Ar force i"hcS again ai inomer Mine uril Sweeper Takes To important German Industrial Water This Afternoon With Mrs. Alberla -Light Raids on H" " ' ""meson (Jhrislen m it England I mine sweeper to be built May 23: (CP)-,Royal at the local dry dock In conne" Fon-r manes ruiuvu wv nnine- uon wiui the war shipbuilding pro-La intiM " tal city of Cologne and gram, launching of II m c s Naz 'jeeupied French coast Kclowna was parried out sirces-' ion. setting large fires and fully at 2:40 this- afternoon when dolus ohv,"ui' damage. lhe vessel slid safely down the LlgW N-ai forces scattered bombs dip with Mrs. D. J. Malheson wife .er souinrrn England last, night, of the city commissioner orr'iciat ;ileht damage and Ing In There wa;. casu- traditional manner1 at the Jltit, w,.r. few. - christening while Rt. Rev. o. A. Rlx D- D.( Blshon Of na1Prln'r,lo Freedom Torch Is In Edmonton rack carrying the torch bore a banner declaring "Edmonton Helps Finali ihe Job." GOVT PAYS ALL TAXES titans l Account On Local Im provement By Sending Check lor $15,000 To City Hall "cross ihe Atlantic from Lisbon. Let Principal Uphold Principle'. Buy Victory Bonds! 8c Halibut Sales American- 148,000 pounds, 10.1c nd 8c to 10.3c and 8c. Canadian- -10,000 pounds, 10.2c nJ7,5c American Hellsolajid,', 40,000, Booth, 10.3c ind 8c Thor 40,000, Royal, 10.3c and 8c. Bonanza. 25,000, Storage. 10.2c and 8 Lanwug, 14,000, Storage, 10.3c and 8c. prtse'. 13,000, Pacific, 10.1c and JlM W "7 I'm A r i r n.. On Canadian Mother n.( 6,000, Storage, Vlc'ory Bonds A Passport 10.2c no i or Int'-ad. 4,500, Atlln, 10.2c and 7.5c QUEEN 'S AIR RAID FUND A ''lif.:k is being sent today to ie noyal Trust Company at ""nireai for the sum of $14, mnc collcqted since the last mourn- of $122.50 was forwarded. ine fund will still be open and "Ut Daily News will be glad to ack-""ledge and forward any founts received. deviously acknowledged ... $12.00 " Connery - 2.00 1 blessed the ship and her cause After the launching, little Norma McDonald presented Mrs. Matheson with a beautiful bouquet. Following the launching, there (was a reception for official guests IhU ow brings payment of local Commander and Mrs. Charles R. T 1 Ti Tl . T ... f . . vcnir:;r taxes on provlncially )' "kiu '- l I ) dale. Ambassador Is Returning Home Mm (-. Winant on Ills. Way to Inilfd States by TransAtlantic Plane mandcr and Mrs. Philip M Ray. Commander Geoffrey. Borrle. Mr. alid Mrs. Arthur Brooksbark. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lakic, Shipwright Commander C. II. Brown, R.C.N., W. T. Moodlc, Leading Writer Carl V. Smith, on Official Duties. Writ er William II. Murray, on Official Duties, A. B. Stewart II. May, E. Kinney. Wt, Engineer James v. Strickland, Lieutenant Frank C. Adams, Flying Officer E. O. Sym-onds, Brigadier It. M, Gorssllne (Ottawa), Lieut. Col. O. Kenning (Victoria). Praises Work Of Railway Vice-President Vaughan Mentions. Shipbuilding Being Carried Out j At Prince Rupert ton mile freight rate Is lower man -4h nmnnnv having contracts to for naval mine sweepers and ten large freight vessels. Speaking dlr- Vcl, XXX. No. 124; May 23: General (CP)--In Calaratl, .ona b-ant amounting to $45,000 Miss Florence Watt. Lieut. Cc. and commanding the Sfith Italian km provincial government ms- J- wood, Lieut, command- division, has surrendered ana -J I T n Plf..t V. I t-l- 1. 1 Jl.,tnlnn It. vnnvtnrf ;t::rj ; al improvement taxes V1 ",u ciim-. au. ana t his wuuie uiviaiuu ic(j""iu sa city io'.i held by the govern- Mr5- u- n- "unier, uigm nevercna t coming in . i it. on1 Mr fl A Wlv I lonturnnt 4 z .! i.i iauous pari 01 inc cny. -. A m or so ago a. first grant of and Mrs. L. F. McQuarrie, Lleu- HC 1 ; h.s account had been icnani Lawrence TicKe, iwr. ana jate Mrs. Thos. J. Boulter, Lieutenant iraw rrom Egyptian Pass Retirement of British Troops Near Salum is Said to be Only Temporary CAIRO, May 28: (CP) The Mld- on die East command announced to- Offlclal Duties, Lieutenant and day that British troops had tem- ,Mrs. J. II. Davlcs, Mate and Mrs. porarily withdrawn from Halfaya .inim a Hamilton -Lieut, md Mrs. Pass, strategic position In Salum George GoldsmllSi. Commissioned area on the Egyptian frontier. NEW YORK, May 28.-- United Wrllcr Trcyor w Kenslngton, Mr. . , 8r Ambassador John O. Win- anfl Mrs Wcldon R McAfce, presl- jr. p. .1 1 am rvoy to Orcat Britain, is due . . Prln(., chamber of ft 1110 S iJlttndaY home Friday fnr n visit He will .. ' j . n.t O cmfei with the President Franklin Commdr. James Anen, r.c.n., d Roosevelt and or State Secretary L, t Evan E Humphreys, Lieut, lordcii Hull. Mr. Wlnant Is flying .,u-. t, - ,iiuvii, w. . .jv . . w... r , Limited Holiday Banks, -Schools And Government Offices To Observe It But Not Stores And Industries VICTORIA. May 28: June 9, Uie day set for the observance of the King's Birthday, will be marked by the closing of banks, schools land federal, provincial and civic offices but will not affect stores, .industries and such establishments. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate to fresh north winds with some scattered. a uni, 'cloudiness ua but mostly fair and MONTREAL, May 28.-"AltlvoughtC Canadian Railways buy their sup- ,nil'u- plies at an average of 25 per cent; or your PersonBuy. greater than the cost to Unltcd vlctory v" Donds! j States lines, Canada's average per ; , fcapid. 9,000, Storage, I0.2c and j , any country ln the world except (JjrJS beaming japan, wnere cihjjuj-- --- . a few cents per day." said R. 0 p f J l L i Vnnffhan'. vice-Dresident, purchases stores ,and steamshipa, oaiwu. National Railways, who was gutst, lONDOn, May 28: (CP) Roof speaker at the dinner gathering of thatch(?rs are greatiy in demand, the medical and surgical section, There afe only about 200 first class Association of American Railroads, Uiatchers ln Great Britain and as 'now ln session here. (many of them have Joined the scr- Mr. Vauahan stressed tne imnui i- tneir number is sadly de- ant services performed by all CanNpieted. Restoration of cottages for adlan railways, stating wie - eVacuecs has led to a great,ooom largest Canadian systems "Pe"l,"-1in the trade .Women are nowiearn-far more mileage than the largest )ng the art of thaljfhlng. lnstruc-company in the Unltcd States. The;tlon belng glven ln schools cstab-Canadian National Railways, for ,lshcd by local C0Unclls. Instance, operate 23,603 mile, wmw the largest mileage In the U.S. is that mat of or the tne o. Santa re ectlv to the Ruests Mr. Vaughan de tailed the many precautions tasen -; k . raldroads to maintain employ ni railways ees fit and ln good health, adding Cinadlan k hv being d? bypXwar few accidents duel to the war chut effort "The m relatively ' . as a contribution urns rlpnlt with bV Mr. vautiuui. L .hlnbnlldlrw ac- the number of passengers carried, r !-, n n.r. were mention lhA pffirlpnf. work I VICTORIA, B c colo(!p is tomorrows rides I 4' V1JLJUL High 2:45 a.m. 20.3 ft. CAIRO The capital city of Crete, Canea, was taken by Axis forces today.- This was indicated by British announcement that the defending forces had withdrawn from the city to in w positions. Fierce fighting continues. RRITISII-GERMAN AIR WAR LONDON Cologne bore the brunt of Royal Air Forte raids on the Khineland industrial area last night. The German Luftwaffe made light raids on East Anglia and southern England but there was little damage and casualties were light. ANKARA British and French fighting clashed over Syria it is reported today. Italian Division Gives Up CAIRO, Ethiopia planes hate Bulletins AIK FORCE FOR ADOLF? VICHY France is to be permitted to build up an air force for the defence of the Empire, it was announced today. QUINTUPLETS BIRTHDAY CALLANDER Today is the seventh birthday of the Dionne quintuplets. There was high mass this morning a birthday party at noon and tonight there will be a radio broadcast. Dr, A. R. Dafoe was not presentit being his first absence.. He is yn Toronto recuperating from an operation. 'QUAKE IX FUISCO SANI RANCISCO An earth- TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnitun Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. Bralorne, 9.85. Cariboo Quartz, 2.29. Dentonla, .01. Falrview, .OOVi. Gold Belt, .21. Hedley Mascot, .50. Mlnto, .OlVi. .Noble Five, .00'2 (ask). Pacific Nickel, .04. Pcnd Oreille. 1.28. Pioneer, 2.05. Premier, .90. Privateer, .50. Reeves M-Donald, .10, Reno, .11. Relief Arlington; .01. Sheep Creek, .75. Oils A. P. Con., .06. Calmont, .14. ' C. & E., 1.05. Home, 1.57. Pacalta, .02'2. Royal Canadian, .07. Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .03. Prairie Royalties, .05. Toronto Aldcrmac, .08 2. Bcattie, 1.07. Central Pat., 1.07. Cons. Smelters, 32.10. East Malartic, 2.20. Femland,- .OlVi. Francoeur, .36. Gods Lake, .21 Vi-Hardrcjok, .71. Int. Nickel, 30XX). Kerr Addison, 3.95. Little Long Lac. 1.72. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.55. Madsen Red Lake, .54. McKc nzic Red Lake,-1.03. Moncta, .40. jNoranda, 49.75. . Pickle Crow, 2.30. : Preston East Dome,, 2.85. San Antonio, 2.15. Sherrltt Gordon, .63. Uchi, .10. Bouscadlllac, .02, Mosher, .04 V2. Oklend, .04. Smelters Gold, ' .01. L5 CVlutiiwb v. -w I being done by the medical depart- Dominion Bridge. 21.25. ments of the railroads on the Norm , . American continent." ' All Out to Rout-All-in to Wlnl NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BfllTIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER uuoecK 000000 CKrooooaooooooooooo War News PKINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1941. HEAVY AXIS SHIP LOSS! Capital en Fete Yesterday and nf II,. olhers " the drafting office oatiaaawMMaaaoMWMt Eighteen Thousand Ton Liner Is ,s Victory Loan Symbol (Joes Through .. . .. u me auminisirauon building. T. J. Boulter, superintendent of the yard, was in charge. Mrs. Malhew' EDMONTON. May 28.-Edmonton ?n PrPd a toast to the ship. .,!.,. yesterday afternoon cmander Geoffrey Borric, naval ;L in. Torch of Freedom In con- ; lccrln charge at Prince. Rupert, '"in "h the Victory Loan 1941 "ainpaisn passed through the city. ; mayr of Keiowna," after of people lined the h J , hlp is named, was ireet b'e o attend but was ably to witness the parade. There rep- oatnouc decorations The , -'""' "" me ij;ny mountain lungers who acted on his behalf. The official guest list at the launching was as follows: Aftsr the launchtng, the Kclowna was moved to a pier where she will be completed. Colonel and Mrs. S. D. Johnston, Inspector and Mrs. E. Gammon, Paymaster Lieut. Commander and Mrs. J. II. MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Pullen. Judge W. E. Fisher and Mrs. E. P. Fisher, Acting City Commissioner D. J. Matheson and Cy Commissioner D. J. Mathe- Mrs Matheson. Mr. ancj jrj. p. ; i ,iav announc2d recelDt of a N- Good. Mr. Norman A. Watt and AXIS TAKES CRETE CAPITAL Sent To Bottom Had Troops For Libya LONDON, May 28: (CP) An eightcen-thousand ton Axis liner carrying probably three thousand troops to Libya was counted sunk today in what the Admiralty called heavy new losses dealt by submarines to enemy reinforcements to North Africa. In addition, the Admiralty said' thai a 5,000-ton French tanker, headed toward Tripoli, was definitely sunk, a 5,000-ton transport was probably sunk and a 4,000-ton tanker was hit by torpedoes. It is learned officially that 561 Axis ship totalling nearly three million tons have been sunk, eapiured or scuttled up to the middle of May sire the war began. Of these ships 31R have been German and 215 Italian. Were Used in Tracking Down German Battleship Bismarck, it Is Disclosed Low 15:41 pm. 18.2 ft. 9:30 a.m. 3.2 ft. 21:30 pjn. 7.9 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Emergency Is Declare Roosevelt Reiterates All Out Aid Great Britain Is Essentia United States Ready to Strike With Her Armed Forces to Repel Attack Wherever Deemed Necessary to National Security tlonal emergency which required, the strength of defence to the en- Flehi for Ri?ht Contribute your tire limit of national power and mite Buy Victory Bonds I Canadian Planes Were In Pursuit CLEAR UP CONVOY QUESTION WASHINGTON, D.C., May 28: (CP) President Franklin I). Roosevelt will hold a special press conference this afternoon at which he is expected to clear up the convoy question. WASHINGTON, D.C., May 28.- At- the close last night of a fireside chat from the White House in the course of which he enunciated the foreign policy of the United States in the light of latest international developments in connection with the war, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced that he had issued a proclamation declaring an unlimited state or na- authority and in which it was ex pected all people and groups would play a full part that democracy SITUATION IS SERIOUS might survive. - In a declaration of national pol- Outlook for British in Crete Does icy. President Roosevelt said that Not Look GoodCapital is every single necessary step would Abandoned be taken to preserve the freedom of the seas, repel attack and resist LONDON May 28: (CP) BriUsh any menace to the solidarity and troopa who held Canea, the capital independence of the western hemLs- c( Crete, have been pbliged to' make . phere. even If this Involved tne further withdrawal but severe .SVUy-dXte?1'- armedtcas-ofthe.naUorr.,T- - fighting- continueSCalW att-lan Air Force planes, operating from The PreKident reiterated that all nouncement said today. An au- ba-?s in Newfoundland, took part aM RHtnin and the quake rattled dishes In San I ran- jn the pursuit of the German bat- other democracies engaged in fight- ,that the puis had further cisco at 10:21 last night but did tleship Bismark which culminated ,ng ihe Nazi alm of worid domina- strengthened Crete positions and no damage. In the vessel's destruction by the .,,. woulri be iven ..Thls must Stop! Look! Loosen! Buy Victory here Bonds! British Navy, It has been disclosed nnd .n h Hone." declared Mr. ,,n,w -an nnnaiiin cimin nf rnn. Case Of Rudolf Hess Discussed But No Further Information Forthcoming in House of Commons LONDON, May 28. The case of Rudolf Hess was again discussed briefly ln the House of Commons yesterday but no further information was forthcoming. A Socialist member suggested that Hess be tried for Illegal entry of the coun-.try. Prime Minister Winston Churchill felt that the decision as to Hess' treatment might be left to the discretion of the government. Hess is being treated as a prisoner of war. Vancouver Not Very Keen Over Daylight Saving VANCOUVER, May 28: city council is prepared to adopt daylight saving providing) the rest of Canada does likewise but not unless It Is generally Initiated. It is not considered essential for the shipbuilding industry. Airport For Fort Nelson Construction of New Flying Base in Northern British Columbia Starts Construction has started on the i 1 ''iiew airport at Fort Nelson. This 'airdrome is one of several being 'constructed in Northwestern Can ada under the Joint Canadian-Un Roosevelt. Tills was essential in the tinuous bombing from the air day self-interest of the United States. aucj nignt with no lct-up." Britain knew it. So did Germany. Earlier it was said that the 'The United States, the President ation was serious with German in-declared, would not 'be fooled by Vaslon forces apparently out-num-any vain promises of Hitler that he bering the British-Greek defend-had no designs on the western ers Vipmisnhprp. Hp asserted that Hitler s would never be satisfied with the conquest of Europe but that it was now clear domination of the entire world was his ami. Unless he could gain control of 1 the seas, Hitler would lose the : .war, declared the President. Hit- ' Icr and his associates knew this and were afraid. The only thing that stood between Hitler and I the western hemisphere now, the chief executive said, was the epic resistance of Great Britain ,'and her colonies and the Dominions and the fight that China I was putting up. . With the full Knowledge of Groat I BOMBING TUNISIA Vichy Claims That Attack Has Been Slade on Town of Sfax VICHY May 28: (CP) Vichy authorities claimed tonight that & British air unit had bombed the town of Sfax Tunisia this morning. Air Mail Service Britain the President announced; HP AJrt..L Rnll-nK that ship losses of the British at; 1U 11U1U1 UCllll present were more than three ' times the building capacity of ,s illcreascd from Twice to Three Great Britain and double that of Tjmes a Weck u is Announced the combined productivity of Groat Britain and the United States. This OTTAWA, May 28. Air mail ser-sltuatlon must be met by a speed-1 vlce between Edmonton and Whlte-ing up of ship production and a horse and from Vancouver to Fort cutting down of the losses. st John ls increased from a twice- The United States, he announced, g.pv to three times a week sched- would Institute a "better and more Ue effective patrol" Instead 01 a con- voy system to meet the four-fold enemy started, bombing the' streets menafce of improved submarines, the greater use of raiding cruisers and hit-and-run battleships, the bombing airplane and the destruction of ships in ports accessible to air attack. IMPORTANCE OF CANADA The President referred fre quently to Canada and its important position in continental defence and noted that the taking by Germany of Iceland with bases on Greenland would bring the war that much closer to the Unltcd States. Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia would be but stenninr stones. He also Pacific Coast. It is located In the) mentioned the menace of Dakar rpmnfp district east of the Rockv and the danger of footholds on Mountains near the Yukon Peace at our Price Not Peace at any Price! the Azores and Cape Verde Isi ands would constitute to the western hemisphere, both south and north. It would be too late when the of New York and San Francisco, New Orleans and Chicago. When fighting bombing airplanes and tanks it was fatal to wait until one saw the whites of the enemy's eyes. This was but Jr.old common sense. Resistance rriust commence while stll there was time and this would be the principle of United States policy ln regard to foreign policy and national defence. Mr. Roosevelt called upon capital and Industry ln the emergency to settle Its differences by conciliation and mediation machinery which had been set up by federal authority without Interruption of industrial production. The address was delivered In the east room of the White House in the preserve of diplomatic representatives of twenty-one western hemisphere nations including Hon. Lelghton McCarthy Canadian