to? Mwsfc 28.tJWU HOW CANADA GETS NEWS p2 Rouor. T,)RC TO, March 28: (CP smcolhly Into his finished writ (newspapers are set torth. I- WilV C UilU lifW ailU 'Id Pf a ' artvinn'e n rev-to ' i U 'wspfrman paper , KeporU" And Jleadllne. Ih News " His book, published by the Ity- Press. is the result of a U3h a .ignment heet'himself c;ver he coverage of news. 'haf h found is ipresented in a Hear factual report. Where ana- H-.-i treatment . Is called ..ivv. for, it McNauzht hi. flndln; !' fl H mnv ca romesSic and In cate-1 He tells how the newspaper nnsa me mam w uuuw. tlon: end a QUAKER OATS BOX TOP $1 CZO GARDE H OF f FLOWER SEEVS Ifnasin (rr 1 lr riniiLr Halt lt lop ou tin ,ir, II Ml mail valur 8 if patktgti of gorgioui tarieiies lfim Knic-winning uraimof lenll, wtrrancfd r (he fjmous firm of VuRhan', (let fall oee.ilj it yoar proctr'i i once CE Just Completed! New Ice Storage Co. Ltd Method Knsurinjf only low Wmperature ice throughout the . fishing" season Fishermen arc tfnvitcd to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Tempem'titre' Dry NoV oh Sale'hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage British Columm ' you have something to sell, a classified advertise-nt 1fl in f.hia nnnp'r will nnrm un vnu know if there is a y in tho 'city. - completes " his v.jtn - . waves, lie closes witn tnis aamoni - r Lrr' ra,y safeguards, therefore, ilVZTlZP- 'hat either the newspaper reader' - V... MAM is outlined, u...fc. r . , statements nil :z .rr : TOvrrasc .. In In h. same manner he tilscusses 3f SQUrces .fl world-wide news source of The - knowcd e he can Press with The :A08lated jhich or y&M Canadian Press is linked. 0f lndlviduaU iYl posslme i Jhe ry of news to Canada fcJas flnd appllcatlon Pdf due &h Kf 2, SS crimination, comparison nd "".r u,,u w ?. urier "1,1 ;i the analysis to all he reads or hears." vidual newspapers corner .1-e.view. ! Mr. Mau-rht gives con'Mernle rnttennon to th -matter of pre?-.' trifmr news from the Camdinn or.' Briwsh viewpoint, not clored but ! (rce from tforelen treatment. r He remsrks that "virtual unnn-1 mlty of views omon'r nubllsherS: rn such Important questions as . Whifflets From The Waterfront CPJR. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, which was in port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, had a light list of only twenty' passengers. One person disembarked, from the vessel here while eight .took passage from this port for Vancouver. '' ' C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, is due In port at 7 o'clock this evening from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waynolnts. FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK FISHEKJVIEN! Instal MARINE MOTORS Kermath or Lycwuing Acent J. T. BRENTZEN, Boat "Wanderlust'' Cow Bay bone of an ass." Itporter for his "Canada Oets news -.nanges in a major qevejopms manded $ory he places "technJcaHy" news'jtory are presented with photo from uie unttsa 'States. (graphs of . Canadian front pages. or writers of sensational head- Forelen News lllnes Mr. McNaught indulges in a Mr. McNau?ht finds that Cana- .bit of knitted-brow criticiscm, dlan new?ioar?rs u a high per- backed by well-ctocumehted evl-centase of fareizn news, ranshvr Hence. u from efcht to 28 percent of oil Th authar 'ttflTI'i 7 a flat ''SSftltoiii TEE DAILY NEWS :paoeve - , -SF9 Man in the Moon Sec here they come Young Mountain Rangers! New" to the north Hut never strangers. Kf'ijr we he proud, iff .future ages with our nrme and theirs Cii history's pages. .- Urally when people celebrate jh'eir fUty-stxth birthday they be- name's Jones and mine's Picken-schnclderf When' the count was married re- trcentiy' Jake quietly remarked: I rrhere goes another of the landed arMocracy.' "Well." replied the t, exasperated man, "I might have. aktry, with the article when you've done with it." 'ima jtaije evidence oi mgn jour- T" vr . .; r ., - -- r- , ' attainment, Curltan Mc- n,ade of forei!ni news ond its use Tjle daily -trials of newspaper- A youncr recruit in a military rid !- ;ht be im;s literally as wellnd tnatmen by Canadian dailies. men are reiated. Speclfio cases of lnR school fell ofr his horse, s i! uratively "a newspaperman's Jf" lcss nPortance Is attached this to ,onfUctlngr reports andi sudden The sergeant strode up and de Did you receive orders to dis mount?" ' l:, "I did, sir." "From what quarters?" i "Prom hind quarters," said the recruit with a grin. . . . IVlt a uiiini;?e cixjr wus lacing a wais has cleanly dissect- new, prin.ed L The source of this pmt0lM Job with a chapter on trough lhe woods when h(T noticed ;s 'iht all who news li larely the pis asrocla- ;he n?west source-r new-the aira bear flowing, smelling his tracks. "So; he said, "you 'like my tracks? Veljy good, me make some more.' SPORT CHAT Football Is getting away- to an early-start In Prmse Rupert thli adlan Corps of Signals Wednesdsy and being scheduled to 'meet the Royal- Canadian Air Force Saturday. Military teams, "It IS expected, will round out the regular city leagues this year. Indeed, there Is, understood to be some fine talent' among the troops here -not only in soccer but .in other lines of sport. . A record number ot, fines In National League hockey history re--sulted from a Stanley Cup playoff game a year ago tonight in which Toronto Leafs defeated Detroit Red ' and eight Detroit players"-drew $25 fines after a fight that Involved 'practically every member of the two teams. 1:30 tomorrow hjerxeftta.A'y.ancauven j 1biL DEVELOPING AS NATION 4 Similarity f Interest antt Trends All Made tor Unity f People f . Country - ."One of the things that Impressed me most on .my trip thrortgh Canada and during my visit in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal wxi the unity f of ' thought "P" of i the e people, Peop.e. tSie uie 1rr to settle down to a quiet life, Li ' there's nothlne oulet about,,,ar"..of &!'.iot. co?vem- 1h lids frsm southern B.C. " ? m? " fv (in which people conducted their af- Joke: "Do you know the differ- fvLryh,?re' ef 1 BnJL ence between a narlor and a bath- a,u r" ' w""' -"'- loom?" ! "No." Trit-'1 ' "Tliti vniiVI hotter not! 5 toward the development of W to visit at my house." tcnde4d , I . , . . a national unity and would even-! f 'f bad bran naughty and the,luay deveIoP rea Canadian na-i !trher hrl madithc two little tlon boy., stay in' after school, and each There was also unity of purpose , write his name ctv the blackboard In regard to the war. No matter) :-ijC0& times. The on started at! where or with whom one talked! ' encci but the other burst into tears ! there was shown the same deter- and cried between his sobs; ralnation to carry on And win ine , .. a . . i . ju i ? urn war. T'Trtle This rlitnrmlnntinr determination nadSiot. hnr1 hnt jnm" 'fair teacher, 'causs his (the Rotary Club at its luncheon (yesterday afternoon, P. H. Llnzey Jin the chair. All this he thought Irowever, developed " into action. The only place in which the speaker had noticed apy attempt at curtailment of exDendlfurcs was irt the railway dining cars where they served, only one pat of butter Instead of two and, if .a second pat was desired, it must .be asked, for. ,The other day I was passing Beyond that people seemed' to be down" Third Avenue when I was ac- carrying on Just as before the war. costed by a man In .uniform. He There was the same eating and, addressed me 'IShay, where docs drinking, the same amusements. Simple Jones live?" "But your and other expenditures, panada name Is Simple Jones." "Sure! I had not really vet enterfed the war know tnat, but where does lie live?" , except in sentiment. . v " I The speaker told of his recent, A young man had been In the , Interviews In Ottawa giving a .few business of Canada has becoms a Commonwealth relations places witness box a long while, bearing personal touches that he thought major Industry. With facts and .ae newspapers of Canada In a as best he could with the' nagging might be Interesting. He also spoke figures he ccnslatcs cumulation ...s.ion, through editorial expies- axm prodding of a flippant Darrls-. oI tne prospects of the building of . and survival with geogiaphy, mile- sicn and news handling, to guldeiter who" aimed shafts of wit mer-' tne highway and of a landing field1 age and .competition. Not even the ubll? opinion In a single direc salaries of reporters, editors, com- lion." posltors and pressmen are allowed! a chatter of ths book is slven Canadian Writer Tells Where And to remain secret on a plea for sub'0ver ui to bis the obuujr study v of censorship biuuiaiuiJ and oiiu How Foreign And Domestic Reports Are Obtained judlce. With his wealth of Interesting clauses of the wai-tlme Defenie of detail, Mr. McNaujht fits It Canada Retrulations nertalnlno- to cllessly at the unfortunate youth. ,Ior airplanes. He empnasizea uie "So," -exclaimed "the barrister. 'news he had received in regard to carcastlcally, "you really do not the building of big shtos in Prince ucjictc juu uuuiu tuuk an 'propaganda. In addition, principal, army of Philistines with the Jaw- The new speedways at Tpronto, outstanding features of life In the other towns were mentioned. 10K SAtJBi FOR SALE-i-MOdern bedroom uite complete, dinette set, kltcheff cabinet, .Duotherm heater, round centre table,, pictures, rugs, etc. Phone Red 591 or Red 878. (75) FOR SALE Rug and a few other things. 1718 Atlln Ave. . C!5) I year with competition between the varlnn various military Tnllitnrw units unite km now imHcr under 8AU3Engllsh 9 pram. K'"' . Good , way. The- Rocky Mountain, Rang condition. Blue 021. ers having trimmed th-.Royal Can-'poR, S"ALE,-Treadle sewing machi Ine $10. Dresser and woshstand $1Q. 22 foot extension ladder $8v 2 step ladders! larce $2: 1 (75) model Frisco Standard Engine -with 40 "horsepower clutch and!1 propellor. All In first class con- ditkm. For further Information see A. T, Ivarsort, Prliice Rupert j Dry Dock. (79) morning from the FOR SALE 6 fpool'surdyi, blocks: sail roll i at 8:30 B'tn a.m. a m rn on Htii and Imlllnfix trolllner gear irptirt 8 8 f It. t rnnrrin')! rowboat. ' south and will hew 30 foot trolling poles ;Also battery radio. Apply Cook's Taxi, j 1 Cow Bay. (75) i WANTED WANTED Furnished rooms or room and board. Box 87, Dally News. (77) TOR ItENI iWatl. n tPVT Tlf-f-i VrA ft -1 KArtiM a tm. i ill 1. Phoiie Red"480, i 176) URGE "FOLKS BACK HOME" TO BACK BOYS CvtMuurr House, Ottawa,. l-'ur the East i Monday) Wednesday; and . Friday v...- , 6 p ra, i-'rom the East Tuesday, Thursday' and Saturday.. -.. Tor Vancouver- Tuesday , .. Thursday - 512 Tatlsw St. (near JSth) 5-room j Friday ;...-. house. Fully modern, 2 bedrooms, I March 6, 17 :and 27 new pilings, good residential dls- prom VancoHTer trict; $1000 with half cash and Sunday balance at 525 per month at '6 . Wednesday ID a.m. Interest. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. I Friday - 1Q a.m. . , ' ... . ("5) March 13 and .23 , am. For Stewart and Premier Sunday 7 p.m. Wprlnpsfinv ' 2 njn. FOR SALE-Studio lounge, $37. ! From Stewart an& premier Phone Blue 909, . T7 ' Tuesday...--.- 11:30 xxx Thursday 8 p.m. , For' Alice Arm, Naas River ''and 4)1 Port Simpson Sunday , .. . 7 From Alice Arm,t;Naa River and Port Simpson Tuesday '.. 11:30 aju. 1, .Tra.ff -.J Vor Queen Charlotte Island, -Zr&Zr'ZJ?i March 3. 17 and 31 ......10 pm "V y-' - " fPrnm From On Phone 572. Queen Charlotte Islands -l iR oTii' inr' FOR SALE I .seven iborn; hbuseJ Wednesday .......... ' furnished.' '9r'J; i'' March 13 and 23 radios; '.1i:j:flaflwKfci; trola; "1 oil burner Phone 791 SALE A 20 horsepower latest From Alaska- Thursday .... March: 6, 17 and '.17 .-am. 2 p.m. .3 pm. . 6 pjn, pm. Try a. Dally News Want-Ad. Reach ten thousand people with lurch 1941 rrlMMf All aod X .r glad to btom Patron of tifco CsMdUi Mr torrltoi riwd, for w ralii( Xt Isvaluabio ' iMUUMt U4 xottor organist Ion hv etvon to our Araod fmnik it hmi tint broid. M botro booh prlvlltgod to' tboM Mr torrU ' oork in Cnoda and Crt firlula, and o aro iriaU larOd 1U Um oxetlltat work tboy aro iaiug :--Vo oaiaWt aifAaaiM.'too graatly tho laportaaea oft-powidlaf ylaaaaat rocroatloft, hMlth rakacatlon and coaforta for our aallort, hUIih ana alran, and aro turo that BotklAf ooBtrloato M such to tholr phyatcal.and oplrltual oll-txla. Dmoo aorvlooa Unify to Uoo tb affoetlon a4 UiouffctfttlMM of ta folaa Uek boat. Tao Salvatloa Any, tbo YJi.CA., Uo Y.W.C.A., tba-Oaaadlaa Logloa, tbo KaUnia of CoIibAmo and tb I.O.SJl., hm atU4 In Um Camdlan fcr Sorrleoo rund Caapaln, aad w ... tbolr ala aad ourpoo to all Canadlaaa. Majr-noral Ta ooJL.DJKftto, C.B., aatloaal Cbalraan, Canaillaii or Sorvlooo raad. 200 Bay Strott, .T3RIOTO, Out. Year olneoroly, The Earl of Athlone, Canada's Governor-General,' stated he -, and the Princess Alice were glad to become patrons of the Canadian War Services Fund because they had seen its organizations at work In Canada and Great Britain. They recognized the invaluable aid these services gave the fighting men of Canada, he said. "Nothing contributes so much to their physical arid spiritual well-being," His .Excellency pointed -out-in-the letter reproduced ipove. ''These services signify to them the affection and thoughtfulness of the 'folks back home'." Mail Schedule RED CROSS CHIEF CAIRO, March 28: (CP) Sir Dimian Mkenzi -Mi 1 sen appointed Red Cross and; 'St. John Commissioner far ihi'Mlddle East, sucijectiing Lard! Scmei now Chief of British and Empire Boy Scouts. WELSH COAL -FROM' 'EGYPT 11 p-ra': CARDIFF, March 28:tCP)De-splte enemy submarines and sur-f 12:30 noon face ralders Weish coaf is." reaching 10!30 pjn. Egypt, said Dr. Jassan Nachet ... 9:30 p.m. pasha, Egyptian ambassador, add- im Jng "We couldn't do without Welsh coal." p.m. - . HHBBBllaa Ttiii idvertinment l net publiilnrj TNI IIITIIH I COIUMIIA oisTimir co. im Mw wtiiiigiai'; . fhy lh Liquor Control Botrd of ky ikl CovtrniMtit of BcltUi Cclar4l" The Wise Person gets a lot of satisfaction out pf every purchase they mate. If you have an idea as to what good coal should be, try a ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money 'you spent was wisely Invented. Keep our name and phone number In mind. Com for f won- WAenjvui ton 0 i : flit srzzc OF Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE tSl j :65? I