion I under the suise of "restoring or der" dees npt dampen the spirits of the people; The country seemed nappy again after the young King had taken over the helm in Yugoslavia follow ing the popular wave or disapproval of Tuesday's pact with the Axis -v,i.h v.9ft resulted In rioung ana bloody demonstrations throughout the nation, many persons being killed and Injured in nights of dis- Macdonald. minister Of national ience in charge of naval af fairs, .prospect, uwcauwui , yugosiav Air Corps, -who tooK oyerj j -j v, mnhire resulted In the destruction oi we formed a cabinet UUIH.CU jmkiimj wt - .cr,c oftpr oft "" " v . . vwo jioyai uanaaian "; flrhor early saia ioieV -"""V listed bv a Dutch vessel, oi iwo.tne mourn ui o.- ' I noDUlation. miormea quarters j.aiu B . . . " . t-jl. Mrjnn,rfat st 11 UnKnOWIl. vs t- ,,, J'.tAt In f . anisn tankers in the wesi - ,ff,.,n..iv it was a mmwiiy i e capture took place some weeks soon as survivors a g fect although only Simovic andn j o ar.d the Danish vessels, sur- recovereu uom " war Minister mc are active n.iu.jr officers. ' p.onflicUne reports as to the whereabouts of Prince Paul. Princess Otea. One report was - - ai.v. . that Paul, who had approved the ivu nact. had fled to Greece. An- ihpr u-as that the couple had been , placed under arrest, suu anoiner from Athens was uiai ne au been killed. Most oi me ousieu Lmpmhprs mtuiucia v of the r"w overthrown " . tiu irlflpr n-prn imdpr ar rest some reDOrts said, Cvetovic! himself being in custody. London -Signs British-United March 28.-- m TZ'Zti treaty rnNnnti March 28: (CP) The' frctv fnrmallv lcasine naval bases i TT-i..j ctoicc in thp western' 1Q MIC UJllkCU OH"'" hemisphere W exchange ior invy Bulletins CONDEMNS WATERWAY OTTAWA Senator Arthur Meighen yesterday condemned the St. Lawrence waterway project as diverting money and men away from the war Industries. Senator Dardurand defended the project. R.OA.F.tMEN KILLED OTTAWA Pilot officer A. D. , Angus oi nionircai ana iximun the pact, threatening her with dis- j Aircraftsman Gough of Calgary mpmhprmpnt. if shp rpfirsp tn An. . il. i. t .... were Killed in mc hmh iso. Drastic developments will en- ( Koyal Canadian Air Force train- I Kit a i9 f ViarA ( nnt f f f 14 tfnn I I In other German quarters it was ' tarja !5am uva.ii uie a.uuuspiicre ui oci-1 Israie was "gradually returning to Inormal." It was suggested- that the IrcIiUca! change In Yugoslavia had been made merely to tone down Opposition among Ihe people to i collaboration with Germany. , ing plane near - Mount m . Hope, On- -v TO DISCUSS BLACKOUT VANCOUVER Mayor J. W. Cornett and Attorney General G. Wlsmer will confer here tomorrow on the possibility of a black-out practice in Vancouver. TRAL WINS CALGARY Trail defeated Lethbridge 2 to 1 In another of the Allan Cup playdowns here last night. TAKE JEWISH PROPERTY BUCHAREST Premier Ion An-tonrscu issued a decree taking over all urban property of Jews who will be compensated with.1 three per cent ROME IS GUARDED ROME Official Rome reserves comment on 'the new political velopments In' Yugoslavia and their significance until it has fuller information1.- HUNGARIAN DEMOBILIZATION BUDAPEST Chancellor Adolf Hitler has ordered demoboliza-tion of the Hungarian army and transfer of 300,000 Hungarian workers to Holland and Belgium. Margaret Sullavan Is Mother Of Son 1 Popular Screen Actress Gives Birth , to 7 round 15 Ounce Boy crowds in 'the streets cried Peter!" "Down HOLLYWOOD. March 28.-Mar .Lon Live King i t ivo r.rrat caret Sullavan. popular screen ac S," he United States." .tress, gave birth yesterday to a GAINS ARE IMPORTANT i British Making Farther Headway i After Gaining Control of I Cheren FULL FASCIST RETKEAT CAIRO, March 28: (CP) British troops are in hot pursuit f jUlian force retreating headlong toward the Eritrean capital of Asmara following the occupation f 'he kc mountain town of ChTtn yesterday bv British Imperial forces, the Middle East command announced today. A large number of the 35,000 Fascist defenders are reported to seTn-neek siese. Remnants of the Italian forces left behind large quantities of war materials a's they headed for Asmara, 42 mile' if the southeast, and it is posibl thy tnieM trv to reach th chief port of Massaua to make a stand or escape. CAIRO. March 28: (CP) British 'forces, which yesterday entered Ch?ren. mountain key to the Erl-Jtrean rapital of Asmara, made fur-1 ther Important gains and captured tren Ht Brlt!fh hands now appears imniineni. . A A dispatch Oispaicn from irom Nairobi, nauuoi, Kenya ivnija Rocky Mountain Rangers, Now Fifty-Six Years Old Following are highlights in the history of the Rocky Mountain Rangers who celebrate their fifty-sixth birthday fittingly in Prince Rupert today; March 28, 1885 Authority given by Hon. Adolphe P. Caron, minister of militia and defence, to raise four troops of Rocky Mountain Rangers. First activities: patrols from Fort MacLeod and Lethbridge along the border and reservations, engagements with Piegan Indians.. iniv i 1K98 Rerlment reorcanized as rifle regiment with companies located In ensuing years at towns In British Columbia iv i cabinet of . Premier CvetovlC, who , g and Northwest Territories wpnt tn rienn Vienna to n sign citm thp the aeree-!o agree Anriit i..rn( 4. 4. 1914 1914 Reri LIVER BIDS AGREED ON Prices of Canadian Fishing Co. are Acepted by Vancouver Halibut Fleet Rerlment took ud strategic positions in the interior of British Columbia on outbreak of Great War. October 21 1916 Rocky Mountain Rangers Battalion sailed from Halifax for England aboard Mauretanla for overseas service under command of Lieut. Col. J. R. Vicars. May 1921 With headquarters at Kamloops companies stationed on peacetime basis at Kamloops, headquarters, Salmon Arm, (Armstrong and Kelowna. .In 1928 Kelowna company ceased to exist, being re-established in 1937 at Revelstoke. August 26, 1939 Regiment called to active service for third time, patrolling and guarding, strategic southern interior points. June 7, 1940 Called to recruit up to full strength, October 2, 1910 Moved to New Westminster to continue training as battalion. February 22, 1911 Arrived in Prince Rupert where, under command of Lieut. Col. J. E. Wood, they form an Integral part of the new Canadian Army Refused To Ratify Pact And Prepares To Resist !f Invasion Attempted United States Formally Promises Aid Turkey Makes Overtures to Belgrade for Mutual Assistance ! Pact Germans Commence Exodus BELGRADE, March 28: (CP) Defiant Yugoslavia refused today to ratify the Axis pact and received from the United States minister a note promising full American aid if she is forced to resist the German and kalian nxmino TVio nnQ n'oo rlolix'omrl tn Tro TnarrW tsnlrlipr Prpm. havr havf been been capture captured hy ny the me Bri ri- amuco. iiicuu, a.o uui wv-j . . " tih who battered their way into jer, General Dusan Simovic, who assumed leadership in rt..r.n Iq wiinui9 afir a .vesterdav's coun. Air Raids Kill Many In Britain .. t Civilians killed In air raids on Oreat Britain since the wnr rran total 28359 and the manv prisoners including a origaue p(J 4() 16g ,neaaQuarwn.uuaQMicoui- nounced today ivn vsA finnAimriaH TVi t writ cri nxxT mo ;u nil i i'ui .va. a iuim( n control three-quarers of Eritrea and. as a result of the capture of it was an- . ttssjz ss-jir-ta MARSEILLES ovr,- where King Alexander of Yugoslavia, father of King Peter II, who took over the control of the cnintry in a coup d'etat yesterday, was assassinated in 1934. Thf unscheduled demonstration, which grew in volume every j h"'"" cp me after word had spread that a new anti-Axis government had been formed In YurcS'av'a. ENGLAND i IS QUIET Last Night Meanwhile the Turkish minister conferred with Sintoylc and is re ported to have proposed a mutual assistance pact with Yugoslavia. German journalists, economic experts, trade delegates ar.d nationals generally began a hurried exodus from the country as diplomatic sources said Yugoslavia had informed Germany that f uli llment of the pact was impossible I ecause it would be contrary to the will of the Yugoslav people. More than a million soldi ?rs are fully mobilized to resist Axi; arm ies If they should attempt to hold .Yugoslavia to the pact. I Young King Peter was svprn in today amid clamorous celebrations. The new cabinet of Yug Slavla . . . -1 tupnr lf Y riT eplJr Germanv whlcn had 86111 K- h J J 1 r UJLf an urgent note to Belgrade de manding ... clarincation . or tr - e ----- new Colony, announced the occupation Anti-Axis Demonstration In French government's intentions in regard nf several rjosts east and west of Yavello hi southwestern Elihoipla by irregular Ethiopian forces.. to the Axis.nact.. It was n ported" hat'Oeriih'y.vjBave: Yug 81a via j twentyf our hours in which to ex-j plain how ! the uprising woi id af fect the pact which the c jposed new covernment would not de nounce the pact formally, It would not be ratified. While 1,200,000 Yugoslavs were being called to arms to tcke up . border defence positions, the new government -warned the pe- pie to keep calm and cool and s bstain from demonstrations w;hlch might affect relations with foreign nations. The new Premier said that Yugoslavia wanted to remain "honor able and independent" The upheaval of yesterday, it was pointed out in official quartets, was HALIFAX. March 28: (CP)-wiin " -rir urn formed bv Gen- .5 5 ' ' ;did not auect. xoreign puuey. an an official omciai Investigation uh--.. now in leral Dusan simovic, Simovic, crnei chief oi of the w 5 fj. i i. l . pnvnnvt Af .t,WOii.nfihp fire which "" " h !erai "uaa". ,..1$ HirrhlirTnrc In I JlVPAl 111 All stm'W XXlgllllglllO VANCOUVER, March 28: (CP) Fishermen and boat owners last night accepted a bid from the Canadian Fishing Co. for fish liver production of the Vancouver fleet for the season opening April 1. The prices are I Halibut livers, 40 lie per pound. Black cod, 27 lie. Ling Cod, 60c. Seaport Staged By Thousands MARSEILLES, France, March 23: (CP) Shouting "Long Live VnvnthrSn n rrnu'd nf ten thou and poured spontaneously i Premier Cvetkovic had sign :d4 It inti Place de la Bourse today j was later Intimated that, wr lie the irvNDONi. March 28: London! . ... onH re- of England had stiii' weauier forecast another free night last night from Nazi air raiding. Early today a ctni-rip pnpmv Tiane came over a smp bombs to cause a few casu aities.. An alarm was caused in i u a wrr,11 fnrmnt.inn ( Furnished through the cov tray of the Dominion Meteorological B reau t uiitfa yiH Prnr. Himrrt T U fore- southeast coastal town, dropping .Ti, Today and cover ttw 18 hour period ending at 5 pm. tor oorrowl General SynopsisLight t mod- PratP rain has occurred n the AAttiinnr t n o ri t t vk i i i n i.r jc uiirui - eff hy anti-aircraft fire. ; North Coast witn log paict -s 0vr Despite poor visibility and heavy central coast. Over the south- 5 anti-aircraft fire, the Royal Air em w continues fiAripd 2 Force last night alarmed Berlin ' ' and and blasted niasrea western Germany in- . ..'.. West Coast 0f Vancouver Island 'I'lUajng We ItlUIU JIU IUIUH.UU..,. - T H . I dropping heavy bombs on Cologne j Light variable winds, it x and land Dusseldorf. The radio station warm in the southern portim and I in Berlin, wnere roreign central p3ru0n and clour y ana :rnrrl-a n JTnTi!in lis visitm.2. WKlt .. i . - . mild in the nortnern pari m- off the air. Dunkerque, Calais and,"4"" Brest on the invasion coast were . !i.faYkM Yosterdav British naval. . planes ranged from the Frisian Islands to LaRochelie. Tnese sirong attacks were the first on Germany since 10,000 bombs were dropped on Berlin last Sunday night... WAS ROYAL HOSTESS CARDIFF. Wales, March 28: (CD Frequently hostess to the Klnj and Queen at her Inverness-shlre seat in Scotland, Harriett Mary Mackintosh, widow of the Chief or the Clah Chattan, died at Cottreu, Telephone Directory Changes or New Listing for next issue of Telephone " irec-tory to be made In writ lg to Telephone Department City Hall not later than April 7th.