ffednc-.day,May 28, 1941. ' -A' , . . Tim uatTjT mrxn ' ' Bmw litems ' ; In 1918-1919, when Canada asked its citizens to loan their money to the limit, they did it enthusiastically. It was sufficient for them . to know that Canada needed the money. They poured out their money to buy Victory Bonds in $50' s, $100's, $500's and $l,000's . . . yes, tens and hundreds of thousands. The loyalty and eagerness with which they loaned the money astounded the world. And Canada paid every cent of principal and interest. We did it before. We will do it again. From our now greater population there will be another outpouring of dollars for Victory because the threat to our freedom is graver now than it was then. Canadians have never failed to back up their fighting sons with fighting dollars. "'Come, fiien, let us to the task. " NATIONAL COMMITTEE, VICTORY LOAN 19.4 1, OTTAWA, CANADA mrr ... . fiqi tnnr mi : 'is : 1M nj, ... . . . ' f ' - '5s. r- m m 11 1 ' rTTTl '! 1 i - i 'it ji.' i