.4 Pi 1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RDPERT - BRITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor , SUBSCRIPTION RATES t A, Subscription Rates In City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month. 50c; One Week, 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall. $3.0Q a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........ 98 ADVERTISING KATktt Local Readers, oer line, per insertion .. Classified Advertisements, je word, per Insertion. . DAILY EDITION Fly Flags To Boost Bond Sale Democratic Weakness Mrs, Laura Jamieson, writing tq a Socialist weekly paper recently, told of meeting people of a fishing vii-Jage a,ncl pf the reasons given why a jetty was built. "Several reasons were given hut the only one they never bought of yas that possibly the jetty might have been needed and, therefore, the government, on the advice of the IocjjI member, had built .it. It is difficult to serve people who alwavs aseriho wrong motives for pvprvthi A Poor Prophet Lindbereh has hpen fpllirnr btates that Britain was beaten before she started. The Minneapolis Star-Journal, published in a part of the X?Jh r HMr?h beep . ft?n Whom thmnrl! ' J?-r i-rlloV. U.i., 1. 1 very i popular 1 ... and . .,..w,v. iiy: ut ueen looKeu upon with favor, declares, that in past wars England always had been beaten at the beginning; but always finished in the money. J That paper goes on. to say; "Why should Undbergh tell the United States what to da pny mare than "Wrong Way11 Corrigan? We have thousands or armv and nnw nHnte win o ..t SVp6 fLlndb te&Z trained and more entitled to speajf, They.re the ones who know, not Col- onel Lindbergh, who has naexperien.ee in military and naval affairs. Hej8aod.sttunt.fli .25 .02 iiiemDer oi Audit Bureau oi Circulations member' of nit Canadian press .1? S? Pre!T' u exduilwlj eoutlai to ate lor republication of all newt wSgM&S0 PP W tn All rlghtj of republication ctf torcitJ dBoatohe thereto are aso reserved Wednesday, May 28, 1941. EDITORIAL Be snob, if you like that kind of thing. Most people don t and will give you the cold shoulder if you put on airs. Tank Warfare - - - It seems today as if modern warfare to a considerable extent depends upon the number of tanks employed. It Seems almost like a rpvprslnn tn tV rJoc ,v, 4.x. '. used war chariots m battle. is sajd that the interior of ' thp Tnnlr io o iinnlnni.n.i i i i , , I iT'i ' uuiJicaaauu piace n wmcn io nue and, jYhile it is much pleasanter to be inside than out when bul-Jets and shrapnel are flying in every direction, yet there is JittJe chance of escape if anything goes wrong wf h the la There A Deal? Jhere really a deal consummated between Stalin and Jtier? ix1? fSored that Stalin is. to have the Iran oil-iields and Hitler the Iraq oil fields and a slice of the Ukraine wheatlands in case the British are defeated. Possibly there will be other plans made for control of other areas but they might as well forget it. Stalin seems too wary to take a chance against Britain openly even though w,1 l,oe5 nl Know tne lin tish LOCALS f Mrs. A. Ivarson, hp has. been on a visit to Vancouver, returned home from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Jesse WiJspn, travelling auditor for Canadfcyi National Railways, arrived hi (he city on the Prince Rupert th morning, beinsr hre on, dry dock business. , Diphtheria toxoid will be administered tomorrow afternoon to babies and children of pre-school age at ping Edward school. This, will be the last opportunity to obtain first innoeulatiofl. James McColl. Llovds lnsiwtnr arrived in, the fity on th,e Prince Rupert ti rrorpin.g fccm Vancouver, being here In connection with the launching of M.H.C S. Kel- As another means of concentrating public attention owna froin J?caJ dry 3k this OJl the imnortance nf snnnnrtincr th Vurnrv T.non 10.11 afternoon. campaign, federal, prpYincial mid civic authorities have instructed that, thrniip-hnnr thp rliirnHnn nf tho n cf Sivf inn novf iinntr "1 V U 11 U ri ii 1 nii uv.. nccn, .wigs piiau ue nepL iiynig over an puu lie buildings. The suggestion would appear to be appro pnate that a real "shnwino- flip flaor" " rlomnnctvaf inti a made of jt in Prince. Rupert; On all hands we are being impressed impressed with with thp the necessity of 'Wn7nvTr v.. 7 Brigadier R. M. Qarssline. director general of medical services of Can ada, Ottawa, and Lieut. Col. p. Kenning, district medical officer, Vic toria, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this mornlnir frnm VSTJSiS .- - . ' ,z. - ' " '"'i"uc ucutiai uurssune Will pro- tills campaign. If T. flymg the flag Will help, we Should allseed East by the evening train. Col. be for it. It is little enouph to dn in t.hPKP shVrino- timaa Kenning will return to Victoria to- J' - v V i V . J . - - - It in nn nui..u:i.& J 11 i i V . , ninrrvitw VlrrVt " a uppunuiuiy ior us io demonstrate our interest M " M- and snnnnrt n-f tVifo iritol nnlavf n1rmn T ni- ..r. 4.1 e I i'iat Pce? of business and at our homes where possible, fly the flag, help the campaign and support in this way the fight for the preservation of our country and the ideals for which our flair flips. When you are satisfied with yourself, the undertaker begins to smile. ' ' The lom3 Sale-lent! mam FOR SA1A POP RAT TAr4Hln ,.f J Greenhouse, Alfred Street, see Mr. ' 1 Wildinsr. nor.il TIH DAHTf KEtt AUSSIKS HEADY IN THE RUBBER COUNTRY NAZI RULE DIFFICULT IN FRANCE Survey Reports On Position People And State Of Work Of OTTAWA, May 28: (CP) Great est reaction among the people of A squad of Australian troops seme of the thousands that have b een poured, in Singapore and other stronghpld in M; the Japanese bepan making threatening gestures is shown at bay onet practice among the rubber trees The rubber c a Malaya are the laraest m the world-one of the reasons that Jap un would like io take ti2 peninsula into her "new order f- Yoke of Oppression- rood and fuel substitutes. -Among thousands of men, women and!tween 20 and 25 wc. 1 Z" t9 iiutivckautr 111 liQfC 11 SdnSS anrffS -d perseverance heroic living, especially among the 3,rt " rewardea by the'" confidence they vouns nenniP have won both ln-1 FOR SALE8 feet 2-lnch brass tail France unoccupied by German workers have carried on their work Br,nl L: shaft with long sleeve and bushr troops, but feeling the burden of and mrt at the Nlmes conference. .J , , '30 other nattonalitics mg m perfect condition; complete the Naz domination. Is of a men- Barot. well-known to yv wuuiE ni tyon PIG EON'S set of taps and. dies, VSS;, 15 tal and moral order, says a report workers, was appointed Counsellor i, 5P:'ai assignment the' The average life one-inch boom chains; 2 bath received by the Canadian Y. W. C. ot the National Y. W. C. A. In tha elIare 01 Pe0P'e expelled from pigeon Is 14 to 15 yci tubs; 10 wash basins. Just like A. officials from Mrs. E. B. Fox of unoccupied zone and organizer of ucw.av.naii price, rnone 324. me Anerican-YjJA. .. . wk ior the Committee of Chrls- C. Furniture. tf "Wfijle enoVrfngrearprTVaftons t,an Associations in the refugee or qATRnvprho,,i ad vov ln daUy struggle camP at Gurs. vfrtee Vp Hex ! f -tar.es, Mli. Duty Imoerial 2 teat stove? one ?u. fUel f00d' med:ca? PP11". K'le de Ferrpn, Marie Bounlol with oSer 4" S? r! fnd TCtS;" WiteS' Ca BrU:ker' whn had anchors, net guard and gllfnel J ? i$, d by nM- work dins the winder line, 740 Tayfor St., phone 12 iMw&ft mhs were able to reach 150 Jut FOR KEN! FOR RENT Small furnished house. Appiy co-op store. (125) WANTED politicians who put these ideas into people's minds. In WA.TED-Bright young fellow for this case it WOUld be the C.C.P. Politicians nr thp rnnPi-J day work- Chr5s' Mm Bakery. vative politicians. But the Liberal politicians are just as lnt verythm that th opposition does is bad pr, if gpod, then done from a wrong motive. While there is no suggestion that Mrs. Jamieson ascribed a wrong motive for the making of a needed improvement at a fishing vil-age she evndent y enjoyed recounting the fallacies of the fishermen at the expense pf political opponents. She would have been more worthy of respect if she had sug-ges ed that possibly there NYas a right motive, the motive that the jetty "was needed and therefore was built to serve the fishermen .md. not fqr some personal or political reason. (1251 WANTED Experienced stenographer for summer month.?. P.O Box 127. (126) NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Prpprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 p.o. Box 5 FKASER STREET Prince Rupert uuwiue wuria, me continued vuaunucu 5f separ- Lur . FOR SALE 7-room house 332 7th atlon 01 families and lack of com . i . ' tnitnUnflAni. avc. iasi. wear Doth school.? and -wuiu. dry dock. $2000 cash. Phone Comparing conditions with those Green 922. H2S) of last September Mrs. Fox said. "living and travel wnrilt.inn Vinvo become oecevme more more normal normal for for citizens citizens lUaillUiN POmTTON WAMTPn WAMlhU , 'of the country and . ---- j privileged fii'urBcu for- mr- DESIRES Good Position Have Al igners- Most of the overcrowding ftaerences anq Donaed for last 14 owii ueen soivea Dy years. For further information , pncentratIon in camps of tens BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM Close In. Oontlemen only. Phone Black 965. (tf) (122) oi reiugees, most of u wiinouc means of support, Hotels, pensions and train5, however, are still crowded." Work Of Girl Guides Mrs. Fox deTibed the work of the Girl Guides and Boy S-nuU both CathoW? and PmtPttant "tv,J outrtanding Impression of my con- xacis with thes? youn leaders is Special Afternoon CRUISE Through the Skeena River SATURDAY, JUNE 7 S.S. "CAMOSUN" Leaves C.N.R. n0ck 2:60 p.m. Return 5:00 p.m. Excursion Fare 1.00 (Plus Tax) Children Half Fare Accommodation Comfortably Limited Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 .MAIL US YOUR FILMS TODAY Any size roll developed and printed 25c Special "Decko-Art" prints Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFENS-COLMER PHOTO CO. P,0. Box 220 Vancouver Hfi. i J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Uldf. Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVEKSIDKS BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE i nones 18 & 19 p.o. Hot . THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all th year round payroll Io Prlnte Rupert The "Ensljn.- At Pocket Watches 2.25 Sweep Second Type Qgj "Mickey sjouset Lape The At A of their courage and perseverance of the 196 Y. W. C. A. centres and Alsace and Lorraine S c in constantly making known their reported that the work was. being how the work is u -"" i views and the carefree manner in carried oq with "devotion and mony with the Ca ' Which they accept the hard physi- tireless energy." workers and pries' T cal condiUons under which they . Work In Camps !ur the Catholic-.-, a ) v live anc work. In M,Je Barol.s rpport m laid the Prote.Mani In :onne;tion with th2 privatloiu work in the camps, she. said that i8-000 refugees t-.;.,.:-of the people in general she said y. w. C. A. and C I M teams here " cue s "constantly amazed" at the had worked hard all' winter trying 1 ln othr Uiternmeir r mgenuiiy snown in ais?overlng to amelinraiP th .ffrt "centres d'aueil- In spite of difficulties th -vc w.T .iT" . t--na. Your Investment Tl; V . lliw UtX 'HllT only were there tcr of Prent-h but aliens I.IFE Donnacona Insulating Boards WAU BOARDS We have on hand large stoefcj of coal to suit every requirement All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a ccapietc ine of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are (rom the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln drird and nave ail of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability SAND PHONE rtt1 CEAIKNT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. " m m. m b3I PHONE 05! INGERSOLL - Famous Time Pieces - Scn-iceablq- Attractive and Fully Guaranteed The ".Maple Leaf g2 50 At .. . . TM di0- 2.95 "Pendant" Minia- gff ture Wrist Watches S4.95 Sweep Second Type JJ gQ The ".Malnliner' Chrome The ".Mainllner" 6,50 The "Lassie" At "Mickey Mouse" Chrome The "Keltwi Escort1 The.vKelton Hean.' ' At S4.95 4.95 86.95 $8.95 Everyone of every ago needs a serviceable, dependable Watch.-r-INGEIIS.0I44 WpnJies'tM need Now Sold in Prince Rupert at