PaOE two QVMi DOUBLE YOUR MONEY GUARANTEE wmmmamimn "MV FAMILY'S FAVOURITE CEREAL" says Mrs. H. C MUNGER an J so sau ' HAMILTON. ONT. MILLIONS of happy FAMILIES about BACK Tke thii sensational opportunity to try Quaker Corn Flakes. Taste the delicious difference malt makes. We are so sure your hole family will like them that we say: Buy Quaker Corn Flakes new. Then, put them to eery taste test . . . compare them for crisp-ness, freshness, flavour with any corn flakes you'e ever eaten. Then, if you don't agree they're the roost delicious-corn flakes you've tvtr eattn, just return the partly-used pack tge and you will get double your money back. Join the millions of happy families who enjoy Quaker Corn Flakes s a daily treat. Buy several packages from your grocer now, IPS THE MALT in Quaker's famous secret recipe tbat makes Quaker Corn flakes so extra delicious . . . to rich and fUvourfuL And these 6ntr flakes are crispier, too , . . toasted to crunch; perfection, sold in flavour-sealed packages t KEEPING UP CLOSE RACE Brooklyn ' Dodgers Still Game And A Half Ahead Of St. Louis Cardinals In National League BROOKLYN, August 2&: (CP) J Brooklyn Dodgers and St. Louis Cardinals still remained half a game apart in the hectic National League pennant yesterday when the Dodgers won over Cincinnati Reds while the Cardinals were" disposing of the New York Giants. In the American League, New York Yankees, who are merely coasting home with the flag which they have virtually cinched already, scored an easy eleven to one victory over St. Louis Browns. Yesterday's Big League scores: BASEBALL SCORES National League Chicago 0-6. Boston C-4. Pittsburg 12, Philadelphia 2. Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 4. St. Louis 8, New York 5. American League Washington 11, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 4, Cleveland 11. Boston 3, Detroft 6. New York 11, St. Louis 1. TENNIS TOURNEY OFF ACTIVITIES FOR YOUTH Oyro Club Hears Thoughtful Address by Cecil Shanti Who Was in Charge of Playgrounds This Year A thoughtful address on the sub ject of provision and direction of the recreational activities for child ren and youth outside of school hours, particularly those who may lack adequate Interest, guidance or supervision on the part of parents. was given before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular weekly luncheon by Cecil Shantz who has been in charge of supervised play. ground activities for the club here during the past season. Mr. Shant? emphasized the value which he felt a, properly directed civic centre here would be in the way of providinp healthful activity and a proper anc' I beneficial outlet for the excess en ergy of youth. Provision of such activity would go far in the curing cf anv juvenile delinquency prob lem wnich might exist. Mr. Shantz spoke of the great and I fine effect which proper nd Ju 'dicious parental influence had upon 'children. Unfortunately, however .in many cases there was not this i good influence. The schools coult 'not be expected to fill the defic .iency so it became a community responsibility to provide a means o meeting the problem of an outlet fo- the excess energy of the youn folk which in some way mast br .... I expended after school hours were over. In addition to the facilities. it was very essential that there j should be direction which provided interest and commanded respect Those who essayed this task should know something of the mentalit 1 and psychology of the young people Mr. Shantz told the club how he had enjoyed his work here as dir r. ector of the supervised playgrounds .entries to fill out the events, Prince HIH ,vnrr , tn, i cuius fladiiui. an- thf. vaTlnu. niavmimrt! ani, re nounces the nnen clnh tnnrnnmpnt. ommended that they should In- for this season is now definitely called off. ' used a8aln next year if they werr available. He also acknowledged A "spot" costs you only half a the assistance he had been given by dollar. Try it in the Daily News .... w. P. Stone, president of the Gyro 1 11 ciassuiea column. . at) Club; Frank Skinner, chairman ol -7" ri-wi LJ.WM rri - V. V . "Don t tell me you rolled that one!" "Sure! It's easy with The New CROSS CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO" It's a cinch with O.K. Cross Cut for even beginners to roll cigarettes that look and smoke like "tailor-rhades". You'll he proud of jour handiwork . . . It's the new cross cut that does it. It's easy to pick the exact amount for a perfect cigarette . . . and it absolutely snuggles into the paper . . . Marvellous tobacco, too mild, fragrant, completely satisfying! ml A PACKAGE I the playgrounds committee, and( thanked D. G. Borland, manager of he Capitol Theatre, for the don- ttion of theatre tickets which had ' jecn popular prizes. During the luncheon President 3tcne, who was in the chair, made oresentaUons to Mr. Shantz, ia ap preciation of his work as play- tround director, and to Miss May Skinner, who wasthe club's popular andidate In the recent civic cen- re carnival queen contest. Try a want ad. ir. the Daily News. GIVE MORE THOUGHT IMI NtW WHOll WHIAT CIBUl Cubs contain the whole wheat the precious wheat germ, the bran, the minerals. And HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert j Margaret Saunders and A. Hill,' Wells, B. C; J. Reardon, Ottawa; R. Green. H. H. Klrkpatrick, 1 Frank Shafer, G. MilllJhamp, Van-1 couver; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Salter and Patsy and Don, Carlisle; Mrs. H. A. Hagen, Seattle; Harry Chrls-tensen, Everett; A. Starr, New I York City; Perry Holm, Seattle William C. HolHen. Ketchikan. It was announced that a picnic Royal cr club members, their wives and F j Lancaster Vancouver. families would be held a week from i Central lext Sunday, the trip to be made on Paul jones clty. Ciaus Helland, Or. R. G. Large's fine new power rvo-hv rdnnrt acht Soogwills. Guests at the luncheon included 3r. Jchn J. Gibson as well as Mr. Jhantz and Miss Skinner. Mary Wesley. Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10, with option of five days' imprisonment, in city police court. TO YOUR Cubs BREAKrAS J WHEAT GERM Cr Cubs are made from whole wheat in which the wheat germ is retained in its entirety. A product ol Tht Candin Shtfddtd Whntt Compmnr Li mil id in additionjtb being a source of nourishment and energy, they are also delightfully tasty. The nut-like flavor of the wheat is blended with mellow malt to make it more enticing still. Give the family a real treat. Serve Cubs tomorrow for breakfast. SPOON-SIZE READY TO EAT CEREAL Broken Line WHITE SPECIALS Wliite Shoes in Straps;; Oxford and;,; " P.umi). Broken in sizes "but large, var-j ' V'-fety to choose from. Specially priced to clear ' " " .' $1.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 13 i 24 Hour Service at Ketular Kates A COMPLETE BEER To rmlay, mjov I lie Mlinlrsomr, ilrlirtous rrfrrftlniirnt of thii naiaiirru, mUiirrd, COMI'I.Kl i.r.i K i. hrrr. nrrr, It' n ircru iy a rprridl prtirrii that i-oiiM-nen the tulues in lrewer' eut vuu rati tantpit.. dllTrreiirc llrt the h-er that jt'"" ' more at mi rttra rnt "in B.C. it's V-C" CAP1LANO BREWING CO, LTD.. VANCOUVER, B.C. A UNIT OF ASSOCUTCD BREWERIES Or CANADA LTD. Iiaaer This advt is not pubhihed or displayed by the L ;io Control' Roard or by the Government of British G-lumbia I LINtS j Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-I'acific To Vani-iiuver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts ns, "PRINCESS ADEIJVIDK" Every Friday 1 p.m VST TO VANCOUVKlt DlltIXT Aug. 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 10th, 23rd. 27th, 30th To Ketchikan, Wrangfll, Juneau and Skaffway August 4th, 8th, 11th, 22nd, 25th, September 1st Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. I.. COATtCS. Oeneral Agent. I'rinre Rupert, B.C. UB2 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A 0001) I'LACK TO IIUY UT1LO MOTIII'ROOI WARDKOIti: CAIlINITS Sliding Drawers, Clothes Hangers. A splendid wardrobe so iDsr suits, coatd, dresses, furs Unassembled, each . .. 327 Third Avenue S4.95 I BUILD A HOME Like This Assembled, each $5.25 I'hone 7"5 Get Prices of materials From Albert & McCaf fery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of liUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay In a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 rilONE 111 Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Kupcrt for Vancouver Monday at 5:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling: at Ocean Falls and Powell Kiv" Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at C:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. .Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 2C0, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air LinPS