PAGE SIX Expert Optical Service Just Rambling BY ANNA MAY ULLMAN South Haielton Chas. Dodimead Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE - For Fine China, Dinnenvare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT pies, his own varieties of cake, cooking meat, etc. A friend swears .iiat the reason cook Lee Quoy likes him so well is because he once, helped the newly arrived Oriental to throw out his predecessor's pies at a local pole camp. At the outcost of Telegraph Creek, some of the young bucks : Getting a new Chinese cook at buy their wood ieady-cut while a camp or .lciel is a :a:ber ex- living in town. They are not lazy, pensive business. For although by any means, but think that pach one is clean about his work wood cutting in town is the "Jail-and his person, he sas abaut his man's Job" a disgrace. For the predecessor, "Him tea dirty" or Prcvincia Constable puts short makes same other disparaging re- term prisoners to work on the mark. Thereupon he gathers up wood-pile for infractions of trap-all the other cook's pies, cakes, r'ng laws. Bat cutting wood on the bread and' cooked meat which he trapline? That's different The dumps iirio U13 garbage can. Then. Constable has no trapline, there with the air of one who has for does not need wood cut out washed his hands of a disagree- of town. able Job, he bustles about the " kitchen, baking fresh bread, new Advertise in the Dally News. Peoples Store Home Furnishing Sale FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY ONLY Save Many Dollars On BEDDING -TOWFLS FLANNELETTE SHEETS Thick, warm and cosy. Soft rose and blue trim. Qg Double bed size V J. INDIAN BLANKETS Gay Navajo patterns. Well woven. The all purpose Q-f QQ blanket. $2JW tegular i? Jv REVERSIBLE THROWS Lovely reversible shades. Soft and nappy. Qrt QC Large ilze. Limited stock QJO BLEACHED SHEETS Special value. nx37, large size. Q-f ftp Each QXO PILLOW SLIPS Standard 42" size. Bleached. n Spscial, pair 0' WASH CLOTHS- ff P TURKISH TOWELS- (Face Cloths) n?5011 29C " HANI) TOWELS TEA TOWELS Special. AttracUve -f fin Per pair pattern At1' Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE! i In the Heart of Prince Rupert" l THIRD AVE. Next to Hcilbroncr's Phone BLUE 907 f MIMMIIMtttMk4MntMllttlMIHHMM : We ain't madjat Nobody I War Service Subscriptions Df. R. C. Bamford Mrs. C. Bennett Mrs. Fred Cameron P. DeJong Phillips Grocery $8 month for 8 months A. $25.00 600' 6.00 I John Bulger L(d JEWELLER S Central. Hotel Central notel Annex 150 Heated Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrl. C. E. Black, Proprietress ; , , 'I wnnmrnrnirim mw i ' NEW ROYAL HOTEL i. Zarslli Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM 75c u JO Koome Hot & Cold Water Prlice Rupert. B.C. Phone 2X1 P.O. .Rax I It THE DAILY KEW8 3IcNAB WELCOMED BACK FROM ENGLAND Wec- 1 t C.-.a. C .i-Buzde. Er..-.stMc- Nab. left . :: C-.s. t. w ..r.:.-r..-:::8 ctfi-cer of No. t Fighter adr; .. of ..j! R C AF tf--.f the heaviest fighting of Germany's b .ukr, ai;.:-. Br:uc Amj:.g those present to meet tiir. at the str-en when he arrived u Ottawa was the chief at the air suff . Air Vice-Marshall L S. Breadner. right ACTIVE IN COLLECTING Canadian War Services Fund Drive In Smithers Dbtrict Is Well Under Way SMITHERS, Marcn 28: The g committee in charge of the cam- rmfo-n fr tho nllMtisrt nf YimHs Flaten 10.00 - - .. ... . " v"""" " Dr. C. H. Hankinson 50 00 fU fiMi05 bfme Tei7 active and ar- w Kmir, JtSSv ""' 'nmsements are all made for the S- iIaMey j?2 handtog of toe drive in Smithers, E. A. Nickerson . 10.00 Mrs. S. Pierce 6.00 Rev. G. A. RIx 25JM Canon W. F. Rushbrook 25.00 Mrs. R. S. Scherk 60 VISIT TO KITWANGA L. H. Kenney secretary. In Hazelton, Adjutant E. Bruns-don of the Salvation Army will head the campaign while C. R. Bussing er will look after Telkwa. At the last meeting of the committee in Smithers there were twenty-frre present to assist In . ,. , , , . , the arrangements for a parade M?It It2r2i.!3 throa3h Saturday eve! .i 7 ning when the High School Cadets Z parade under K" Hot a visit to Kitwanga. One of .he - mstnt:U)r and gmitheis Brass Silas William Bevan and Albert Young. WANTED ;i i their parade through town. This event will start off the campaign locally and the collection of funds will be taken Care of by the Smithers and District Chamber of Commerce, the various railway organizations and other local bodies while the pupils . and students at the Public and illgh School will also take part by their contributions at the schools. The Canadian Legion has also been active and has already contributed a substantial amount' to head the list of contributors. Every member and every veteran in the district has been circularized and they have responded well to the call. Before the drive had really started the committee found Itself with nearly $100 in hand that had already been subscribed. Everything points to a very successful campaign for the War -Services Fund. ' YOUNG HU.MK GIMRDS EDINBURGH, March 23: (CP) A 14-year old youth of this Scottish city claims he Is the youngest member of the Home Guard in Great Britain, refuting "similar Cairns cf two 15-year old boys In England. ' , YES ! We Repair Water Pipes. Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $L50 Chimneys Swept '$3.50 HANDY MAN nOME SERVICER Phone BLACK 732 J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. FILM FARE FOR APRIL Capitol Theatre here. The list U as follows: -Q r.ria-srri H rtahinfiOn. Ann Sothern and Humphrey Bo- " 11 gart in Brother Orchid." ., March 30. April 1 and 2 Errol Flynn. Olivia d Harilland and Raymond Massey In "Sanja Fe Trail " - April 3 and 4-Betty arable, Don Ameche and Charlotte Greenwood in Down Argentina Way." (Technicolor April 5 Preston Foster Jn "Ger-onlmo" and Tom Brown . In "O Johnny. How You Can Love." , . April 7 and 8VRUz Brothers in Argentine Nishts ard Bob Burns in "Alias the Deacon." April 9. 10. U and 12 Gary Cooper and Madelein Carrol to "Northwest Mounted, Police." (Technicolor.) April 14, 15 and 1& Bette Davis 4 land and Herbert Herbert Marshall Marshall In In "The "Trie Let-fll55BBB April 17 and 18 Henry Fonda In "Return of Frank James," (Tech nicolor.) April 19 Sir Cedric Hardwicke in Pictures Invisible Man Returns and Gene Interesting List of Booked; for Showing Here Next .Month. w. April 21, 22, 23 and 24 Clark .Cable and Vivfen Leigh in Oone A number of Interesting features Witn the Wnd booked for April showing at the 1 ... - an, .vtM. , YouH Find Out George Formby 'IX APPEALS SUPPOSE your boy was on active service in Great Britain, Iceland, Newfoundland, or in a Canadian Camp far from home. You'd want him to have wholesome recreation, homelike social contacts and every possible comfort and happiness off duty. The boys of our righting forces are our own flesh and blood. From mine, sea, farm and forest and from city, town and villaec, they have cone forth as defenders of our safety, our homes and our way of life. They have broken home ties, left friends and loved ones, given up the comforts of home. Six great organizations are united in asking for funds to sec that those comforts are provided. Surely we, safe and secure at home, will provide them with moments of happiness. Let the volunteer helper who calls on you carry back your pledge of loyal support for our fighting men. The boys rely on the folks back hdme. You never have failed them you will not now . . . Give generously in this combined appeal. '"When The I ta 0ror8e Ualtons UM , - At 7:09 ,nd l:R BREAKFASTS A FAMILV MTIISE were the I AFFAIR IN OUR HOUSF.. ) At 8 3J- Oniji ITS A HOT QUAKER CATS ) WonLD NE" s t l;M 1 TWINS, THE BABY AND ) C0M,XC Saturday om.H (MV HUSBAND-BELIEVE) 0. Robing, MV PEP, TOO! V -BUOTHrnB2,r,U - iTnH 1 r -our Nolionot Campaign Headquart: 200 Bay Str'f Toronto Chairman lor nritlsh Columbia Lieut.-Colonel J. P. Fell Q B E- Vancouver YMCA YWCA CANADIAN LEGION ' WAR SERVICES INC. K OF G SALVATION ARMYV'I.O.D.E. Canadian Army Huts includet Home Services, V (0r tyetternTrooincea only,