r 1 : Watrli, (Moris, .iKWKI.HK- Hand .Jewelry KcpairiiiK VISIT ()UK IIASKMKNT STORK For Fine China, Dinnerware, (Jlasscs, HagKagc and Novelties Max Heiib roner DIAMOND M KUCHA NT CLIMBED TO HONOIl rinMINGH.'-M. May 28: (CP) LONDON, May 23: CPi-Scnt. "Justifiable homicide" was the C. Blgland of the Salford Fire Bri- coroner's verdict in the case, of 37- nnrla ro c nnrarHpH tho RrH.lsVi Km vfclir-nlrl rirlvafp cnWlpr chnt Hoarl 1911 Grain Outlook Dire Medal for climbing 70 feet and, while trying t0 escane from an es- PT!nce nd. most.n .?sknf putting out a fire which threatened cort taking h)m to the railway sta-dlsaster in an ammunition store, tlon. MORE RAIN IS NEEDED FOR CROPS rrrri.iilatnm Survey Shows Better Crp Pro'-pect hi Manitoba But, Other Arras Report Decreases WINNIPEG. May 23: 'T' May rains in manv sections of the pr:ir-l nrovinres have brightened prospects for this year's grain crop. The rains were needed badlv for. with the exception of western Manitoba, precipitation figures for the West's grain-producin areas coverhs". the nine-month period endlns: Anrll 30 showed a eeneral lack of moisture Southwestern Manitoba was particularly fortunate in the first half of May with heavy rains augmenting a moisture suoply already abrve normal. Substantial nrccinitatlort n-a: renorted from other oarts of tioivs recorded figures slightly above and below normal respectively. The three Alberta areas sh.ow.ed up' very poorly compared with the corresponding period last year when big 'execwes were reporfed. This year the northern and central districts each showed decreases of a little more than 15 per cent and the south was a shade better than normal. Monthly Review Precipitation in the Tall and early winter In northern Alberta was heavy, but the galn was lost through large decreases In January March ures fpr the spring months proved disappointing. In the southvest's dried out areas there were good rain and snow falls during October and November with losses registered in all other months. In the southeast October proved the outstanding month with twice the normal amount of precipitation. Western Manitoba showed figures above normal In all months except September'and" February wHen PORT SIMPSON In a cushion. c,onnc;,tlon sclllngjoK riieals day of.itJiljfci was .Miss Mar J orb 15 ATTKKKD - HlTT UNHOWKD ?1f" I .... . ,:ad is dene up in bandages, but th? youngs u; knc i:h i' ii up as he leads them fnm thsjr bf.mb-bla.sted London home after recent Nazi air raid. They are bound ior saiety 'n mmiil other area. KMIL00PS NEWS K.M.K'.S "HOME TOWN" Kamloops Judgeship hi succession to Judge J. D. Swanson who is In recognition of his devoted tind contlnurl efforts on behalf of cx-scrviccmen, a life membership has been conferred upon Harry W. Collins by the Kamloops branch of the Canadian Legion. Mr. Collins is a past' president of both the Kamloops and Armstrong branches of the Canadian Legion. in a foursome with four local Tninortrir C Ci n.Trhpr nrfv. inrlal for the test black-out on tne lower mainland. Rangers arc at Vernon to spend a month in training camp. Rev. R. J. Love, former United Church pastor at Port Simpson and James Parker, president of the Kamloops Junior Chamber or Commerce, and Russell MrEwen, a director, attended the convention of the Junior Chambers of Commerce of British Columbia at Chilliwack on Friday and Saturday last. Miss Helen Randal R.N., registrar of the Graduate Nurses' Association of British Columbia and inspector of training schools, was here for the graduation exercises of the Royal Inland Hospital training school. It was the last visit she will make here in her official capacity as she has resigned the office which she has held for twenty-three years. If You Can't Fight Your Money The Victory Loan, campaign will Can Buy Victory Bonds! ana April. JJeiiciencies were record- be inaugurated In Kamloops on cd In all months except November Sunday afternoon next with tser-and March In central Alberta. Pre- cises at .Riverside Park In which clpitation, in the northern tectlon the Rocky Mountain Rangers' band of the province was 100 per cent from Prince Rupert will play a above normal in September. Octob- leading nart. The principal speaker and November but well below the ers will bs Mr. Justice Sidney Smith averase in all other months. and' Wing Commander Ernest Mc-Northern Saskatchewan built up Nab. There will be parades and a good moisture reserve from Oc- other demonstrations. tober to February with excesses loops quota for the Victory Loan Is ranging un to 100 per cent, but fig $300,000. tee A11 the to .there were losses of 30 and 35 per Procecdf. w cent respectively. Preslpitation in "ttluJ "cu v""oa w""" the 'eastern district was 50 per cent above normal in October, 85 per The baseball and Softball season cent. In January and 20 per cent In Is now well under way In Kamloops. ' 1 April. Figures were below the av- Games In the various leagues nre erage In the other months under being clayed regularly. In the op-1. 1 Tey(ew. ener of the Interior Baseball League I 1 1 . Kamloona defeated Vernon 0 to 1. ' BTnb Berlin with Your Money .Buy Victory Bonds! Cy Young won the Canadian-Bank of Commerce Cup yhen twenty-five devotees of tho royal and ancient came attended the with the . , TERRACE Terrace cnloyed lovely weather on Victoria Day was celebrated more quietly than in the years before the war. The Canadian Leg-Ion held snorts for children in the The Kam- municipal park and In the evening a number of people drove to Usk to a community dance. Harold Winch, C.C.F. leader In the' Visitors over the. week-end in-Leglslature. Is paying a visit to eluded Robert Gordon W. O. Ful-Kamloops district. to and Percy Tinker from Prince Rupert who are spending a day or The KamlooDS branch of the two at Mr- Gordon's summer home Canadian Red Cross Society will take charge of the Dominion Pay celebration. In Kamloops on July 1 with Mayor Charles E. Sconion as chairman of the program coinmlt- at Lakelse Lake. THAT'S LONG AGO During a famlns In Greece between the years 331 and 323 B. C, the city of Cirene. Libya, exnorted some 29,000 tons of cereal for the relief of starving. Greek cities, in Tin: si ruKMF, v.wm or mutism roi.u.MisiA in 1'itoii.vii: In tin- Multrr f tin- Kstiilc of John milium .iKMni'-y, !pnar, l.ifr of iik- uiy or r!ni-f Uupert, llrlttsli niiiminMHiio died on Drrrinlirr Ifct, Purunt to the provisions of Bectlon 2B of th Tnilv? Act or the. Provlnco nf BrltlKh OohimbUv I lirrrby give notice thfl-t on tibe 25th clay of April juii my 8jnairament as Exomitnr nt 1 Kamloops 1 Golf Club course for the SSSewriL! 'f JtAnl. mmT ,. . .... . .. McKlnlev, Dmwsd, wu ocnfuwd toy rrnuc ..miirL rn uraun UOUIimnld. and that all fXTwim Indebted to tlii unlri 'WB. urn. "im . wwie ore rmunra tr nnv th hdbratlon.hhe'wlViner lacrosse in. Kam'J(feusi;tbfy indtottincwi Ufmeimth Wilson of Met- not annear to be vcrf bright: "Vcr'-V - ' ZZTrZ Z "V.'.MJ .ln8t ii'iu4 vijn jmo. joioi. ine a raw- ""whu "e iwx ic- propririy voriTiPrt with mo on or bpfore In" tr-iV- pkVn at the Friday nl"ht fused to have anvthing to do with Ji"1 "l" 101 tailin which distribu- danre In Port Simpson Athletic pnv xla lue that Includes the to clalms wliyn Ci Iy" Viua J1P1I. -in-- arawing box was ".rtiiuuups luippers, , nator) at Prlm-c Rupert, B.C. OiIh -7th onenea, bv Cecil Rose and Mrs. -1 nay y y. u. imi, Charles . Of futt drew the .lucky Ken Black-of Vancouver. Can- cUFrdrto ' oilkkr ticket. , adlan coif champion. Is. in Kam- Inons tadav. He will plav an .ex- By 8oiicltor, ..XeVINpUPrand Dle-Yours " hlb)l"n round over the Kamloops nttmtf'--' But to Go and Buy I ; 6'ol'f Club's course and will engcije Princ Rupert, b. c. Whifflets From The VVaterfront afternoon southbound. ... , C. N. R. st earner Pr'nre J r With a large list of rass?n?ers fnr Northern Brlt'sh Columbia, the Yukon and Ala.ska. r, p, p.. ,sr.amc Prli-.ess Louise, rart. R, K. Orav arrived In port nt 7 o'clock th's mornin ffnm Vnrnu"'' "n't sailed at 8:30 n.rn, fOrfRkaiwav nnd rolnlrf "'h-n- police, was in Vancouver week n?rthrm she Is due bock he on Sunday' nr.MtiNc. or r.mwN Riirt a good- slzed l'st of nas-ngers and substantial freight cargo, arrived In port on time ar 10 o'clock thli morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will nail nt 3 nVln V 4VilB oftAmnrxn moro at Quesnel. has been recently Kctchlkan and Slcwin whrnre shc Synthetic emeralds now arc produced. . choice or beans Ther' are more than 90 varieties of soy beans. PAOI SIX THE DAILY HEWS Wedne; da7l; May ; cm Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Electric Refrigeration r . 1 YOU CAN'T TO BE Without ITf There's nothing more important than guarding your precious baby's health. You wouldn't knowingly give your baby contaminated milk, yet often milk which looks alright is dangerous because it has not been kept at the proper low temperature. Don't take chances! Electric refrigeration will stand guard night and day in, the hottest weather and will protect not only your baby's milk tmr the food for thtf wholcfamily as 'well. You really can't afford to be without it because it will actually save you money by stopping wasteful food spoilage. There arc many models available at terms that make it easy to enjoy the benefits of electric refrigeration NOW. REDVy SAYS: "Invest in an electric refrigerator and you'll he able to buy lots of War Savings Stamps with the money you'll save." ehewan benefitted in a slight'.v lesser decree. In southern and central Albert") there have been moderate showsrs. whilp in the Peace River and Lesser Slave Lake area sood drenrhlnr rains have occurred. Temperatures have been above nprrnal over the entire grain re?i.m during the first three week? of May. The excesses ransed from six to nine decrees in Manitoba find wen onjv slishtlv less marked in most sections of the other provinces. According to Dominion Meteorological Service statistics for th" rrrifvi from Aniust 1. 1940 to April 30, J041. Manitoba, with an average Increase above normal of 11 rer cent, alone showed a balance on the. right, side of the precinitatlon leduer. There was an averaae rte- Xhe Spring session of the Su-ficlencv or six per cent in Siskat- premc Court Assizes is in progress ehewan and t He average in Alberta' Jn Kamloops. There are three crim-was 16 per cent below normal. lnal ancl tnree civn cases, on the Western Manitoba was the one ilst- The criminal cases consist of real brt-rlit snot, with 'an excess of one arsDn) one manslaughter and 28 per cent. In the eastern .section one murder. of, the province there was a "'Hit dccrra" fro-rt norm1! Ruithwst- ern Saskatchewan's "hot spot" ran The names of J. Ross Archibald of true to form with a decrease of 20 Kamloops, C. W. Morrow of Vernon per" cent, below the average, and ad H. V. Craig of Kclowna arc the southeastern and northern sec- mentioned as , possibilities for the COMPOSITES I WIN SOCCER Took Honors n Opening Of City Championship Football petition Last Night Composite Services outplayed Itocky Mountain Hanjcrs last nlvh1 to win the opening game of the Moblcy Cup city senior champl'in-fhip competition by a score of 5 ti 1 lit" It. M. It's may rmve had a meaur' of bad luck at thai but. Tcveilhclcss, Composites were full valu for victory: Th vore nt hn'f time w?s four to nothing. A gopd-fiized crowd of fans witnessed the rame In ' .vilte of the softbnil rrun er-attractlon. Fo'- the Cn' n.';!! s Thomas ror-ed tvdee. McNauihfon. wh he sorlns. Frn'W and Bnrelnv 'minting for th- nt,hnr irrrls. I -"vie', who orrelled for the 'Ran-pcrs made their one and nnltf cr-intp priH hfld had luck wffh c'he- "ad tries. Jim Wilson was referee. ' ON Tin; 'hue Uuprrt LjUlc I ' r esniij "THE They AUo Sri ::: I The Order of tory Bonds! Dont Theorize Mot nmm secretae! coming nints. . 1 "eiiricu lii "7 SINNEUs- ! HOTEL AKRIV; I'rtnre UitCri H. P. MqLaur n-. v. W. R Wilkei ' , que, PrCmier; o G torla: II. McD ; a Applewhalte, sti-w Vancouver; E V. C. Orant. P r e Nash. Terrace, c w... son. Vancouvi-i Smlthers: R A R.. Lake. Victory Bontfs. r of the Future' Canada Al 1 25 Years Am May 28, OP' 8i East Africa coiv i. berg occupied t will return here tomorrow evening for married n: southbound. Great -Britain ment took, ovn or Or -. m Mighty Proud of the Homes I've Decorated withALABASTINE 1 11 III 111 ip' Bnuti(ul Inlerion Choict oil 14 colour. Eoiy to Mi and Apply Mi'J with luke-warm wolff m nj..l... nil DriciOaickiy Roomf eon bt occupied thi am day. Will not Rub Oil. w !.. Uh lHtlUl! will Muf nnnrsximalrly -' I q. Iet, ont coat yet coU only 75c. Get a FREE colour -' Mt any Hardware 01 Pir S"" When Yoti Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni ivkic ervice 21 Hour Service at Keeular Kalr 13 Trains leave Prince Rupert for (lie Hast Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloncd Sleeping and Dining Car- Steamers leave' Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Thursday and Ocean l al!i" Saturdays 11:30 p.m. calling at Powell Klver For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call lir AVrlln f'lTV Tlmr wr nrrll'l,' ROO Inl AvCIUIC I'lione 200 Prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air w" lax Iud Tori lit; Lit "i It! tj