FTBALL i . (IDS WAY I) ' '" . by I) hi lie '! 12. l as v IV 28, 1941. ()l I II J .1HM1..V"... It., infers Ficne's Clo- ive srore of 13 ii th? second ui.r?. Dry Dock n-::;ky Mountain . rhj oututand- wnnar: In the ....ne. Kellett s -d the battery IS t'lolhlers. ! :ky Mountain an exciting af-un element 6f defeat of the Good and iaseball Scores Nilhnil Leaniie f Y : k 2. 1 iuis 3. 1 lirhia- 0. Ar.rrican Iajue " '? Boston 5-1. r i i Washington 8. . ! ? r ago 2. P ' and 6. f dlt-Sllp Honored 'ALL 01 F STUIKE fni T v May 28: (CP) III :7.irr-" entrlneerlne ao- Central Hotel ICentral If'rttcl Annex ISO Heated Rooms Pt Water Steam Haths iDinlnr ltonm in rnniiin l!r- C E mark. Prnnrilrp CHIROPRACTOR ISUnlet IV PnllAn 11 n Vh n Wact Hlock, Thonc CIO fresh Local Raw and I'asipurizcd Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONK C57 YES ! Ijtpilr Water Pipes, Koofa, BoodWork Stove, rnnnected. Vn.. . Etc I' 'Burner, Cleaned .... J1.50 HANDY xMAN IT01ME rlone BLACK 735 nKe ()r Store Your topping u Headquarters ""faction Guaranteed Om 1 nn JP, Qn ""HSK op fink n-nfins- ' L-ague got Qif Simpson Celebrates- VICTORIA DAY WAS OBSERVED ety Of Sor(s At Nihliorine I own The Victoria Day Canoe race, 5 paddles to a canoe, Captain Joe White. Gillnet boat race up to 7 h.p.. Vera Talt Challenge Trophy Charles Alexander, Greenville. Cannery tender race, Inverness Challenge Trophy. Capt. Edgar Snider of Casslar, boat Skeena Maid. Commercial trpller class (car engine). Capt. "William Stephens, Oreenville. (Mr. Stephens has won the trochv twice and is now de 1 clared owner). 1 Commetr.lol trailer class. 10-12, h.p.. cin. Stanley Adams of Greenville This trophy to be defended) by Mr. Adams whenever cancel upon by the committee. Commercial trailer class, 15-18 h.D.. cud. Capt. Joshua McKay. Boat Henry Boy. (This troohy his been won twice by Mr. McKay who is now declared owner). ' Track Sports Men's 100-yard dash Kelly 1 Stephens, Greenville; Gordon Mc-J Kay, Greenville. 1 Bicycle race. 2 miles Andrew Talt Jr.. Leslie Ryan. I Men's 220-yard dash v Moses Rfim McKav lr.. i kU-o, oiuip-wu, - - " ! Greenville. Ladies nail driving contest Mary Morrison, Cora McKay. I Relay race Capt. W. Jackson, iKltkatla; Capt. Kelly Stephens. Greenville. Married Women's wace. 75-yaras Mrs. Robert Sampson, Mrs. Henry Gray. . One mile race Albert nooinwu. -!,mo rjnrHnn MfK.iv. Green- " " ' " UltCUIJIil, . vllle. Tug of War-Greenvllle vs. Portj !Slmpson, Simpson team Tiirpp letreed race Dick Ryan and Lloyd Dudoward, Jam?s Law- son and Solomon Gray. Boy's race, 5 years and unaer Leonard Lawson, Arthur Helin. Glrl,s race, 5 years and under Mary Jane Green, Anita Wells. Boys' race, 7 years and under if0ln Mnrrlcnn IirTV LaWSOn. olrte' race, 7 years ana unaei TllUe Morrison, Pat Offutt. I Boys' race, 0 years and under Melvhi Morrison. ... Girls' race. 9. years anu Martha Robinson, Greenvlle; uin Pleilce, Simpson. n,.o i-,rvo 'x vpars and under ISam Dudoward, Ralph Hayw'ard. Girls' race, l years ana unv?' Sadie Johnson, Janet Colwell. I Boys' race, l years and Uder-norhorf. Mr-K.iv. Fred Dudoward r. I Girls' race 14 years, and, under Mpna Dudoward,, Paunne w(bv . TJnvs' race. 1Q years and under Mba'e,.rlnce Rupert; Tommy Pllfold, Prince Rupert, i Girls' race. J6 years, and. under-Mono. Dudoward, Pauline. WrtsM Tricycle" race, 8 years and under -Raymond McKay, Teddy White. ' SPORT CHAT They've had only ve" nwwUw and Lindsay wceiient rrogram rresenied vari- and 2Ve dashed . I 1 J.fla, IIP Uiw.bIj, ill VInl.l.nHI..n -. pruceainKS at run oimpson on nn inflplrler or an . leadln? threei Friday and Saturday were very he'll let it no at a urica his arte. Innlnv liihnn fUCCeSSful. There Was a full nro- All h Irun. far lilmlf is iiuk at d on the heat 3ram of sports, races, and games as enough hall players to mak Kw were many visitors to town from Prince Rupert, Kltkatla, Metlalcat- . nu Downey and la. Greenville and Ketchikan. rc for the eve- The winners of sports trophies Montesano was were: Softball, Dudoward lnter-sthool hallenge trophy. Crosby Girls') Faith iiome ik for 10 du' s re- 'i ' t ':. cn the advice of Baseball, J. S. Morrison perpet-( ual challenge trophy, Port Simpson Athletic Club. Softball Challenge Trophy, Kit- j katla. Football. Gosnell Challenge Tro phy, retained by Kltkatla, winners in 1SH0, when, game with Greenville was called on account of darkness. Water Sports j Particular interest was taken In the water sports, winners of which were: T3S2 DAILY KZT73 M the Ne York Giant, .rnake a t ; We .can't recall pff'.and a, case it's only natural Ut auote of We ' MJ-w rr ;'':7- -hem National Lr.-.aui a.ucs suidlv twp. ite ajway w w? io-.., diej end. ena. financiaUy, "nancjauy, 8na w it is estimat- y"- hav :hot Liaw lUoy fariot fort to tti 1 1..-.Uai4 4a O couple of more ceis witn nun igooa - ' . doniust theyll e Known as hw v"""1' a - i " , . ,. rpssi. the car-1 - i4i. v,ir fnr as B team. Bill Mcuee- yoe chbu, Bob Bowman, Burge Whitehead dinate already have so jggj PJ and. Ken O'Pea. all WW from the .ler tt f BIJy Jw ..., mortoi i, ha.: ifWxn't know what ttP.RW im only one rival a,s, a PVl4 Harum Gerry Nugent of We Phils runs a hlghfUss genera, ?tpre catering m the rarrilfe iraue. out ne theny The dpisn't shrewd gp ' out Cardinal owner UKkJng for deals. doesn't hAYe much of H stock. For He has tre jnejhandlee and the. one HIgby or waivers ne naa up Buyers s come cpme t w Him- mm. ana "" ne - voun? eattar m ;" ",u othr day to the RJds. Hn J r cIon Thk flume Lq ha&ad on re- . .. .jj.j unC1e cam UTuwin s 3f! ; .. ' y--r.ivfi -,cr3 for chandise store to Pi ftai p-''rtM for Orenao $55,000 ' "ecfl- 8 always got it in s,., - $15 (m f- stu I'f '0r .Wr' r f t"tvn( 2 Martin. in VlTflW" tl7flTWl for or Mik Mike Rvba Ryba. while the Ran- vtll as aquatic events and on Frl- Cardinals stout pfiinajpt WW- . r" 1 (a? same frame, day there was a full house at the tender. I In many of these d,eH Brpadcn 1 - wore Crawford novelty dance in the Young - , also receiyd Rlyest. muclt as a IdieA. and Bury People's Educational Association j daler will take in a used, cat as , - ,.kln'.,orH .rniir Ifsll. Pridav was a shnwrv cl.iv. Rrpnrlnn hau trot nx-Oarda scat- a trade-in. For instance, he got irnv were Grow. Saturday was ideal for sport- atred all over .the league ' Crawford and "om a weaher standpoint. There l: rs, Fitch In fact, Harry Oumbert from the Giants in fcr him can be added on the Medwick deal. ,c".,."v."i'5; s"i t, it. mr.v -ood nlavers and stl don't reel qnd $sagoa fo,r KIcQpe. enp :ne deal deal that that backfired. backfired. That That was was The Victory Line Dig ml GIRLS ARE ADEPT TOO Spot Enemy Planes for Gamier. 'and Work Presision Instruments LONDON. May 28: (CPi ' girls help direct the fire ol uu- , ,h.t ,fpnft ,n, for sale Breadon. X a as" 1 n a 1 F ?flt Jf5"" 1! ! tai when enemy bombers dree o,.riA ptfiv'sra im for sale or swan. Kas th man or men the want rm now. i flnd lncendiarles. anti ap..- ov - explosives Fcr .Innce n,e got . mfeers of tne Auxil,.irv Joe Medwtck and Qurt Javls n They fonn pott e Wim fo B nb Koy Sam Na- sect.Qns Qf Car Doyle ana ueri naas. - - u. ,nitrH nnri -Va hi, evted into a fine 7" -rr rT " pitcher. pitcher. Koy. Koy. wa, was so;d the " n nvVT the country. They 3 STAR RYE This advertisement is not publlinel or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. rPivPri don't load the guns or fire them te- lt sent a government film unit to mthP nrofLt cause these Jobs call for great make a movie of them. The picture 10 tne uruiu ... v,vcipai rfrpneth. nut But fhpv they do- tr. PV- ev- wm .ni nn oVilV.lttnn exhibition, nnrtlv nartly tQ W shOW show ihelr less. We can mink cf only on erythlng else. Britain what her girls can do and When an alarm sounds the girls partiy to obtain recruits fcr one come out at the double to "man" of tne m0st spectacular and hazar-the fire control. Their places are dous phases of the ATS service, the height-finder . . ' at the predictor, and the identification teiescpe. They worv protected only by a low h, cne sendin? Gus Manciyscp to rampart rnmn,rt of of' 'sandbags, sandbaRS. a a few few yards yards New York so he could help the Giants win- th 193,8 pennahjt. TO USE OVEP AG.AJK HULL. Eng., May 28: WWW away from the gun wnose lire mty uuumcu direct .lectedby Hull students after bomb- The War Office was so Impressed lng raids was handed over for re-by the work of these AcW ssfrls, making lnto shells: .. ......v...,..-.-.-. -v.. ... ;. sKy.m'&m r. W- 'PW..-.. . . iiiiiiiiiiiVHHVE. xai Witi m iHnmHi mm h h ib iihi f MPS? rm, MW for ACTIVE RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging. Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 25 to 75 per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allowances in Cash: $35 to wife, $12 each per month, for 2 children only 3 dependents per soldier. . rwrx 1 TO FIGHT FOR THEIR HOMES Off they go through admiring throngs! Stalwart young Canadians looking defiantly toward the front where they vM push hack the 'hordes of hate. The issue has heen joincd-tlie ehpicc yours-will you fight for PERSONAL freedom or -will you hecome part of a subject race of regimented slaves? Canada is calling you. The factories are turning out and motorized equipment. I he army the guns, tanks, armoured cars has the facilities to utilize your skill, or teach you a new one. on ve wanted ACTION! Here it is! Thp Canadian Active Army is a fully equipped mobile body und requires muny skilled men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medicul.Ordnauce and other Branches of the Service. Go to your nearest l)is,trict RecrtiUinj; Office. Find qut about these Units how they work, what they do, See just Mlvr you'll fit iiv See wlcre any particular skill yon possess can bes( he utilized, Tlien join up for ACTION. Apply to Nearest DISTRICT RECRUITING. OFFICE or Any Local Armory DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA .: Hi '' 4.